FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Okay, now I get it.... Well, I probably don't have it, but I get what you're saying. ;)
If you have a ten-key number pad on the right of side of your keyboard, press the number lock key and release it. Press and hold the ALT key and at the same time key in 0176 (or 248 if that doesn't work). I don't have the ten-key pad so I'm stuck for now doing it the old-fashioned cut and paste way until I figure it out.


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If you have a ten-key number pad on the right of side of your keyboard, press the number lock key and release it. Press and hold the ALT key and at the same time key in 0176 (or 248 if that doesn't work). I don't have the ten-key pad so I'm stuck for now doing it the old-fashioned cut and paste way until I figure it out.
You can also pull up the character map by pressing the Windows "flag" button at the bottom left of your keyboard, and in the little search bar type "character map". The degree symbol should be in the sixth row. You can select and copy it then paste it into what you're typing.


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You can also pull up the character map by pressing the Windows "flag" button at the bottom left of your keyboard, and in the little search bar type "character map". The degree symbol should be in the sixth row. You can select and copy it then paste it into what you're typing.
Having now found that I added the character map to my task bar so I don't have to go through that exercise every time.


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Having now found that I added the character map to my task bar so I don't have to go through that exercise every time.
I need a interpreter. Every time you answer Runny's question, you bring up two more that I have and I don't even know the language to ask the question. My keyboard cam with dohickey's. Lot's of them, none look alike but they're all still dohickey's to me. I live in a world of thingamajigs and dohickey's.


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Good morning Pops and friends. I'm still recovering from my first week back at work. Working with family is a mixed bag. I don't want to be me anymore.
We'll drop by n jump in ur bed n snuggle n keep u warm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH NO YOU DON'T! I've got enough blankets to get me through a north Arkansas night. Of course I'd get up the next morning and weasel my way back south.

Here's hoping we put on a good show and beat the snot out of the Vikings. Go Cowboys.


"We Are Penn State"
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It's going to drop down to 20 one night next week. Time to find where I hid all my winter clothes. For real this time. I've already chased my dogs around trying to put sweaters on them.

Good morning Pops and friends. I had the blender on higher than I thought and started to add the ice when things got volcanic. Liquid chocolate everywhere!


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Morning Pops and Monday morning Mudvillers. Let a smile be your umbrella today.

Got some windy nasty weather headed this way this afternoon but I am not going outside and grin at the sky. I'm going to let a smile be my snuggly comforter as I watch the winds bluster and blow from inside.

When I was a kid I was skinny and my Mom would threaten me that I'd dry up and blow away so my fear of that has led me to overindulge in food and drink as I matured. The winds of change shall not take me. And if they should, they'll be damned sorry once that deposit me as I can get quite testy at the weather. I've been known to shout at the sky "just who is responsible for this? Mother Nature, you are an unfit mother!!!"


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Good afternoon Pops and Zoner Friends,

Coach, I like your reference to Mudville... in essence, mighty Casey struck out. As I explained in "Stop the Crying" thread, I didn't watch the game and, to be candid, I did miss it either and, not because they didn't win. Sorry, this is leading up to a bit of a rant.

I really enjoy this site and, in particular, the "Morning Pops" thread. After checking the daily weather, this is the first website I check each day and, to be fair, I re-visit it more than a few times throughout the day. Simply put, I enjoy the camaraderie. Regardless the season, regardless whether the team wins or loses, I enjoy coming to this thread to check-up on everyone and to share, in a lighthearted manner, what's going on in my life.

I missed most of the games in October as well as yesterday's game and, you know what, life goes on. Sure, I am disappointed with yesterday's outcome but, what the heck, it is just a game? I perused the threads on yesterday's games and they basically boil down to two themes (or, a combination thereof): "all is not lost, we can still make the playoffs" and "the FO, coaches (fill in the blank) are clueless. And, you know what, those themes haven't materially changed much the last decade. Personally, I subscribe to both. Ha!!

Reading about how life is treating you -- up or down -- now, that is something worth getting excited about.

So, here is my lighthearted offering for today: My wife departs this week for Russia to visit her family and I am staying behind to look after the cats and the house. Per our normal morning routine, we get up early have a cup of tea (my wife love's her coffee), feed the cats and, after sun up, take them out for a walk. This morning was different. She prepared a multi-page spreadsheet outlining my duties for the 10 days she is gone. Bless her OCD heart (and, if you are from the South, you probably know that "bless their hearts" is not necessarily a blessing at all) we had to review the list. Two hours later, the cats were lined-up at the front door a bit testy that their walk was postponed, while I just felt like I had set for the Spanish Inquisition.

All is good, though... I may even refer to the spreadsheet once she departs.... to be continued



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good afternoon Pops and Zoner Friends,

Coach, I like your reference to Mudville... in essence, mighty Casey struck out. As I explained in "Stop the Crying" thread, I didn't watch the game and, to be candid, I did miss it either and, not because they didn't win. Sorry, this is leading up to a bit of a rant.

I really enjoy this site and, in particular, the "Morning Pops" thread. After checking the daily weather, this is the first website I check each day and, to be fair, I re-visit it more than a few times throughout the day. Simply put, I enjoy the camaraderie. Regardless the season, regardless whether the team wins or loses, I enjoy coming to this thread to check-up on everyone and to share, in a lighthearted manner, what's going on in my life.

