FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Evening Pops and everyone.

Been busy with work and only peeking in on the posts. Hope all is well with everyone.

Got out of work on time tonight, came "home" and canned the couple tomatoes someone gave me. My first quart is done for the year... so that's good for 1/2 of a 'me' batch of chili. Gettin' close to that time of year... I can't wait:D.

Have a great evening.


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That duck is hilarious!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Happy hump day! I hope everyone is bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning and feeling good. Guess I'll play golf this morning as I haven't played in a few weeks. Should be interesting. Have a great day!


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It's HOT Pops! It's HOT friends! It's Summer 2.0 here in Looziana.
Morning Pops, and happy pre-prefriday! For some reason, I can't get the visual of an annoying camel out of my head.

Nothing exciting to report today, but don't worry @Xelda , NYC Day is coming soon.
I am looking forward to it. I'd also like to apologize for the rowdy driving of my youth around big rigs. There, my conscience is clean! I was afraid of facing a mob of angry truck drivers when I got to Heaven.
Morning Pops and good morning to you and you and you and you and you and you and especially, you. But not you, staying in bed after 10, the very idea.
HEY! Somebody's gotta do it. Carpe Diem the snooze button folks!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It's HOT Pops! It's HOT friends! It's Summer 2.0 here in Looziana.

I am looking forward to it. I'd also like to apologize for the rowdy driving of my youth around big rigs. There, my conscience is clean! I was afraid of facing a mob of angry truck drivers when I got to Heaven.

HEY! Somebody's gotta do it. Carpe Diem the snooze button folks!
Hahaha, silly girl. Truck drivers don't go to heaven. Just our language alone would keep us out, if St. Pete asks for the password.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. I shot 44 on the front 9 yesterday which is acceptable for me, but I wilted in the 100 degree weather on the back nine and shot 47. Going to the eye surgeon to get another injection this morning. We leave tomorrow to go spend a month at the condo and get it ready for use as a weekly vacation rental. I'm really looking forward to it. Have a great day, Y'all.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good morning Pops and everyone else going to their last day of PT. Today is re-evaluation day, which I could never convince any of my teachers to consider.

Tell ya what I am re-evaluating, my choice of where to live. However, I have this dilemma. I moved here, mostly for emotional reasons and not well thought out reasoning, to be close to family but I am not happy where I live. However, I do not know if I would be happy living somewhere else and how do I explain this to my older son, the one with my grandchildren, if I did decide to move back to the Northwest? Pack up some more guilt and head out?

That old saying you can't make others happy until you are happy has me examining exactly what happiness is and if a change of climate and scenery would really have any effect on that. I've been thinking about this for quite some time and doing a little self-analysis and find that I am a better doctor than cooperative patient. The best definition of happiness for myself is nothing more than the absence of unhappiness. So I do what I can for fleeting moments of the lack of unhappiness. I do that here a lot. I really think that's why I come here.

That's a weird way to look at happiness and life in general but I am coming to believe that's just as good as it's going to get for me and I have to be accepting of that. The real challenge of finding true happiness is first defining that for myself and I don't know what that looks like or if it's hiding in another location. I do not know if I have ever been truly happy and that really saddens me. I took those gifts of happiness for granted while I searched for happiness.

Anyway, when you are happy, my friends, stop and drink that in. Freeze that moment and imprint that into your memory bank because that vault needs to be full.


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Good morning Pops and everyone else going to their last day of PT. Today is re-evaluation day, which I could never convince any of my teachers to consider.

Tell ya what I am re-evaluating, my choice of where to live. However, I have this dilemma. I moved here, mostly for emotional reasons and not well thought out reasoning, to be close to family but I am not happy where I live. However, I do not know if I would be happy living somewhere else and how do I explain this to my older son, the one with my grandchildren, if I did decide to move back to the Northwest? Pack up some more guilt and head out?

