FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Morning Pops and fellow teeth chattering complainers about the hot summer. The only good thing is that when I let my little dogs out back, they get right down to business, no loitering, no looking for the squirrel, just dump and bump the door to get back in. I am out there with them but they bump it for dramatic effect and to point out I am not as attentive as I should be and why did I close it in the first place?

Seriously, they were originally bred in Cuba and have the fur to go along with it. They love the summer as much as I detest it. My little female, ChaCha, has a thin coat and I just mention going out back and she starts trembling in advance. If she could talk, I am sure she'd say "hey master, and I use that term loosely, how about you bring that bag over here, I'll turn around from my nice warm spot on the couch, that I have just right, and make a deposit right in that clever little bag and you won't have to bend over. I am only thinking of you and you might want to bring the treats with you to save you a trip".

Lemme tell you, I am spoiled. That Bama-LSU game on Saturday, the KC-TEN early game, the first real snow game in GB, the DAL-MIN game and then that SEA-SF game last night. Now that's what I'm talkin' bout some football. Finally got a reward for the time put in watching the games. The last half of this season and the college conference championships are shaping up to be a nice round up of the regular season.

Our Cowboys? If I were a betting man, I wouldn't put money on them to make the playoffs but that's why they play the game. For the money, not to make the playoffs. They get paid less per game in the playoffs and since this sport is strictly money driven, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have stopped in today to check out the thread.

Hope everybody enjoyed the long weekend. If it wasn't a long weekend for others, then I hope that Monday was not too terrible for everyone.

Weather is not too bad here. Highs in the high 50, low 60s. Lows in the 20s and 30s. Not bikini weather exactly but not too bad either. Winter is coming though.

Been a kind of rough stretch here, with regards to a lot of different things going on. Then I stopped and thought about it. Why am I complaining to myself about the Thorns on the Roses? Maybe better I should rejoice over the Roses on the Thorns. Even when you don't really feel like doing that, that's when it's most important to remember that one simple concept.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope all you guys are doing well today.

Everyone, chin up! Have a great day!


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Morning Pops and pen pals. It the text in this post looks a little shaky it's because it's 25 degrees here and my hands are cold. I know that's a heat wave for some northerners, but not for me. The last undefeated team this year is no longer undefeated. Thank you, Seattle. Xelda, congrats on the blood work. I always thought you had great blood. I'll pull my vampire teeth back in now. Jan, what's the temp in your area this morning? Have a good day, folks.
We had 3° when I got up for work this morning at 5am. It's now 12:08pm and 14°:D


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
You could always put an apostrophe after the temp. I’ve done that a few times. Hopefully the punctuation police don’t come in for a visit. :cool:

its 65°

it’s 65’

Good afternoon Pops and friends.[/QUO
You could always put an apostrophe after the temp. I’ve done that a few times. Hopefully the punctuation police don’t come in for a visit. :cool:

its 65°

it’s 65’

Good afternoon Pops and friends.
¡No buéno, mi amigo!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good afternoon Pops and Zoner Friends,

Coach, I like your reference to Mudville... in essence, mighty Casey struck out. As I explained in "Stop the Crying" thread, I didn't watch the game and, to be candid, I did miss it either and, not because they didn't win. Sorry, this is leading up to a bit of a rant.

I really enjoy this site and, in particular, the "Morning Pops" thread. After checking the daily weather, this is the first website I check each day and, to be fair, I re-visit it more than a few times throughout the day. Simply put, I enjoy the camaraderie. Regardless the season, regardless whether the team wins or loses, I enjoy coming to this thread to check-up on everyone and to share, in a lighthearted manner, what's going on in my life.

I missed most of the games in October as well as yesterday's game and, you know what, life goes on. Sure, I am disappointed with yesterday's outcome but, what the heck, it is just a game? I perused the threads on yesterday's games and they basically boil down to two themes (or, a combination thereof): "all is not lost, we can still make the playoffs" and "the FO, coaches (fill in the blank) are clueless. And, you know what, those themes haven't materially changed much the last decade. Personally, I subscribe to both. Ha!!

Reading about how life is treating you -- up or down -- now, that is something worth getting excited about.

So, here is my lighthearted offering for today: My wife departs this week for Russia to visit her family and I am staying behind to look after the cats and the house. Per our normal morning routine, we get up early have a cup of tea (my wife love's her coffee), feed the cats and, after sun up, take them out for a walk. This morning was different. She prepared a multi-page spreadsheet outlining my duties for the 10 days she is gone. Bless her OCD heart (and, if you are from the South, you probably know that "bless their hearts" is not necessarily a blessing at all) we had to review the list. Two hours later, the cats were lined-up at the front door a bit testy that their walk was postponed, while I just felt like I had set for the Spanish Inquisition.

All is good, though... I may even refer to the spreadsheet once she departs.... to be continued

Okay, bon voyage to your wife and all, but all I really took away from this is that you walk your cats.....Huh?


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Evening Pops and friends. In spite of how last night went, I fell in love all over again. It's too easy when it comes to my Cowboys.

I had to be at the doctor's office today. The staff is mostly upbeat to counter the patients coming to term with different diagnosis. They perk up even more if candy is presented to them and strive to remember your name for next time. I changed floors for the doctor's office and ran into a woman wearing fuzzy plaid pajama bottoms, flowered socks, polka dotted house shoes and a bright pink Cowboys cap. I stuck my Cowboys fan card back into my pocket. My doctor said my blood work looked perfect. I told him I'd been practicing having perfect blood. Later I went to the grocery store and had to defend myself from the cart commandos.

