Mike McCarthy and Dak Prescott should give Jerry Jones an ultimatum


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From a Dak perspective, when does he have enough money that he begins to think about legacy. Some never do, some do. I am not sure I get the vibe that Dak ever will, which is actually what most not all do.


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The title of this thread is beyond ridiculous. Sorry why would either McCarthy or Dak say anything to Jerry when there has been 0 accountability for anything? Why would those guys want anything to change? There is no penalty for failure, there is no penalty for crapping the bed year after year. Why would anyone in their right mind want the boat rocked?


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From a Dak perspective, when does he have enough money that he begins to think about legacy. Some never do, some do. I am not sure I get the vibe that Dak ever will, which is actually what most not all do.
With enough money you can buy a legacy. Why the hell would he care what strangers who go by the moniker of "fans" thought of him?


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I was in business for 40 years. Employees giving their rich boss ultimatums doesn't usually end well for the employees. The boss just finds new employees.
Especially an employee who is working for an employer who has basically given that employee everything he wants or needs and never holds him accountable for performance or lack there of.


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Dak and McCarthy are free to leave. All those two have to do is say I want out.

Good luck going into your boss’s office and shoving an ultimatum down the boss’s throat. Let me know how that works.


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Aren't we currently around $20m over the cap going into next season? I know all the wizardry that will be done to get under but that still makes it difficult to sign a bunch of top flight FA's. It's dangerous to go for broke when you have a QB who hasn't shown he has what it takes to win in the playoffs.


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Things are supposedly going to change this season, so says Bryan Broaddus. I want to see what those changes are. I hope Jerry has concluded he needs to get an impact player on his defense to compliment Micah Parsons. This would be good for 2 reasons. First, They need fix that run defense. The team will be better on the field. 2nd, it shows Jerry that winning matters to him and maybe that filters down to the rest of the team. If Jerry goes all in maybe the players will too.


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With enough money you can buy a legacy. Why the hell would he care what strangers who go by the moniker of "fans" thought of him?
The title of this thread is beyond ridiculous. Sorry why would either McCarthy or Dak say anything to Jerry when there has been 0 accountability for anything? Why would those guys want anything to change? There is no penalty for failure, there is no penalty for crapping the bed year after year. Why would anyone in their right mind want the boat rocked?
Pretty sure MM believes he is coaching for his job this year, just as Garrett was when he had no extension going into his last year. Dak unfortunately isn't unless they blow my mind and don't extend him, but then he would be swooped up in a second by another team.


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Not gonna happen unless Dak gives back some dollars to help sign/retain talent. And he has made it clear that he will not take a discount for any reason, so...

Hence why I was thinking that if he does this, he needs to be willing to take a team friendly deal. All that's missing from Dak's resume is a Lombardi.


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It would be interesting to see that. Would be great to see more of the former players call out this entire organization.

Still blows me away that this once proud franchise won 32 playoff games between 1966-1996 - 32 playoff wins in 31 seasons. And now we’ve won 4 playoff games in 28 seasons. That right there says it all.

Exactly, and I'd imagine it can't be sitting right with the players.


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I think the OP is trying to say that Dak and McCarthy are good enough to tell Jerry they will both leave if Jerry doesn't make them better. Or something. I don't know, don't ask me.

It's more of the fact that I want them and the FO to lay it on the line. Commit to winning a Super Bowl and doing what it takes to accomplish this. If they cannot commit, then they should seek alternative options.


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This really isn't a logical conclusion. Ownership of an organization of any kiind (team. company etc ..) can have different ideas than an employee and still want to succeed, and ownership not being appreciative of a couple of employees trying to bully them into doing whatever they demand also doesn't mean they don't want to succeed.

The way to judge Jerry is simply on the job he does, which I think almost all agree has consistently fallen short of what is needed.

I don't think these guys have the leverage on Jerry you think anyway, especially considering how thoroughly unprepared they were in their playoff game against Green Bay

Sure, but the linebacker and running back issues are a team construction problem. That part falls on the FO. I want this team to be more physical and be able to match with physical teams. Otherwise, the blueprint will be clearly just our physical us. The players need to demand more physicality to be able to have a chance to match this. That demand requires them to become more physical and request more physical players. We can't just go through this offseason with draft picks alone. That won't fix our problems. We need draft and free agency. We need the FO to take a few more chances. If they take chances and it doesn't work, I won't fault them, as long as it was a reasonable chance (such as signing the best FA LB available). At least they'd have tried.


