FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and pen pals. Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We had a merry little Christmas with just our family, sharing a lot of love and celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Xelda, we haven't gone to the condo due to travel restrictions, but we hope to go soon.
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Happy New Years eve eve eve etc Pops and Popsadoodles. I hope Christmas was a good one for all of you. I got heap juicy gossip to close my Christmas last night. It was good stuff too, the floosy that refused to marry outside of my family finally moved on. She left my first cousin for my husband when we separated. It didn't set well with me for a while, then it became funny. There's one of the positive things 2020 will leave me with. I don't have much to say yet as you can tell by my gossip.

Have a good 26th all!
Morning Pops and Sunday Funday revelers as the season comes to a close a week from today but I will not go quietly into that late afternoon because that Niners game yesterday fired me up to face the Eagles and rekindle some of that old CC "somebody tie his arms back up" craziness I used to feel.

Today, it's all about this one game. Not the season, not the playoffs, just this one game against our most hated rival.
Merry Christmas Eve Pops, Jobs and Popsadoodles! I am wishing each and every one of you a wonderful Christmas filled with nice little surprises along the way. For the families, may wonderful memories fill your hearts for years to come. For those of us quarantining, may that extra sock make it's self known, may the drinks be sweeter, the food be tastier and the comfort of knowing we're not really alone bring us peace.

I will leave y'all with this.

Merry Christmas!

I love all Elvis songs :bow::bow::bow::welcome:
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Good Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have decided to stop in and visit this Monday Morning.

Hopefully, by now, we are all over Xmas and it's been a good one! I, for one, was dog tired after Xmas this year. Have no idea why, maybe I'm just getting old but it sure seemed like it was tiring this year.

Xelda, the victory is in the battle. That's what is important. ;)

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, send pics of all your ugly Xmas sweaters (with you in them), this year, if you please!

Everybody, I hope all of you were able to enjoy a few days off to celebrate Xmas. A short reprieve and then New Years and we start all over again. Everybody, be well!

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. WE WON! We won, we won, we won!!! It's victory Monday which is the only good kind of Monday I know of. I was biting my nails up until the last 2 minutes remembering how some teams can score, get an off side kick and make me very unhappy. The way Randy Gregory is playing, I recommend weed to the entire defense. Yas I do.

Now to admit to y'all I was back in the fragrance website yesterday reading reviews. I've come to the conclusion that ignorant people should not write reviews or auto correct is a big devil. A lot of people liked their sent. Some were so bad I almost linked them here. If misspelling and poorly worded reviews were a drinking game, I would have passed out long before hitting place order. Just know I'm furious at the UPS guy and when he finally starts unloading palates of fragrance, I will smell spectacular when I type. Depending on the winds, some of you in Texas might get a fragrant breeze. Not really, I still have to live with myself.

Dallas needs to win some more Super Bowls
They need to win a lot more!

Have a wonderful Victory Monday everyone! We still have a snowball's chance of making the play offs.
Morning Pops and fellow countdowners, only 3.5 days left to go in this wretched year. I know Friday doesn't really change anything but mentally it will be a lift to look this hellish year in the rearview mirror.

I have personally had some bad years but nothing to match this collective combination of the attack we are under and how we are responding. Not our finest hour.
OK guys, I'm gonna shut it down for the day but before I go, I'm gonna leave you guys with a song that kinda takes me back to the 80s. For me, this was the best time. Young, full of hope and all of it in front of me. I have no complaints but I do admit, I miss those days.

Lets take a few minutes and go back a little bit, remember what was good maybe.

This is Modern English. This is a great song, you wanna know about the 80s, this kinda tells you a lot. This is not a transitional piece of music, in terms of instrumentals or complex composition. It's just a message thing with a really good melody about love and hope. Something we sure could use right about now everywhere in this country.

This song was cut in like 82 I think, this is I Melt With You.

OK guys, I'm gonna shut it down for the day but before I go, I'm gonna leave you guys with a song that kinda takes me back to the 80s. For me, this was the best time. Young, full of hope and all of it in front of me. I have no complaints but I do admit, I miss those days.

Lets take a few minutes and go back a little bit, remember what was good maybe.

This is Modern English. This is a great song, you wanna know about the 80s, this kinda tells you a lot. This is not a transitional piece of music, in terms of instrumentals or complex composition. It's just a message thing with a really good melody about love and hope. Something we sure could use right about now everywhere in this country.

