FEATURED Morning Pops!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. I love mornings while I'm the only one up. Just imagining and sipping from my Yeti mug full of coffee. Then after a while, logging on to say hello to good friends I've never met. Hello, friends. Xelda, I hope everything turns out well for you.


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Morning, Pops and pen pals. I love mornings while I'm the only one up. Just imagining and sipping from my Yeti mug full of coffee. Then after a while, logging on to say hello to good friends I've never met. Hello, friends. Xelda, I hope everything turns out well for you.
Ahhhhh yes, harkens me back to being the first up on Saturday mornings, bowl of cereal and cartoons and shows written for sleepy children who can't remember they locked up that bad guy last week. Or worse! Shot him and brought him back to life!!!!! This is what's wrong with our criminal justice system. Before there was The Walking Dead or Romero's zombie flicks, there was Roy Rogers.


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Morning Pops and those that wish when they woke up this morning they had feet in the pajamas. Leon got me all longing for those days before the dawning of the truth and I was an innocent 6 year old watching his magical world of cartoons with hidden messages of all out violence. Ah, yes, to be 6 again because 7 was when I went bad.

I await the arrival of the yardmen, that's what I call the men that do the yard. I like watching others work, makes me feel fulfilled that I have, once again, dodged a task that I can't abide, the repetitive ones because that grass is just going to grow back. I don't spend any time in the front yard anyway, if it was up to me, this place would look like Freddy Krueger lives here. I hope their faster than they were the last time, I watched them so long I got fatigued and had to take an additional nap.

Hope you have a nice weekend filled with moments of joy and wonder.


Regular Joe....
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You have a Yeti mug?

I got a couple mugs, I got a UT mug, I got a UNC mug, I got a Cowboy mug and I got an old Navy Mug but I ain't got a Yeti mug.

Morning Pops. Good Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have decided to stop in and visit this thread.

Leon, I'm with you. I especially like that in the Fall. For whatever reason, I like when there is a little nip in the air and you can stand outside with a hot cup of coffee to enjoy the morning air. I get it man.

How is everybody doing today? It's Friday and you know I always look forward to that.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you all have a great weekend.

Everyone, the season is close now, we only have to endure this a little while longer and then we have Football Back! Please, have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
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Afternoon Pops and friends. Thank you, Leon. Glad it's nice where you are, Runny. We've got South in the Summer here.

Well I either have to close now or complain about yard work, I think I'll complain. :thumbup: I don't know who's idea it was to put the yard outside in the heat. I'm certain it would look better inside. I went out to run the edger that digs into the ground next to and sometimes on the concrete driveway. I got everything edged up nicely and blown clean because it's too danged hot to sweep. I painted the little flag on my mail box and forgot to use glitter, dang it! A clear coat and sparkle might be in it's future if inspiration hits. I raked the grass clippings with my glitter rake. Glitter takes the mundane and turns it into something ritzy. The heat was reminding me of the comforts of the inside, so I stopped looking for extra tasks.

Have a good day everyone and be safe in the water, Coach.


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Afternoon Pops and friends. Thank you, Leon. Glad it's nice where you are, Runny. We've got South in the Summer here.

Well I either have to close now or complain about yard work, I think I'll complain. :thumbup: I don't know who's idea it was to put the yard outside in the heat. I'm certain it would look better inside. I went out to run the edger that digs into the ground next to and sometimes on the concrete driveway. I got everything edged up nicely and blown clean because it's too danged hot to sweep. I painted the little flag on my mail box and forgot to use glitter, dang it! A clear coat and sparkle might be in it's future if inspiration hits. I raked the grass clippings with my glitter rake. Glitter takes the mundane and turns it into something ritzy. The heat was reminding me of the comforts of the inside, so I stopped looking for extra tasks.

Have a good day everyone and be safe in the water, Coach.
ABQ, I'll do my best to stay out of the water.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the weekend! Anybody got any special plans? Just make sure you enjoy the heck out of whatever you do even if it's just napping.

