FEATURED Morning Pops!

Great memory. I left the old site for a while, going through some things, and when I returned they'd made some updates. My old moniker couldn't even be used but Quickdraw fixed me up and I got it back but needed a new avatar.

I thought someone had taken it over when I left but then I thought 'who in their right mind would pretend to be me' and face my old nemesis, dmsdyii, every time they posted. That man hated me with a passion and must have had me on follow because he'd show up when he was on to lay the wood to me. It was crazy too.

erod had started a thread about cheerleaders and made the comment that all high school cheerleaders turn out to be either strippers or 40 year old divorced apartment complex managers. That was right down my alley of absurdity and fairly specific so we began. We're into it and dmsdyii states that his daughter is a cheerleader and I replied that I hoped she gets to manage one of the newer complexes and he gets offended and accuses me of insulting his family. I told him that was nothing of the kind but he was pissed. Here's the crazy part. He comes back and said he reread it and he took it the wrong way but then he goes on this vendetta to spike any post I put up and had other posters asking him what his problem was.

We ended PMing and that only made it worse. There was no fixing this, some people just take a dislike to someone and can't give it up. LOL, I thought if someone had taken my moniker it might be him, running around all over the site insulting posters' daughters in my name. Strange thing, we never had any trouble before that.

My wife always told me I had a polarizing sense of humor and people either like me or really dislike me. I guess he was proof of that.
That is some funny stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning Pops and Funday Sunday Folk. This is the last Sunday before the last Sunday before Christmas and the How to Ruin a Sunday Dallas Cowboys are running out of games. I am still laughing over them getting flexed out of their coveted SNF max games that Booger is so braggadocious about. And doesn't even get the late afternoon game. Excuse me for a minute(hahahahahahahahahahahahaha). Had to get, oh no (hahahahahahahahahahaha) that out of my system. Seriously, that made my season. Who knew the NBC scheduler would be the Fairy Godmother and granting wishes.

Funny, them's that got snow hates it and them's that don't got it wants it. I used to love it until I had to shovel it in PA in the only really bad snowstorm we had while living there. That was the storm, I went out in a t shirt, cleaned off the grill and cooked steaks showing off in front of all the Grilling Season neighbors. I never admitted it to them but I did get why they didn't go out in 20 degree weather with a foot on the ground and more coming down. I was trying to make a point and unfortunately they didn't get it any better than my family.
Morning Pops and Funday Sunday Folk. This is the last Sunday before the last Sunday before Christmas and the How to Ruin a Sunday Dallas Cowboys are running out of games. I am still laughing over them getting flexed out of their coveted SNF max games that Booger is so braggadocious about. And doesn't even get the late afternoon game. Excuse me for a minute(hahahahahahahahahahahahaha). Had to get, oh no (hahahahahahahahahahaha) that out of my system. Seriously, that made my season. Who knew the NBC scheduler would be the Fairy Godmother and granting wishes.

Funny, them's that got snow hates it and them's that don't got it wants it. I used to love it until I had to shovel it in PA in the only really bad snowstorm we had while living there. That was the storm, I went out in a t shirt, cleaned off the grill and cooked steaks showing off in front of all the Grilling Season neighbors. I never admitted it to them but I did get why they didn't go out in 20 degree weather with a foot on the ground and more coming down. I was trying to make a point and unfortunately they didn't get it any better than my family.
Boyhowdy, you ainta kiddin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me n football bud were laughing uproariously at the game last week!!! Once you take off the goggles, our ineptness actually is extremely amusing!!!
Morning, Pops and peeps. Our beautiful weather at the beginning of last week gave in to rain and wind the last three days. I watch a lot of documentaries on WWII. If any of you share this interest, you may to watch "Hitler's Evil Inner Circle" on NetFlix. It gave a lot or insight into the backgrounds and mindsets of Himmler, Goring, Goebbels, Borman, Speer, Hess, ect. There was a lot of infighting and jealousy amongst the evil sub-humans.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends!

Haven't posted here in a few days, but have been lurking about -- in a healthy, manly sort of way.

How is everyone doing these days? Finished all your Christmas shopping? I finally found that perfect gift for my wife: a personalized metal farm house sign (that I designed) combining two of her favorite things -- cats and her garden... I know, I know, sexy isn't it? Eventually, I will mount it on the gate to her 1 acre garden.

We have the grandkids for Christmas -- that's big treat, but we have to travel on Christmas eve to pick them up. I keep watching all the "virus that shall not be named" outbreaks and wondering if this is a smart idea. We are planning to take them to Universal Studios Orlando for the week between Christmas and New Year's --- again, kind of a questionable trip at this point.

Montana continues to delight. We made a trip to Kalispell and Flathead Lake last week. Such a beautiful area; surprisingly, they have large apple and cherry orchards.

Well, that is all for now. Enjoy yesterday's win and the week before the week before Christmas.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I hope everyone is fine and either receiving or not receiving snow according to their wishes. I don't want any and it's rarely a problem down here. I still reserve the right to complain about heat in the summer, but this cold is stupid. I tried to find my winter clothes but only found some cold weather pajamas. Don't tell anyone, but I'm wearing a pajama top to work today. I thought I wouldn't be going anywhere except to the office and home. Wrong, today included a trip to Office Depot. The wind whispered "Bless her heart" as I left. It's not covered with unicorns, teddy bears or words like sweet dreams. I would have bought this top anyway, it just comes with matching bottoms.

Painting the trim in the bathroom alert. I didn't but came darned close to opening that can. Instead there's Frog Tape everywhere. Sort of like a do not cross crime tape, but not.

We WON! We WON! I seriously doubt we would have with Garrett. I thought the refs were going to take all those turn overs away from us. In my subconscious, I was wondering how we were going to blow that early lead. It was funny when most of our defense ended up on their runner and the refrigerator on legs ran up to the pile, threw his arms back and hit it belly first. Hey, hey, hey.

Have a good day everyone!
Evening Pops and everyone.

Quick and to the point... labs from 11/30 just came back clean, thank goodness. One down, one to go. Thursday can’t get here soon enough!! Until then the boss is going to work me like a dog. Time to crash for the night. When we wake up tomorrow, and my wish for you all is that we all DO wake up tomorrow, we will be officially 10 days until Christmas. Let the countdown begin!! I am hosting my first holiday in over 10 years on Christmas Eve, and I cannot wait for the chaos that is bound to happen:D
Evening Pops and everyone.

Quick and to the point... labs from 11/30 just came back clean, thank goodness. One down, one to go. Thursday can’t get here soon enough!! Until then the boss is going to work me like a dog. Time to crash for the night. When we wake up tomorrow, and my wish for you all is that we all DO wake up tomorrow, we will be officially 10 days until Christmas. Let the countdown begin!! I am hosting my first holiday in over 10 years on Christmas Eve, and I cannot wait for the chaos that is bound to happen:D
Congrats on the clean labs, Jan!!
Congrats on the clean labs, Jan!!
Thank you, Runny!! I was pretty nervous about opening the email, that’s for sure. No matter how hard I try to take it all in stride there’s this constant (daily) nagging little voice in my head that keeps saying “what if”. Mind you, it’s not as prominent as it once was, but that little bugger snuck up on me the last time and was already so advanced before any signs showed up... and this is my first full year between appointments now so that whole “fear of the unknown” thing really bothers me.

Have a good day!:)

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