Micah Embodies What Is Wrong With The Modern Day Cowboys Player


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Micah is right in a way and wrong in another way. He is wrong to talk about this because all it does is bring the worst kind of media attention. It feeds the haters, even among fans. But I think he is right that there are haters out there that do relish at the thought of the Cowboys failing. Every week 16 teams lose. But the Cowboys are always a the story when they lose. We have people on this board who think we should trade Micah because one game he doesn't get a sack or a TFL, despite teams putting 2 or 3 blockers against him every down. As someone else said, take Micah out of this defense and watch them drop to the worst in the NFL which is what they were before he was drafted.

And remember, everyone in the NFL gets up to face the Cowboys. Every team gives the Cowboys their best. Players who played against the Cowboys but are not in the media still carry that rivalry mentality with them into the TV studios. We all see it.

I don't think Micah is whining. I think he has a legitimate beef. I just don't think it does any good to bring it up as a Cowboys player. I worry though that his frustration about the way the Dallas media covers the Cowboys may cause him to hit free agency and leave. Then we will go back to the 6-10 seasons of the past.

The 49ers, Chiefs, Bills, and Eagles all went through rough patches. But for some reason when Dallas loses on the road a narrative is formed.
What is whining about it doing??? Micah had 2 tackles-both assist. He and his teammates got carried nearly 10 yards down the field while whining for the ref to blow the whistle. He was invisible in the game. Made as many tackles by himself as I did sitting on the couch. But that' s the media's fault cause they clown him for this????? Really????? This shows me even more how mentally soft he is. I'd use it for fuel to destroy somebody next week and say " thanks media" Keep bringing it....But Micha takes his ball home to his podcast and whine about the media. Not Buffalo.. Buffalo who grinded you to the ground. That's not a leader and not who I'd want to lead my defense in a street fight type of game like Buffalo was.


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This is just the tip of the iceberg. 20 years from now, all these current kids who are future NFL players will have their own YouTube, Twitch, TikTok or whatever show to voice their opinion. Better get used to it now.


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I understand why they've done it. He is kind of a beast at it but I am too seeing chinks in the armor. Also, the fact that the coaching staff wants to just sit there and let Micah pass rush at DE while we get gashed for 7-8 yards a clip. Micah can't tackle or make great plays at LB by reading the offense?? It doesn't make sense.
my point he is so fast that even if he is slow on his reads, he would help solve our run game issues ...and if he is a quick read - and I have no reason to doubt he would be - then Micah would be Sean Lee on steroids. That's what we need right now. Instead we got a guy who is frustrated because he is running to nowhere. Let him get 12 tackles a week and then see how the lion responds...


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This is just the tip of the iceberg. 20 years from now, all these current kids who are future NFL players will have their own YouTube, Twitch, TikTok or whatever show to voice their opinion. Better get used to it now.
True, but not the ones who get it. Look at how CeeDee Lamb or even Dak goes about it.

An old, but good quote: A lion doesn't need to roar...everyone knows that it's a lion. The weekly podcast...weakens his voice IMO.


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The whining, woe is me, we're the victims, and the "they want us to lose" mindset is a big issue with not just this year's Cowboys, but past years Cowboys as well.

The 90s Cowboys would've used this as fuel and a "us against everyone" mentality would've been created, but the modern Cowboys just want to whine about it and play victim.

They don't realize they are talked about like this because they make it easy. They don't WANT you to fail, Micah. They KNOW you're going to fail. There's a difference.

If you don't like it then make your play on the field shut em up, because whining about it on a podcast won't do it.



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my point he is so fast that even if he is slow on his reads, he would help solve our run game issues ...and if he is a quick read - and I have no reason to doubt he would be - then Micah would be Sean Lee on steroids. That's what we need right now. Instead we got a guy who is frustrated because he is running to nowhere. Let him get 12 tackles a week and then see how the lion responds...
Maybe Overshown was going to be the Sean Lee type or that was their vision. They just didn't replace him properly before the season or trade deadline. Coming back to bite them hard.

Sean Lee..that guy. Would kill for a young healthy version right now on this team.


