FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Mumble, mumble, morning Pops and friends. Something went wrong in the middle of the night for me to be up before the sun. The day should not start so early. I know the sun's up somewhere, but it's over cast here so it doesn't count. Just a sleepy morning in my little hamlet. Runny is probably on his 4th or 5th stop by now. Coach is in the bed, inappropriately grabbing pillows as he dreams about widder wimmens. Leon is enjoying his 4th cup of coffee as he contemplates golf math and gumbo. RGV is running from gators. ABQ is missing his wife about now. Dabz is laughing as she dreams of her next crazy post. Colo may or may not be clothed as he readies his snow blower. Jan sounds a little grumpy this morning so no one say anything about the weather. :eek: Xelda is sitting in a dark room griping about not being able to sleep, so it's after 8:00 and all is well.

Happy Monday my people!
Nope. Not grumpy at all. I'm in a good mood looking forward to my co-workers perceived misery over the impending weather:)... and I am most certainly rubbing it in. In fact one person threatened to wash my mouth out with soap:muttley:


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Good Morning Pops and friends. The temp is 77 right now with the high expected to reach 86 in south Texas. I packed some cold weather clothes this trip, should have known better lol.

The Astros looking good but I’m still nervous. It’s great when your team gets in the playoffs but tough on the nerves and the old ticker.

Have a great Monday everyone. If it wasn’t for Mondays, Friday wouldn’t get here ;)


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. My goodness, it's dark as far as the eye can see out there. haha We have lots of rain forecast for us today and tomorrow so I guess I'll be able to catch up on some of my recorded shows and unburden the DVR a little bit.


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Good morning Pops and friends. I have 3 hours of free time so I’ll be heading to the nearest Walmart and buy about $50 worth of candy. I like to buy the good stuff. The Mrs says I go a little overboard but I’m thinking about the left over candy. ;) That’s why I get the good stuff.

The Mrs stayed back home but will be joining me via bus Thursday afternoon, Just in time to give out candy to whoever knocks on the door.

Astros have a chance to close it out tonight. I’ll be pacing like an expectant father. Win, lose or draw, Astros-Cowboys fan till I die :thumbup:

Enjoy the rest of this day before it becomes yesterday.


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Morning Pops and my fellow inmates. I am channeling Seattle for the next two days with rainy colder days. I am getting out the flannel plaids, cooking up some salmon and might dig back for a little Grunge as a scene setter. Life without theme ain't living. Today is also Twofer Tuesday but I don't know what I want two of today and am awaiting the surprise. I am sure something will come along that I will like one of so much that a second would be just delightful. Probably something from the Libation category but I was planning on Sixsome for the Sixth game. See what I'm saying about themes?

Like RGV, I am for the Stros in this because nothing good comes out of that spiders' nest in D.C. However, I am torn between taking it tonight and all the drama and majesty of those two words that make people giddy, Seventh Game. I just made myself swoon just writing that, I dare not say those words out loud for fear I shall slip my last gear.


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Morning Pops and friends. I've been up for a while but still a little fuzzy. It's cloudy here and the temperature is down right agreeable. I don't know why we can't have about six months worth of this instead of 4 to 6 weeks nice temperatures then hot or ice. I've been good, heck I'll bet I'm right near the top of Santa's nice list. I got a whole lot closer to the top when Mother Teresa died. Heck, a whole lot of us climbed up one spot on that sad day. I told y'all I was fuzzy, right?

I absolutely understand why you'd get the good stuff, RGV. Not a single Mounds, Almond Joy or Snickers crossed my threshold once I'd brought them in. I'd come in and separate them into two piles. Here kids, take this crap I don't like. Any guilt I might incur would be eased with the toss of an extra Kit Kat bar. Trick or Treaters can't be choosers. The lights are going off once my stockpile has dwindled sufficiently. Did you know Vincent Price died on Halloween?

Good luck with the baseball games. May your Astros win and Coach survive twofer Tuesday.


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Just got back from Walmart aka ‘Wally Martinez’ in this part of the world. My wife called me as I was opening some of the candy bags. I wolfed down 2 Kit Kats n 2 100 Grand mini bars as we were talking. She didn’t ask what I was eating so I didn’t turn myself in. I will, I will, I will try to give it all away. :cool:

I still have an hour so now I’ll make a run to HEB and get a baked chicken. Mom and I will have that for sup and probably lunch tomorrow.

