FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and I am down to one Eve, it's the real one, no more making up Eve's.

Going to be a strange one this year as I will be spending it all alone except for my dogs and that means I am not all alone. Even when I was denying Christmas existed, I still spent it with family so this will be different but only because it's Christmas Eve and it really isn't any different than any other night of the year. It's that mental thing that this should be different, should be better.

I don't know how y'all feel about this but I am all about getting past this asap because the passage of time means we are getting closer to normal. Just when I feel we're making progress, another loop gets thrown into it like a new variant that according to what I read this morning, this damned bug's really smart at learning it's way around our defenses.

Anyway, enough about that, on to the festivities. What's that you say? But CC, you're alone, how can you festivize without company? Fetivization, like making up words, is all in the mind.

First off, I will dress for Christmas Eve as I always did, which means I will try and find the mate to this sock. And I have decided to make this a Feliz Navidad Eve with tamales, guac and queso and of course, margaritas in my festive holiday glasses and since the weather has turned cooler, a fire in the frpl is in order. Why do they spell out everything else in real estate ads but the poor fireplace? And as always been tradition, watch "It's A Wonderful Life" and cry at the end. But it's the good kind of cry, the one that makes me feel good to be human, except for mean old Mr. Potter, who never got his just reward but then again, not much different than real life.

So, my fellow festivizers, (3rd made up word in this post, can you guess the other two?) I wish for you a most excellent Christmas Eve and may you find what you need from it. And if you struggle with that, try going back in your mind to when you believed in magic. Forgive your parents for fooling you because they longed for when they believed too. And most of all, forgive yourself for buying into 8 tiny reindeer pulling that fat man at the mall around. OMG, there were so many holes in the whole story, how could we have been duped?

That sleigh was way too small for all of those toys. Why Santa didn't even have room for the apples, oranges and nuts and had to pilfer them from that bowl on the kitchen table to put in our stockings. And my Mom would put them back in the bowl right after opening presents. What kind of scam were these people running? I began to watch my own belongings a lot closer after I figured out what they were up to and didn't turn my back on them for a minute. I figured they run out of that fruit and nuts, they're coming for my stuff next. That's why I never let Halloween candy sit around for long.

Merry Christmas Eve, Popsadoodles.
Morning Pops and pen pals. Merry Christmas eve! Jan, prayers sent for your sister. RGV, good luck to you and your wife.

When did it become best practice to only leave one space between sentences? That's what my grammar check app is telling me, but not what my wirtin' teachers told me.

Morning Pops and pen pals. Merry Christmas eve! Jan, prayers sent for your sister. RGV, good luck to you and your wife.

When did it become best practice to only leave one space between sentences? That's what my grammar check app is telling me, but not what my wirtin' teachers told me.


Good morning Pops and friends. Thanks Leon, all is well, no symptoms.

Watching ‘Band of Brothers’ on history channel. Makes a person really appreciate the freedom we often take for granted.

Hey CC, speaking of tamales. The Mrs started on her tamale making early this morning and always tells me to get out of the way so I comply happily with that order. She said she’s going to make about 15 dz. So that means I will have some gifts to unwrap tomorrow morning.

Here’s wishing each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas and make the most of it. Enjoy what you have.
Good morning Pops and friends. Thanks Leon, all is well, no symptoms.

Watching ‘Band of Brothers’ on history channel. Makes a person really appreciate the freedom we often take for granted.

Hey CC, speaking of tamales. The Mrs started on her tamale making early this morning and always tells me to get out of the way so I comply happily with that order. She said she’s going to make about 15 dz. So that means I will have some gifts to unwrap tomorrow morning.

Here’s wishing each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas and make the most of it. Enjoy what you have.
Is your Mrs doing that alone? The women I know that make them tell me it's a family affair and the younger girls must stand back until their time to take a place at the table for the assembly line. Those familial culture things light me up, I've always been intrigued by how they keep tradition alive and the younger ones don't rebel against that.

One of my salespeople in OK was of Hispanic heritage of a very large family with 11 aunts on both sides combined. She'd tell me stories of her childhood with her great grandmother as the matriarch and head of the tamale table. She held that post until she passed away at 99 and it was her Mom's recipe they'd followed for over 100 years within her family. I got a text from her yesterday...from that table.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stopped to visit the thread!

