FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Good morning Pops and friends. I know it wasn't Halloween last night, but I replicated a famous scene from Carrie but with a dark chocolate milk shake. I had the blender on higher than I thought and started to add the ice when things got volcanic. Liquid chocolate everywhere!

Jan, please check her neighborhood out before you commit to anything. I've learned a hard, hard, HARD lesson about bad neighbors. Also, is that where you've planned to stay at? Just be careful.

RGV, I think your friend is cheating! Study up then go shame him proper like.

Morning Pops and weekenders and kskboys, aka L'il Leatherface, and GrammaJan, aka Ma Leatherface. I would love to have seen my parents faces if they were to hear I had access to a chain saw when I was 12. They hid the can opener from me and it was manual.
Sounds a lot like my daddy. I had several small trees in my back yard and someone gave him a heck of a deal on a chain saw. He showed up at my house to practice. I called and asked momma to come get him while I still had some trees and before he hurt himself. I do not like that spinning chain close to me so I bought a pole saw. I had a lot of fun with it until I had to start moving things to the curb.

I can't help but notice it's going in the opposite direction than most.
I'm dyslexic and it comes on strong when I'm stressed or tired. I've said some doozies and probably typed a few. I had to get a new insticktion specker for my car.

Have a good Saturday everyone and prepare for the coming obscene amounts of cold next week.


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OK, just where in the hell are the symbols in the word processing screen? Ya see that? This is the problem with technology, until that came along I didn't know how dumb I was.
Go to the "Insert" tab at the top of a blank screen. The "symbols" should be at the top right. Click that if you see it and you'll find all kinds of different ones.


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Good morning Pops and friends. I know it wasn't Halloween last night, but I replicated a famous scene from Carrie but with a dark chocolate milk shake. I had the blender on higher than I thought and started to add the ice when things got volcanic. Liquid chocolate everywhere!

Jan, please check her neighborhood out before you commit to anything. I've learned a hard, hard, HARD lesson about bad neighbors. Also, is that where you've planned to stay at? Just be careful.

RGV, I think your friend is cheating! Study up then go shame him proper like.

Sounds a lot like my daddy. I had several small trees in my back yard and someone gave him a heck of a deal on a chain saw. He showed up at my house to practice. I called and asked momma to come get him while I still had some trees and before he hurt himself. I do not like that spinning chain close to me so I bought a pole saw. I had a lot of fun with it until I had to start moving things to the curb.

I'm dyslexic and it comes on strong when I'm stressed or tired. I've said some doozies and probably typed a few. I had to get a new insticktion specker for my car.

Have a good Saturday everyone and prepare for the coming obscene amounts of cold next week.

Thank you, yes, I know the neighborhood well. It's a good one, but then again, anything is compared to where I live right now. :D.


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Good morning Pops and friends. I know it wasn't Halloween last night, but I replicated a famous scene from Carrie but with a dark chocolate milk shake. I had the blender on higher than I thought and started to add the ice when things got volcanic. Liquid chocolate everywhere!

Jan, please check her neighborhood out before you commit to anything. I've learned a hard, hard, HARD lesson about bad neighbors. Also, is that where you've planned to stay at? Just be careful.

RGV, I think your friend is cheating! Study up then go shame him proper like.

Sounds a lot like my daddy. I had several small trees in my back yard and someone gave him a heck of a deal on a chain saw. He showed up at my house to practice. I called and asked momma to come get him while I still had some trees and before he hurt himself. I do not like that spinning chain close to me so I bought a pole saw. I had a lot of fun with it until I had to start moving things to the curb.

I'm dyslexic and it comes on strong when I'm stressed or tired. I've said some doozies and probably typed a few. I had to get a new insticktion specker for my car.

Have a good Saturday everyone and prepare for the coming obscene amounts of cold next week.

Good morning Pops and friends. I think you’re right X, he must have cheated lol.

Nice day today. I’m sitting outside. A car just drove by and slowed down. They were pointing at my little orange tree with 62 oranges and one fake apple ;). It looks real from a distance.

Cat was out here following me around until I got the water hose to wash down a 10x10 slab in the back.

it’s 60° :thumbup:


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Movin' on up in the neighborhood? Ye shall be known as GrammaJan Jefferson.

I will also be changing my State of residence from Iowa back to Illinois if this deal goes through. It's literally right across the good old Mississippi so I would have a commute, but now the boss won't be able to say 'can you run down and check _______ (fill in the blank)...and good shot on that "GrammaJan Jefferson". Got a chuckle out of that one :laugh:


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It's going to drop down to 20 one night next week. Time to find where I hid all my winter clothes. For real this time. I've already chased my dogs around trying to put sweaters on them.
We'll drop by n jump in ur bed n snuggle n keep u warm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. My solution to the" degree" symbol is to keep a little bag of dots next to my computer. When I need one I just stick it on my screen. Its game day! I hate the late games. I usually go to bed at halftime and then watch the 2nd half the next morning before logging on to see what happened. The LSU/Alabama game was the best college game I've seen all year. I like both teams. May you all have a blessed day.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops and to those in the ETZ that have to stay up late tonight with another night game. We get the limit as Cowboys fans with 5 night games and I really don't like NFL night games. One more to go after this....in Chicago...…in December...…...at night. Might be a good prep should they have to go to GB or even SEA in Jan.

Yesterday, I saw what might just be the best gathering of skill position players in one game I've ever seen. My Tigers took care of business but Bama put up one hell of a fight. They are my adopted Tigers because we spent many a day and night tailgating at Tigers games when we lived in Baton Rouge, That and my biological team, the Hogs, are criminal drug dealing murdering reprobates that should be incarcerated for life.....and a day.

Make this day what you will and may your dreams this evening come true. Tell you the truth, I don't mind the Vikings winning because I like Zimmer and can't stand Booger and his mouth. Like to see him crying in his whiskey with 4 TD's from Cousins tonight.....and I don't like Cousins. But I would like to see him mouth "how do you like me now" to Jones' suite.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. My solution to the" degree" symbol is to keep a little bag of dots next to my computer. When I need one I just stick it on my screen. Its game day! I hate the late games. I usually go to bed at halftime and then watch the 2nd half the next morning before logging on to see what happened. The LSU/Alabama game was the best college game I've seen all year. I like both teams. May you all have a blessed day.
I used all of my dots up as pasties.

That was a whale of a game and I am so used to seeing lopsided games, I had to keep telling myself 'these guys are really good'. I'd take either one of those QB's over what we have.