Poor Colo, left holding a list of chores while the wife's off goofing around with relatives. We won't stand for it! Go visit Coach and learn how to goof off from the master. He'll even let you call him Couchi Wan Coachobi. In fact, he may demand it in front of the widder wimmen. You'll have lots of fun and may learn a new bad habit or twelve. Please keep him away from electrical outlets and power tools while you're there.
Happy about the blood work results, X!!!!


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Good afternoon Pops and friends. The temp is in the mid 40s now. You folks up north can keep the single digit temps. Brrrrr. If memory serves me correct, we hit the single digit here in ‘83. No bueno.

I had my first Popeye’s spicy chicken sandwich while ago. Waited in line about 5 minutes. It’s a little bigger than Chick-fil-A but not near as tasty IMO.

If anyone goes back (or forward) in time using a time machine, be sure and take your cell so you can keep in touch in this thread. :muttley:. I borrowed this idea from another thread.

Have a great day everyone. Stay warm.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good afternoon Pops and friends. The temp is in the mid 40s now. You folks up north can keep the single digit temps. Brrrrr. If memory serves me correct, we hit the single digit here in ‘83. No bueno.

I had my first Popeye’s spicy chicken sandwich while ago. Waited in line about 5 minutes. It’s a little bigger than Chick-fil-A but not near as tasty IMO.

If anyone goes back (or forward) in time using a time machine, be sure and take your cell so you can keep in touch in this thread. :muttley:. I borrowed this idea from another thread.

Have a great day everyone. Stay warm.
We'd have to bring a satellite back with us.


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Evening Pops and friends. Thank you all for the kind words. I may have perfected my blood, but my driving skills are still lacking. I royally peeved someone off that didn't have much reason to do anything but throw a lesser cuss word my direction. I had to take off driving through the boonies to get him off my tail. I've got 3/4 a tank of gas and have a strong desire to avoid harassment, give up! It doesn't take much some days or I've discovered my new super power. Faster than a speeding bullet, makes you madder than a wet hen and has a Cowboys plate to annoy Saints fan (bonus effect), must be Xelda!

Is MSWord short for Mums theWord?
I thought Grease was the word, but I'll back you up on that one.

RGV if I had access to a time machine, I'd go back in time and kidnap myself. I'd have a long talk with me, then we'd go build that tree house on a lake.

Tonight's the big night! We're dropping down to 20*. With this kind of cold, are we supposed to look for nekkid snow blowers now? It was colder in Dallas yesterday than NY. This is just upside down. We are warm blooded folks and have suffered the wrath of the Sun this summer. Now we're plunged into darkness and freezing temperatures. This is BS!

Have a good Tuesday evening all.

* Dee Grees.


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Evening Pops and friends. Thank you all for the kind words. I may have perfected my blood, but my driving skills are still lacking. I royally peeved someone off that didn't have much reason to do anything but throw a lesser cuss word my direction. I had to take off driving through the boonies to get him off my tail. I've got 3/4 a tank of gas and have a strong desire to avoid harassment, give up! It doesn't take much some days or I've discovered my new super power. Faster than a speeding bullet, makes you madder than a wet hen and has a Cowboys plate to annoy Saints fan (bonus effect), must be Xelda!

I thought Grease was the word, but I'll back you up on that one.

RGV if I had access to a time machine, I'd go back in time and kidnap myself. I'd have a long talk with me, then we'd go build that tree house on a lake.

Tonight's the big night! We're dropping down to 20*. With this kind of cold, are we supposed to look for nekkid snow blowers now? It was colder in Dallas yesterday than NY. This is just upside down. We are warm blooded folks and have suffered the wrath of the Sun this summer. Now we're plunged into darkness and freezing temperatures. This is BS!

Have a good Tuesday evening all.

* Dee Grees.
OMG, she said nekkid!!!! I'm in loooooovvvvvve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"We Are Penn State"
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I may have perfected my blood, but my driving skills are still lacking. I royally peeved someone off that didn't have much


Well-Known Member
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Evening Pops and friends. Thank you all for the kind words. I may have perfected my blood, but my driving skills are still lacking. I royally peeved someone off that didn't have much reason to do anything but throw a lesser cuss word my direction. I had to take off driving through the boonies to get him off my tail. I've got 3/4 a tank of gas and have a strong desire to avoid harassment, give up! It doesn't take much some days or I've discovered my new super power. Faster than a speeding bullet, makes you madder than a wet hen and has a Cowboys plate to annoy Saints fan (bonus effect), must be Xelda!

I thought Grease was the word, but I'll back you up on that one.

RGV if I had access to a time machine, I'd go back in time and kidnap myself. I'd have a long talk with me, then we'd go build that tree house on a lake.

Tonight's the big night! We're dropping down to 20*. With this kind of cold, are we supposed to look for nekkid snow blowers now? It was colder in Dallas yesterday than NY. This is just upside down. We are warm blooded folks and have suffered the wrath of the Sun this summer. Now we're plunged into darkness and freezing temperatures. This is BS!

Have a good Tuesday evening all.

* Dee Grees.[/QUOTE
Ha ha ha ha you threw me into a moment of panic. You said it was the 'big night' and I thought I'd slept through mid-November straight to Christmas Eve. Took a bit to shake it off.