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Dak has earned the criticism of fans and media - eight years times over.
He has NO standing to be giving ultimatums! It is his poor play that has repeatedly been the reason every season ends prematurely and in disappointment.
Dak needs to be cut. He's had his chances- being way overpaid while doing so- and DAK DOES NOT DESERVE ANOTHER CHANCE!
He is not of the caliber to be on any NFL roster.

I'm fine with it if he gets cut. However, we have much deeper problems than just QB. Look at the lack of physicality. Just removing Dak won't put us in the SB. We need more talent on this team, and we need true physical linebackers.


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The title of this thread is beyond ridiculous. Sorry why would either McCarthy or Dak say anything to Jerry when there has been 0 accountability for anything? Why would those guys want anything to change? There is no penalty for failure, there is no penalty for crapping the bed year after year. Why would anyone in their right mind want the boat rocked?

Maybe they won't, but it's what I want them to do. I want this organisation to become serious about winning.


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Sure, but the linebacker and running back issues are a team construction problem. That part falls on the FO. I want this team to be more physical and be able to match with physical teams. Otherwise, the blueprint will be clearly just our physical us. The players need to demand more physicality to be able to have a chance to match this. That demand requires them to become more physical and request more physical players. We can't just go through this offseason with draft picks alone. That won't fix our problems. We need draft and free agency. We need the FO to take a few more chances. If they take chances and it doesn't work, I won't fault them, as long as it was a reasonable chance (such as signing the best FA LB available). At least they'd have tried.
I'm certainly not saying there aren't issues to be addressed, and or that it's not on the front office to address them.


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You make well thought out and in depth posts about our team man, but I just cant see it from the angle you provide here.

First, I think its kinda obvious McCarthy doesn't possess the personality/balls to approach Jerry in the way you described.
When all of his previous Cowboy playoff teams have appeared unprepared to play at a high playoff level, how would he be in a position to demand anything.

I see him as just the opposite and should be thankful Jerry didn't fire him.
He's just padding his retirement portfolio cashing them head coach checks.

Dak is just as equally inept if not more than McCheese when it comes to playoff performance.
I see him in no position to be making demands of anything.

If both were better at their individual jobs, we should be playing in the NFCCG now, and that is to include all the current personnel. We are ex tremely lacking at all 3 positions of the NFL success triangle. GM, HC AND QB.
Not just GM.

That's my opinion.


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I mean, true about Mike. However, for Dak, especially with his contract situation, he holds a lot of the cards, so, i think he should use that as a way to spearhead not only a deal for himself, but spearhead a way for the team to be built to where the team can actually compete in January and February.
Any form of negotiation is a dance of give-and-take. It would not be completely one-sided between the two men. Prescott can make roster demands but Jones can easily counter by claiming it will take a maximum restructuring of his contract to make it happen.

Prescott has restructured his contract before but to what degree in relation to his entire contractual compensation is a mystery to me. I have my doubts in that prior restructuring would be considered as a moderate change. Would Prescott agree to an above average restructuring--as allowable under the CBA--to help push his demands through?


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I'm certainly not saying there aren't issues to be addressed, and or that it's not on the front office to address them.

And I certainly understand that the players and coaches need to be accountable for the flaws on the field too. I'm just saying that the entire organisation needs to become serious about winning. Not just in the regular season, but in the postseason too. We need a team to be built to compete in the regular AND postseason. The team the last few seasons has proven that you can win in the regular season, but, when you play playoff caliber teams, we aren't physical enough to handle them.


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You make well thought out and in depth posts about our team man, but I just cant see it from the angle you provide here.

First, I think its kinda obvious McCarthy doesn't possess the personality/balls to approach Jerry in the way you described.
When all of his previous Cowboy playoff teams have appeared unprepared to play at a high playoff level, how would he be in a position to demand anything.

I see him as just the opposite and should be thankful Jerry didn't fire him.
He's just padding his retirement portfolio cashing them head coach checks.

Dak is just as equally inept if not more than McCheese when it comes to playoff performance.
I see him in no position to be making demands of anything.

If both were better at their individual jobs, we should be playing in the NFCCG now, with all the current personnel.

That's my opinion.

Frankly, I'm not sure any coaches under Jerry will have those kinds of balls. That's why Jerry hires them. As for Dak, I agree that he needed to play better. However, the flaws in the playoffs this year, imo, stem from more than just him. There's a reason we struggled against playoff-caliber teams this year (and last year too). It's because we lack the physicality necessary to compete against them. This falls at the feet of Jerry.