More bad news from Mosley


Sounds From The Lair
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Nav22;2366502 said:
This board will be hilarious if we beat Tampa Bay. Hilarious in that it will be a complete 180 from the tone the last week and a half.

"The season is saved!"

"5-4 at worst until Romo comes back... playoffs a strong possibility now!"

"Great adjustments by Wade!"

"Brad's a capable backup after all!"

Winning... cures... all.
And then back to where we are now if we get killed by the Giants. :laugh2:


Zone Scribe
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Boysboy;2366723 said:
Aside from Jay Ratliffe and MB3, he hasn't been very good either.

Not defending Jerry, but Tuna hasn't been any better.

Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better at night. Any time you find starters and solid contributors in the 2nd day of the draft and undrafted free agency it's a great pick. Tuna found more than his fare share. Jerry and Larry couldn't find one in 9 years.


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InmanRoshi;2366727 said:
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better at night.

How do you feel about the OL(and its depth) that Bill "built"?


Zone Scribe
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Boysboy;2366729 said:
How do you feel about the OL(and its depth) that Bill "built"?

How do you feel about that All Pro QB found and developed as an undrafted free agent?

"Bill Parcells didn't have anything to do with Romo" in 3 ..... 2 ..... 1....


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InmanRoshi;2366695 said:
Cowboy fans have to blame everything on the coaching, or this player or that player, or a scheme change ... because the reality is too depressing to confront. Because Jerry is never going to change and he's never going to sell. So we just have to convince ourselves every offseason that "Oh, if we just changed coaches, everything will be okay". "Oh, if we just changed around this X's and O's strategy, everything will work itself out". "Oh, we just need a new safety. Or a new 2nd TE. Or a right guard. I think our middle linebacker singlehandedly held the entire franchise back last year .. that bum!! It's all his fault".

It will be mildly funny if Parcells rebuilds the Dolphins and wins a playoff game in Miami before Jerry wins one in Dallas.

So lets assume the real problem IS Jerry.

I know people LOVE to speak in definitive terms here so...

Don't give me this "we're doomed as long as Jerry is here" stuff because Jerry HAS been here for 3 SB wins.

MAYBE we cannot win a SB with Jerry & Wade as a combo (Bill, Campo or Gailey).

Maybe Jerry's presence necessitates that we hire a certain kind of HC that can work effectively with him.

But the theory that Jerry's presence precludes winning a SB here has already been proven false. And if anyone want's to argue that Switzer's doesn't count (Jimmy's team) Jimmy is the only one who could ever do this and there are no more Jimmy's... well please excuse me from that futile conversation.

Lastly, if the Dolphins win a playoff game before Dallas it could just as easily be because Sparano is HC rather than Bill himself. It doesn't mean that its Jerry.


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InmanRoshi;2366730 said:
How do you feel about that All Pro QB found as an undrafted free agent?

That Sean Payton found, b/c of his Eastern Illinois ties?


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Boysboy;2366729 said:
How do you feel about the OL(and its depth) that Bill "built"?

Gurode at center, columbo at right tackle, flo at left tackle and kyle kosier at left guard look pretty good to me.

Corey procter was brought in under bill and mcquistan was drafted under bill.

Whats your point? Lots of coaches would have quit on flo and gurode and not too many people had any interest in columbo.


Fear the Afro
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Does anybody believe that the D scheme is what sucks?

Maybe Brain wasn't putting his players in the right spots to make plays.

Now since Wade is calling the plays now (officially) we should give him these next two games to iron things out.

If the D hasn't made any improvments....then you throw Wade under the bus.

Does anybody else feels this way? :starspin


Double Trouble
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Boysboy;2366719 said:
1) Spencer was very good last year

2) He's not injury-prone. Wasn't last year, but just had some back luck this year. So does that make Flo injury-prone just b/c he happened to miss most of that '05 season with a knee injury, despite starting every other game in his career?
Spencer wasn't "very good" last year. There's a big difference in "very good" and promising.

We don't know if he's injury prone or not. He's been here a year and a half.


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Boysboy;2366732 said:
That Sean Payton found, b/c of his Eastern Illinois ties?


The reason romo signed here was because our qb situation was horrendous. Everyone is always looking to give credit to different people for romo. But the simple fact is he knew the qb's here were terrible and the quickest path to the playing field was in Dallas.

Sure he probably had a leg up with payton, but he did in denver too where they offered him more money.

And one of the main reasons he is so good is because he wasnt rushed and he was surrounded with good coaches and veteran players.

Ya think Jerry and larry wouldnt have cut him in camp in 03 or 04 had it not been for bill/payton/lee? I sure do. Jerry chases rainbows and pots of gold all the time.

Drew Henson ring a bell?


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theebs;2366733 said:
Gurode at center, columbo at right tackle, flo at left tackle and kyle kosier at left guard look pretty good to me.

Corey procter was brought in under bill and mcquistan was drafted under bill.

Whats your point? Lots of coaches would have quit on flo and gurode and not too many people had any interest in columbo.

Huh? Flo was drafted in '98 when Gailey was HC. Gurode was drafted in '02 when Campo was HC. Wasn't Columbo a Jerry move? I thought Proctor sucks? No? And if McQ is so good, then why hasn't didn't he look good in preseason against backup ends?

Does Al Johnson, Pederman, and Jacob Rogers ring a bell?


