FEATURED Morning Pops!

Great picture:)
Good morning Pops and happy New Year's Eve to everyone.

We are at the Orlando airport with the grandkids awaiting our flight to New Orleans. Regardless the CoVid restrictions, we had a blast with the kids. Universal Studios was surprisingly busy. Nonetheless, I fed my (er.. I mean the grandkids) obsession with all things Harry Potter.

After returning the kids to their parents, my wife and I spend the night in New Orleans before traveling to Montana tomorrow. No plans for partying, though, just a quite (early) dinner at one of our favorite seafood restaurants and then back to the hotel.

I couldn't conclude this post without a special shout-out to @CouchCoach -- congratulations on becoming a Mod. Good luck with that and remember, when I accidentally step out of line, my intentions are noble
Morning Pops and fellow revelers on this last day of 2020 and I am certain that hindsight isn't going to make it look one bit better. I have never looked forward to 12:01AM more in my life as that represents something even though we have a tough climb ahead. It's all mental but I'll take it.

Thanks Colo, I had to think it over and rethink it because my fun here is just being me, the only place I can get away with that. My wife only gave me an hour a day, when was gone to the store.

I've always been of that mind that I wouldn't be a part of any club that would have me but I liked our Mods on the old site and here as well. This is such a great place and filled with great people and I feel honored that I was asked to serve it. In the end, that was it. This site took me in and accepted me with all of my warts and now I was being asked to help moderate it and I will do my best to do just that, moderate it, not police it.
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Morning Pops and fellow revelers on this last day of 2020 and I am certain that hindsight isn't going to make it look one bit better. I have never looked forward to 12:01AM more in my life as that represents something even though we have a tough climb ahead. It's all mental but I'll take it.

Thanks Colo, I had to think it over and rethink it because my fun here is just being me, the only place I can get away with that. My wife only gave me an hour a day, when was gone to the store.

I've always been of that mind that I wouldn't be a part of any club that would have me but I liked our Mods on the old site and here as well. This is such a great place and filled with great people and I feel honored that I was asked to serve it. In the end, that was it. This site took me in and accepted me with all of my warts and now I was being asked to help moderate it and I will do my best to do just that, moderate it, not police it.
Be afwaid. Be vewy vewy afwaid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning Pops and fellow revelers on this last day of 2020 and I am certain that hindsight isn't going to make it look one bit better. I have never looked forward to 12:01AM more in my life as that represents something even though we have a tough climb ahead. It's all mental but I'll take it.

Thanks Colo, I had to think it over and rethink it because my fun here is just being me, the only place I can get away with that. My wife only gave me an hour a day, when was gone to the store.

I've always been of that mind that I wouldn't be a part of any club that would have me but I liked our Mods on the old site and here as well. This is such a great place and filled with great people and I feel honored that I was asked to serve it. In the end, that was it. This site took me in and accepted me with all of my warts and now I was being asked to help moderate it and I will do my best to do just that, moderate it, not police it.
I think they just looked at how old you are and figured, "How much damage could he do in the time he has left?"

I, for one, am very pleased our Grand Poobah has made it so near the pinnacle of this site. Next, we have to get someone into the Senate...The PJG is the new Illuminati.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in and visit today.

Happy New Years Eve! I hope all of you are doing well today and have a plan to ring in the New Year and not just stay up till 9 and nod off to sleep!

We aren't doing a lot, none of the kids today, will have them all tomorrow, but we are gonna have a decent dinner, gonna make a mediteranean seafood salad, maybe a shrimp salad sandwich on some fresh baked brioches, maybe have a couple of hot toddy's and maybe some shrimp cocktails, all good!

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope all of you have a day. You deserve it!

Everybody, stay safe but have a great time. Its ok to cut loose and turn out all of the bad of the past year. Good Lord knows that it's been one of the worst years many of us have ever experienced. But make sure you stay safe. Need you all back!

Gonna leave you with a tune from Pink. When my kids were young, they used to love to listen to this song. They would turn up the stereo, that's actually what we listened to then, and would dance all over the place like a band of wild honyaks. Here is Pink with "Get This Party Started".