You have a Yeti mug?
Yep. I love it and it keeps the coffee hot to the last drop. Or, if you were referring to my face, the answer is still yes.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the weekend! Anybody got any special plans? Just make sure you enjoy the heck out of whatever you do even if it's just napping.

Yep. I love it and it keeps the coffee hot to the last drop. Or, if you were referring to my face, the answer is still yes.
Actually, I thought you had a coffee cup with a Yeti on it.


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Good morning Pops and friends. Heading back to home sweet home in a couple of hours. We’re bringing my mom. We’ll make a few pit stops along the way making sure she’s comfortable.

It’s going to be hot outside but we’ll be nice and cool. I’m very thankful for ac this time of year.

Have a great weekend everyone.


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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends. Welcome to Saturday!

After all this discussion about Yeti cups, I had to take stock of my cup/mug situation this morning. I have an assortment of Texas A&M mugs, Starbucks cups, Yeti-like Coleman cups, Cowboys' mug, along with an array of Disney character cups (for the grandkids, of course, but I use them when they are not here - my favorite is a Frozen cup :) ). Alas, no Yeti cups... Am I missing something??

We are headed into the high mountains this weekend. Some friends bought about 100 acres in the southern CO Rockies and we're going to check it out. I think my wife has been plotting with our friends to view the ajacent property. It's about 11,000 feet and while wonderfully cool in the summer, they measure snowfall in 10's of feet. Yikes!!

Have a good weekend. Not long before we can actually see football and answer the age old questions:. Zeke - will he or won't he? Dak - can he? Gregory - is he?


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends. Welcome to Saturday!

After all this discussion about Yeti cups, I had to take stock of my cup/mug situation this morning. I have an assortment of Texas A&M mugs, Starbucks cups, Yeti-like Coleman cups, Cowboys' mug, along with an array of Disney character cups (for the grandkids, of course, but I use them when they are not here - my favorite is a Frozen cup :) ). Alas, no Yeti cups... Am I missing something??

We are headed into the high mountains this weekend. Some friends bought about 100 acres in the southern CO Rockies and we're going to check it out. I think my wife has been plotting with our friends to view the ajacent property. It's about 11,000 feet and while wonderfully cool in the summer, they measure snowfall in 10's of feet. Yikes!!

Have a good weekend. Not long before we can actually see football and answer the age old questions:. Zeke - will he or won't he? Dak - can he? Gregory - is he?
I'd consider buying that property, if it includes a tunnel that comes out in Arizona.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. It's been raining here off and on since the wee hours of the morning. I guess we can use the water but it means I won't be able to mow the back field today. There are worse things in the world. We had a problem with little fruit gnats, or whatever they're called, in our kitchen. My daughter put out a little bowl of apple cider vinegar, covered it with saran wrap and poked a few holes in it with a toothpick. Problem solved! Have a blessed day, Y'all.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I'd consider buying that property, if it includes a tunnel that comes out in Arizona.
No tunnels, but an assortment of elk, deer, bobcats (which reminds me of Bobcat Goldthwait - but that's a completely different story), bear, and one lone mountain loin.

We hiked a couple of properties and I was completely winded within just a few minutes. The air is very thin at 11,248 ft. As beautiful as it was, it is probably too remote even for my taste.

One of the highlights of the short trip was a stop at a small village coffee shop. The cafe had a full contingent of pseudo-Hell's bikers (minimum age was probably 60), all with big mugs of coffee and one with - I kid you not - a Disney Frozen mug.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No tunnels, but an assortment of elk, deer, bobcats (which reminds me of Bobcat Goldthwait - but that's a completely different story), bear, and one lone mountain loin.

We hiked a couple of properties and I was completely winded within just a few minutes. The air is very thin at 11,248 ft. As beautiful as it was, it is probably too remote even for my taste.

One of the highlights of the short trip was a stop at a small village coffee shop. The cafe had a full contingent of pseudo-Hell's bikers (minimum age was probably 60), all with big mugs of coffee and one with - I kid you not - a Disney Frozen mug.
So, you and an old 1 Percenter wannabe have something in common!...and you didn't get his number??? :muttley: