FEATURED Morning Pops!

Evening Pops and everyone.

Been an interesting week. Work has been extremely stressful this week. So glad it's finally Friday!

Daughter and son-in-law totaled the car on Memorial Day night avoiding a deer and took on a telephone pole at 55 mph. Neither the car or the telephone pole won that battle. Thankfully none of the kids were with them and the daughter and hubby were both mostly okay. He had to get on the carrier this week also for a short test run out to sea for a couple weeks. She's a little banged up and trying to see a doctor tomorrow. Thinking she's got a broken rib or something going on ... or just a lot of stressed out muscles.

Switching gears...remember me telling you guys about my great aunt Trudy that I posted the video on when she was 99 years old, the whole thing about Rosie the Riveter? Well, today is her 100th birthday and there's going to be another news story on our local TV about her again! Definitely staying up to watch this time! Can't wait to see what she's up to, but I know she's slowed down a bit. She's earned it.

Have a good night all.
Wow, got some good family news and some not so good....but at least everyone's okay!
May I apologize to all of you? With everything going on since this pandemic mess I've been doubly busy at work and haven't been taking the necessary time and care to do anything more than speed reading my way through the posts every couple days. People here have been hurting from life and loss and going through some real stuff and I haven't acknowledged any of it and I feel terrible about it. Please know you all are in my thoughts daily. Other than my daughter, you 'guys' are more like family to me than most people I share a bloodline with...and you're always here when I find my way back.

Thank you all for just...being here.
Wow, got some good family news and some not so good....but at least everyone's okay!
Life is weird like that. From what I hear they are blessed. A live power line fell on the car across the top and over the front passenger door...her door. All the airbags deployed and she panicked because her door wouldn't open and the car was full of that weird powdery smoke from the airbags discharging. He got her out his side of the car while she was freaking out thinking the smoke was from the car. Odd thing, when they went to the salvage yard to get what they could save from inside the car, that door opened just fine. That's when they found out about the power line being live. I think this could've ended much much worse than it did.
Super early morning Pops and Popsadoodlees. It was a weird Friday and it doesn't seem to want to end yet. I found some YouTube videos about Cowboys/Eagles reactions to our #17 pick in this year's draft. It was better than a really good comedy. I laughed quite a bit and YouTube had enough mixes to make it funnier than it already was. One fan started cussing Roger Goodell when he appeared on screen. I thought "My People!".

Good morning Pops. Good morning guys and gals. Special shout-out to @cowboy_ron .
Hope today is beautiful for everybody.

I have monster allergies. I've already sneezed over 30 times this morning!
I know I live a whole state over, but my nose is on the rampage as well. That's why I could never be a ninja. You have both my sympathy and understanding.

@cowboy_ron is always in our thoughts around here. We're looking for him to come back and help us root for our Boys. We miss you, Ron!
I wondered where you guys hung out at. Running your post count up I see. OMG .. 1222 pages talking about nothing. Lol
You have not been paying attention. We've discussed and broken down the meaning of life five times. We're going to solve world hunger after we get that sixth or seventh Lombardi. The jury's still out on when exactly. In the mean time, we're keeping each other honest. Sort of.
I wondered where you guys hung out at. Running your post count up I see. OMG .. 1222 pages talking about nothing. Lol
One person's nothing is another person's something but then again, you've known for quite some time that I specialize in nothing. Dominated the "This Thread is About Nothing" on the old site because no one can out nothing me. I specialize in nothing. It was I that pointed out the pitfalls of something.

You deal with something, you never stop dealing with it. Someone is always adding something to something. Nothing means you can just let it lie there, it doesn't have to be tended. Much ado about nothing is a farce, nothing is fine all by itself. My motto "Ain't no big thing".

I first learned the magic of nothing as a young whippersnapper when my parents would yell out "L'il CC, what are you doing"? I would reply "nothing" and they bought it. You see when things got a little too quiet around our house, my parents would get nervous and need an audio locater on my presence. Hey, you give an inquisitive and blossoming twisted sense of humor a chemistry set, you should be better prepared.

And we do not talk about nothing in this thread for we are all something. Nothing is for the Fan Forum.
Life is weird like that. From what I hear they are blessed. A live power line fell on the car across the top and over the front passenger door...her door. All the airbags deployed and she panicked because her door wouldn't open and the car was full of that weird powdery smoke from the airbags discharging. He got her out his side of the car while she was freaking out thinking the smoke was from the car. Odd thing, when they went to the salvage yard to get what they could save from inside the car, that door opened just fine. That's when they found out about the power line being live. I think this could've ended much much worse than it did.
Wait!! A live power line on a car is dangerous? Each night when my neighbor puts one on the top of my car, he says he's just keeping my car warm for me.
May I apologize to all of you? With everything going on since this pandemic mess I've been doubly busy at work and haven't been taking the necessary time and care to do anything more than speed reading my way through the posts every couple days. People here have been hurting from life and loss and going through some real stuff and I haven't acknowledged any of it and I feel terrible about it. Please know you all are in my thoughts daily. Other than my daughter, you 'guys' are more like family to me than most people I share a bloodline with...and you're always here when I find my way back.

