Great memory. I left the old site for a while, going through some things, and when I returned they'd made some updates. My old moniker couldn't even be used but Quickdraw fixed me up and I got it back but needed a new avatar.
I thought someone had taken it over when I left but then I thought 'who in their right mind would pretend to be me' and face my old nemesis, dmsdyii, every time they posted. That man hated me with a passion and must have had me on follow because he'd show up when he was on to lay the wood to me. It was crazy too.
erod had started a thread about cheerleaders and made the comment that all high school cheerleaders turn out to be either strippers or 40 year old divorced apartment complex managers. That was right down my alley of absurdity and fairly specific so we began. We're into it and dmsdyii states that his daughter is a cheerleader and I replied that I hoped she gets to manage one of the newer complexes and he gets offended and accuses me of insulting his family. I told him that was nothing of the kind but he was pissed. Here's the crazy part. He comes back and said he reread it and he took it the wrong way but then he goes on this vendetta to spike any post I put up and had other posters asking him what his problem was.
We ended PMing and that only made it worse. There was no fixing this, some people just take a dislike to someone and can't give it up. LOL, I thought if someone had taken my moniker it might be him, running around all over the site insulting posters' daughters in my name. Strange thing, we never had any trouble before that.
My wife always told me I had a polarizing sense of humor and people either like me or really dislike me. I guess he was proof of that.