Lol X :thumbup:


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Just got back from Walmart aka ‘Wally Martinez’ in this part of the world. My wife called me as I was opening some of the candy bags. I wolfed down 2 Kit Kats n 2 100 Grand mini bars as we were talking. She didn’t ask what I was eating so I didn’t turn myself in. I will, I will, I will try to give it all away. :cool:

I still have an hour so now I’ll make a run to HEB and get a baked chicken. Mom and I will have that for sup and probably lunch tomorrow.

Lol X :thumbup:
I can't decide which candy to get to not give away. I like to hide behind the door when they come a knockin' and chuckle...….and chew...….and chuckle...….and chew.....and chuckle. Sometimes I open my mouth to show them what they missing. They need to outlaw this trick r treating, creating more panhandlers, that's where they learn it.

I used to play the game, get the candy we don't like so we will leave it alone and give it all away. Then I realized, I was getting blamed for not having my wife's favorite candy as we sat outside waiting for the little beggars. Also I had to agree with her, Snickers is the perfect accompaniment for scotch.

So, I have given up all pretense. Candy isn't good for me, it's not good for anyone, not even those "90% cacao dark chocolate this takes like crap and I still want a candy bar" abominations but I have also accepted I eat and drink many things that are not good for me. Where do I draw the line? I simply don't. If I want a bag of Snickers or Butterfingers, so what? I don't need an excuse like the kids didn't show up (see hiding behind door above) to indulge myself.

Please join me my friends in my new chant. CANDY WITHOUT GUILT!!!!!!!!!!! CANDY WITHOUT GUILT!!!!!!!!!!!


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I can't decide which candy to get to not give away. I like to hide behind the door when they come a knockin' and chuckle...….and chew...….and chuckle...….and chew.....and chuckle. Sometimes I open my mouth to show them what they missing. They need to outlaw this trick r treating, creating more panhandlers, that's where they learn it.

I used to play the game, get the candy we don't like so we will leave it alone and give it all away. Then I realized, I was getting blamed for not having my wife's favorite candy as we sat outside waiting for the little beggars. Also I had to agree with her, Snickers is the perfect accompaniment for scotch.

So, I have given up all pretense. Candy isn't good for me, it's not good for anyone, not even those "90% cacao dark chocolate this takes like crap and I still want a candy bar" abominations but I have also accepted I eat and drink many things that are not good for me. Where do I draw the line? I simply don't. If I want a bag of Snickers or Butterfingers, so what? I don't need an excuse like the kids didn't show up (see hiding behind door above) to indulge myself.

Please join me my friends in my new chant. CANDY WITHOUT GUILT!!!!!!!!!!! CANDY WITHOUT GUILT!!!!!!!!!!!

Hear! Hear!! CC!! Gonna have another 100 Grand ;).

I haven’t even opened the Snickers bag yet :cool:


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Hear! Hear!! CC!! Gonna have another 100 Grand ;).

I haven’t even opened the Snickers bag yet :cool:
Good move, explaining one bag accidentally came open and candy spilled out is more plausible.

One Halloween, I bought one of those huge Costco bags with Snickers, Milky Way, etc and put it on top of the second fridge in the laundry room a few days ahead. On Halloween, I went back to get on my Scream costume and asked my wife to put it out in the big just for Halloween candy bowl and when I came back I looked at it and noticed no Snickers. I said "honey, weren't there Snickers in here" and got that "huh" you get when you know someone has something in their mouth that they just as soon not let you know what it is. Well, as usual, she fessed up. Not only were the Snickers not in the bowl but they'd began their mysterious disappearance the day I brought the bag home and I'd never thought to check it or better yet, hide it.

As we sat outside handing candy out, I didn't miss my chance. As the kids would come up to the porch, I would say "don't look for the Snickers, my wife ate them all". Some actually gave her dirty looks to my ill conceived concept of entertainment. It irritated her to the point she took the bowl down to the sidewalk to hand out candy. Lemme tell you, poor ole CC didn't get any that night and I ain't talkin' bout Snickers.


Regular Joe....
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Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who decided to join the thread today.

Have the Grandson today, he got here early and poor little guy, he's sick with a cold and the weather has decided to dip down today so it was cold this morning.

Wife and kids, all except for the oldest, are in California this week so I'm solo here. That means the Boy gets Ice Cream for Lunch!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all hanging in.

Everybody, have a great rest of the Day, tomorrow is hump day so get after it and before you know it, you are on the downhill again and headed for the weekend!

Everyone, have a great day!


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Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who decided to join the thread today.

Have the Grandson today, he got here early and poor little guy, he's sick with a cold and the weather has decided to dip down today so it was cold this morning.

