More bad news from Mosley


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theebs;2366754 said:
Yep, that was in 94.

got anymore?

As a matter of fact I do. Flozell Adams.

But then I already included j/k so I'm not sure why I need to add more.

I guess its because that while I agree that Bill & Jerry is a FAR better draft duo than Jerry & Larry, you seem to want to ignore any data that doesn't support your conclusion so I just thought I'd throw a couple wrenches in your argument just for fun.



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Givincer;2366495 said:
What cures all this is wins.

And once we get Romo back, we will be back to our usual ways of racking them up.

Winning doesnt cure all in this case.

HOW we start playing.
HOW we win.

THAT will cure all.

Winning has masked problems for 2+ years now.


Kane Ala
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While I understand the frustration, I don't understand everyone running around blaming basically everything. I mean I've heard it all.

Listen closely. We are losing right now because of too many injuries. Too many turnovers. Too many drive killing penalties. Poor tackling. Poor blocking. Ridiculously poor STs play.

While everyone has faults it's not pouting, tattle telling, softness, hardness or whatevery your pet theory is that is costing us games. It's the poor play. Now since basically the same team went 13-3 last year then it's probable they're not that soft. Or that untalented. Or that the schemes and coaching are that bad. Or that Jerry has taken over the team.

You can't win with all those turnovers, poor field position, getting behind that far that soon without your QB, yada yada yada.


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theebs;2366751 said:
LOL what?

Flo was terrible before bill got here. No one could get through to the guy, he was one of bills pet projects. he whipped him into shape.

Columbo was brought in by jerry? that is news to me. Especially seeing that brian gaine and Jeff ireland were running the pro personnel department and made those decisions.

and gurode was a guy without a position. Bill made him become a center....and one of the reasons gurode got better was when al johnson came aboard and basically took his job, gurode worked harder and took the job back.

Parcells missed on rogers. Absolutely. Now care to name some of the lineman jerry and larry drafted before bill? Or even howbout james marten last year...

Just to add on Parcells did re-sign Flozell when he was entering FA, and a lot of people considered it a risky move. It paid off.


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41gy#;2366750 said:
You have to pin that on the coaches. Spencer played well last year, but they cut his time when Ellis came back. You can't get better if you don't play. Did you notice who was playing in the playoff game last year in the second half? It wasn't the old man. It was Spencer. Did you see Greg Ellis missing Amonte Toomer on his TD pass early in the game?

Second, who's bright idea was it to keep Spencer on special teams (covering kicks) coming off a knee scope.

Remember, Spencer was playing lights out in camp, and the knee injury against a cut-block team set him back. I think Phillips wanted to replace Ellis with Spencer, but the injuries have prevented it for now. It didn't take Ellis long to go crying to Jerry Jones. There is no loyalty there.

This team needs Anthony Spencer starting and getting the bulk of the playing time, opposite of Ware. He has the talent, and he was more polished than Ware after coming out of Purdue. Plus, he had better grades than Shaun Phillips.

My opinion on Spencer is exactly as yours... Greg Ellis shouldn't be starting at all and should be coming in on specific packages... he has been utterly useless in getting to the QB this year...


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ninja;2366553 said:
At this point, I'd take Jerry Jones over Wade as head coach. Seriously! Jerry knows football.

If Jerry knew football he would never countenance players bypassing ANY head coach to speak directly with him. Sorry ninja. It's a fact.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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If you saw Hard Knocks, Spencer was most likely going to start this year. They said he was virtually unblockable and was having one of the best camps of anyone. He just got hurt.

But it does seem even more sad for Jerry to act on the words of two basically backup players, doesn't it?

And Cowboyed, maybe you haven't read many of my posts on Jerry, but I had been defending Jerry. I thought he'd learned something in the last several years. He hired Wade over an old crony in Norv. He had a couple of pretty good drafts. He seemed like he was staying out of the way.

But I think undermining your head coach is an incredibly stupid thing to do, even if it does produce some temporary wins. I don't see how anyone could think otherwise.


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Nav22;2366502 said:
This board will be hilarious if we beat Tampa Bay. Hilarious in that it will be a complete 180 from the tone the last week and a half.

"The season is saved!"

"5-4 at worst until Romo comes back... playoffs a strong possibility now!"

"Great adjustments by Wade!"

"Brad's a capable backup after all!"

Winning... cures... all.

Amen Brother. We have to hold court this weekend. We have to come out and play agressive and get some turnovers. We have 2 wins on the road this year, and need at least 2 more. Win 6 home games and we get to 10.


The Cult of Jib
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I have a hard time using Hard Knocks to justify Spencer being "unblockable" in camp.

I am all for Spencer starting. But that's just because I believe Spencer can match the level of invisibility of Ellis, but provide better coverage and give this defense some more speed/athleticism.

If Spencer adds anything resembling a legitimate pass rushing option opposite Ware this year, I will be extremely happy and surprised.


