FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Morning Pops and friends. I was carried off to the locker room last night with hurt feelings. (Oh great! Another season where the Cowboys are allergic to the end zone.) My feelings are still sore today, but I was told to think happy thoughts. I pulled up an old game that I was certain we'd won and started watching it. I had to forward the game to the end to make sure it WAS a happy ending before picking up where I left off. We were embarrassing me. Pre season is to test the players and fans on the bubble. #57 looked good but went out with ankle problems. I wasn't in there at the same time or I'd have thanked him for his service. I'll make it to regular season, but it had better be good or I'm going to fake a ham string injury.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends - I hope all of you are having a good weekend.

For most of this past week, we have been blessed with glorious weather with temperatures in the low 80's and short, cooling rain showers most evenings.

I have to admit, I didn't watch the game last night (although I did record it). Instead, we got together with a few neighbors for a good old fashion surf and turf dinner: grilled tenderloin and boiled lobster along with a cornucopia of veggies. Truly gorgeous meal.

The most surprising aspect of the evening was the near total lack of political discussion. It is even more surprising given the political diversity of the group. An entire evening with no raised or angry voices. Amazing!

This brings me back (finally) to @CouchCoach and @Runwildboys observations about the general tone of the forum. I don't actually mind the endless debates on players, the coaching staff or the FO. For the most part, I am amused by the various entrenched positions. Where I take issue is how quickly the most benign posting can turn uncivil.

As a society, we have lost the ability to debate a topic without it turning personal or nasty. I blame social media for this. Twitter (which I don't do), Facebook ( which I occasionally check because my daughter posts photos of her kids), and other similar platforms, offer an avenue for anyone to make the most outlandish statements that (typically) have no consequences.

My final thought for the morning: My daughter bought me a tee-shirt recently with the words "Grumpa" emblazoned across the front. As the old saying goes, "I resemble that remark".

Have a good start to the week.


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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends - I hope all of you are having a good weekend.

For most of this past week, we have been blessed with glorious weather with temperatures in the low 80's and short, cooling rain showers most evenings.

I have to admit, I didn't watch the game last night (although I did record it). Instead, we got together with a few neighbors for a good old fashion surf and turf dinner: grilled tenderloin and boiled lobster along with a cornucopia of veggies. Truly gorgeous meal.

The most surprising aspect of the evening was the near total lack of political discussion. It is even more surprising given the political diversity of the group. An entire evening with no raised or angry voices. Amazing!

This brings me back (finally) to @CouchCoach and @Runwildboys observations about the general tone of the forum. I don't actually mind the endless debates on players, the coaching staff or the FO. For the most part, I am amused by the various entrenched positions. Where I take issue is how quickly the most benign posting can turn uncivil.

As a society, we have lost the ability to debate a topic without it turning personal or nasty. I blame social media for this. Twitter (which I don't do), Facebook ( which I occasionally check because my daughter posts photos of her kids), and other similar platforms, offer an avenue for anyone to make the most outlandish statements that (typically) have no consequences.

My final thought for the morning: My daughter bought me a tee-shirt recently with the words "Grumpa" emblazoned across the front. As the old saying goes, "I resemble that remark".

Have a good start to the week.
And grudges get carried from thread to thread. At times, it reminds me of kids arguing in the backseat.

Applause to your group about keeping it civil. I still have family members that will not speak to each other and this has never happened before. My wife's side of the family used to have a family reunion once a year and that stopped in 2017 when they had to separate two of the members from a fistfight. Broke my 90 year old father-in-law's heart that they couldn't control their anger for just one day but the anger, in general, has never been where it is now and social media serves as a platform for that.

However, I did serve as peacemaker, sort of. I talked my two sisters-in-law into scheduling the reunion for this weekend and letting the two problem children know they were not invited but their families were. And both families are coming but the two men have promised not to engage in any political discussions or they will be escorted out immediately. Can't wait to get the report on this. Hope I don't catch the blame for setting this up and being a no show but they understand my limitations.

My daughter-in-law got me the t shirt with "The Grandfather" in the Godfather look with the puppet strings. She regrets it because whenever I wear it over there, I mumble, wear khakis, put an orange slice in my mouth and ask where the bug sprayer is.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
My daughter-in-law got me the t shirt with "The Grandfather" in the Godfather look with the puppet strings. She regrets it because whenever I wear it over there, I mumble, wear khakis, put an orange slice in my mouth and ask where the bug sprayer is.

Unfortunately, I've witnessed similar break-downs in family unity over politics. Otherwise reasonable and sane people are reduced to screaming at one another. Everytime this issue comes up, I can't help but recall Allen Iverson's rant about "practice" (only, substitute "politics" for "practice").