So, one more day and it's here! Gotta go drop off some stuff today so I'll be busy doing that. Got cookies that the Wife made and we bought some Cocobombs, which are basically Hot Coco in chocolate balls that you put in hot milk or water if you prefer and it melts up into flavored Coco. This was something that was done here locally to help some of the local business owners who are on the brink. So a lot of these were sold and proceeds go to, mostly restaurants etc. We just figured it would be a good idea to help out and make for a good Xmas Present that you could drop off at the relatives house, with Covid and all.

So interesting little story. My Wife has these old Primary Colored Pyrex Bowls that she got from her Grandma, like the old ones made in the 50s and 60s. Anyhow, she broke the big mixing bowl and she had actually broken the largest one several years back so she was down to just the two smaller ones. She was pretty hurt about that. So my Son-in-law, who is forever on Craigslist or what have you, found a guy who was selling a complete set for 70 bucks. He was older and his Wife had passed on so he was just trying to sell them. I went ahead and asked my kids to just buy them and I would pay them back. I don't know, I guess the guy just took a liking to Daughter and Son and he just gave them the bowls, wouldn't take the money. So moral of the story, there are still good people out there, people still like those old Pyrex Bowls and if you buy the the stuff, cookies will come!

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, by now you should be in your ugly Xmas Pajamas, with some hot toddies on the stove and nothing much more to do but to relax and watch your fav's on the Tube or listen to your favorite music. Whatever the case, don't only take care of those around you but make sure to take a minute to take time for yourself. You are important too!

OK, it's Xmas Eve, I hope that everybody enjoys a great day. Stay safe, be well and wake up to enjoy Xmas morning!

Gonna leave you with this one on Xmas Eve. This was originally a tune that Dolly Parton cut in 1982 but I've always kinda liked Reba's version just a little bit better. This song is a tune that for a lot of people, this is Xmas. Not always a happy time for some but you know what, this song is about the finest things in people to me. It's about somebody who doesn't have it perfect but isn't ready to give up. That's the toughest kind of strength you'll ever find and it's what makes humans great in my book. This is Reba McEntire performing Hard Candy Christmas.

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Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stopped to visit the thread!

So, one more day and it's here! Gotta go drop off some stuff today so I'll be busy doing that. Got cookies that the Wife made and we bought some Cocobombs, which are basically Hot Coco in chocolate balls that you put in hot milk or water if you prefer and it melts up into flavored Coco. This was something that was done here locally to help some of the local business owners who are on the brink. So a lot of these were sold and proceeds go to, mostly restaurants etc. We just figured it would be a good idea to help out and make for a good Xmas Present that you could drop off at the relatives house, with Covid and all.

So interesting little story. My Wife has these old Primary Colored Pyrex Bowls that she got from her Grandma, like the old ones made in the 50s and 60s. Anyhow, she broke the big mixing bowl and she had actually broken the largest one several years back so she was down to just the two smaller ones. She was pretty hurt about that. So my Son-in-law, who is forever on Craigslist or what have you, found a guy who was selling a complete set for 70 bucks. He was older and his Wife had passed on so he was just trying to sell them. I went ahead and asked my kids to just buy them and I would pay them back. I don't know, I guess the guy just took a liking to Daughter and Son and he just gave them the bowls, wouldn't take the money. So moral of the story, there are still good people out there, people still like those old Pyrex Bowls and if you buy the the stuff, cookies will come!

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, by now you should be in your ugly Xmas Pajamas, with some hot toddies on the stove and nothing much more to do but to relax and watch your fav's on the Tube or listen to your favorite music. Whatever the case, don't only take care of those around you but make sure to take a minute to take time for yourself. You are important too!

OK, it's Xmas Eve, I hope that everybody enjoys a great day. Stay safe, be well and wake up to enjoy Xmas morning!