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Losing a game is not failure. Learn from it, make adjustments and move on. Now if we don't learn from it - then it is a failure.

10-4 is not failure.


1. Make the Playoffs - accomplished
2. Win the Division - still possible
3. Win the SB - time will tell

We are 3+ weeks away from failure.

I could care less about DPOY or MVP. Team goals only.


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True, but not the ones who get it. Look at how CeeDee Lamb or even Dak goes about it.

An old, but good quote: A lion doesn't need to roar...everyone knows that it's a lion. The weekly podcast...weakens his voice IMO.
Don’t disagree but telling you, this is what the kids today enjoy. A generation raised by reality TV. Spill their hearts and privacy on the internet for everyone to see. As each year goes by, more will join the Micah Podcast Club. My point is thread title should probably be what is wrong with modern day NFL player instead of modern day Cowboys player.


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The whining, woe is me, we're the victims, and the "they want us to lose" mindset is a big issue with not just this year's Cowboys, but past years Cowboys as well.

The 90s Cowboys would've used this as fuel and a "us against everyone" mentality would've been created, but the modern Cowboys just want to whine about it and play victim.

They don't realize they are talked about like this because they make it easy. They don't WANT you to fail, Micah. They KNOW you're going to fail. There's a difference.

If you don't like it then make your play on the field shut em up, because whining about it on a podcast won't do it.

I mean...he isn't wrong. There are literally media types who have made a lot of money only bagging on Dallas. There are players who have such open biases and they are not checked when their horrible biased takes are wrong.

I don't think this has anything to do with the "mentality" of the team. It has everything to do with outright hate and making money while doing so.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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He’s not wrong though… the media bias in sports is gross towards some teams. They try to hard to control narratives.
Im telling you the day the cowboys won a SB again would be the worst day in history for the media. They’d literally be crying
Maybe it's me, but why do the players really care what some media personnel say? Just shut them up with your play.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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True, but not the ones who get it. Look at how CeeDee Lamb or even Dak goes about it.

An old, but good quote: A lion doesn't need to roar...everyone knows that it's a lion. The weekly podcast...weakens his voice IMO.
Great response!


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Don’t disagree but telling you, this is what the kids today enjoy. A generation raised by reality TV. Spill their hearts and privacy on the internet for everyone to see. As each year goes by, more will join the Micah Podcast Club. My point is thread title should probably be what is wrong with modern day NFL player instead of modern day Cowboys player.
It's probably more than Modern NFL player...it's society in general, the generations coming up. The fanny-patted generations that will one day run everything. I don't know how it's going to go. Who is going to maintain all the infrastructure with young men playing on TikTok and Youtube all day? No one is getting trades/skills anymore. Another long topic I guess but still....it bothers me.


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I mean...he isn't wrong. There are literally media types who have made a lot of money only bagging on Dallas. There are players who have such open biases and they are not checked when their horrible biased takes are wrong.

I don't think this has anything to do with the "mentality" of the team. It has everything to do with outright hate and making money while doing so.
You know why it’s easy to bag on Dallas?

Because they make it easy by never proving anybody wrong.


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Well for one, I don't watch his podcast, but obviously some people must be. He knows what he signed up for, especially being a part of the Cowboys organization. You have to willing to take the positives and negatives that come with it. If you don't like the negative feedback, win a SB.

Only way to shut them up!!!

America's Cowboy

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You play hard every week the media will shut up or have nothing to say. Attacking them for being right is just adding more for them to talk about. You making their job easier-not harder. That's all they talked about today" what you said"... Mission Accomplished,Micah :facepalm:
The media has agendas. They will never stop.


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I find it hard to criticize Micah for whining when this forum has probably the whiniest group of people I've ever encountered (constant ref conspiracy theories, etc.)


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Is a 12 win season success? It's not failure, but it's not success for those who want RESULTS. The roster is pretty good...but we keep having the same kind of performance at the same time of year. And the solution is to ...pretend that we can't do better?
How about waiting for the season to be over with and see what happens? The 49ers are the best team,but that doesn't mean they are going to win. The Cowboys have a shot. It's going to be an interesting and exciting finish.