FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and I got that in under the wire since it's almost noon. I hope y'all had a tolerable Monday morning as we begin the countdown on the next 3 day weekend. Only 6 more weeks to go until the worst named holiday of the year, Labor Day. It is no labor that day so why call it Labor Day? And don't anyone go researching how it came about because you know how much I detest explanations. First, someone goes explaining something and then I feel I am being punished. I love a good mystery.

I don't know how the rest of your Monday's have gone this July but this is your last shot at going out on a high note so make it count. And it's half over, if you haven't been in a wreck or arrested, you've got a good thing going here.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

So, two down and one more gender reveal to go! We managed to have my Daughters gender reveal over the weekend and we got lucky. The turnout was good, we did it outside and managed not to get rained on. Was not too hot, not to windy so ended up being pretty good! It was a Phil or Lil theme and low and behold, we got a Phil so yes sports fans, another boy. At this rate, it won't be long before I have a baseball team. 5 of the 6 Grandchildren are boys. We don't know about the 6th one yet but my Wife is getting a little frantic. She want's a girl so bad and it's down to one so yeah.......

How was everybodies weekend?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all doing well this Monday. Over half the day is done here so looking forward to finishing up and heading for Tuesday.

Everybody, have a great work week!

Good Morning Pops and friends. I was awfully confused this morning when I woke up and the clock said 7:07. I thought that time was only in the evening. I'm not the morning person I pretend to be at around noon. I'm monitoring my vitals now to keep from going into shock. I also want spring back and lots of it. I look around now at all the green trees, some with flowers even and smile at the sight. I hit an awful depression with fall and winter. To each their own, right?

I guess I'll get busy since I'm up so early. Have a Monday, everyone.
I'm with ya, Doll. Once fall hits, I can't even appreciate the colors, because all I can think about is the bland, empty trees, and the "s" word.....not the one I say so often, the bad one. If misery loves company, we'll like each other more in a few months.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to visit today.

So, whats the good word everybody?

I'm here contemplating what I should have for Lunch. I think I'm going to go with left over sub sandwich. Maybe some chips and a glass of tea.

Looking forward to some training camp news, finally. I'm hoping we get a decent amount of that but I guess any news is more then we've been getting but yeah, be good to talk about football rather then what we've had to talk about, of late.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all enjoying a great day. Here is to each and every one of you.


People, please have a great Tuesday. Remember, Tacos always go down pretty good on Tuesday!

Good afternoon Pops and all my little Popsadoodles. I'll bet you didn't know that, but you are all mine just like the Dallas Cowboys are all mine and I play right along with them each game so when I saw "We WON" I feel my efforts (and good taste in teams) were paid off with a W.

Yesterday turned into the Monday from hell. I thought it was great news, but the reality bites hard. The good news, I'm on vacation. The bad news, my niece tested positive for Covid. She's still at home which means my brother was exposed. Momma and I work with him, so... being a normal hypochondriac, I felt all the symptoms at once. I don't dare go to Web MD or I'd be fishing for that mailer of a free cemetery plot that arrived on my birthday. I won't find it, I was so mad at the timing that I threw it away in grand style. You know the exaggerated motions of dunking a piece of unwanted trash with a few choice words for the company. All in all, it's been a good vacation so far. I don't think I should go out to do any of the stuff I need to, so I'll protect the world as best as I can from right where I'm at. That's so thoughty of me.

Have a pleasant evening everyone.
Good afternoon Pops and all my little Popsadoodles. I'll bet you didn't know that, but you are all mine just like the Dallas Cowboys are all mine and I play right along with them each game so when I saw "We WON" I feel my efforts (and good taste in teams) were paid off with a W.

Yesterday turned into the Monday from hell. I thought it was great news, but the reality bites hard. The good news, I'm on vacation. The bad news, my niece tested positive for Covid. She's still at home which means my brother was exposed. Momma and I work with him, so... being a normal hypochondriac, I felt all the symptoms at once. I don't dare go to Web MD or I'd be fishing for that mailer of a free cemetery plot that arrived on my birthday. I won't find it, I was so mad at the timing that I threw it away in grand style. You know the exaggerated motions of dunking a piece of unwanted trash with a few choice words for the company. All in all, it's been a good vacation so far. I don't think I should go out to do any of the stuff I need to, so I'll protect the world as best as I can from right where I'm at. That's so thoughty of me.

Have a pleasant evening everyone.
Truth be told, every single one of us has been ‘’exposed’’. I’m sure that will light a fire under some on this site but it is what it is. There is so much lying going on out there about the # of cases and deaths (and I have personal knowledge of this) that I’ve decided I’m just living my life. Hell, if cancer didn’t take me out then...

Frankly, I’m tired of people whining about losing their free ride. Jobs are there people. I now have 2 and it wasn’t any stretch to get the second and now there’s talk about extending?

Ok. I’ll get off my soap box.

Anyway, Xel I wish and pray for you to have the best possible outcome. We need you here to keep the guys in line. Lord knows I don’t contribute to that effort. ;)
Truth be told, every single one of us has been ‘’exposed’’. I’m sure that will light a fire under some on this site but it is what it is. There is so much lying going on out there about the # of cases and deaths (and I have personal knowledge of this) that I’ve decided I’m just living my life. Hell, if cancer didn’t take me out then...

Frankly, I’m tired of people whining about losing their free ride. Jobs are there people. I now have 2 and it wasn’t any stretch to get the second and now there’s talk about extending?

Ok. I’ll get off my soap box.