Thank you all for just...being here.
Ya know, dear lady, I don't think we need to apologize in this thread for being human.

Sometimes we take on life; sometimes life takes on us. Nothing in heaven or on earth can match the Maker's sense of humor.
Super early morning Pops and Popsadoodlees. It was a weird Friday and it doesn't seem to want to end yet. I found some YouTube videos about Cowboys/Eagles reactions to our #17 pick in this year's draft. It was better than a really good comedy. I laughed quite a bit and YouTube had enough mixes to make it funnier than it already was. One fan started cussing Roger Goodell when he appeared on screen. I thought "My People!".

I know I live a whole state over, but my nose is on the rampage as well. That's why I could never be a ninja. You have both my sympathy and understanding.

@cowboy_ron is always in our thoughts around here. We're looking for him to come back and help us root for our Boys. We miss you, Ron!

You have not been paying attention. We've discussed and broken down the meaning of life five times. We're going to solve world hunger after we get that sixth or seventh Lombardi. The jury's still out on when exactly. In the mean time, we're keeping each other honest. Sort of.
Are you referring to the Trolling the Nation article? Those are hilarious! Someone starts a thread on that after almost every game we win, plus there was one for the draft this year.
Are you referring to the Trolling the Nation article? Those are hilarious! Someone starts a thread on that after almost every game we win, plus there was one for the draft this year.
Yep, it is nice to know that we aren't the only fans to take all of this too seriously. I have the tendency to add a line to those posts, and often the ones I read in our Fan Forum............and my girlfriend/wife is glad I am doing this and not talking to her.
Ya know, dear lady, I don't think we need to apologize in this thread for being human.

Sometimes we take on life; sometimes life takes on us. Nothing in heaven or on earth can match the Maker's sense of humor.
Finding the balance is hard most days, but then again if I were balanced I probably wouldn't have wandered into this site.:D
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Well, while you all were doing nothing, I've loaded all the brush from my pruning onto my pickup and am just waiting for 10 a.m. when the collection station opens. Although I guess you could call pruning nothing because it all grows right back and makes it look like you did nothing. I think we're on to something here. From now on I'll do nothing and see if something comes from it.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Well, while you all were doing nothing, I've loaded all the brush from my pruning onto my pickup and am just waiting for 10 a.m. when the collection station opens. Although I guess you could call pruning nothing because it all grows right back and makes it look like you did nothing. I think we're on to something here. From now on I'll do nothing and see if something comes from it.

Be careful Leon, nothing can be additive when you realize it really is something. And wives really don't like seeing their husbands doing nothing because they know they're up to no good.

Nothing says nothing better than ignoring the "Honey Do" list because you know very well you should be doing something but doing nothing when you should be doing something is the pinnacle of nothingness. However, there is a pitfall that accompanies that, the memory of a wife. Later that evening, you're getting a little frisky, sneak over and give her a little nudge and...........nothing. You ask "honey buns, (first mistake, honey is a trigger for the list you did nothing about) what's the matter"? And the answer every husband and boyfriend fears comes back......"nothing". This nothing is something.

I would usually lockout with and that's all I have to say about that but I could go on about nothing all day and well into the night. I think I am going to do something today, create a cocktail called "The Nothing". Then I will have a specific libation to accompany me whilst doing nothing. And you might say "but CC, by making a cocktail and smoking a cigar, you are doing something". To which I would reply "oh nay, the very fact that I should be doing something else insures me that I will be doing nothing".

And today I will ponder the meaning of "nothing of the kind". While listening to "you say it best when you say nothing at all". That's when I like people the best, when they say nothing at all and leave it to my imagination. They're far more interesting and provocative inside my imagination, where everything is welcome and nothing ever escapes.

I wish for you nothing but happiness this day. And happiness is nothing.
Are you referring to the Trolling the Nation article? Those are hilarious! Someone starts a thread on that after almost every game we win, plus there was one for the draft this year.
YouTube. I can't find the best one from last night. There's throwing of jewelry and remotes, extra curricular cussing, bonus screaming, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth by eagles fans. In one of the videos, it's showing their frustration boiling over as the joyous laughter of a Cowboys fan plays over the green chaos. Good stuff!!!! It has inspired me to buy Ceedee's jersey.
Good afternoon Pops and friends. I’ve never read about “nothing” in this thread. It’s always about something written by a somebody. For what it’s worth, the somethings keep me coming back and are good therapy for my soul. I look forward reading about everyone’s ‘something’. Hope y’all are having a great weekend. :)

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