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Morning Pops and fellow revelers on this last day of 2020 and I am certain that hindsight isn't going to make it look one bit better. I have never looked forward to 12:01AM more in my life as that represents something even though we have a tough climb ahead. It's all mental but I'll take it.

Thanks Colo, I had to think it over and rethink it because my fun here is just being me, the only place I can get away with that. My wife only gave me an hour a day, when was gone to the store.

I've always been of that mind that I wouldn't be a part of any club that would have me but I liked our Mods on the old site and here as well. This is such a great place and filled with great people and I feel honored that I was asked to serve it. In the end, that was it. This site took me in and accepted me with all of my warts and now I was being asked to help moderate it and I will do my best to do just that, moderate it, not police it.

Congrats CC...your next promotion should be the Ring Of Honor...hopefully JJ won’t find out you call him booger
It is supposed to snow here today in central Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone head for CC's house, it's snow angels and hot toddy's on his lawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No snow here but we can make Puddle Pixies and I can handle the toddy's and the brave one's can play Beartrap Bingo in the yard, got a couple left over from Halloween. The little nippers' are getting craftier.
Congrats CC...your next promotion should be the Ring Of Honor...hopefully JJ won’t find out you call him booger
Thanks RGV but I have a feeling he knows. I don't think his ego would allow him not to go to his own site to see what we were saying about him. And I know some of the writers and broadcasters went there and here as well. I actually got a call from one of the guys I knew at The Ticket asking me if I was CouchCoach on DC.com and I laughed my butt off and ask him why he asked. He said a couple of them recognized what he called my "oddball sense of humor" and they knew I was a strong Cowboys fan. He told me many of the broadcasters and writers luck on the top sites to get a feel for the fan view.

I just realized I've been calling him Booger for over 11 years. Usually I tire of a nickname but not this time. He'll be Booger until one of us goes toes up and if it's him first, he will be Booger of the Dead.
Thanks RGV but I have a feeling he knows. I don't think his ego would allow him not to go to his own site to see what we were saying about him. And I know some of the writers and broadcasters went there and here as well. I actually got a call from one of the guys I knew at The Ticket asking me if I was CouchCoach on DC.com and I laughed my butt off and ask him why he asked. He said a couple of them recognized what he called my "oddball sense of humor" and they knew I was a strong Cowboys fan. He told me many of the broadcasters and writers luck on the top sites to get a feel for the fan view.

I just realized I've been calling him Booger for over 11 years. Usually I tire of a nickname but not this time. He'll be Booger until one of us goes toes up and if it's him first, he will be Booger of the Dead.


Speaking of boogers, my wife and I went for Covid testing last Saturday and the results were negative...whewww

That Covid test is a booger bear..that swab went way back, I felt it make a big turn way back in the middle of my head. It brought tears to my eyes so I’m pretty sure it brushed against my tear duct before it made the big turn down.

and with that, I wish each and everyone of you a Happy and Blessed New Year ;)
Last day of 2020 Pops and Popsadoodles. Coachadoodles you look different today, clean underwear? No? Otis change stations? No? Different beer? No? I'm not fooled that easily, I can tell something's different.

I had my scan today and was trying to help the hospital by rejecting blood work. Apparently that wasn't an option, so off I dragged to lab. They were too quick and willing to put me through the process. I didn't read them the riot act about my favorite phobia, known fainter, veins trained to roll away from needles, I need the smallest needle known to man and Tourette's under duress. The first stick, vein rolls far away and recedes from view. I'm asked if I have blood and I tell her I used to. Different arm, new location and no luck. This calls for an Indian Rain Dance around the next vein. I saw it coming and tried to picture myself in Apollo 13 blasting off. That seemed to help a little. Down stairs I face the scan and that needle. The Apollo 13 scenario seemed to help again. Better to be stuck by a needle for a short time than flying through space with an enormous amount of fuel between me and a massive flames. I know I've got notes all over my name at the hospital because everyone was extra patient and kind.