Anyway, Xel I wish and pray for you to have the best possible outcome. We need you here to keep the guys in line. Lord knows I don’t contribute to that effort. ;)
Restaurants are having trouble getting their employees to come to work because the $600 is more than they get paid.
Restaurants are having trouble getting their employees to come to work because the $600 is more than they get paid.
My thoughts, and I’m getting all whipped up about this again and probably won’t sleep... We had to lay-off where I work (not food service...I work in a law office) and I got stuck with a double workload in an extremely stressful job, no permitted overtime (for 3 months-I have it back now) and no raise. How fair is that? This ‘working Joe(sephine)’ got screwed along with many others. Well, where’s my damn stipend for actually doing my part? These people got to sit and SAAAAAAY they wanted to work and there sat the jobs right along with them. What about all the people before this started that WANTED jobs? Well, thank you to those who legitimately did and stepped out there and grabbed one or two for yourself, but there sits the rest of ‘em collecting $ and whining that the end of July is here, and what will they do about money now that they’ve become accustomed to a new level of living. They made a LOT more in their weekly stipend and unemployment than I did in a month’s time. But hey, let’s just print more money to put a bandaid on the situation. These people knew there was supposed to be a deadline and now It feels like the country is turning into a welfare state. Talk about ruining the economy and devaluing the dollar even more. So frustrating!!
My thoughts, and I’m getting all whipped up about this again and probably won’t sleep... We had to lay-off where I work (not food service...I work in a law office) and I got stuck with a double workload in an extremely stressful job, no permitted overtime (for 3 months-I have it back now) and no raise. How fair is that? This ‘working Joe(sephine)’ got screwed along with many others. Well, where’s my damn stipend for actually doing my part? These people got to sit and SAAAAAAY they wanted to work and there sat the jobs right along with them. What about all the people before this started that WANTED jobs? Well, thank you to those who legitimately did and stepped out there and grabbed one or two for yourself, but there sits the rest of ‘em collecting $ and whining that the end of July is here, and what will they do about money now that they’ve become accustomed to a new level of living. They made a LOT more in their weekly stipend and unemployment than I did in a month’s time. But hey, let’s just print more money to put a bandaid on the situation. These people knew there was supposed to be a deadline and now It feels like the country is turning into a welfare state. Talk about ruining the economy and devaluing the dollar even more. So frustrating!!
People are like children. You must maintain discipline and set parameters. We've been giving free rides for way too long, now people expect it. I'm afraid of what this country will be in a hundred years.
My thoughts, and I’m getting all whipped up about this again and probably won’t sleep... We had to lay-off where I work (not food service...I work in a law office) and I got stuck with a double workload in an extremely stressful job, no permitted overtime (for 3 months-I have it back now) and no raise. How fair is that? This ‘working Joe(sephine)’ got screwed along with many others. Well, where’s my damn stipend for actually doing my part? These people got to sit and SAAAAAAY they wanted to work and there sat the jobs right along with them. What about all the people before this started that WANTED jobs? Well, thank you to those who legitimately did and stepped out there and grabbed one or two for yourself, but there sits the rest of ‘em collecting $ and whining that the end of July is here, and what will they do about money now that they’ve become accustomed to a new level of living. They made a LOT more in their weekly stipend and unemployment than I did in a month’s time. But hey, let’s just print more money to put a bandaid on the situation. These people knew there was supposed to be a deadline and now It feels like the country is turning into a welfare state. Talk about ruining the economy and devaluing the dollar even more. So frustrating!!
Welcome to the new normal.
Wooooo Dabz!!!!! What did you buy with that hat full of money? We've got a bet going and my money is on you getting a bigger hat.

My thoughts, and I’m getting all whipped up about this again and probably won’t sleep... We had to lay-off where I work (not food service...I work in a law office) and I got stuck with a double workload in an extremely stressful job, no permitted overtime (for 3 months-I have it back now) and no raise. How fair is that? This ‘working Joe(sephine)’ got screwed along with many others. Well, where’s my damn stipend for actually doing my part? These people got to sit and SAAAAAAY they wanted to work and there sat the jobs right along with them. What about all the people before this started that WANTED jobs? Well, thank you to those who legitimately did and stepped out there and grabbed one or two for yourself, but there sits the rest of ‘em collecting $ and whining that the end of July is here, and what will they do about money now that they’ve become accustomed to a new level of living. They made a LOT more in their weekly stipend and unemployment than I did in a month’s time. But hey, let’s just print more money to put a bandaid on the situation. These people knew there was supposed to be a deadline and now It feels like the country is turning into a welfare state. Talk about ruining the economy and devaluing the dollar even more. So frustrating!!
I am not being sarcastic, but what can be done about any of it? All of that is out of our control. The only thing you can do is talk to the bosses about a raise, but I have a sinking feeling that's why you're still there. Losing sleep or fretting won't change anything for the better.
Good afternoon Pops and those unsettled by the events and responses in our country. You have to try and find good news because everywhere you look or listen, we're in one huge pity party.

There are two levels to this. Level one is out of our control and all we can do is roll with it because level two is our control over how much we let it affect us. It's the same thing as what happened to this country, it's not what happened to us, it's how we responded and what we're doing to ourselves. It's piling frustration on top of exasperation and all that does is reduce our body's immune level and make the real killer, stress, have an easier path within us.

For the first time in my lifetime, I am seeing what I thought I would never see. The only fact I believe for certain is that they don't know what to do. I don't care who it is, they just don't know how to handle this because the leaders have finally been successful at infecting the population with that terrible disease "I want MY America". Congress has been cow towing to personal interests groups so long that we have finally arrived at the ultimate personal interest of my own America.
Good morning Pops and friends. It’s Friday ......for me. Taking 1/2 vac today.The Mrs and I are going to Cosco's n Sam’s today. She gonna load the wagon but don’t really care, I just want to get out. Gonna be sporting my Cowboys mask and Astros cap ;) Gotta support my fave teams.

Have a great weekend friends N be safe :)

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