FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Good morning Pops and I hope where y'all live isn't getting this heat. The heat index is topping 110 for today and the next 10 days in a row and Leon is heading to the beach at the right time.

This would be a good time to read all those posts from the winter with the cold and the snow to remind us that this is the price we pay to avoid that but when you're sweating bullets, it's not easy to recall when the chamber was empty.

One of our own could use some check in and encouragement. cowboy_ron was a member with us on the old site and was a great contributor over there and here as well, known for his succinct and funny lines. The thread is CZ Friends and he's having some serious heart issues and has been hospitalized and they're trying something new to treat him and if you read between the lines, he's needing some thoughts sent his way.

Be good to yourself and better to others.


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Morning Pops and friends. I'm watering my yard since I no longer have confidence in the weather channel to predict rain for my area. I'm happy to live in an age of technology that allows me to deal with tasks with the click of a button or turn of a knob, then get on and talk with people all over the country in CZ.

Morning, Pops and pen pals. My eye is sore this morning from the injection yesterday but I can't worry about that. We're leaving for the Bahamas this morning. This time tomorrow morning I'll be sitting on my balcony drinking coffee and watching the waves roll in. I will be incommunicado for the next few days until I can get wi-fi installed in the condo. I hope everyone has a truly enjoyable day.
I hope your eye recoups fast, Leon. Enjoy those sweet, sweet waves and let the ocean breezes embrace you. Inhale the salty air and raise a tall one for us. I just ordered a sea shell themed candle holder and a beach themed quilt with sea shells and happy, lovey beach words. It's as close as I can get for a while, so maybe you can raise two or three tall ones for me or five of those little umbrella drinks. I'm so happy for you. :(;)

I'm both relieved and concerned after hearing from Ron. These doctors need to get on the stick and get him back on his feet. That's their job and we demand results! Coach, check and see if Hector has any friends in Dallas. We know he's a bad influence, but he's been pretty faithful to you so I guess we can trust him.

TGIF everyone.


Regular Joe....
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Afternoon Pops, Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who either have stopped in or will stop in, before the day is out.

Leon, you are a Globe Trotter my friend! Enjoy the Pink Beaches, Blue Lagoon, Eleuthera Island (I think that's how it's spelled?), and all the rest. Lots of good diving and snorkeling if you like that. Also some pretty decent food, but I'm sure you know all of this. Whatever the case, enjoy it Brother. Come back and tell us all the great stories! I myself, I have a pre-season game to get ready for. If I can't go to the Bahama's, then that's a very decent second option for me! ;-)

Watering the Yard....... The should of included that in the old saying Xelda. "Death, Taxes and Watering the Damn Yard!"

Jan, what you got planned this weekend?

"Be Good To Yourself and Better To Others........" I can't improve on that Coach. So I'll simply say I agree.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all well on your way to a great Weekend! Enjoy yourself's, just not to much.... ;)

Everybody TGIF! Have fun, be safe and in the words of Coach, Be Good To Yourselves and Be Better To Others! Everybody, welcome to the Weekend!


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Afternoon Pops, Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who either have stopped in or will stop in, before the day is out.

Leon, you are a Globe Trotter my friend! Enjoy the Pink Beaches, Blue Lagoon, Eleuthera Island (I think that's how it's spelled?), and all the rest. Lots of good diving and snorkeling if you like that. Also some pretty decent food, but I'm sure you know all of this. Whatever the case, enjoy it Brother. Come back and tell us all the great stories! I myself, I have a pre-season game to get ready for. If I can't go to the Bahama's, then that's a very decent second option for me! ;-)

Watering the Yard....... The should of included that in the old saying Xelda. "Death, Taxes and Watering the Damn Yard!"

Jan, what you got planned this weekend?

"Be Good To Yourself and Better To Others........" I can't improve on that Coach. So I'll simply say I agree.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all well on your way to a great Weekend! Enjoy yourself's, just not to much.... ;)

Everybody TGIF! Have fun, be safe and in the words of Coach, Be Good To Yourselves and Be Better To Others! Everybody, welcome to the Weekend!
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Sitting at work. Boss was gone all week so work is at a standstill until he gets back to me on what I gave him to review this week. Monday will be terrible I'm sure.

