Micah is a great player, but what exactly is he great at? What does he need to work on to be elite?

Probably being too simplistic here, but to me Parsons is another Demarcus Ware.

Great player. Gets lots of pressures and sacks. Has to be accounted for every play. Good teammate. Good person off the field. Same as Ware.

BUT. Here's the rub - he makes those plays mostly when they don't change the game. First or second down, sack! And puts the other team in 3rd and long. Then the next play he's doubled with a lineman, maybe 2, or a lineman and tight end, gets stymied. Or the other team just throws/runs away from him and gets a first down.

I've also seen him far too many times lose sight of the ball carrier or doesn't recognize a developing screen and runs right past the quarterback.

He plays too hard, all out all the time. That'll turn him into another Zeke - plays fantastic for a few years, gets a big, fat contract, then is worn out halfway through that contract. He's a big, strong guy, but rushing against 325 lb DEs he burns up a lot of energy. He can do that now, but can he 2-3-4 years from now? Maybe, maybe not.

In other words he needs to work on play recognition and learn when to "turn on the jets". Coaches need to drop him into coverage a bit more. Sure, he won't provide the consisten pass rush, but what team is SB-successful with ONE great defensive player? How many SBs has Pittsburgh won with Watt as a top DE? Not a one. There's other things to consider of course other than Watt, but just food for thought. Dallas needs another feared pass rusher, a la Too Tall and Too Mean, e.g.

Anyway, like I said I may be missing other factors, but them's my thoughts...
Probably being too simplistic here, but to me Parsons is another Demarcus Ware.

Great player. Gets lots of pressures and sacks. Has to be accounted for every play. Good teammate. Good person off the field. Same as Ware.

BUT. Here's the rub - he makes those plays mostly when they don't change the game. First or second down, sack! And puts the other team in 3rd and long. Then the next play he's doubled with a lineman, maybe 2, or a lineman and tight end, gets stymied. Or the other team just throws/runs away from him and gets a first down.

I've also seen him far too many times lose sight of the ball carrier or doesn't recognize a developing screen and runs right past the quarterback.

He plays too hard, all out all the time. That'll turn him into another Zeke - plays fantastic for a few years, gets a big, fat contract, then is worn out halfway through that contract. He's a big, strong guy, but rushing against 325 lb DEs he burns up a lot of energy. He can do that now, but can he 2-3-4 years from now? Maybe, maybe not.

In other words he needs to work on play recognition and learn when to "turn on the jets". Coaches need to drop him into coverage a bit more. Sure, he won't provide the consisten pass rush, but what team is SB-successful with ONE great defensive player? How many SBs has Pittsburgh won with Watt as a top DE? Not a one. There's other things to consider of course other than Watt, but just food for thought. Dallas needs another feared pass rusher, a la Too Tall and Too Mean, e.g.

Anyway, like I said I may be missing other factors, but them's my thoughts...
This underlined post and everything before it sounds like a broken record, i'll continue to say what you just posted. I hope things change, but as of right now, i'm not sure! Adding big money to him is going to motivate him to do a lot of big talking and promises but that's about it
Conditioning. So he can make it 4 qtrs. And a quality 1T and 3T and another bookend pass rusher opposite him. It's a lot to ask...
I don't think he's being used correctly. His natural position is LB. I think this is a situation where the player is dictating where he wants to play. DE's get paid a lot more than LBs. Zimmer is just trying to hang onto his job. He's not interested in a position battle with Micah.

So, he's a light in the pants DE with 6.5 sacks so far this season. My issue is that he doesn't seem to impact games much, and he's not a leader. This is a 6-7 win team with or without him. It's just not enough for the 40M he wants. The team needs quality depth and a lot of positional upgrades. Its too big of a chunk. I'd trade him.
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he has skills, but he is selfish and he is not a leader. he has too many outside interests and his goal is to get to the next contract. he disappears in big games and he only shows up against weaker opponents and he has quit on the team already this year.

trade his arse. get as many picks as possible. look at Detroit. they traded their biggest asset and now rebuilt and look like the top contender in NFC.

however, Jerry won't do it. no way. no how. Parsons was tops in the league in jersey sales in 2023

btw, Dak prescot was 5th!!!!! so that explains the 60M contract to jerry.

to jerry those will be and are investments that will pay for themselves..... if neither wasn't in the top 20, neither would get a new large contract.

