Twitter: Micah was robbed of a sack

Need to see the beginning to establish the LOS. It looks like Goff may have gotten past the LOS for a short gain.
No, not even close, but it was Armstrong who tripped him up. I think Micah's just mad because he slowed him down, then Armstrong knocked him out of the way and stole the sack.
I watched the video repeatedly and there’s no way due to the angle that you can tell that Armstrong didn’t touch Goff. Armstrong was the closest one to Goff. Even the game announcer said Armstrong tripped him up. Parsons missed the sack and Goff got away. The angle of the video makes it impossible to conclusively tell if Parsons ever got a piece of Goff‘s foot as he was falling. If that was ruled a sack it has to be given to Armstrong because he was the closest one to Goff. That play needs to be shown from another angle to get any real clarity on it.
The angle they showed during the game shows Micah too far behind and Armstrong tripping Goff up.
The sack should go towards the player who initiated the tackle or hit THAT CAUSED the QB to fall. Not the one who touched the QB last as he was falling.

In this case, the sack should be correctly given to Micah.
Goff got away from Micah, and he didn't start stumbling until Armstrong tripped him up.
Goff got away from Micah, and he didn't start stumbling until Armstrong tripped him up.
Nope. Disagree, Runny. Check out the gif in slow motion I created. It shows clearly how it was Micah who tripped Goff.

There is a better angle from the front floating around online that very clearly shows that Micah is the person that trips him and Dorance is not even part of the sack.

Not the first sack he was robbe of. Some obvious nasty holding calls that were sure sacks. Held right in front of the ref. And the day D-Law had like 3 sacks in a game he missed at least 2 more because he didn’t hold on for another second.
Micah tripped Goff, Dorance was the last one to touch

It should be 0.5 sack for each IMO.
Parsons should get the sack, he swiped Goffs foot as he tried to run causing him to trip and fall behind the line of scrimmage.
I’m seeing what the game announcer saw and that’s Armstrong tripping Goff and causing him to fall. Goff got away from Parsons and was running and it was Armstrong who tripped him.
I wish I could just post a pic from my computer versus doing the whole URL thing. Parsons grabs his ankle. Goff goes down. Go look at it again.
The sack should go towards the player who initiated the tackle or hit THAT CAUSED the QB to fall. Not the one who touched the QB last as he was falling.

In this case, the sack should be correctly given to Micah.
I have to agree. Even with this bad angle from the clip, you can clearly see Micah grab his ankle.
I’m not the one who’s blind it’s you guys. Lol Even the game announcer said Armstrong tripped him up.
Game announcers are about 100 yards away - not a closeup video where you can clearly see him get his foot. You might want to go to the eye doctor!
I’m not sure it’s a very good look for Micah Parsons to be lobbying for an extra sack for himself when it will be taken away from his teammate.
At the 6 second mark you can clearly see Micah hitting Goff's ankle with his hand causing a trip. Armstrong is on his back with his arms at his side when the trip happens. Credit Micah.

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