Weekend plans? Start tomorrow the same as today...and maybe Sunday too: logging more miles on these shoes, maybe visit the farmers market. Going out to visit mom Saturday. Sunday is my day for me to do whatever I want or nothing at all.

Enjoy the preseason folks!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Sitting at work. Boss was gone all week so work is at a standstill until he gets back to me on what I gave him to review this week. Monday will be terrible I'm sure.

Weekend plans? Start tomorrow the same as today...and maybe Sunday too: logging more miles on these shoes, maybe visit the farmers market. Going out to visit mom Saturday. Sunday is my day for me to do whatever I want or nothing at all.

Enjoy the preseason folks!
I get to look forward to going to Manhattan on Monday morning, right smack between the Brooklyn Bridge and the World Trade Center, to hand off half a truckload of mouldings.... Talk about making a weekend hard to enjoy.


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I get to look forward to going to Manhattan on Monday morning, right smack between the Brooklyn Bridge and the World Trade Center, to hand off half a truckload of mouldings.... Talk about making a weekend hard to enjoy.
Keep your mind in the present and don't let Monday's job ruin a perfect weekend. NY can't touch you this weekend, we won't let it.


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Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Skipped the farmers market... I boogered up my ankle a little on my jog this morning so walked the last 1/4 or so if the route... I think maybe a minor strain or sprain. No swelling but this tells me tomorrow is a day off and I need to stretch these tired old muscles and tendons a bit more before I head out the next timeo_O. I think the bowflex and hand weights are begging for some attention so that'll be tomorrow I suppose.

Got some more tomatoes from a work associate yesterday so I'll get to do a little more canning tomorrow :).

Went to mom's this morning for a visit also. My sister and two nieces were there also. I think they felt lost and confused. My sister and I spent a good part of the visit (for some reason) reminiscing about the cartoons from the late 60's and 70's. The looks we got when we were talking about Touché Turtle and sleestaks and the others... :huh:...

Back to the weekend chores.

Have a great day.


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Good afternoon Pops and forgive me but I am going off here a little as I am really pissed. My groomer cut my little female's pad yesterday and I had to take her to the vet but they don't like to do sutures on the pads because of the location but my little girl has a big bandage and is limping and obviously depressed.

Her name is ChaCha but my nickname for her is "crazy girl' because she's a nut and really funny but she's just laying around and I alternate between being mad and sad because this groomer has expressed what a struggle it is to do their paws because they don't like to have their feet messed with and now I have to change her bandage once a day. The groomer is a nice lady, loves dogs and was obviously upset and mistakes happen but this one I cannot forgive. She knew what it took to do their paws and was careless.

To add to this, my dogs do not like to go to the groomer or vet and she had to go from the groomer straight to the vet and if you have dogs you know how they can look at you and you can read that look. ChaCha just keeps looking at me like "why did you let this happen to me" with her little eyes all sad? Breaking my damn heart, it is.

Wouldn't be a big deal to a lot of people but this is my family, it's me and ChaCha and Mojito against the world. They have helped me get through the worst times in my life and always been there for me.

Anyway, enough of that, headed to 102 today and climbing daily to 105 on Tuesday. So, I might as well be madder than hell because it's going to be hotter than hell.


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Good afternoon Pops and forgive me but I am going off here a little as I am really pissed. My groomer cut my little female's pad yesterday and I had to take her to the vet but they don't like to do sutures on the pads because of the location but my little girl has a big bandage and is limping and obviously depressed.

Her name is ChaCha but my nickname for her is "crazy girl' because she's a nut and really funny but she's just laying around and I alternate between being mad and sad because this groomer has expressed what a struggle it is to do their paws because they don't like to have their feet messed with and now I have to change her bandage once a day. The groomer is a nice lady, loves dogs and was obviously upset and mistakes happen but this one I cannot forgive. She knew what it took to do their paws and was careless.

To add to this, my dogs do not like to go to the groomer or vet and she had to go from the groomer straight to the vet and if you have dogs you know how they can look at you and you can read that look. ChaCha just keeps looking at me like "why did you let this happen to me" with her little eyes all sad? Breaking my damn heart, it is.

