FEATURED Morning Pops!


"We Are Penn State"
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Good afternoon Pops and friends. We've got to enjoy every post Leon makes until he becomes too relaxed to acknowledge us.
It's true! Mahomes got the short end of the pretty stick, but I'm still rooting for him.
I like that kind of preaching much better ;)than the fire n brimstone kind :confused:.

Good morning Pops and friends.
To quote an old friend of mine "Ain't it the truth."


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. I'm so relaxed even my typing is fading away. We had a beautiful sunset last night. The couple on the end of the building with a west-facing balcony had invited a group of us to come over for wine and cheesecake to watch the sunset Saturday night. The wine and food was great but the sunset fizzled. We should have waited until last night when the sky looked like it was on fire. Y'all have a great day.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

After fighting intestinal flu for the past few days, I finally feel a bit more human today. I am looking forward to eating real food soon, as opposed to drinking chicken broth.

One thing about being bedridden, it allows you time to think. I have thought a lot about Kobe Bryant's death ... Not so much how I felt about it, but how others viewed it. It has really been amazing to hear and see the tributes to Kobe's life. So many, many people talk about how Kobe touched them throughout their lives. One thing I didn't appreciate is that apparently, Kobe was a great dad.

I know nothing about Kobe, the man, and to be honest, was never that big of a fan of Kobe the basketball player. Sure, I appreciate his talent and artistry on the court, but that is pretty much where it ended for me.

I wasn't sure where I was going with this post when I started but, after watching the yesterday's news cycle I was struck by how fans and media have elevated Kobe to near deity status.

To me, the biggest loss is not Kobe the basketball player, but Kobe the father of his four kids.

Sorry, didn't mean to post a downer this Monday morning.

I wish you all a great start to the week.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Someone sent me this video of our @LeonDixson having problems on the course in his younger days. No!t sure who the fella was in the background laughing. :lmao:

Hey, those things were mean! I did get into a kicking match with a turkey at my fiance's house before we were married. We ended up eating him at Thanksgiving. Best meal I ever had.:laugh:

I agree with you @ColoCowboy about Bryant. I ceased being a fan after he raped a woman years ago. However, I have nothing but sympathy for his family and for him too.


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Good afternoon Pops, say hey to Kobe and his daughter for me and while it must have been terrifying, they were not alone. I was never a fan but his family must be in a horrible place right now. Trying to make sense out of two lives lost and four more forever changed just in their immediate family.

A reminder that today is too short and tomorrow not promised. Live easy, love hard, any day could be our last.


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Good afternoon Pops and friends I agree with Colo on the sudden sainthood of Kobe Bryant. Hero? He played basketball for millions. He did not build the house he played in. He commuted with a helicopter though and that's special. I believe Jerry Jones does that too with a super cool star on it and no way is he up for sainthood after he goes. He will be called a visionary followed closely with hemorrhoid references.


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Good afternoon Pops and friends. Horrible news about Kobe, his daughter and other 7 ppl. RIP. I stopped keeping up with the NBA after Olajuwon retired but do enjoy watching the NBA finals.

I’m going back into the working population again in warehouse management. They made an offer I couldn’t refuse plus it’s nice to feel needed again. It’s taken quite an adjustment since my mom passed. Retirement got real and it’s too easy to develop bad habits like sleeping late and napping during the day. ;) The Mrs and I still go do our 3 miles. Jan, I can’t run a mile under 8 minutes anymore. I ran an 8:15 but that’s tops. Getting old.
I plan to work a few months then take some road trips and hopefully visit the NE part of the country. Tough crowd up there ;) I hear.

Have a great day everyone. :thumbup:


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good afternoon Pops and friends I agree with Colo on the sudden sainthood of Kobe Bryant. Hero? He played basketball for millions. He did not build the house he played in. He commuted with a helicopter though and that's special. I believe Jerry Jones does that too with a super cool star on it and no way is he up for sainthood after he goes. He will be called a visionary followed closely with hemorrhoid references.
More of an opportunist than visionary to me. He exploited what was already there, just like oil. He didn't create anything from vision.

The only latter day athletes I would call hero's are Pat Tillman and Joe Delaney, who drowned trying to save 3 children in your neck of the woods.

I agree with Leon, I hear Kobe's name and I think of that nasty business in CO with him getting away with it and giving his wife that monstrous rock as an act of contrition. I didn't like him but that is still a tragedy for that family. But in the grand scheme of things, how many family tragedies of non famous people took place yesterday?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good afternoon Pops and friends. Horrible news about Kobe, his daughter and other 7 ppl. RIP. I stopped keeping up with the NBA after Olajuwon retired but do enjoy watching the NBA finals.

I’m going back into the working population again in warehouse management. They made an offer I couldn’t refuse plus it’s nice to feel needed again. It’s taken quite an adjustment since my mom passed. Retirement got real and it’s too easy to develop bad habits like sleeping late and napping during the day. ;) The Mrs and I still go do our 3 miles. Jan, I can’t run a mile under 8 minutes anymore. I ran an 8:15 but that’s tops. Getting old.
I plan to work a few months then take some road trips and hopefully visit the NE part of the country. Tough crowd up there ;) I hear.

Have a great day everyone. :thumbup:
Sleeping late and napping are bad habits? I've got some habits that make those look like Sunday School.


Well-Known Member
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Good afternoon Pops and friends. Horrible news about Kobe, his daughter and other 7 ppl. RIP. I stopped keeping up with the NBA after Olajuwon retired but do enjoy watching the NBA finals.

I’m going back into the working population again in warehouse management. They made an offer I couldn’t refuse plus it’s nice to feel needed again. It’s taken quite an adjustment since my mom passed. Retirement got real and it’s too easy to develop bad habits like sleeping late and napping during the day. ;) The Mrs and I still go do our 3 miles. Jan, I can’t run a mile under 8 minutes anymore. I ran an 8:15 but that’s tops. Getting old.
I plan to work a few months then take some road trips and hopefully visit the NE part of the country. Tough crowd up there ;) I hear.

Have a great day everyone. :thumbup:
I've been away from the jog for so long. I really just can't get that "want" back. Your mile is faster than mine, so I'm jealous. I just made a 10 min. avg over lunch (4 miles). Not gonna lie... I'm not happy about it. I'll never get back to where I was but an 8 or 9 would be amazing. I'll try to give it a couple months and see if I can whittle away at it a bit.