Mike McCarthy and Dak Prescott should give Jerry Jones an ultimatum


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:muttley:come on, this has to be one of those hypothetical things. I don't know if Jerry has a sense of humor, if he does, he will horse-laugh those two losers out of the office.

If that happens, then they'd have their answer and shouldn't stay after this season.


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I'll say this. If the players do this, and we see an exodus of star players, then you know what the answer was from the FO. In all likelihood, it'd confirm our suspicion.


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I could see that, and maybe then we would know how committed the FO actually is to winning.
A player and coach demand the owner do what they say, or else ...?

You think the other owners around the NFL would be happy with that approach?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I should note that a good portion of this OP is not my original idea. I got a decent amount of this as a posting idea while watching Mark Holmes' channel while working today. He had a video about Dak and Mike McCarthy that got me thinking, and I will expound upon what he said.

Basically, the notion is that Mike McCarthy and Dak Prescott should give Jerry Jones/Stephen Jones an ultimatum. I'll expound upon this here. Mike McCarthy is being set up to fail when you look at Stephen's risk aversion. As we all know, there's this stupid notion that our FO has of "we like our guys". When you look at our draft picks and you look at the holes likely to be opened as a result of players we are likely to lose in FA, trying to get this team in 2024 to be competitive will be a very difficult task. Even worse, here's our likely opponents next year (besides our division rivals, which is obvious): Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Houston, Detroit, San Francisco, Atlanta, New Orleans, Tampa Bay, and Carolina. Aside from Carolina, this is going to likely be a tough schedule. Oh, and we were lucky to get 12 wins when you look at our lack of a running game, which was bloody obvious entering the season. Jerry gave McCarthy a tough task with that, and McCarthy helped Dak to become a better QB (in the regular season) this season than last year. He guides our team to 12 wins. Under a coach like Jason Garrett, the roster last year with the schedule we had likely lands us 8-9 wins. Now, Jerry is setting McCarthy up for what will likely be a rough year. I think McCarthy should kick down the door of the FO and tell them to either (and MH gave a similar take) to either go all in and build him a championship roster, or sack him/let him part ways right now. Tell them, either give him a roster that can give him a chance to win now, or let me go. To paraphrase a MeatLoaf line, ask Jerry, "What's it going to be, boy? Yes or no? I can wait all night". Ask Jerry, does he believe that McCarthy can win a Super Bowl this year if given the right roster. If it's yes, then do everything in their power to build a roster that McCarthy needs to win a championship. It the answer is no, then McCarthy should tell them to find a new coach. As for those fans that want McCarthy gone, just a heads up, you may not like who Jerry/Stephen choose next. Chances are, it'll be a Garrett-style puppet.

As for Dak, he should absolutely be furious about some of the comments that have been in the media of late. Especially given that it seems that CeeDee hasn't come out after what his mum said to back him, despite the fact that Dak was the one who threw Lamb the ball to set the records that he set this year. The way the media has been excoriating him, and the way the FO hasn't exactly come to his defence, despite how many times he's gone to the mat for them. Dak should really go into the FO and tell them that, if they want an extension, then give him a roster (especially at RB, lb, and oline) that can give him a better chance to win a Super Bowl. Tell them that, if they want a deal, then give him a roster that he can use. Otherwise, they can either June 1 cut him, he might direct them to a trade, or he will just take the cap hit this year, and be on his way next year. Tell them that he wants a Super Bowl and wants a roster that he can win with in his and McCarthy's view (since they're seemingly close with each other). For those of you that want a new QB, I caution you. The replacement may not be great. Remember from Aikman to Romo. However, with the way the FO has treated Mike and Dak, they need to tell the FO that they want a commitment to build a true championship contender, or they will either leave this offseason or after this season.

This is NOT to say that I want either gone. I like both. However, I think the way they are treated is appalling and isn't normally done on any other team but ours. If the FO, like some on here seems to want, wants to keep treating them like this. Then maybe it's time we see what it'll be like without them. For those of you who have animosity towards Dak, just remember. Andy Dalton showed that finding a top QB isn't as easy as it seems. I would hope we can draft a good replacement if it comes to it, but I'm not sure I trust Jerry's acumen when it comes to QB selections. But, at the same time, these two men should really push the issue at Jerry. Tell him to go in, or lose them both. Maybe that'll get Jerry/Stephen's attention enough to actually try to win a Super Bowl this year.
Well, you have a flair for soap opera ...