This song was cut in like 82 I think, this is I Melt With You.

Great song ABQ, and a good representative of the 80's, the decade that people said would never have it's Oldies.

What wasn't fair to the 80's was the 70's, the decade of the greatest rock music ever created and how could they follow that up? Some were still holding onto the 60's and this departure in sound didn't connect. The same thing would happen in the 90's with Grunge.

As usual, people within that specific decade of music are wrong about the importance and impression it will have on the future. The 80's music was indeed special.

I spent most of my life around music as a job and have to admit it, I was one of those. With the 80's and 90's, I was all about what it wasn't instead of what it was. My appreciation now for those eras enabled me to be more open minded about the new music I would embrace, Electronica/Techno/EDM and the groundwork for this music was laid in the 80's.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles as we wind it down and wind up the hope train. But hope is not enough for hope is not action and we will need to be active in 2021 to not have a repeat of 2020.

The beginning of 2021 is looking like a rough ride but as long as we own our attitude, stay resilient and focused on making it better, it will be better. We will prevail because that's what we always do.

I am thankful for 2020 for showing me the side of people I always wanted to be there. It's easy to let the minority of jerks and selfish people get me down and become representative of the human race and while 2020 was a real pain, the quality of some great people was there like a beacon of light. Real health care heroes laying their lives on the line and some lost theirs in their dedication to helping others.

I feel ashamed of myself for complaining about inconveniences and the protocols that should be followed when right there in front of me is the true quality of people. Yes, 2020 was a lousy year but not for learning. I am thankful for the lessons and reminder that we should never stop learning.
Morning Pops and everyone...

We’re about to get walloped, weather-wise, or so were told. Customarily when they forecast 6-13” of snow we get a dusting, so I’m holding my breath so as not to create any additional wind that would blow the storm off course:D. This means early out of work and in late tomorrow, if I can get out. You know I’m excited, though I’m the only one here at the office who is. Starting to pack boxes of work to take home. Will still work but doing that in my pj’s versus being at the office listening to the endless ringing of the phone is much better.

Have a great day, all. I’m gonna.
Good Tuesday morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I would like to formally ban yesterday from the calendar. It was awful. I had to argue a lot yesterday, both for and against loved ones. We had our first death in the family from the virus which shall not be named. Unlike everyone on daddy's side, he was not an in your face relative. He had a shy smile and remained happily in the background. I never felt compelled to get to know him better. I was simply performing a service by attending family gatherings to stay in momma's good graces. A whole lot of time was blown doing stuff like that. I mean, Once upon a time, long ago I was such a good kid.

His funeral is today and momma planned to attend come well or high water. His wife will be there in full blown go bids. I had to argue the roof off to get her to see reason over tradition. It didn't feel good, but it had to be done. She'd planned to take my brother with her. I told her she was risking the entire family over this which brought her back down to earth. Now to hope her goofy lassed cousin doesn't come visit after the funeral. I have no confidence in her judgement.
AND my juicy Christmas gossip turned out to be false. :banghead: Blankety blank bland blanking :mad: blank blank blankers blank floosy!!!! :angry: Blank blank blank. BLANK!

ABQ, that's one of my favorite songs. I've had it in one form or another since it came out. Cassette, CD and iPod. It never gets old. My best friend worked at a local radio station. He only gave me one record from there which was Joe Cocker's You Are So Beautiful. I really liked that song too.

Good luck with the snow, Jan. Working from home has to be the best and no one can blame you for wanting this storm to hit. I hope there's no loss of power or any problems. Stock up on stuff to make smores and hot chocolate.

Have a good Tuesday and may you not cross paths with any of my crazy relatives that are attending the funeral.
Goooooood afternoon Pops and everyone!!!

And it begins :D This is the view out my living room window to the park across the street. ISN'T IT PERRRRRRRRRTYYYYYYY?????

Morning Pops and everyone...

We’re about to get walloped, weather-wise, or so were told. Customarily when they forecast 6-13” of snow we get a dusting, so I’m holding my breath so as not to create any additional wind that would blow the storm off course:D. This means early out of work and in late tomorrow, if I can get out. You know I’m excited, though I’m the only one here at the office who is. Starting to pack boxes of work to take home. Will still work but doing that in my pj’s versus being at the office listening to the endless ringing of the phone is much better.

Have a great day, all. I’m gonna.
Don't feel like you need to save any snow for the East Coast. You can have it all, we don't mind.

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