FEATURED Morning Pops!

Negatory Ghostrider...... I don't do sandels.

I don't do the strap-on sandals, but I do wear the old-school beach flip-flops (or whatever they call them these days). Regardless the footwear, everyone knows you wear a Hawaiian shirt with tidy-whitey masks... what was this guy thinking??
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

I had a restless night and am up very early this morning. We had multiple showings yesterday and, apparently, we're getting a offer from one. Exciting news, but a bit unnerving when I think of everything we have to do to make the move to Montana. Hence, the restless night.

So, how easy is it to change your Cowboy Zone name? I was thinking:

MontanaCowboy -- too obvious
MontanaBoys -- a bit pervy
YellowstoneCowboy -- in honor of Kevin Costner and his TV show, "Yellowstone"
RhinestoneCowboy -- in honor of one of the greatest guitarist ever, Glen Campbell
MontaSomethingortheOther? -- bequeathed by @Xelda or @GrammaJan -- I don't remember and I can't find the original post

How's your Sunday??
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

I had a restless night and am up very early this morning. We had multiple showings yesterday and, apparently, we're getting a offer from one. Exciting news, but a bit unnerving when I think of everything we have to do to make the move to Montana. Hence, the restless night.

So, how easy is it to change your Cowboy Zone name? I was thinking:

MontanaCowboy -- too obvious
MontanaBoys -- a bit pervy
YellowstoneCowboy -- in honor of Kevin Costner and his TV show, "Yellowstone"
RhinestoneCowboy -- in honor of one of the greatest guitarist ever, Glen Campbell
MontaSomethingortheOther? -- bequeathed by @Xelda or @GrammaJan -- I don't remember and I can't find the original post

How's your Sunday??
Whenever I have what seems like an unsurmountable task, I reduce it down to many steps and take those on mentally one at a time and it doesn't seem like so much to do. Or I take a nap, hoping it was just a dream.
Morning Pops and fellow Sin No More Sunday folks. I hope you earned your forgiveness yesterday.

I did something yesterday I hardly ever do since I retired, I went to the grocery store. The only thing worse than the crowd of space invaders was me reminding myself why I don't go to the store on Saturday, particularly after noon. Everywhere I looked, there were examples of how to not wear a mask for effectiveness. I think Robert Rodriguez's next horror film should be HEB: Hardly Evolved Beings.

Got another Doc appointment tomorrow. I am special, I have my own Cardiologist. Oh, I am not fooling myself, I think she sees other patients as we have an open relationship but that woman knows my heart better than anyone. Her name is Yarlagodda but consonant challenged people just call her Dr. Y, sounds like a new Bond villain. Just the name sent me exactly where you'd think for a young Indian woman that thinks the 60's are just an age when she starts seeing patients. She became Dr. Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida and all of her young staff get a kick out of it, every time I try to explain Iron Butterfly, that song and life in the 60's. They're either humoring me or I am humoring myself but I don't care as long as I am humored.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

I had a restless night and am up very early this morning. We had multiple showings yesterday and, apparently, we're getting a offer from one. Exciting news, but a bit unnerving when I think of everything we have to do to make the move to Montana. Hence, the restless night.

So, how easy is it to change your Cowboy Zone name? I was thinking:

MontanaCowboy -- too obvious
MontanaBoys -- a bit pervy
YellowstoneCowboy -- in honor of Kevin Costner and his TV show, "Yellowstone"
RhinestoneCowboy -- in honor of one of the greatest guitarist ever, Glen Campbell
MontaSomethingortheOther? -- bequeathed by @Xelda or @GrammaJan -- I don't remember and I can't find the original post

How's your Sunday??

Anything but ‘Joe_Montana’

Morning Pops and everyone.

Colo, I believe it was Xelda that was doling out the nicknames. I usually assign nicknames when I’m unhappy with someone and they aren’t nice or mentionable on this site, sooo...

Heading for a beautiful 73 degrees today so it’s a good morning at least to get something done outside. Rain this afternoon. Would’ve gone to the track for a jog but for the small matter that I think I broke my toe so it’s slowed my roll a bit of late. I’m hoping to build a mounting frame for a tri-pic someone at work made for me for my birthday so that can occupy my time, along with doing some clean up on some decent rocking chairs I scored for free for my front porch. Also need to do some light re-grouting or sealing work on some of the tile in my shower.

My day is planned out I guess so time to get going. Have a nice Sunday all.
Morning Pops and everyone.

Colo, I believe it was Xelda that was doling out the nicknames. I usually assign nicknames when I’m unhappy with someone and they aren’t nice or mentionable on this site, sooo...

Heading for a beautiful 73 degrees today so it’s a good morning at least to get something done outside. Rain this afternoon. Would’ve gone to the track for a jog but for the small matter that I think I broke my toe so it’s slowed my roll a bit of late. I’m hoping to build a mounting frame for a tri-pic someone at work made for me for my birthday so that can occupy my time, along with doing some clean up on some decent rocking chairs I scored for free for my front porch. Also need to do some light re-grouting or sealing work on some of the tile in my shower.

My day is planned out I guess so time to get going. Have a nice Sunday all.
73 for a high? We're headed to triple digits on Tuesday for 9 straight days. 98 today through Monday so there's frost on the pumpkin today.

Sorry about that toe thing, I have broken or dislocated half my toes which according to my doc isn't normal. He doesn't think I am normal anyway so why would my toes be?
73 for a high? We're headed to triple digits on Tuesday for 9 straight days. 98 today through Monday so there's frost on the pumpkin today.