My fragrances started arriving yesterday. I was a kid in a candy store, putting scents on each finger and thumbs, front of the wrists, back of the wrists, on clothes, tissues and :eek: YOU'RE A MODERATOR! Does that mean we have to behave now? Did Reality start celebrating a day or two early? Have all the planets aligned? What does the book of Revelation say about Coachadoodles ascending to new levels of power? @Runwildboys HELP!!!!! I need some splainin done.

:clap:Congratulations Coachadoodles. Don't forget us little people.

Happy New Year everyone.

Speaking of boogers, my wife and I went for Covid testing last Saturday and the results were negative...whewww

That Covid test is a booger bear..that swab went way back, I felt it make a big turn way back in the middle of my head. It brought tears to my eyes so I’m pretty sure it brushed against my tear duct before it made the big turn down.

and with that, I wish each and everyone of you a Happy and Blessed New Year ;)
I had the test last month and it was a massive violation of my sinus cavity. It was akin to some mad scientist on James Bond torturing people in vile new ways.
Last day of 2020 Pops and Popsadoodles. Coachadoodles you look different today, clean underwear? No? Otis change stations? No? Different beer? No? I'm not fooled that easily, I can tell something's different.

I had my scan today and was trying to help the hospital by rejecting blood work. Apparently that wasn't an option, so off I dragged to lab. They were too quick and willing to put me through the process. I didn't read them the riot act about my favorite phobia, known fainter, veins trained to roll away from needles, I need the smallest needle known to man and Tourette's under duress. The first stick, vein rolls far away and recedes from view. I'm asked if I have blood and I tell her I used to. Different arm, new location and no luck. This calls for an Indian Rain Dance around the next vein. I saw it coming and tried to picture myself in Apollo 13 blasting off. That seemed to help a little. Down stairs I face the scan and that needle. The Apollo 13 scenario seemed to help again. Better to be stuck by a needle for a short time than flying through space with an enormous amount of fuel between me and a massive flames. I know I've got notes all over my name at the hospital because everyone was extra patient and kind.

My fragrances started arriving yesterday. I was a kid in a candy store, putting scents on each finger and thumbs, front of the wrists, back of the wrists, on clothes, tissues and :eek: YOU'RE A MODERATOR! Does that mean we have to behave now? Did Reality start celebrating a day or two early? Have all the planets aligned? What does the book of Revelation say about Coachadoodles ascending to new levels of power? @Runwildboys HELP!!!!! I need some splainin done.

:clap:Congratulations Coachadoodles. Don't forget us little people.

Happy New Year everyone.
I think @Reality is hoping CC will feel the need to lead by example and stay on topic.
Last day of 2020 Pops and Popsadoodles. Coachadoodles you look different today, clean underwear? No? Otis change stations? No? Different beer? No? I'm not fooled that easily, I can tell something's different.

I had my scan today and was trying to help the hospital by rejecting blood work. Apparently that wasn't an option, so off I dragged to lab. They were too quick and willing to put me through the process. I didn't read them the riot act about my favorite phobia, known fainter, veins trained to roll away from needles, I need the smallest needle known to man and Tourette's under duress. The first stick, vein rolls far away and recedes from view. I'm asked if I have blood and I tell her I used to. Different arm, new location and no luck. This calls for an Indian Rain Dance around the next vein. I saw it coming and tried to picture myself in Apollo 13 blasting off. That seemed to help a little. Down stairs I face the scan and that needle. The Apollo 13 scenario seemed to help again. Better to be stuck by a needle for a short time than flying through space with an enormous amount of fuel between me and a massive flames. I know I've got notes all over my name at the hospital because everyone was extra patient and kind.

My fragrances started arriving yesterday. I was a kid in a candy store, putting scents on each finger and thumbs, front of the wrists, back of the wrists, on clothes, tissues and :eek: YOU'RE A MODERATOR! Does that mean we have to behave now? Did Reality start celebrating a day or two early? Have all the planets aligned? What does the book of Revelation say about Coachadoodles ascending to new levels of power? @Runwildboys HELP!!!!! I need some splainin done.

:clap:Congratulations Coachadoodles. Don't forget us little people.

Happy New Year everyone.
Happy New Year --Party all Night :yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock:

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