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I should note that a good portion of this OP is not my original idea. I got a decent amount of this as a posting idea while watching Mark Holmes' channel while working today. He had a video about Dak and Mike McCarthy that got me thinking, and I will expound upon what he said.

Basically, the notion is that Mike McCarthy and Dak Prescott should give Jerry Jones/Stephen Jones an ultimatum. I'll expound upon this here. Mike McCarthy is being set up to fail when you look at Stephen's risk aversion. As we all know, there's this stupid notion that our FO has of "we like our guys". When you look at our draft picks and you look at the holes likely to be opened as a result of players we are likely to lose in FA, trying to get this team in 2024 to be competitive will be a very difficult task. Even worse, here's our likely opponents next year (besides our division rivals, which is obvious): Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Houston, Detroit, San Francisco, Atlanta, New Orleans, Tampa Bay, and Carolina. Aside from Carolina, this is going to likely be a tough schedule. Oh, and we were lucky to get 12 wins when you look at our lack of a running game, which was bloody obvious entering the season. Jerry gave McCarthy a tough task with that, and McCarthy helped Dak to become a better QB (in the regular season) this season than last year. He guides our team to 12 wins. Under a coach like Jason Garrett, the roster last year with the schedule we had likely lands us 8-9 wins. Now, Jerry is setting McCarthy up for what will likely be a rough year. I think McCarthy should kick down the door of the FO and tell them to either (and MH gave a similar take) to either go all in and build him a championship roster, or sack him/let him part ways right now. Tell them, either give him a roster that can give him a chance to win now, or let me go. To paraphrase a MeatLoaf line, ask Jerry, "What's it going to be, boy? Yes or no? I can wait all night". Ask Jerry, does he believe that McCarthy can win a Super Bowl this year if given the right roster. If it's yes, then do everything in their power to build a roster that McCarthy needs to win a championship. It the answer is no, then McCarthy should tell them to find a new coach. As for those fans that want McCarthy gone, just a heads up, you may not like who Jerry/Stephen choose next. Chances are, it'll be a Garrett-style puppet.

As for Dak, he should absolutely be furious about some of the comments that have been in the media of late. Especially given that it seems that CeeDee hasn't come out after what his mum said to back him, despite the fact that Dak was the one who threw Lamb the ball to set the records that he set this year. The way the media has been excoriating him, and the way the FO hasn't exactly come to his defence, despite how many times he's gone to the mat for them. Dak should really go into the FO and tell them that, if they want an extension, then give him a roster (especially at RB, lb, and oline) that can give him a better chance to win a Super Bowl. Tell them that, if they want a deal, then give him a roster that he can use. Otherwise, they can either June 1 cut him, he might direct them to a trade, or he will just take the cap hit this year, and be on his way next year. Tell them that he wants a Super Bowl and wants a roster that he can win with in his and McCarthy's view (since they're seemingly close with each other). For those of you that want a new QB, I caution you. The replacement may not be great. Remember from Aikman to Romo. However, with the way the FO has treated Mike and Dak, they need to tell the FO that they want a commitment to build a true championship contender, or they will either leave this offseason or after this season.

This is NOT to say that I want either gone. I like both. However, I think the way they are treated is appalling and isn't normally done on any other team but ours. If the FO, like some on here seems to want, wants to keep treating them like this. Then maybe it's time we see what it'll be like without them. For those of you who have animosity towards Dak, just remember. Andy Dalton showed that finding a top QB isn't as easy as it seems. I would hope we can draft a good replacement if it comes to it, but I'm not sure I trust Jerry's acumen when it comes to QB selections. But, at the same time, these two men should really push the issue at Jerry. Tell him to go in, or lose them both. Maybe that'll get Jerry/Stephen's attention enough to actually try to win a Super Bowl this year.
Actually the way it should work is Jerry telling both of them we’ve given you both all the tools needed to reach the goal and failure has been the result on the field and on the sidelines, wins over poor teams and dreadful performances against good teams isn’t acceptable, it’s the SB or both of you are gone simple as that. Just incase you don’t know it bosses dictate to employees and if employees don’t like it they get fired and replaced, simple as that.