Wouldn't be a big deal to a lot of people but this is my family, it's me and ChaCha and Mojito against the world. They have helped me get through the worst times in my life and always been there for me.

Anyway, enough of that, headed to 102 today and climbing daily to 105 on Tuesday. So, I might as well be madder than hell because it's going to be hotter than hell.
Dogs are by far the best 'people' I've known. If I could've cloned my Bogey I would have. I get what you mean by those looks, too. Odd, isn't it that they pick up on the anxiety of the other dogs when they go to the vet or groomer...even before they go through the door!

She knows it wasn't you. She still lets you handle her. Extra attention for her and now you get to return the favor and be there when she needs you.


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Afternoon Pops and friends.

Take care of that ankle, Jan and no dancing tonight.

It's officially ChaCha day! I'm so sorry the mean groomer hurt your little piddy paw. You're too young to get hurt! When you're feeling better, we're going to have a barbeque in your honor and cook that mean groomer. (I'm so glad no one records me talking to my four legged babies.) After you've eaten all the barbeque that you want, your daddy will take you out for ice cream. Tell daddy until the barbeque, you'd like a bacon sandwich minus the bread and condiments. You can sleep on daddy's pillow and get unlimited belly rubs until the bandage comes off so rest up sweet baby and get better soon.


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Dogs are by far the best 'people' I've known. If I could've cloned my Bogey I would have. I get what you mean by those looks, too. Odd, isn't it that they pick up on the anxiety of the other dogs when they go to the vet or groomer...even before they go through the door!

She knows it wasn't you. She still lets you handle her. Extra attention for her and now you get to return the favor and be there when she needs you.
Oh my, the cloning comment hit a nerve. I was actually thinking about Bitty when reading Coach's story. My aunt had rescued a tiny puppy she found on the highway. They took it in and loved all the tiny off her but didn't name her. They called her an Itty Bitty thing. She brought the puppy to me and it took about 30 minutes until my heart was wrapped around her little paw. I was keeping a dog for a coworker and it was mean. I kept them apart but one day she got to Bitty and
bit her paw. The dog was exiled to the back yard and later I caught Bitty out of the corner of my eye limping. I sympathized with her and she lifted that paw higher and shook it in the air, then hobbled around on three feet. I laid everything down and showered her with attention. I very much wanted to clone her.


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Oh my, the cloning comment hit a nerve. I was actually thinking about Bitty when reading Coach's story. My aunt had rescued a tiny puppy she found on the highway. They took it in and loved all the tiny off her but didn't name her. They called her an Itty Bitty thing. She brought the puppy to me and it took about 30 minutes until my heart was wrapped around her little paw. I was keeping a dog for a coworker and it was mean. I kept them apart but one day she got to Bitty and
bit her paw. The dog was exiled to the back yard and later I caught Bitty out of the corner of my eye limping. I sympathized with her and she lifted that paw higher and shook it in the air, then hobbled around on three feet. I laid everything down and showered her with attention. I very much wanted to clone her.
:D he was my perfect pet. That dog... I'd send him into the yard to do his business and say 'Bogey. Go outside go potty'. Even if he didn't have to he'd try. He was so well behaved and just... perfect. He was 'fetching' tree branches one time (Not sticks. Branches. Like 1-2"diameter.) He'd run out and grab it and come back with his head tilted to one side because the branch was off center and heavier on one end... wagging his tail and doing it over and over and having a good time. Made me laugh so hard once... wardrobe change lol (TMI, but it's out there now):facepalm:. He was a lab/bull terrier (Target dog) mix. Best friend I ever had.

Thank you Xel and CC for stirring up some reminiscing:).


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good afternoon Pops and forgive me but I am going off here a little as I am really pissed. My groomer cut my little female's pad yesterday and I had to take her to the vet but they don't like to do sutures on the pads because of the location but my little girl has a big bandage and is limping and obviously depressed.

Her name is ChaCha but my nickname for her is "crazy girl' because she's a nut and really funny but she's just laying around and I alternate between being mad and sad because this groomer has expressed what a struggle it is to do their paws because they don't like to have their feet messed with and now I have to change her bandage once a day. The groomer is a nice lady, loves dogs and was obviously upset and mistakes happen but this one I cannot forgive. She knew what it took to do their paws and was careless.

