FEATURED Morning Pops!

well CC..I was no different than everyone and always hated Mondays, even wished them away. About 17 years ago when I hit 50, I realized I was dreading 1/7 of my life, even wishing it away. If I make it to 70 that means I will have lived 10 years of worth of Mondays.

10 years is too much to dread or wish away ;)

I tried to explain it to coworkers from the previous job but I got this look :rolleyes:
Well, now that you put it that way I am definitely asking that you be committed so you can't harm yourself or others convincing them that Mondays are not the enemy of mankind.

That is a refreshing attitude towards that and had I known that when I worked, I would have come to live in your basement and been the origin of "what are those strange noises coming from under the floor" and the need for larger than life signs "DON"T UNLOCK THE CELLAR DOOR"!!!!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's almost freezing here. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm running late, so I've got to close.

I meant to ask, does Scrappy Doo say Popsadoodles? I never watched it. Couldn't bring myself to watch Scooby Doo.
No, he had the tagline, "PUPPYYYY POWERRRR!!!" It was pretty stupid, and his presence ruined Scooby Doo.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

So, how is everybody? It's been cold here. Not the cold like you get when you are wet or what have you but the kind like when the air is just bitter cold and the wind blows right through you. No fun but the good news is that my Wife made home made Chicken Noodle Soup. When I way home made, I mean, boil the ckicken, strip it off the bone, chop up the veggies, make the base from the boiled chicken stock, make the pasta. Now, she doesn't do this for me but she will do it for the Grandkids. Two of the boys were here last night so she made it for them. I am just the benefactor, thank goodness. Turned out great! Just the thing you need on a bitter cold day.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all great. If not, you know the drill, make it better!

People, the world is what you make of it. I'm pretty sure that this message gets old at times but, the thing is, you gotta hear it. Sometimes all it takes to make the difference is understanding that there are other people fighting the same battle you are and that you are not alone. Make it happen.

Be safe, have fun and come back!


Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo,
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's almost freezing here. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm running late, so I've got to close.

I meant to ask, does Scrappy Doo say Popsadoodles? I never watched it. Couldn't bring myself to watch Scooby Doo.
Close what, that backdoor hiney flap?

Please don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, he had the tagline, "PUPPYYYY POWERRRR!!!" It was pretty stupid, and his presence ruined Scooby Doo.
That was another popular TV show I never watched along with Friends, Seinfeld and Big Bang. Tried all of them once and thought 'naaah, I don't get it". Had friends tell us "ya gotta stay with it" and that made even less sense. I didn't like cottage cheese before I ever tried it once, I guess I could still be eating it and gagging today and be better for it?
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

Cold here today. Be nice to get a little warmer day, I need to do a few things around the yard before Xmas and I'd rather not be doing it in temps above 20 degrees.

Man, I'm dying for some Smoked BBA. Haven't smoked anything up in awhile and I sure would like to get some done. Just been wet and cold, seems like every weekend here lately. Maybe I'll do some up this weekend. What say all of you?

So, what else is going on? How bout a history lesson, today in history, the first flight of a self propelled, none glider, plane took flight in Kitty-Hawk North Carolina. Orville and Wilbur Wright, designed and built the plane. Both were very astute in terms of design, aeronautics, mathematics and a slew of other skills. Interestingly enough, neither one ever went to College, nor did they finish High School. They just understood how to apply what they learned. Anything is possible folks......

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all well today, staying safe!

Everybody, lets get passed this Thursday and get ourselves to Friday and the Weekend! Make it a great day people.

Hey @GrammaJan , come get your snow off my property!!!
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

Cold here today. Be nice to get a little warmer day, I need to do a few things around the yard before Xmas and I'd rather not be doing it in temps above 20 degrees.

Man, I'm dying for some Smoked BBA. Haven't smoked anything up in awhile and I sure would like to get some done. Just been wet and cold, seems like every weekend here lately. Maybe I'll do some up this weekend. What say all of you?

So, what else is going on? How bout a history lesson, today in history, the first flight of a self propelled, none glider, plane took flight in Kitty-Hawk North Carolina. Orville and Wilbur Wright, designed and built the plane. Both were very astute in terms of design, aeronautics, mathematics and a slew of other skills. Interestingly enough, neither one ever went to College, nor did they finish High School. They just understood how to apply what they learned. Anything is possible folks......

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all well today, staying safe!

Everybody, lets get passed this Thursday and get ourselves to Friday and the Weekend! Make it a great day people.

What is BBA?
Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. Here's hoping everyone is staying safe and warm.

I went to Sam's the other night after work and got so tired, I was ready to jump in the buggy and paddle my way to check out. I remembered being a child whining until someone picked me up, I'd fall asleep and drool on their shoulder. It was that kind of tired even though I hadn't inspected every corner of the store yet. Earlier, I'd hit some fragrance sample and really liked it. I received a compliment on it, so I went back and sprayed more on. I went back a third time and sprayed even more on. It was gooooood and didn't give me a headache. I just wanted to see if I'd like it and I must have. I took a picture of the bottle for reference.

Sigh......Never mind, I did it myself.
I will commiserate with you, Runny. Mother Nature is being inhospitable.

On the 3rd day of Christmas ol' CC gave to me: 3 chugsa brandy, 2 gin n tonics and a beer. In a tree.
Keep 'em coming! Don't forget his top shelf stuff and imported cee-gars.

I can see a trip to the liquor store is in my immediate future.
I thought you were due a restocking trip or five.

Nap time, ABBA. Have a good Thursday everyone.
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

These trips to Iowa City make for a long day. Hurry hurry to get to the first test in time to get checked in, and wait in the waiting room for them to call me back to start my iv for the contrast infusion. Drank two 16.9 oz bottles of water ((the specific amount is important as you’ll see) one on the way, one while I was waiting. They call me to go back for the first of my needle sticks, have me change into scrubs and out of my jeans because there’s metal on the jeans, and send me back to the waiting room. More waiting. Then a nurse calls my name for what I think is my walk back to the CT room. No. Another ten ounces of water:eek:? WTH. She said they have to make sure my bladder is full for the scan so they can get a good picture. I told her how much I’d already drank, but it didn’t matter, and she was too young to understand what having babies and going through the surgery I’d had does to your ability to “hold it”. Another 10 minutes later and somebody else calls my name, this time to actually go back to the CT room. At this point I had to tell this nice gal to walk slower because I’ve got over 40 oz of water sloshing around inside me and I’m about to lose it all on the way. This is a different gal than the one that gave me the 10oz cup of water. They get me set up on the table and do the first scan to kind of calibrate everything to my person and she then comes out to start the contrast. Laughing, she says “you weren’t kidding when you said your bladder was full! We’ll get this done quickly so you can get to the restroom.” It’s a good thing I have a good sense of humor and also good for their janitorial staff that I’ve been working on getting my core strength back! Uneventful after that... walk to the lab for more needle sticks, more waiting, then to see the doc for results of the scan.

Oh yeah... labs and scan were all good so I bought another year. Just thought I’d throw a bit of how these days out there go for me. Those of you who’ve had to deal with this either directly or accompanied someone who has, have probably heard similar stories. Yup. Long day indeed.

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