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A player and coach demand the owner do what they say, or else ...?

You think the other owners around the NFL would be happy with that approach?

Well, if not, then they will find a new team next year. It would show that the FO isn't interested in winning the Super Bowl.


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Actually the way it should work is Jerry telling both of them we’ve given you both all the tools needed to reach the goal and failure has been the result on the field and on the sidelines, wins over poor teams and dreadful performances against good teams isn’t acceptable, it’s the SB or both of you are gone simple as that. Just incase you don’t know it bosses dictate to employees and if employees don’t like it they get fired and replaced, simple as that.

Well, someone needs to do something to get this team in the SB. The FO needs to get some actual linebackers, and the QB and coach need to perform better in January so that we can get to and win the Super Bowl.


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Dak's current cap hit and contract situation actually gives him a lot of leverage. If either is going to lead this, Dak's the one. He needs to tell Jerry that, if he wants a team friendly deals, then Dak needs a commitment that Jerry will build him a roster capable of winning the Super Bowl.
You do know that Dak's number can be reduced by almost 20 million without his approval so his number without an extension would be 40 million. They would take a hit in the next two years. He has some leverage but his cap can be managed. So you guys want McCarthy to walk into Jerry's office and threaten to quit if he doesn't get his way? I'm not sure how that works with his playoff record but good luck. If he needs more all pros on this roster and can't scheme against good team to be competitive, lots of other guys can do that. He needs to control what he can and do his best to figure out how to fix the issues on game planning and development.


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Well, if not, then they will find a new team next year. It would show that the FO isn't interested in winning the Super Bowl.
No other owner is going to hire a petulent cry baby who is blaming others instead of trying to fix what he can fix. That is weakness not leadership. Yes, give your input but demanding your way or the highway is something that I haven't seen be successful in many places but it may be in your occupation.


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This is true, but, and it's sad that I'm having to say it, maybe it's time the players lay it on the line. Maybe if the FO sees that the players want a better team to be built around them, it might get their attention. Failure to do so could result in 2000-2002 levels of results or worse if the players feel that the FO doesn't care about winning. If they feel they are just meant to be punchlines by the FO for the FO to make even more money, then they should have the guts to lay it on the line to tell the FO to stop making them punchlines.
It would be interesting to see that. Would be great to see more of the former players call out this entire organization.

Still blows me away that this once proud franchise won 32 playoff games between 1966-1996 - 32 playoff wins in 31 seasons. And now we’ve won 4 playoff games in 28 seasons. That right there says it all.


Devil's Advocate
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He has? I haven't heard that.
Per Bleacher Report on 7/12/2019:

Dak Prescott has no intention of giving the Dallas Cowboys a discounted deal as the two sides negotiate a long-term extension.
Speaking to USA Today's Jori Epstein, Prescott explained why he doesn't want a new contract worth less than market value for starting quarterbacks:
“For somebody to say you can only take so much because of the salary cap or you can only do this or that, I don’t know how fair that is to say. Because with gambling, with everything going into this league, everything is going to continue to keep going up.
“It’s important for all these guys to get every bit of their worth. I want to see [Ezekiel Elliott] the highest paid. I want to see Amari [Cooper] the highest paid. I want to see myself up there. And I don’t think any of that is too far-fetched. Because at the end of the day, when it’s all said and done, a year or two later, you’re not going to be the highest paid. That’s just the way the game goes.”


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McCarthy is coaching for his life he’s really in no position to give ultimatums


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I should note that a good portion of this OP is not my original idea. I got a decent amount of this as a posting idea while watching Mark Holmes' channel while working today. He had a video about Dak and Mike McCarthy that got me thinking, and I will expound upon what he said.