Sorry about that toe thing, I have broken or dislocated half my toes which according to my doc isn't normal. He doesn't think I am normal anyway so why would my toes be?
Actually I was mistaken. 76 for the high today, 72 tomorrow. Tempted to call off work Monday to enjoy the day, but I can’t.

As for the toe, hit it on the stair step as I was going up the two steps into my walk-up pantry. What made me most angry about doing it (besides the pain) was that I was hauling things up the steps that I wasn’t even wanting to put in there. They should’ve been going to the basement kitchen. Maybe it kept me from breaking something more important by falling DOWN the basement steps.
I don't do the strap-on sandals, but I do wear the old-school beach flip-flops (or whatever they call them these days). Regardless the footwear, everyone knows you wear a Hawaiian shirt with tidy-whitey masks... what was this guy thinking??

You know it's weird, I just could never get used to flip flops. I'm more of a T-Shirt and shorts kind of guy. The Hawaiian Print guy is actually my Father-In-Law. My Wife tried to dress me up in those when we first got together but it never took. I might wear a button up for work or if we are going somewhere a bit nicer but I don't really dig on the button ups much. Now, I will wear a polo. I actually like those.

I ordered the tidy whitey mask yesterday, after I saw the post.

You know it's weird, I just could never get used to flip flops. I'm more of a T-Shirt and shorts kind of guy. The Hawaiian Print guy is actually my Father-In-Law. My Wife tried to dress me up in those when we first got together but it never took. I might wear a button up for work or if we are going somewhere a bit nicer but I don't really dig on the button ups much. Now, I will wear a polo. I actually like those.

I ordered the tidy whitey mask yesterday, after I saw the post.

You prefer a t-shirt and shorts to flip flops? I think you’re wearing the flip flops wrong lol
You prefer a t-shirt and shorts to flip flops? I think you’re wearing the flip flops wrong lol

Yep. I will roll with a T-shirt and shorts all the time but I don't like open toe anything. There is a lot of sand here and I can't stand to have dirt in between my toes all the damn time. Drives me crazy, can't do it. So I wear a lot of sneakers or deck shoes. I'll wear hiking shoes and during the cooler months, I wear boots all the time. Never flip flops, if I'm wearing something that's open toe, I will wear more of a slide sandal, never a flip-flop.
Morning Pops and work week whiners!

I include myself in that, but I'll just say, good morning, from lovely Brooklyn, NY.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!
Good Monday morning Pops and peeps. Make 6 yr. old grandson had me in stitches Friday even while I felt sorry for him. I had cooked him some bacon in the air fryer earlier in the day. He loved it so he put me in charge of all bacon cooking henceforth. That evening I cooked spaghetti for dinner. He kept raving about how good it was and said I was in charge of spaghetti from now on.

An hour later he had diarrhea. I heard him sitting on the toilet grumbling. He said "Thank you, spaghetti!". That gave me a chuckle. He was in there for quite a while. When he came out he was holding his stomach and rolled his eyes. Then he pointed at me and shouted, " You ARE NOT in charge of spaghetti anymore!".

He did ask for more bacon yesterday, though. Have a great week ahead, everyone.

Hope your place doesn't get hit by the hurricane.
Welcome back, Leon! Who pooted to make you leave us? I can sneak beano into their food. We are all hoping the hurricane does no harm to the area of our vacation home... er, I mean your vacation home.
Thanks, CC and Xwoman. We weren't too worried about this one even though it was supposed to be a direct frontal attack on our side of the island. We've had stronger one\s than this come directly at our place.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread.

So, the Wife should be getting home some time today. She left LA this morning so she should be dragging in some time around 7 tonight, or so.

So how was everybody's weekend? We actually got some decent storms here. Weeds are sprouting up!

Cubs are 7-2 in the NLC! I wonder if this might be another year of the Cubs? There are only 60 games this year.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all off to a good start.

Me, I'm usually not a negative guy but I have to admit, I'll be glad when the Wife is back home and things get back to normal around here.

So on that note, gonna leave you guys with the Mamma's and Papas - Monday, Monday...

Here we go again Pops, Popsadoodles and Montanalo. I have been deep in preposterous ponderance of what Colo's new name could be. I've come up with many and will still be coming up with names long after your new home is built. I have fixation and word issues. My mind goes around the bend with highway advertisements. I make new words up or improve on current words constantly. My favorite SNL skit is during the "hanging chad" time in the country. The skit has Al Gore and G W Bush playing scrabble in the white house. Bush comes up with "dignitude" to which Gore says "dignitude is not a word". Bush looks at the camera and says "Well it's not a word you associate with the Clinton - Gore administration".
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Well, some idjit hit post reply before considering anything beyond that skit.
He was only in line for a brief moment.
I felt the air glow past me from that zinger.

Hey Leon, what's in your secret sauce? Metamucil, tomatoes, garlic and onions? Two weeks ago momma made some muffins. They tore her stomach up so she brought them to work. One of the employees used the bathroom near the main vent thus rendering no place in the office stink free.

Saint Runny is in Brooklyn again. All the people he hasn't run over should give thanks to him.

Now back to Montanalo: Catmantwo, Backupcats, Bearbeware. I've hit a wall, I'll have to come back to it.

Have a decent Tuesday Eve everyone.

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