To add to this, my dogs do not like to go to the groomer or vet and she had to go from the groomer straight to the vet and if you have dogs you know how they can look at you and you can read that look. ChaCha just keeps looking at me like "why did you let this happen to me" with her little eyes all sad? Breaking my damn heart, it is.

Wouldn't be a big deal to a lot of people but this is my family, it's me and ChaCha and Mojito against the world. They have helped me get through the worst times in my life and always been there for me.

Anyway, enough of that, headed to 102 today and climbing daily to 105 on Tuesday. So, I might as well be madder than hell because it's going to be hotter than hell.
The only time my dog was ever okay with going to the vet was when I brought him to be put down. He knew what was coming, and was perfectly content with it. I, on the other hand, cried like a baby the rest of the day.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and friends.

In the wake of this disastrous, season ending first preseason game, I've come to the realization that there are some people who, even if they were tied back to back and thrown from an airplane, would bicker and insult each other as they plummeted to their deaths.

That's what makes this thread a must, and if I thought it stood any chance at all of lasting more than 20 minutes out in gen pop, I'd start one based similarly out there....but I think I'll just keep this one a secret.

Happy Sunday to everyone!


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Morning Pops and friends.

In the wake of this disastrous, season ending first preseason game, I've come to the realization that there are some people who, even if they were tied back to back and thrown from an airplane, would bicker and insult each other as they plummeted to their deaths.

That's what makes this thread a must, and if I thought it stood any chance at all of lasting more than 20 minutes out in gen pop, I'd start one based similarly out there....but I think I'll just keep this one a secret.

Happy Sunday to everyone!

Morning Pops and everyone.

Runny, I try to tell myself 'It's just preseason. It doesn't matter.' I lie to myself a lot when it comes to football. Honestly, much like so many regular season games, I turned it off at half time and went to bed. I haven't even looked up the game critiques.:facepalm: I have a feeling it's going to be a bumpy season.

Once I get up and around I'm going to do a little more canning and then hobble over to the workout room.

Have a good day, all.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and everyone.

Runny, I try to tell myself 'It's just preseason. It doesn't matter.' I lie to myself a lot when it comes to football. Honestly, much like so many regular season games, I turned it off at half time and went to bed. I haven't even looked up the game critiques.:facepalm: I have a feeling it's going to be a bumpy season.

Once I get up and around I'm going to do a little more canning and then hobble over to the workout room.

Have a good day, all.
You really can't tell anything at all by preseason, Jan. A few of the rookies looked promising, and that's all you can look to get out of these games.


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You really can't tell anything at all by preseason, Jan. A few of the rookies looked promising, and that's all you can look to get out of these games.
Exactly. That's why I tell myself it doesn't matter. Once they knock some of the rust off hopefully they'll come together. Agreed also that some of the rookies were looking decent.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops and friends.

In the wake of this disastrous, season ending first preseason game, I've come to the realization that there are some people who, even if they were tied back to back and thrown from an airplane, would bicker and insult each other as they plummeted to their deaths.

That's what makes this thread a must, and if I thought it stood any chance at all of lasting more than 20 minutes out in gen pop, I'd start one based similarly out there....but I think I'll just keep this one a secret.

Happy Sunday to everyone!
I am reducing my time in gen pop, tired of getting posts deleted. I'm gonna be in the Members and Off Topic Zones my time here and I am reducing the amount of time I do spend here by not going out into the Romper Room for a while.

I do not like the fan forum during preseason, the overreaction is ridiculous and I do not watch the games so I have very little to comment on. I did watch the "highlights" of that game and am still astounded that the public and ticker buyers stand for that as football.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I am reducing my time in gen pop, tired of getting posts deleted. I'm gonna be in the Members and Off Topic Zones my time here and I am reducing the amount of time I do spend here by not going out into the Romper Room for a while.

I do not like the fan forum during preseason, the overreaction is ridiculous and I do not watch the games so I have very little to comment on. I did watch the "highlights" of that game and am still astounded that the public and ticker buyers stand for that as football.
I like watching on TV, so I can see if any of the newbies look promising, but paying to go see it is for schmu..........people with too much money.