Gonna leave you with this one on Xmas Eve. This was originally a tune that Dolly Parton cut in 1982 but I've always kinda liked Reba's version just a little bit better. This song is a tune that for a lot of people, this is Xmas. Not always a happy time for some but you know what, this song is about the finest things in people to me. It's about somebody who doesn't have it perfect but isn't ready to give up. That's the toughest kind of strength you'll ever find and it's what makes humans great in my book. This is Reba McEntire performing Hard Candy Christmas.

Good Christmas story!
Is your Mrs doing that alone? The women I know that make them tell me it's a family affair and the younger girls must stand back until their time to take a place at the table for the assembly line. Those familial culture things light me up, I've always been intrigued by how they keep tradition alive and the younger ones don't rebel against that.

One of my salespeople in OK was of Hispanic heritage of a very large family with 11 aunts on both sides combined. She'd tell me stories of her childhood with her great grandmother as the matriarch and head of the tamale table. She held that post until she passed away at 99 and it was her Mom's recipe they'd followed for over 100 years within her family. I got a text from her yesterday...from that table.

Under normal conditions there would be at least 7 other ladies in the kitchen doing their thing. Oh yeah it’s a tradition that has been placed on hold for now.
We’re quarantining since we have had close contact with someone on Sunday that tested positive for Covid.
Most of our family is in the RGV and we haven’t been there in a year so the big pachanga will have to wait.
Maybe one day when we go to Austin, we’ll bring you a dz or two.
Two weeks ago my wife made 180 flour tortillas as a favor for someone. When she wasn’t looking I skimmed 2 off the top. They are so good coming off the comal. :thumbup:
Under normal conditions there would be at least 7 other ladies in the kitchen doing their thing. Oh yeah it’s a tradition that has been placed on hold for now.
We’re quarantining since we have had close contact with someone on Sunday that tested positive for Covid.
Most of our family is in the RGV and we haven’t been there in a year so the big pachanga will have to wait.
Maybe one day when we go to Austin, we’ll bring you a dz or two.
Two weeks ago my wife made 180 flour tortillas as a favor for someone. When she wasn’t looking I skimmed 2 off the top. They are so good coming off the comal. :thumbup:
Oh, I forgot y'all we're quarantining, the best of luck with that.

Got to be especially tough on your wife. A real sign of the pandemic for sure. I was surprised at the people at my salesperson's table but from my experience there's stubborn and OK stubborn.
Oh, I forgot y'all we're quarantining, the best of luck with that.

Got to be especially tough on your wife. A real sign of the pandemic for sure. I was surprised at the people at my salesperson's table but from my experience there's stubborn and OK stubborn.
Just blows my mind how some people are being. The new guy at work is a volunteer firefighter, and rarely wears his mask properly, if at all. Then there are the people who pull the mask down when they talk...Idiots.
Afternoon Pops and everyone!!!

Merry Christmas Eve to one and all. I’m finally getting to realize the benefit of two kitchens at my home. One has a wonderful smelling turkey in it and the other has a ham and some of the sides going. This place smells amazing and I’m going way overboard with the food to make up for so many years of not being able to host a holiday. There’s plenty of food and drink here if anyone needs a place to go. Always room for one more at the table, or my corner bar:D. Only have a couple rules… eat too much, stay too long, and have so much fun! Looking forward to playing bingo with prizes too! (Oh, and Coach, there’s a recliner in the corner next to the fireplace with your name on it if you need a nap.)

My most heartfelt wishes to you all for a safe, healthy and very Merry Christmas and better year to come. Y’all are certainly family and welcome anytime.
Merry Christmas Eve Pops, Jobs and Popsadoodles! I am wishing each and every one of you a wonderful Christmas filled with nice little surprises along the way. For the families, may wonderful memories fill your hearts for years to come. For those of us quarantining, may that extra sock make it's self known, may the drinks be sweeter, the food be tastier and the comfort of knowing we're not really alone bring us peace.

I will leave y'all with this.

Merry Christmas!
... and Runny you can have the other recliner. I have a feeling between the two of you my family will leave in shock and awe. I’d set the bar so high they couldn’t compete:)!!
Well, OK, I was beginning to feel singled out as the old guy needing the recliner. I'll have you know I can stay up with the whippersnappers and actually lap them...........as long as I get my nap in.

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