Wife and kids, all except for the oldest, are in California this week so I'm solo here. That means the Boy gets Ice Cream for Lunch!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all hanging in.

Everybody, have a great rest of the Day, tomorrow is hump day so get after it and before you know it, you are on the downhill again and headed for the weekend!

Everyone, have a great day!
Ice cream for lunch? When your grandson goes back home, can I come stay with you? Only with you though, your wife comes home and it's back to eating healthy.


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Hoping your grandson gets well soon, ABQ.
Good move, explaining one bag accidentally came open and candy spilled out is more plausible.

One Halloween, I bought one of those huge Costco bags with Snickers, Milky Way, etc and put it on top of the second fridge in the laundry room a few days ahead. On Halloween, I went back to get on my Scream costume and asked my wife to put it out in the big just for Halloween candy bowl and when I came back I looked at it and noticed no Snickers. I said "honey, weren't there Snickers in here" and got that "huh" you get when you know someone has something in their mouth that they just as soon not let you know what it is. Well, as usual, she fessed up. Not only were the Snickers not in the bowl but they'd began their mysterious disappearance the day I brought the bag home and I'd never thought to check it or better yet, hide it.

As we sat outside handing candy out, I didn't miss my chance. As the kids would come up to the porch, I would say "don't look for the Snickers, my wife ate them all". Some actually gave her dirty looks to my ill conceived concept of entertainment. It irritated her to the point she took the bowl down to the sidewalk to hand out candy. Lemme tell you, poor ole CC didn't get any that night and I ain't talkin' bout Snickers.
:lmao:Rookie! You're putting out solid gold today. Keep it up, please!
Hear! Hear!! CC!! Gonna have another 100 Grand ;).

I haven’t even opened the Snickers bag yet :cool:
:omg:Rookie to the 3rd power! Get that Snickers bag open. Just slash it across the middle, like it met some unfortunate accident and half fell out in the parking lot. A neat cut at the top will expose your intentions. QUICK! Stuff some in your coat pockets for later. (The squirrels have been teaching me their tricks.) You should probably go back and buy another bag just in case. Stick that one in the back of the fridge. The squirrels told me the York Peppermint Patties are best in the freezer.


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Hoping your grandson gets well soon, ABQ.

:lmao:Rookie! You're putting out solid gold today. Keep it up, please!

:omg:Rookie to the 3rd power! Get that Snickers bag open. Just slash it across the middle, like it met some unfortunate accident and half fell out in the parking lot. A neat cut at the top will expose your intentions. QUICK! Stuff some in your coat pockets for later. (The squirrels have been teaching me their tricks.) You should probably go back and buy another bag just in case. Stick that one in the back of the fridge. The squirrels told me the York Peppermint Patties are best in the freezer.
3 Musketeers are great in the freezer and Whoppers in the fridge.

Great idea, the old "that stupid kid at the market and his box cutter, why does he always cut the things that I like"?

RGV, I'd watch that stuffing the pockets idea, that's the first place my wife would always feel around and here I thought she was getting all frisky and she was on a Snickers search.


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3 Musketeers are great in the freezer and Whoppers in the fridge.

Great idea, the old "that stupid kid at the market and his box cutter, why does he always cut the things that I like"?

RGV, I'd watch that stuffing the pockets idea, that's the first place my wife would always feel around and here I thought she was getting all frisky and she was on a Snickers search.
That's important information! I may as well tell y'all that women have sonar when it comes to chocolate. We can find it and refuse to be held accountable for our actions. I'm sure your wife purred at that stockpile of Snickers "I'll be back". I can't be the only one to do that. I also appreciate the comments about that 90% cacao crap. I bought some gourmet cacao and it still tasted like crap, but had a creamy texture. Might as well eat Brussel sprouts.

DABZ! I'm hurt! You went shopping without me. I haven't got a clue what you're going to do with all those pumpkins unless mischief is involved.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. My wife is going to California for a few days to attend a craft fair with our daughter, who lives there. I'll be taking her to the airport this morning. This afternoon I go to the mohs doctor so he can cut a bigger hole in my neck where the melanoma was. Talk about a pain in the neck. We have rain and thunder this morning.


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Morning Pops. cbz40 .

I lost a family member today. My uncle. Technically yesterday actually. It's a tough one.

Prayers for his kids.

Leon, sorry to hear about that melanoma. Prayers for you too. Hope all goes well.

I've been sidelined for too damn long now battling through 2 injuries. Totally sucks.