FEATURED Morning Pops!

Well, OK, I was beginning to feel singled out as the old guy needing the recliner. I'll have you know I can stay up with the whippersnappers and actually lap them...........as long as I get my nap in.
I have a feeling you could hit them with zingers they’d never see coming!:D Think of the recliner as your seat of power from which you can oversee the minions... except Runny, since I assigned him a seat of power as well:). You may use my empty bourbon bottle as your scepter;).
Morning Pops and a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and your families. If you able to hug, do so often.

Did FaceTime with my older son and his family and while that was not the same thing as being there, I need to remember that the next time I make comments about technology. Been 9 months since I hugged my grandkids and I need a fix.

This morning hit me squarely between the eyes. I've been proud to tell anyone how the effects of this pandemic haven't affected me but I've been fooling myself. I am irritable with a shorter fuse than usual and it doesn't take much to light it. Hugging my grandkids and my sons and daughter-in-law is therapy that I am sorely missing and it seems I am not the loner I purport myself to be.

It was great hearing my name so many times this morning. I am known to them as "Poppo". Wasn't supposed to be that but the first born usually names the grandparents and my oldest couldn't quite get the hang of Great Exalted Patriarch Full of Knowledge so I am "Poppo", which makes me feel Italian so I talk a lot with my hands and put oranges in my mouth and chase them around.

My friends, this is the last Christmas we will have to spend like this and one of the upsides of that is there won't be as many complaining about going to see family during the holidays. Funny, in an offbeat sort of way, isn't it? Life has it's own peculiar ways of reminding us when we're taking things for granted and in case I haven't said it in a while, I really love you guys. You are very special people and my best presents on this Christmas day.
Morning Pops and a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and your families. If you able to hug, do so often.

Did FaceTime with my older son and his family and while that was not the same thing as being there, I need to remember that the next time I make comments about technology. Been 9 months since I hugged my grandkids and I need a fix.

This morning hit me squarely between the eyes. I've been proud to tell anyone how the effects of this pandemic haven't affected me but I've been fooling myself. I am irritable with a shorter fuse than usual and it doesn't take much to light it. Hugging my grandkids and my sons and daughter-in-law is therapy that I am sorely missing and it seems I am not the loner I purport myself to be.

It was great hearing my name so many times this morning. I am known to them as "Poppo". Wasn't supposed to be that but the first born usually names the grandparents and my oldest couldn't quite get the hang of Great Exalted Patriarch Full of Knowledge so I am "Poppo", which makes me feel Italian so I talk a lot with my hands and put oranges in my mouth and chase them around.

My friends, this is the last Christmas we will have to spend like this and one of the upsides of that is there won't be as many complaining about going to see family during the holidays. Funny, in an offbeat sort of way, isn't it? Life has it's own peculiar ways of reminding us when we're taking things for granted and in case I haven't said it in a while, I really love you guys. You are very special people and my best presents on this Christmas day.
You should get yourself some different sized body pillows, and put your kids' and grandkids' faces on them. Then you can kick them around the room, screaming, "WHY ARE YOU SO FAR AWAY???"
Morning Pops and a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and your families. If you able to hug, do so often.

Did FaceTime with my older son and his family and while that was not the same thing as being there, I need to remember that the next time I make comments about technology. Been 9 months since I hugged my grandkids and I need a fix.

This morning hit me squarely between the eyes. I've been proud to tell anyone how the effects of this pandemic haven't affected me but I've been fooling myself. I am irritable with a shorter fuse than usual and it doesn't take much to light it. Hugging my grandkids and my sons and daughter-in-law is therapy that I am sorely missing and it seems I am not the loner I purport myself to be.

It was great hearing my name so many times this morning. I am known to them as "Poppo". Wasn't supposed to be that but the first born usually names the grandparents and my oldest couldn't quite get the hang of Great Exalted Patriarch Full of Knowledge so I am "Poppo", which makes me feel Italian so I talk a lot with my hands and put oranges in my mouth and chase them around.

My friends, this is the last Christmas we will have to spend like this and one of the upsides of that is there won't be as many complaining about going to see family during the holidays. Funny, in an offbeat sort of way, isn't it? Life has it's own peculiar ways of reminding us when we're taking things for granted and in case I haven't said it in a while, I really love you guys. You are very special people and my best presents on this Christmas day.
I agree about the distance thing and needing that fix. Mine were just here in October but it’s not the same as around the holidays. We got to FaceTime this morning while the kids ripped into their Christmas presents so at least I got to spend a video Christmas morning with them, but yeah, definitely not the same. Since my guy passed I’ve spent each Christmas Day since by myself. I truly know how you feel, Coach. I hope, in spite of everything, you find some joy in the little things this Year and have a Merry Christmas. This year I have a few extra invites for small gatherings and I’m taking advantage of each of them rather than making excuses not to. No more taking for granted things will always be the old norm. Merry Christmas, Coach.
My daughter lost power 3 times last night in VBeach. You were very fortunate!! Miracle indeed:). Merry Christmas, Runny.
Merry Christmas, Jan! I hope she has her power back now.
I thought about putting up the video for "Take the Power Back", by Rage Against the Machine, but I'd probably be permabanned for that one. lol
Merry Christmas, Jan! I hope she has her power back now.
I thought about putting up the video for "Take the Power Back", by Rage Against the Machine, but I'd probably be permabanned for that one. lol
Her power was back on this morning, yes. I posted to Coach That I was able to FaceTime with her and the grandkids for their Christmas morning chaos. The dog snuck into his stocking and was tearing around the house with all his new rope toys before the kids even got up. I couldn’t forget the four-legged grandkids you know:rolleyes:
Her power was back on this morning, yes. I posted to Coach That I was able to FaceTime with her and the grandkids for their Christmas morning chaos. The dog snuck into his stocking and was tearing around the house with all his new rope toys before the kids even got up. I couldn’t forget the four-legged grandkids you know:rolleyes:
Dogs are family too. (Credit @Juggernaut for the video)
I agree about the distance thing and needing that fix. Mine were just here in October but it’s not the same as around the holidays. We got to FaceTime this morning while the kids ripped into their Christmas presents so at least I got to spend a video Christmas morning with them, but yeah, definitely not the same. Since my guy passed I’ve spent each Christmas Day since by myself. I truly know how you feel, Coach. I hope, in spite of everything, you find some joy in the little things this Year and have a Merry Christmas. This year I have a few extra invites for small gatherings and I’m taking advantage of each of them rather than making excuses not to. No more taking for granted things will always be the old norm. Merry Christmas, Coach.
Merry Christmas, Jan.
Dogs are family too. (Credit @Juggernaut for the video)