Really? Because he was eligible to negotiate a new deal this year but we didn’t hear a single peep or even the slightest bit of drama about his contract. He didn’t try to force the issue at all.

If he really wanted to, he could have been a thorn in the Cowboys side about it.
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Probably being too simplistic here, but to me Parsons is another Demarcus Ware.

Great player. Gets lots of pressures and sacks. Has to be accounted for every play. Good teammate. Good person off the field. Same as Ware.

BUT. Here's the rub - he makes those plays mostly when they don't change the game. First or second down, sack! And puts the other team in 3rd and long. Then the next play he's doubled with a lineman, maybe 2, or a lineman and tight end, gets stymied. Or the other team just throws/runs away from him and gets a first down.

I've also seen him far too many times lose sight of the ball carrier or doesn't recognize a developing screen and runs right past the quarterback.

He plays too hard, all out all the time. That'll turn him into another Zeke - plays fantastic for a few years, gets a big, fat contract, then is worn out halfway through that contract. He's a big, strong guy, but rushing against 325 lb DEs he burns up a lot of energy. He can do that now, but can he 2-3-4 years from now? Maybe, maybe not.

In other words he needs to work on play recognition and learn when to "turn on the jets". Coaches need to drop him into coverage a bit more. Sure, he won't provide the consisten pass rush, but what team is SB-successful with ONE great defensive player? How many SBs has Pittsburgh won with Watt as a top DE? Not a one. There's other things to consider of course other than Watt, but just food for thought. Dallas needs another feared pass rusher, a la Too Tall and Too Mean, e.g.

Anyway, like I said I may be missing other factors, but them's my thoughts...

people used to say the same thing about Ware, not making plays “when it counts”.

Then ware leaves and wins a superbowl with another team. Ware was all over Brady in that AFC championship game the Broncos won.
In his mind he can do no wrong and that he understand the big picture of running a franchise better than anyone else. When he was entered into the Hall of Fame in 2017 the NFL did not do us any favors.
Really? Because he was eligible to negotiate a new deal this year but we didn’t hear a single peep or even the slightest bit of drama about his contract. He didn’t try to force the issue at all.

If he really wanted to, he could have been a thorn in the Cowboys side about it.
him and his agent are smart. they knew with CD and Dak coming up for contracts, he couldn't effectively negotiate. now, next year, its all about Micah.....

its smart of them not to jump in this year and push things...... but he also didn't let them forget.
him and his agent are smart. they knew with CD and Dak coming up for contracts, he couldn't effectively negotiate. now, next year, its all about Micah.....

its smart of them not to jump in this year and push things...... but he also didn't let them forget.

I just think there’s no reason to think or believe Micah has been selfish about his contract at this point. He hasn’t done anything of the sort yet. So at this point you’re just making assumptions.

Of course he is going to want a massive extension but that’s every elite player. If you want elite players…. You have to deal with elite player contracts. That’s how it works.
I don't think he's being used correctly. His natural position is LB. I think this is a situation where the player is dictating where he wants to play. DE's get paid a lot more than LBs. Zimmer is just trying to hang onto his job. He's not interested in a position battle with Micah.

So, he's a light in the pants DE with 6.5 sacks so far this season. My issue is that he doesn't seem to impact games much, and he's not a leader. This is a 6-7 win team with or without him. It's just not enough for the 40M he wants. The team needs quality depth and a lot of positional upgrades. Its too big of a chunk. I'd trade him.
his natural position is he was moved to DE and found out that's where the money is, and then found out he doesn't really want to play LB because he would make less. NOW he can get paid as a DE, THEN move back to LB after getting the DE money!!! lol
I just think there’s no reason to think or believe Micah has been selfish about his contract at this point. He hasn’t done anything of the sort yet. So at this point you’re just making assumptions.