Basically, the notion is that Mike McCarthy and Dak Prescott should give Jerry Jones/Stephen Jones an ultimatum. I'll expound upon this here. Mike McCarthy is being set up to fail when you look at Stephen's risk aversion. As we all know, there's this stupid notion that our FO has of "we like our guys". When you look at our draft picks and you look at the holes likely to be opened as a result of players we are likely to lose in FA, trying to get this team in 2024 to be competitive will be a very difficult task. Even worse, here's our likely opponents next year (besides our division rivals, which is obvious): Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Houston, Detroit, San Francisco, Atlanta, New Orleans, Tampa Bay, and Carolina. Aside from Carolina, this is going to likely be a tough schedule. Oh, and we were lucky to get 12 wins when you look at our lack of a running game, which was bloody obvious entering the season. Jerry gave McCarthy a tough task with that, and McCarthy helped Dak to become a better QB (in the regular season) this season than last year. He guides our team to 12 wins. Under a coach like Jason Garrett, the roster last year with the schedule we had likely lands us 8-9 wins. Now, Jerry is setting McCarthy up for what will likely be a rough year. I think McCarthy should kick down the door of the FO and tell them to either (and MH gave a similar take) to either go all in and build him a championship roster, or sack him/let him part ways right now. Tell them, either give him a roster that can give him a chance to win now, or let me go. To paraphrase a MeatLoaf line, ask Jerry, "What's it going to be, boy? Yes or no? I can wait all night". Ask Jerry, does he believe that McCarthy can win a Super Bowl this year if given the right roster. If it's yes, then do everything in their power to build a roster that McCarthy needs to win a championship. It the answer is no, then McCarthy should tell them to find a new coach. As for those fans that want McCarthy gone, just a heads up, you may not like who Jerry/Stephen choose next. Chances are, it'll be a Garrett-style puppet.

As for Dak, he should absolutely be furious about some of the comments that have been in the media of late. Especially given that it seems that CeeDee hasn't come out after what his mum said to back him, despite the fact that Dak was the one who threw Lamb the ball to set the records that he set this year. The way the media has been excoriating him, and the way the FO hasn't exactly come to his defence, despite how many times he's gone to the mat for them. Dak should really go into the FO and tell them that, if they want an extension, then give him a roster (especially at RB, lb, and oline) that can give him a better chance to win a Super Bowl. Tell them that, if they want a deal, then give him a roster that he can use. Otherwise, they can either June 1 cut him, he might direct them to a trade, or he will just take the cap hit this year, and be on his way next year. Tell them that he wants a Super Bowl and wants a roster that he can win with in his and McCarthy's view (since they're seemingly close with each other). For those of you that want a new QB, I caution you. The replacement may not be great. Remember from Aikman to Romo. However, with the way the FO has treated Mike and Dak, they need to tell the FO that they want a commitment to build a true championship contender, or they will either leave this offseason or after this season.

This is NOT to say that I want either gone. I like both. However, I think the way they are treated is appalling and isn't normally done on any other team but ours. If the FO, like some on here seems to want, wants to keep treating them like this. Then maybe it's time we see what it'll be like without them. For those of you who have animosity towards Dak, just remember. Andy Dalton showed that finding a top QB isn't as easy as it seems. I would hope we can draft a good replacement if it comes to it, but I'm not sure I trust Jerry's acumen when it comes to QB selections. But, at the same time, these two men should really push the issue at Jerry. Tell him to go in, or lose them both. Maybe that'll get Jerry/Stephen's attention enough to actually try to win a Super Bowl this year.
Dak has earned the criticism of fans and media - eight years times over.
He has NO standing to be giving ultimatums! It is his poor play that has repeatedly been the reason every season ends prematurely and in disappointment.
Dak needs to be cut. He's had his chances- being way overpaid while doing so- and DAK DOES NOT DESERVE ANOTHER CHANCE!
He is not of the caliber to be on any NFL roster.


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Well, if not, then they will find a new team next year. It would show that the FO isn't interested in winning the Super Bowl.
This really isn't a logical conclusion. Ownership of an organization of any kiind (team. company etc ..) can have different ideas than an employee and still want to succeed, and ownership not being appreciative of a couple of employees trying to bully them into doing whatever they demand also doesn't mean they don't want to succeed.

The way to judge Jerry is simply on the job he does, which I think almost all agree has consistently fallen short of what is needed.

I don't think these guys have the leverage on Jerry you think anyway, especially considering how thoroughly unprepared they were in their playoff game against Green Bay
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Can someone please sum this up lol
I think the OP is trying to say that Dak and McCarthy are good enough to tell Jerry they will both leave if Jerry doesn't make them better. Or something. I don't know, don't ask me.