***MERGED McNabb thread w/vomit vid***

McNabb had X rays done after the game on his non-throwing hand according to people on igglephans.com
Da Hammer;1104649 said:
McNabb had X rays done after the game on his non-throwing hand according to people on igglephans.com
I guess their regular season Super Bowl honey moon is over.
tyke1doe;1104635 said:
Who said he's the best? :confused:

You like straw man arguments don't you?

McNabb is good. A three INT day isn't going to change that and neither is your carping about him being overrated.

I think he is overrated.

I also think he got too much love for playing horribly.
tyke1doe;1104635 said:
Who said he's the best? :confused:

You like straw man arguments don't you?

McNabb is good. A three INT day isn't going to change that and neither is your carping about him being overrated.
Oh brother. This is like talking to a brick wall.
Wonder why it is that every time that McFlabb chokes, he always has some kind of injury even though he looked fine when he was celebrating Westbrook's TD ;) :lmao:
You know, a player can be "good" and "overrated" at the same time. I think McNabb is. And I still hate the way he conducts himself, even though everyone else seems to think he's a picture of class.

I do agree that Westbrook should have gotten more credit than he ever has. That little guy is a horse.
Somebody said he puked again. Is this true? I was watching the drive right before halftime and McNabb was seriously coughing into his hand while running toward the huddle, but I didn't see him actually bend over and puke.
Boyzmamacita;1104689 said:
Somebody said he puked again. Is this true? I was watching the drive right before halftime and McNabb was seriously coughing into his hand while running toward the huddle, but I didn't see him actually bend over and puke.

From the AP story:

McNabb rallied the Eagles, throwing one of his three late TD passes after Philadelphia was forced to take out a time out when the quarterback became ill and started throwing up between plays.
lewpac;1104626 said:
McNubb will go down with Bartkowski, Grogan, Pastorini and Theisman as an above average, servicable yoeman..........nothing more or less.
He gets a pass and is a media darling largely because he's African American and you dare not critisize him. The only bad-mouthing allowed is from Eagle fans (see Rush Limbaugh). He has had the torch as the next African American to prove the "white QB wrong" thing that has been around in PC sports circles for decades (see Bryant Gumbal). The national media is scared to death to point out his failings and flaws for fear of being branded "racist". He's got this "cuddly" persona due to the soup/mommy commercials.
His M.O. is that he's never learned NOT to put the team on his shoulders. He's always had "happy feet" and gets rattled quickly in the pocket. He makes his share of poor reads and decisions and is not emotionally disciplined. He's either joking around too much or pounts too much. He has more than a little "me, me, me/glory" in his psyche', and is stuck on the "my team" crap that usually leads to NO CHAMPIONSHIPS! He's got some numbers because of the "west coast offense" lie that has somehow still permeated, failure after failure. That's why the Eagles picked up Timmy Chang from Hawaii in F.A.............the No. 1 alltime college QB who never got drafted.
McNubbs mediocrity coupled with the Eagle curse can lead to nothing approaching championships. His best years (and shots) are behind him. He'll flounder around in Philly for a couple more years until the boo-birds drive him and Reid out. He'll end up playing his career out in Oakland or St. Louis or Miami, and won't be mentioned in the Top-25 QB's of all time. Not a Hall of Famer. And I'll be content with that ending....................

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

oh.....did i mention::hammer:
Boyzmamacita;1104689 said:
Somebody said he puked again. Is this true? I was watching the drive right before halftime and McNabb was seriously coughing into his hand while running toward the huddle, but I didn't see him actually bend over and puke.

yep. TV showed it. he was under center, leaned right & puked. Then he called time out.
Wimbo;1104698 said:
yep. TV showed it. he was under center, leaned right & puked. Then he called time out.

Wait, he puked on the field right before a play?
His best day's and his best shots are behind him. The boo-birds in Philly are surfacing and rearing their ugly heads again.
Reid will go first. McNubb's day's are numbered, maybe another year or two. He'll end up in Miami, St. Louis, Oakland, or some scrapyard like that and flounder around another few years.
He's never critisized (except for in Philly by his own fans) because of the PC "black QB" thing (Rush Limbaugh). If anyone in the national media dare's discuss his flaws, the wrath of Bryant Gumbal et.al. will be visited upon them.
I will enjoy every moment of the descent......................
jazzcat22;1104706 said:
Yes, was at the line, leaned over and barfed.

yep. I couldn't tell if there was pickle juice in the flow, but it appeared to be a fluid spew.
jazzcat22;1104706 said:
Yes, was at the line, leaned over and barfed.

The Eagles center should be eternally grateful for that - the leaning over part, that is.
He choked and puked. Sounds about right. And suddenly has another injury again. Par for the course.
HeavyHitta31;1104708 said:
Looks like he broke his hand, he may be done for a while anyway

I think the stomache acids got on his hand and weakened the bones.
he is always "injured" whenever he is having a bad game...

I leaned towards thinking TO was the problem but I have really changed my mind. I think McNubb's ego is too fragile.
It wasn't but a few seasons ago (pre-TO) when Philly started the season horribly, Mcnubb was playing horribly, and the entire city of Philthy and media was talking that Mcnubb should be benched. He rebounded, Philly got on a roll, and they won the horrible NFC East. Everyone forgot about it.

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