FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and pen pals. Sorry about your fishing trip, ABQ. You've been working so long and hard lately it would have been a nice break for you.

This is where we differ. I would still be celebrating the fact the charger was missing and had I been forced to order one from Amazon, I would be awaiting the arrival of the package with the same anticipation as the guard to walk me to the gas chamber.
Good afternoon Pops and friends. I just got a call about my scan tomorrow and have already screwed up their plans for my diet today. Say Lah Vee.

Someone knows how it feels to be me!!!!! YES MA'AM!!!! Over the past two years I've worked to organize everything. I found the need to do this when I needed a piece of tape and couldn't find one. Didn't I just buy some I ask myself. So next trip to the store, I bought a roll of tape. I opened a drawer to put it in and found where my tape was at. I decided it would do better in a different area and moved it to my surprise join two other tape rolls. I decided to put all my tape in one spot. I had a small container only to need a bigger one and ultimately a storage bin. I put duct tape with the universe & minions, painter's tape, electrical tape (down to 3 rolls), tape for shipping and ye good old fashioned Scotch tape in one place. Next up was computer, tv, vcr, dvd, Tivo, phone chords and extension chords. Those stringy things are everywhere! I'm no where near through with that one but I'm still in celebration mode over my tape victory. I also haven't bought any more tape.

See, that's the thing. Last spring I organized my workshop using industrial metal shelving and 6' high plastic, snap together cabinets. I labeled the shelves: drills here, sanders there, etc. I put all my supplies in one cabinet and all my tool accessories in another one. I thought I was all set. I guess I thought wrong.:thumbdown:
I thought CC had more hair

Not that much, I do a onesie on my noggin and have for 20 years. I didn't like what was up there and grass doesn't grow well on busy turf so my wife cut it all off and she liked me with no hair except my goat.

Colo, I've come a long way since that 16 year old kid got suspended for having a Beatles cut. Today, I would just get suspended for being me.
Good morning Pops and my Twofer Tuesday folks. I know some are Taco Tuesday people too so happy tacos to you.

Summer looks like it's going to really show starting tomorrow so you lucky people can look forward to more weather reports from your favorite weather man, Ferd Burfell. That would be my name if I were a TV weatherman and I would have hand puppets for the kiddies. Betty Cold, Sunny Hot, Rainy Day Randall and one for the late night forecast, Mr. Naughty. The news chick would get so tired of Mr. Naughty that I am sure I'd get hit with a harassment suit but I would blame it on the puppet. Ya see, that's where the POTUS, Booger and Epstein and especially Bill Cosby went wrong, no hand puppet to take the fall. Always have an exit strategy out of trouble ready to enact.

Speaking of tacos and hand puppets, and I was, of both but not together until now, I have a hand puppet for tacos, Mr. Pedro Raoul Juan Carlos Montoya. He's a cute little guy and also sees to it that my margarita glass has just the right amount of salt and he makes a mean Paloma.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Two or three years ago I bought a cheap cordless hedge and shrub trimmer. I don't have any hedges and only use it on 3 shrubs so the battery lasted a year or so before needing charging. Guess what? I couldn't find the charger that came with it so the tool lay unused for almost a year. Just before I left for my last trip to the Bahamas, I found the charger and put it with all my other chargers. Sooooo, the day before yesterday I was going to charge the battery and use the trimmer. The only problem was that the battery is missing. WTH??? Looked everywhere twice and some likely places three times but couldn't find it. I ordered a new one from Amazon yesterday and it will be here today. So tomorrow I will trim the neighbor's vines that are hanging on my side of the fence. I'm looking forward to finding the old battery now that I don't need it anymore.
Are you sure the battery isn't attached to the charger?
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit today.

I hope everybodies weekend was a good one, I hope a safe one. Crazy what we are seeing all over the Country over the weekend.

We got a decent amount of rain this weekend, not a lot but just kinda overcast and damp all weekend. No fishing for me this weekend, as a result.

I'm thinking that I might have to reschedule till next week or maybe the week after. Damn shame....

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hoping you guys are all doing well this morning.

People, please try to stay safe. These are wild times but end of day, life is a one time thing so you gotta protect it. Have a good week, everybody!

Gonna leave you with this one this Monday Morning. I'm not usually a turn the other cheek kinda guy but I just feel like we all need to slow down here. Forgive me if these seems cornball but I don't care about that. This feels like Blue on Blue and we all know, that's not right, not good. Take a breath people. We are not enemies.

John Lennon - Imagine

Not my favorite song, technically, but I do think it's the greatest, most profound song ever written.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in today and visit the thread.

TGIF! I still have some stuff to get done on the Cisco Cert Testing so looks like I will be putting in some work this weekend after all. C'est La Vie.........

Jan, sorry to hear the work week didn't go so well. Hopefully, next week is better!

Colo, sounds like a lot of old stuff going on with your Brother. You can't fix everything. Sometimes, all you can do is just walk on I guess. Hang in there Brother!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well today! Looking forward to spending some time with the kids and the Wife this weekend. We didn't really celebrate Mother's Day the way we should have so our plan is to have a Mother's Day celebration this Sat. Kids, Grandbabies and of course, Maw and Paw Kettle will be in attendance. Gonna smoke a Briskett tonight and I guess I'll make up some Wing Suace and grill up some Wings to go with that.

Everybody, Happy Friday! I hope you all have a great weekend! You've earned it!

Gonna roll back the years here a little bit and leave you guys with an old Bangles vid from American Bandstand. I actually saw this posted previously by one of the other members of the board. Might have actually been ksk, can't remember. Anyhow, I watched and it kinda took me back to the mid 80s. I tried to remember where I was when this was going on and decided I would post it. Without further ado........

The Bangles - American Bandstand 1986

Always did like the Bangles. :yourock::yourock::yourock:

Thanks for the welcome---hope this is a party thread.:yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock:
It IS now. :laugh:

kitty dragging on a good place
LOL. Humpday Putty. You're FAVORITE day. :muttley:
Morning, Pops and all Y'all. Happy hump day. Rummaging through some old stuff yesterday, I found my old Troy Aikman coin and it's now properly displayed on my Cowboys bookshelf. It's a mowing day for me. Xelda, do you have a playlist for that? Have a great day, Y'all.

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