On a side note, I would pay money to see you doing the Godfather scene. I like your style.


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Morning Pops and friends.

In the wake of this disastrous, season ending first preseason game, I've come to the realization that there are some people who, even if they were tied back to back and thrown from an airplane, would bicker and insult each other as they plummeted to their deaths.

That's what makes this thread a must, and if I thought it stood any chance at all of lasting more than 20 minutes out in gen pop, I'd start one based similarly out there....but I think I'll just keep this one a secret.

Happy Sunday to everyone!
I'm sorry, Runny. I meant to respond to this but I'm going to blame summer heat for frying my brain. I'll think of a new excuse this winter.

I KNOW! My hopes of going to the Super Bowl were completely dashed last night. I still don't miss Linehan and can honestly say I'm happy to discover I had no idea what play was coming next.

What would you call the new thread? Tell me where and I'll chime in, fried brain and all.
'lMy daughter-in-law got me the t shirt with "The Grandfather" in the Godfather look with the puppet strings. She regrets it because whenever I wear it over there, I mumble, wear khakis, put an orange slice in my mouth and ask where the bug sprayer is.
Talk about committing! That proves America's Got Talent!



"We Are Penn State"
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We're leaving for the Bahamas this morning.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and fellow nonpolitical posters.

Ah, Manhattan. Gotta love this place. I literally have no legal route to get back from whence I came...once I get unloaded, and am ready to leave, that is. They don't even get here until 8, which is another hour and 15 minutes.

"The city that never sleeps.".... Should be, "The city that never gets its *** out of bed!"


Regular Joe....
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Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to everybody who decides to stop in and start the week with a visit to this thread.

Well, had our kickoff party this weekend, went well but didn't start that way. Had some issues with the Pizza Oven, couldn't get the thing to stay lite on one side but finally managed to get that squared away. Had a little bit of a blockage going on so just had to remove the fitting and clean it up a bit. The game on the other hand, that was a problem. So, as some of you may know, we had Direct Now and they up and discontinued FOX, CBS and NFL Network so no real way to watch Football. We decided to just go with PlayStation Vue. They provide coverage options for all of those channels. Well, game was supposed to be shown on NFL Channel so I tune in, house full of people, three different TVs, throughout the house and it's blacked out. Turns out, local TV has the rights to the game so no NFL Channel. No problem, I just needed to tune in the local station. I tune in the Local Station and they aren't showning the Cowboys. They have elected, instead, to show the Bronco Game. My head is in the Pizza Oven, trying to figure out what the problem is there and I have all these people upset. LOL..... So, I head inside and sure enough, no game. Finally went into the garage and found an old Antena. Hooked it up and was able to get the game tuned in on a local station that carries their own broadcast of all home Cowboys games. I could only find one antenna so there was only one TV for everybody to watch the game on but it worked! Didn't see much of the game, busy cooking Pizza's all night but everybody had a good time I think. Hope all of you did as well.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you all are having a great day.

Everyone, make it a great week!


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Afternoon Pops and friends. Sorry about Direct TV getting their panties in a wad, ABQ. That was interesting about the pizza oven since I don't know anything about them. I got the game though and really wished I didn't watch it. It was a flash back to so many seasons with red zone problems. It's just preseason, I tell myself. That's when me and myself start arguing. I am currently not speaking to myself.

Meanwhile, next door to Texas we're having a heat wave, a Sahara Desert type heat wave. I've got lizards committing suicide here. I set out to water my plants yesterday and forgot to cut the water off until 11:30 last night. Those are the happiest plants In the South today. Other than that, not much going on today. Have a good Monday everybody.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. We arrived at the condo to find that the A/C didn't work. I was able to get someone to come out on Saturday but he couldn't get the parts needed until Monday. He's a very nice guy and we now have air. We spent all day yesterday running around getting the electricity account in our name, getting internet and cable, etc. etc. Sunday was a very relaxing day enjoying the view, snorkeling, and having fun. I expect a little bit of all of the above today. Have a good day, Y'all.


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Captain's Log star date August 13, 2019: Afternoon Pops and friends. Through a severe miscalculation, we have entered too close into the Sun's orbit and are attempting to pull out it. Instrument panels are frying and the staff has been placed on orders to stay hydrated. Jean Luc PiCoach has asked us to open the liquor stock room. Request was denied and he asked to be dropped off at the nearest planet filled with Amazons. He did say he's accept a planet filled with lonely (and I quote) widder wimmen. First mate Runwild wants to join him. The rest of us want to go to planet Leon. For now, we are working on getting a little farther away from the Sun.

Have a good Tuesday and try to find some place cool.