Of course he is going to want a massive extension but that’s every elite player. If you want elite players…. You have to deal with elite player contracts. That’s how it works.
I didn't mean it to come across as he has been selfish about his contract.
he has been smart. zeke was selfish, in his second year demanding a new contract.
Micah and his agent knew, that this year is about Dak and CD and that if he throws his hat in the ring, it gets messy and he may not end up with the ultimate contract he is going to ask for.
so he was patient. knowing 5th year he will make 24M...which is significant, and probably close to what his average salary will be.
if they didn't reach a contract he would get tagged and that would be even more.
thus stay patient. let the Dak and CD contract dust clear and now its all about him. he is the top dawg for offseason contract negotiations
He's a speed rusher, gives OT's fits, makes you want to know where he is all the time. Those great things I mentioned are they things he continues to excel at, or are we giving him a pass from years past? I mentioned you must know here he's at at all times, but he mainly lines up at the same place all the time. Back in the day, guys excelled coming from the same place, now days it seems that guys are given more leeway to move around to find the best matchup. I'm sure they did the same at times back in the day. With that said, what would make Micah elite, does he make enough elite plays for you? I don't care about the money he's going to get, i'm focusing on his play, and the title that many give him.

I for one am proud of what he's done in the past, I just feel that he could give us more. It was mentioned that Zimmer wants him to move around more, but during the game they said he likes to rush from that one side. Coming from the same side every play makes it easy for teams to know where you are. At that point that's when you see the huffing and puffing from taking a beating because you're easily located. Not trying to bash Micah at all, I just want a little bit more out of our top defender, if he's actually that anymore?? Please give your thoughts
He is elite by any measure
The Micah hate in this site is ridiculous. At the pace he’s going he’s a hall of famer. Why do we hate on our best players? Because we can’t hate on the owner any longer? So we hate on our best players. 32 teams would love to have Micah parsons.

To also say he doesn’t make impacts in big games is also insane. Last year alone he ended the Seahawks and chargers games with his late game plays. That’s just off the top of my head.

And yeah I know he didn’t do much vs Green Bay… he’s still one player. One player can’t change an entire defense that was getting ran through like we weren’t even there
He's a speed rusher, gives OT's fits, makes you want to know where he is all the time. Those great things I mentioned are they things he continues to excel at, or are we giving him a pass from years past? I mentioned you must know here he's at at all times, but he mainly lines up at the same place all the time. Back in the day, guys excelled coming from the same place, now days it seems that guys are given more leeway to move around to find the best matchup. I'm sure they did the same at times back in the day. With that said, what would make Micah elite, does he make enough elite plays for you? I don't care about the money he's going to get, i'm focusing on his play, and the title that many give him.

I for one am proud of what he's done in the past, I just feel that he could give us more. It was mentioned that Zimmer wants him to move around more, but during the game they said he likes to rush from that one side. Coming from the same side every play makes it easy for teams to know where you are. At that point that's when you see the huffing and puffing from taking a beating because you're easily located. Not trying to bash Micah at all, I just want a little bit more out of our top defender, if he's actually that anymore?? Please give your thoughts
He is great at exploiting bad teams for multiple sacks and disappearing in big games.
I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I don't think he's that great. Above average, yes, but Lawrence Taylor greatness? Not even remotely close.

LT is in a class all by himself. Remember going to see him when was a heels and knowing he was special then.
We need a pass rusher who can set the edge to stop the run. While having a mix of size/weight, technique, strenght, and speed to keep consistent pressure for four quaters. Parsons checks some but not all and the ones he misses on sets us back. If there is a chance we could find a generational talent at DE we should explore it; even if it means trading Parsons away to trade up. Speed is the one trait that doesn't age well.
people used to say the same thing about Ware, not making plays “when it counts”.

Then ware leaves and wins a superbowl with another team. Ware was all over Brady in that AFC championship game the Broncos won.
Was Vonn Miller on that Broncos team?
We need a pass rusher who can set the edge to stop the run. While having a mix of size/weight, technique, strenght, and speed to keep consistent pressure for four quaters. Parsons checks some but not all and the ones he misses on sets us back. If there is a chance we could find a generational talent at DE we should explore it; even if it means trading Parsons away to trade up. Speed is the one trait that doesn't age well.

These types of players don’t exactly grow on trees.

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