FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

It's been a few days since I made the time to post, but have been lurking about, nonetheless.

Our house went on the market a week ago and we have already had six showings with more lined up this weekend. While there has been no offers made, the strong interest has driven us to check out rental property in Montana.

My wife is actually headed to Missoula this weekend to view a few homes while I remain home and.. umm.. watch the cats. Apparently, she trusts me with the cats but doesn't trust me to view rental homes. Wise woman.

@kskboys, your comment about your wife being capable of shooting cracked me up. I've signed my wife up for a series of handgun courses. She consistently has a grouping of about 4-5 inches - I am especially loving and attentive these days.

Many years ago, I had a friend with a husband that was the top shark shooter in the state. Can you believe she was cheating on him? Talk about a death wish. I asked her if she was crazy to which she replied no. We lost touch because I don't much care for friendly fire.
Many years ago, I had a friend with a husband that was the top shark shooter in the state. Can you believe she was cheating on him? Talk about a death wish. I asked her if she was crazy to which she replied no. We lost touch because I don't much care for friendly fire.
If she stayed out of the ocean, she didn't have anything to worry about.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit today.

Well,I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to make for supper tonight. Might just order Pizza. Seems like a good Pizza night. What's on the agenda with you guys? I need some ideas!

Yanks and Red Sox play this afternoon, I believe. Might catch that game if I'm able.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope all of you have something pretty cool planned for the weekend. Whatever it is, have fun with it!

Everybody, welcome to Friday and have a great weekend! Be safe, be careful, have fun!

Gonna leave you with this song to kick off your weekend.

This is the Great Sam Cooke - Another Saturday Night

She could be the Land Shark.

Impossible. This is the one and only Land Shark RW.

Yeah, I got a liquor cabinet full of all kinds of different stuff, I have cases of my favorite beer and I have a beer fridge that's always stocked, pretty much. I enjoy having a beer or 20 with friends or even just the boys when they come home but it's not the same as going into a local bar, grabbing a stool, BSing with the Bar Tender or regulars. Picking up a pool cue and shooting some stick, just generally unwinding and having fun. You don't get that drinking by yourself at home. Least I don't.

I did go to Hooters last weekend though. Stopped in and took my Wife and two of the Grandboys for lunch. It was OK, you can't sit inside, only patio but it was about 95 w/65% humidity so not great but not so bad. The thing is, because people can't come in until people leave, you really can't just sit and drink. At least, most people don't do that around here. But still, it was good to get out and eat some wings, drink a beer. Go have fun this weekend RW!
Well, I'm at Hooters, and as it turns out, my three favorite girls aren't coming back. I'm very upset about it, and what really sucks is I lost their phone numbers when my phone crapped out on me, so I can't even say goodbye.
Well, I'm at Hooters, and as it turns out, my three favorite girls aren't coming back. I'm very upset about it, and what really sucks is I lost their phone numbers when my phone crapped out on me, so I can't even say goodbye.
I'm so sorry to hear that Runny. There are places I go to just for the people that work there. They make the experience so much better than it would be normally.
Good morning Pops and friends. We are in the middle of a cold front with the outside at 78. It felt good enough yesterday to weed my flower bed. I just want that grass and those weeds to know they weren't invited. The ants were even cooperative because I always stop once they start biting. I've treated that area many times over the years and it hasn't worked. I thought I'd find a pot I don't like and many rolls of aluminum foil to melt and pour on them. I'd have a fancy art sculpture, no ants and a big hole in my flower bed. I'm liking that idea better by the minute. I should buy a bunch of dirt to fill the areas back in. I'll fix those ants that are trespassing on my property and have enough sculptures for the annual arts festival. I'd kill two birds with one stone, I'd get rid of the ants and have a hat full of money.

I hope everyone has a good Saturday!
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the Weekend! I'm still around; just haven't posted in a while. Hopefully everyone is in good health and good spirits.
Welcome back, Leon! Who pooted to make you leave us? I can sneak beano into their food. We are all hoping the hurricane does no harm to the area of our vacation home... er, I mean your vacation home.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

It's been a few days since I made the time to post, but have been lurking about, nonetheless.

Our house went on the market a week ago and we have already had six showings with more lined up this weekend. While there has been no offers made, the strong interest has driven us to check out rental property in Montana.

My wife is actually headed to Missoula this weekend to view a few homes while I remain home and.. umm.. watch the cats. Apparently, she trusts me with the cats but doesn't trust me to view rental homes. Wise woman.

@kskboys, your comment about your wife being capable of shooting cracked me up. I've signed my wife up for a series of handgun courses. She consistently has a grouping of about 4-5 inches - I am especially loving and attentive these days.

To follow-up my wife's shooting prowess, we had another lesson yesterday. The instructor was a fairly young, buff ex-Army Ranger. After the lesson, he asked my wife whether she had ever practiced with a rifle and she responded, ".. only with an AK-47 when I was in high school in Russia". Stopped him dead in his tracks... would have loved a photo of the expression on his face... made my day.


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