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Chocolate Lab;2366601 said:
What did Jerry do like this last year, cowboyed? My impression is that things went so well, he didn't have to do anything like this. Ok, if he is a meddling owner/gm then he may have influenced Wade even last season with positive results and that 13 - whatever record should be co-credited.

Now, I just want to get it straight... You think it's a good idea for players to be able to go over the head of the head coach? Generally stating, I don't. But if the head coach is ineffective or protects incompetent assistant coaches what recourse would players have, particularly if the players may have provided the feedback? What if these veteran players did go to Jerry and told him the coaches are not listening.

What if Jerry told them ordinarily Wade should handle this but that he would address their concerns with Wade and after Jones and Wade discussed matters he (Wade) sought to resolve matters more urgently.

What would be wrong with that considering Jerry is the GM. We have a couple of lines of negative reporting but do not know the complete circumstances.

My issue with you at times choco is that you are quick to assume the worst about Jerry and it seems every opportunity you get you will report and expound on the tiniest negative nugget. There have been instances fans have assumed the worst over something Jerry purportedly did and it was found to be untrue.

I won't call you pathetic no matter how you answer, cowboyed, even if I disagree.
I didn't mean to imply you are pathetic. This particular post is what I view as pathetic. And to me your posting rush to judgment is mean-spirited. I guess I am getting my hackles up because any time this team faces adversity the anti-Jones contingent comes out.

I always thought you were more balanced than that and I do have a high regard for you despite our differences on Jones. You seem look at Jerry as some sinister master puppeteer and most coaches that have worked for him have stated that he is very involved as an owner and expectedly as a GM but that he does allow coaches to coach.


Fear the Afro
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Ren;2366666 said:
Jerry needs to stop listening to Ellis he will always find something to whine about no matter what. As for Tank what has he done for anyone to even bother listening to him?

After getting your butts handed to you, you need something to change.

As for Tank if I sucked in Brian's scheme I would gripe too.:D


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Double Trouble;2366738 said:
Spencer wasn't "very good" last year. There's a big difference in "very good" and promising.

We don't know if he's injury prone or not. He's been here a year and a half.

Our pass rush improved tremendously b/c he gave us another body along with Ware and Ellis.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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parcells316;2366718 said:
Last year's class doesn't look great given the fact they could have taken Lamarr Woodley instead of Spencer. Spencer looks like Mr. August. Maybe she will get healthy.

You have to pin that on the coaches. Spencer played well last year, but they cut his time when Ellis came back. You can't get better if you don't play. Did you notice who was playing in the playoff game last year in the second half? It wasn't the old man. It was Spencer. Did you see Greg Ellis missing Amonte Toomer on his TD pass early in the game?

Second, who's bright idea was it to keep Spencer on special teams (covering kicks) coming off a knee scope.

Remember, Spencer was playing lights out in camp, and the knee injury against a cut-block team set him back. I think Phillips wanted to replace Ellis with Spencer, but the injuries have prevented it for now. It didn't take Ellis long to go crying to Jerry Jones. There is no loyalty there.

This team needs Anthony Spencer starting and getting the bulk of the playing time, opposite of Ware. He has the talent, and he was more polished than Ware after coming out of Purdue. Plus, he had better grades than Shaun Phillips.


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Boysboy;2366743 said:
Huh? Flo was drafted in '98 when Gailey was HC. Gurode was drafted in '02 when Campo was HC. Wasn't Columbo a Jerry move? I thought Proctor sucks? No? And if McQ is so good, then why hasn't didn't he look good in preseason against backup ends?

Does Al Johnson, Pederman, and Jacob Rogers ring a bell?

LOL what?

Flo was terrible before bill got here. No one could get through to the guy, he was one of bills pet projects. he whipped him into shape.

Columbo was brought in by jerry? that is news to me. Especially seeing that brian gaine and Jeff ireland were running the pro personnel department and made those decisions.

and gurode was a guy without a position. Bill made him become a center....and one of the reasons gurode got better was when al johnson came aboard and basically took his job, gurode worked harder and took the job back.

Parcells missed on rogers. Absolutely. Now care to name some of the lineman jerry and larry drafted before bill? Or even howbout james marten last year...


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theebs;2366751 said:
Parcells missed on rogers. Absolutely. Now care to name some of the lineman jerry and larry drafted before bill? Or even howbout james marten last year...

Larry Allen. Game over. :laugh2: (j/k)

28 Joker

28 Joker
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As far as the defense goes, the buck stops with Wade Phillips, imo. He has to be in on the gameplans, and he has the headset on his head. I can't believe Phillips isn't suggesting calls on defense. Please. It is his defense. The defense is his coaching life. If it goes, he goes. I will not believe that Brian Stewart has complete control of this defense.

Brian Stewart is taking the heat for Phillips. If the players have a problem, go to the head coach, not the owner/GM.


Double Trouble
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cowboyed;2366744 said:
I didn't mean to imply you are pathetic by posting - something I view as pathetic, but to me your posting rush to judgment is mean-spirited. I guess I am getting my hackles up because any time this team faces adversity the anti-Jones contingent comes out.

I always thought you were more and I do have a high regard for you despite our differences on Jones. You seem look at him as some sinister master puppeteer and most coaches that have worked for him have stated that he is very involved as an owner and expectedly as a GM but that he does allow coaches to coach.

If this is what happened, Wade is now utterly useless as a HC, if he wasn't already. He has no authority whatsoever over this team. His players can't possibly respect him if they believe that the guy to go to for the game plan is the owner.

This situation is pathetic.