Hey Runny! Back on the men’s scent conversation. “Pure” by Eddie Bauer, Lacoste, and Roma Uomo by Laura Biagiotti were my faves for my guy (along with that Cool Water X mentioned). He had an affinity for great “smellums” but always preferred what I thought was best on him. Some may be a little pricey but well worth it for the right person:rolleyes:. Had no problem with me clinging to him with these. Just sayin’.
Afternoon Pops,Jobs. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who stopped in to visit.

So, can it better then this? I mean, its Afternoon on a Friday, that's Xmas that's a long weekend anyhow? Reminds me of an old Brad Paisly song called Better Then This. Goes something like this:

"Well don't get me wrong boys this is pretty good
But it could get better than this

Bill Dance and Hank Parker floated by in a boat
And volunteered to be our fishing guides
And Richard petty pulled up in the old '43 car
And asked us if we wanted a ride
We'd all sit around singin Poncho and l Lefty playing poker and smoking big cigars
Now don't take offense y'all I'm perfectly content
Just sitting here under the stars

But if a bus load of women, really good looking women
Just suddenly pulled in here
And Old emril degasi showed up with kilbasi
And a 100 gallon keg of beer.
If Haggard dropped by and brought Willie with him
And they started taking requests
Don't get me wrong boys this is pretty good
But it could get better than this...."

No, this might be the top of the shelf.....

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all enjoying a great Christmas. Hope you are all safe and happy with your families, getting ready to sit down to supper if you haven't already.

Everybody, peace on Earth and goodwill to all Mankind, forever and ever, Amen.....

Gonna close out the Christmas tunes with this one. This is a Base Solo of Silent Night by Miki Santamaria. I hope you like it:

Hey Runny! Back on the men’s scent conversation. “Pure” by Eddie Bauer, Lacoste, and Roma Uomo by Laura Biagiotti were my faves for my guy (along with that Cool Water X mentioned). He had an affinity for great “smellums” but always preferred what I thought was best on him. Some may be a little pricey but well worth it for the right person:rolleyes:. Had no problem with me clinging to him with these. Just sayin’.
Thanks for the suggestions, Jan! If I decide I don't like the Cool Water, I'll try one of those.
Merry Christmas Pops and Popsadoodles! I spent the afternoon with momma and a cousin that's staying with her. The cousin is good people and likes washing dishes by hand. Did I mention she's a second cousin?

I hope each and everyone of you has had a wonderful day filled with as much joy as you can stand. Coachadoodles has learned something important about himself, he's not the lone wolf type after all those rumors. I didn't mean the rumors part, it just flowed so well with the sentence. We love you too, Coachadoodles! I found the scent Coach by Coach and was going to ask you about it and possibly getting me a deeper discount on it.

Please do everything in your power to avoid a permaban, Runny. We would be lost without your wisdom and guidance. Yes, we do pay attention to your advice. Jan doesn't but I do. :grin: Don't tell her I said that, besides you know I'm full of it.

ABQ, we can always count on your honest and pure words to encourage us. It means a lot and makes a difference. I try to abide by your words when I can. It doesn't always work, but you have given it your best shot.

Leon, we're missing you these days. Are you back at the Pop's thread beach house chasing wimmins? Take a break and let us know.

RGV, it's good to hear from you more these days. I was wondering which one of us hasn't bathed lately.

Montanalo, wishing you a Winter Wonderland and happy new retirement home. Don't forget to add a good sized pantry and jewelry closet.

Jan, wishing you a wonderful bonding time with your new home and all the snow you can stand.

Dabz, I'll be leaning on you if Sean Lee retires. Prepare yourself. I hope you have a wonderful time in your home as well. Don't start painting the bathroom though, there is no end in sight.

We still need that ksk's rocking 12 days of Christmas. Unhand that pig and come on back, rascal!

Street, get back here so we can figure out how to reduce the number of slaps you receive per year.

Corso, Russ, DallasDave, Sarge and all our other visitors, you are part of the family here and we thank you for your visits.

Merry Christmas and apologies if I left anyone out. I'm in a near turkey coma right now.

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