That old saying you can't make others happy until you are happy has me examining exactly what happiness is and if a change of climate and scenery would really have any effect on that. I've been thinking about this for quite some time and doing a little self-analysis and find that I am a better doctor than cooperative patient. The best definition of happiness for myself is nothing more than the absence of unhappiness. So I do what I can for fleeting moments of the lack of unhappiness. I do that here a lot. I really think that's why I come here.

That's a weird way to look at happiness and life in general but I am coming to believe that's just as good as it's going to get for me and I have to be accepting of that. The real challenge of finding true happiness is first defining that for myself and I don't know what that looks like or if it's hiding in another location. I do not know if I have ever been truly happy and that really saddens me. I took those gifts of happiness for granted while I searched for happiness.

Anyway, when you are happy, my friends, stop and drink that in. Freeze that moment and imprint that into your memory bank because that vault needs to be full.
Morning Pops and everyone.

CC...I'm at work but am going to take the risk of getting called out for being on my cell phone to respond to this. I had true happiness at one point and it was brought to me at a time in my life when I needed it desperately... like, I was toeing the edge of 'not existing' shall we say. Personal happiness is so important. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for that one person that showed me how ONE person can make such an impact. Then he got snatched away but I feel he was sent to me for a reason...an odd guardian angel with his 6'4" frame and dreads, but mine nonetheless. The way he was taken from us I figure I was also brought into his life to see him through to his end, and now I'm still here to impact someone else's life. I used to diminish my need for existing and then found I was needed. You're needed and whether you know it or feel like it, you are making an impact too. I wish more people would let others know when they've meant something to them. You'll find your happiness. I'm looking for that again as once just wasn't enough. For now I'm content, but unsettled. I've found in my whopping 52 years of life experience that happiness is not in the geography...

Everyone be blessed and bless someone today along the way.


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Morning Pops and friends. I'm trying to force water down my throat for the test today and my stomach isn't happy with my hands. They keep pushing a cup up with water for me to drink. Mouth isn't happy either and wants to know where the regular drinks are. As is the case every single time, it's drive to the facility and run inside for the bathroom, then sit in the lobby to fill out paper work and sneak off to use the potty again. During this second pee break is when they finally come looking for me to start the process. At least these people are certifiably good with those needles and my quivering veins.

Leon, I see you sneaking that golf math in on me. It all flies over my head just like algebra. I had 9 full months to sit in a class with zero comprehension and a sorry excuse for a teacher. Only 5 passed her class, so I don't feel the need for any condemnation. Now tell us where to meet you because our bags are packed!

Coach, I think about the entire country as open to me when my ties here are done. One day at work, a customer came in and paid his account off. I asked if he was interested in upgrading. He said "no" he and his husband were leaving the states and moving to an island. My shoulders relaxed and the thought of that possibility swam through my head for weeks. That's my dream, but it's not everyone's. If you can fly in and spend quality time with family, maybe they'll understand that a man like you can't be tied down to this hot box when there are less sweaty widder wimmens out there to lay your charms on.


Regular Joe....
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Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to any and all who swing this way to check out the thread.

Well, starting up the grind towards the end of year in Federal. Getting busy but not complaining. Need it to continue.

How has everybody been? Tell me all the good stuff only!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all well, winding down towards Friday so that's always welcome, as you know.

Everyone, have a great rest of the day and a better evening, for tomorrow is Friday!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. My eye is sore this morning from the injection yesterday but I can't worry about that. We're leaving for the Bahamas this morning. This time tomorrow morning I'll be sitting on my balcony drinking coffee and watching the waves roll in. I will be incommunicado for the next few days until I can get wi-fi installed in the condo. I hope everyone has a truly enjoyable day.


Well-Known Member
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. My eye is sore this morning from the injection yesterday but I can't worry about that. We're leaving for the Bahamas this morning. This time tomorrow morning I'll be sitting on my balcony drinking coffee and watching the waves roll in. I will be incommunicado for the next few days until I can get wi-fi installed in the condo. I hope everyone has a truly enjoyable day.
Morning Pops and everyone.

Finally Friday (load the song...)

Leon, enjoy your time away.

Everyone enjoy your day and have a great weekend!