I missed most of the games in October as well as yesterday's game and, you know what, life goes on. Sure, I am disappointed with yesterday's outcome but, what the heck, it is just a game? I perused the threads on yesterday's games and they basically boil down to two themes (or, a combination thereof): "all is not lost, we can still make the playoffs" and "the FO, coaches (fill in the blank) are clueless. And, you know what, those themes haven't materially changed much the last decade. Personally, I subscribe to both. Ha!!

Reading about how life is treating you -- up or down -- now, that is something worth getting excited about.

So, here is my lighthearted offering for today: My wife departs this week for Russia to visit her family and I am staying behind to look after the cats and the house. Per our normal morning routine, we get up early have a cup of tea (my wife love's her coffee), feed the cats and, after sun up, take them out for a walk. This morning was different. She prepared a multi-page spreadsheet outlining my duties for the 10 days she is gone. Bless her OCD heart (and, if you are from the South, you probably know that "bless their hearts" is not necessarily a blessing at all) we had to review the list. Two hours later, the cats were lined-up at the front door a bit testy that their walk was postponed, while I just felt like I had set for the Spanish Inquisition.

All is good, though... I may even refer to the spreadsheet once she departs.... to be continued

Colo, you did miss a great football game, one of the best I've seen this season but then I watch for the game, not necessarily the win. I want a great game regardless of the outcome.

It can get downright stupid out in the Fan Forum with some of the entitlement and insults and I probably spend more time out there than all of the Pops posters combined but this thread and the OTZ are my fav hangs.

I can relate to your list but mine would have been a list of "Don't Do This" with a secondary list of "If You Did That, Here's a List of People to Call". There would also be third note. "If you are thinking of doing something and you think you need to consult me in advance, the answer is no. I may be out of town but you are still you. Don't make me regret not getting a sitter. A very old, strict ugly sitter".


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Evening Pops and friends. In spite of how last night went, I fell in love all over again. It's too easy when it comes to my Cowboys.

I had to be at the doctor's office today. The staff is mostly upbeat to counter the patients coming to term with different diagnosis. They perk up even more if candy is presented to them and strive to remember your name for next time. I changed floors for the doctor's office and ran into a woman wearing fuzzy plaid pajama bottoms, flowered socks, polka dotted house shoes and a bright pink Cowboys cap. I stuck my Cowboys fan card back into my pocket. My doctor said my blood work looked perfect. I told him I'd been practicing having perfect blood. Later I went to the grocery store and had to defend myself from the cart commandos.

Poor Colo, left holding a list of chores while the wife's off goofing around with relatives. We won't stand for it! Go visit Coach and learn how to goof off from the master. He'll even let you call him Couchi Wan Coachobi. In fact, he may demand it in front of the widder wimmen. You'll have lots of fun and may learn a new bad habit or twelve. Please keep him away from electrical outlets and power tools while you're there.


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Good evening Pops and friends. It’s going to dip down to mid 30s tonight and 30° tomorrow. The Mrs is going to have me moving plants around tomorrow and cover others. If they freeze, she buys new ones so I have vested interest in keeping them from freezing also.;)

For some reason I was thinking today was Saturday. Sometimers starting to hit me I guess.

I was a little bummed out about yesterday’s loss but X’s good report about the perfect blood work put everything back in the order it should go. The loss went way down to the bottom where it should be. Keep up the good work X ;)


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Good evening Pops and friends. It’s going to dip down to mid 30s tonight and 30° tomorrow. The Mrs is going to have me moving plants around tomorrow and cover others. If they freeze, she buys new ones so I have vested interest in keeping them from freezing also.;)

For some reason I was thinking today was Saturday. Sometimers starting to hit me I guess.

I was a little bummed out about yesterday’s loss but X’s good report about the perfect blood work put everything back in the order it should go. The loss went way down to the bottom where it should be. Keep up the good work X ;)
Morning Pops and everyone.

Leon, I'm wishing right about now that we had 30°. I can't pull myself out from under the blankies this morning. It's 3° lonely little degrees, which is a record low for this date for us. Just... brrrrrr.

I agree with putting things in perspective. Those results on Xel's bloodwork far exceed the results of a game. Life is real and goes on whether or not a group of overpaid athletes win a competition. The fans really do have some control over the "make-or-break" of the athletes, owners and franchises in any sport. Honestly, the whole game would change if people quit dumping their money into the merchandising. All that arrogance would soon deflate. Xelda, on the other hand, can sport her best McGregor strut for her accomplishment (cue DABZ's talent here since I can't figure out this url thing on my phone).

I've got to get moving this morning. Everyone have a stellar day.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning Pops and pen pals. It the text in this post looks a little shaky it's because it's 25 degrees here and my hands are cold. I know that's a heat wave for some northerners, but not for me. The last undefeated team this year is no longer undefeated. Thank you, Seattle. Xelda, congrats on the blood work. I always thought you had great blood. I'll pull my vampire teeth back in now. Jan, what's the temp in your area this morning? Have a good day, folks.