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Just my two cents....

when has Ellis ever been happy?

and Im too believe Wade Phillips is changing his scheme because Jerry told him so? Wade is the same guy that wouldnt fire a pathetic ST coach and lost his job over he is doing whatever Jerry demands?

Just odd.

I know other teams do this and I wonder if Phillips has this in place here. Some teams assign a handfull of players to get feedback from the lockerroom and report those concerns to the coach. This happens on a weekly basis.....I think I read that is what the Giants do.

Lets say maybe in Dallas this is occuring. Ellis and others are just passing their concerns too Wade or Jerry. We have read these concerns with some of the defensive players. Could it be that Wade is listening to those concerns now? and that the media has thrown Jerry's name in there to make it look like he is coaching the team? Like most mediots believe?


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Chocolate Lab;2366485 said:
Ok, I say this with a small caveat... There's a 10% chance he was just being a smart***, but I'm almost positive he was serious about this:

He said Ellis basically thought he wasn't being rushed enough, and went to Jerry with his complaint. Tank did the same thing.

He says that Jerry basically went to Wade and asked him to change this, and also take over the playcalling from Stewart.

Mosley says that internally, this team looks even worse than it does from the outside.

Coach Jerry has to go, or we're headed back to 5-11. He just has to go. :banghead:

(I'll wait for the "Go Jerry, you rule!" comments, though.)

Ratliff and Ware told my friend the same thing, that they just want to lineup and attack and rush all day and the whole defense is p1ssed about that.


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MrMom;2366777 said:
Just to add on Parcells did re-sign Flozell when he was entering FA, and a lot of people considered it a risky move. It paid off.

Paid off?
Is he getting paid PER COSTLY PENALTY in KEY SPOTS??


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Vintage;2366806 said:
I have a hard time using Hard Knocks to justify Spencer being "unblockable" in camp.

I am all for Spencer starting. But that's just because I believe Spencer can match the level of invisibility of Ellis, but provide better coverage and give this defense some more speed/athleticism.

If Spencer adds anything resembling a legitimate pass rushing option opposite Ware this year, I will be extremely happy and surprised.

If Spencer stays healthy for two consecutive games, I will be extremely happy and surprised.



Zone Scribe
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I wouldn't be surprised if Alonzo Coleman was called the next Gayle Sayers at some point on Hard Knocks. The offseason Kool-Aid was flowing like the Nile River out at the Ranch.


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Chocolate Lab;2366485 said:
He said Ellis basically thought he wasn't being rushed enough, and went to Jerry with his complaint. Tank did the same thing.

He says that Jerry basically went to Wade and asked him to change this, and also take over the playcalling from Stewart.

Jerry let the players come to him when Switzer, Gailey and Campo were here, basically helping to undermine the authority of the head coach.

Now that BP's been gone he's right back to his old tricks.

Jerry never learns. Once it gets too bad he'll probably tuck his tail and bring someone in like he did with BP. But that won't last long, he can't help himself.

This organization really doesn't have a fighting chance til he's gone.


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Chocolate Lab;2366555 said:
It sure was last year. Who can coach when this kind of crap is going on?

Now, do you honestly believe it's a good idea for the players to be able to go over the coach's head and get their way?


come on CL..."get their way"?????

like I said, if they went to Wade and Stewart and expressed concerns, and they did nothing about it (which is apparent because the defense is just horrible) then I have no problem with the players moving it up the food chain...

and again, if "get their way" means doing what makes the most sense on defense, so be it.


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Alexander;2366575 said:
It is never good news when the players make a beeline to the owner to complain.

We have seen this once before under Gailey. That led to a complete puppet hire in Campo.

I guess you didnt notice, but Gailey sucked too.

He was even ridiculed by the Arizona Cardinal players and staff after that embarrassment of a playoff loss...


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theebs;2366733 said:
Gurode at center, columbo at right tackle, flo at left tackle and kyle kosier at left guard look pretty good to me.

Corey procter was brought in under bill and mcquistan was drafted under bill.

Whats your point? Lots of coaches would have quit on flo and gurode and not too many people had any interest in columbo.

Adams has been playing LT for a long time and was not drafted by Parcells

Columbo and Proctor are the two worst OL we have playing right now


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Bach;2366948 said:
Jerry let the players come to him when Switzer, Gailey and Campo were here, basically helping to undermine the authority of the head coach.

Now that BP's been gone he's right back to his old tricks.

Jerry never learns. Once it gets too bad he'll probably tuck his tail and bring someone in like he did with BP. But that won't last long, he can't help himself.

This organization really doesn't have a fighting chance til he's gone.

Exaggeration. We've won 3 SB's with him as owner.

Doesn't make him perfect. Far from it. But also doesn't preclude our chances of winning SB's going forward because there is already a proven SB winning formula which included Jerry.


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CoCo;2367001 said:
Exaggeration. We've won 3 SB's with him as owner.

Doesn't make him perfect. Far from it. But also doesn't preclude our chances of winning SB's going forward because there is already a proven SB winning formula which included Jerry.
what has he done since Jimmy's team?