sacase;1972962 said:
I am sorry but I have to put my two cents in this since this is getting rather crazy. This is NOT prison break. The man works in Law Enforcement and he has a general idea of what happens with prisoners. I would wager you have no experence other than watching prison movies. Common logic would say that if there was any threat to MV that the Law Enforcement personnel would take measures to stop the threat. I swear some of you think that TV=Real life. This has nothing to do with him and him playing in the NFL, it has everything to do with keeping EVERY prisoner safe.
Seriously take a step back and think about this logically. If anything happens to Vick, ANYTHING, then people will lose their jobs. Now are you willing to take a chance and loose your job over Vick?
The only argument you can make is that the man doesn't work for the Federal Beurau of Prisons. Well, what qualifies you to make your assertations.
Cool. I'm not upset. You can believe whatever you want to believe. I'm not saying I'm more of an expert or anything. All I'm saying is that working in law enforcement doesn't immediately equal, to me anyway, any knowledge of exactly what goes on in a federal pen or any of their policies. As I've said I've got a few friends who are cops/highway patrol that have never even set foot in a federal pen, let alone have any idea how one actually is run.
What qualifies me to make assertations is that they are AN OPINION. Which, last I checked, you didn't need a degree or anything else to have.
His opinion is that Vick is in general pop. Cool. Like I said he could be right. Forgive me, however, if I don't immediately just say "Ok, well so and so said it so I have to believe it's true."
I actually don't have any personal experience in being in prison, mainly cause I was blessed enough to not be stupid and partake in criminal acts, but I also don't think Movies and TV = Real life. Way to jump to a HUGE assumption there based on my not agreeing with an opinion.
I just highly doubt Mike has gotten any more special treatement then some of the other famous people who've spent any significant time in a federal pen. Mike Vick is in there for...what...a year and a half at least? Do you honestly believe they're going to spend every waking moment keeping him 100% more safe than anyone else in there? If they do I can only believe they are doing so because of his celebrity.
I highly doubt, even with him in gen pop, that there is any really serious threats to do real harm to him. Now I base that totally off of the fact that I believe if there was someone who really wanted him hurt, or taken out, that it would get done. Gen pop or not.
I mean Jeffery Dahmer wasn't housed, from what I recall (And I was a young teenager during this time so I could be off) all the time with gen pop and the inmates still managed to get to, and kill him.