FEATURED Morning Pops!


Speaking of boogers, my wife and I went for Covid testing last Saturday and the results were negative...whewww

That Covid test is a booger bear..that swab went way back, I felt it make a big turn way back in the middle of my head. It brought tears to my eyes so I’m pretty sure it brushed against my tear duct before it made the big turn down.

and with that, I wish each and everyone of you a Happy and Blessed New Year ;)
I had that and yelped and pulled back and the nurse called me a big baby. Then she got to the other side. I told her it was a shame my wife was not there to see living proof that I really did have brains because there was proof on the end of that swab.
I think @Reality is hoping CC will feel the need to lead by example and stay on topic.
Poor poor man and his delusions.

Runny, it's not that I won't do it, I can't do it. The thoughts take me wherever they want me to go. When I was younger the thoughts took me naughty places. Now, they just stop dead in their tracks and think 'what the hell ere we thinking? If he survives the thoughts he'll never be the same. That wouldn't be so bad but at least we know where to find him now'.
Last day of 2020 Pops and Popsadoodles. Coachadoodles you look different today, clean underwear? No? Otis change stations? No? Different beer? No? I'm not fooled that easily, I can tell something's different.

I had my scan today and was trying to help the hospital by rejecting blood work. Apparently that wasn't an option, so off I dragged to lab. They were too quick and willing to put me through the process. I didn't read them the riot act about my favorite phobia, known fainter, veins trained to roll away from needles, I need the smallest needle known to man and Tourette's under duress. The first stick, vein rolls far away and recedes from view. I'm asked if I have blood and I tell her I used to. Different arm, new location and no luck. This calls for an Indian Rain Dance around the next vein. I saw it coming and tried to picture myself in Apollo 13 blasting off. That seemed to help a little. Down stairs I face the scan and that needle. The Apollo 13 scenario seemed to help again. Better to be stuck by a needle for a short time than flying through space with an enormous amount of fuel between me and a massive flames. I know I've got notes all over my name at the hospital because everyone was extra patient and kind.

My fragrances started arriving yesterday. I was a kid in a candy store, putting scents on each finger and thumbs, front of the wrists, back of the wrists, on clothes, tissues and :eek: YOU'RE A MODERATOR! Does that mean we have to behave now? Did Reality start celebrating a day or two early? Have all the planets aligned? What does the book of Revelation say about Coachadoodles ascending to new levels of power? @Runwildboys HELP!!!!! I need some splainin done.

:clap:Congratulations Coachadoodles. Don't forget us little people.

Happy New Year everyone.
The only difference in me now is when I yell at them to get off my lawn, I can bring the hammer if they don't mind.

I am going to be a benevolent ruler and thought of changing my moniker to CouchCuddles.

Otis is appalled and has been watching cop and gangster movies ever since he found out. He's been calling me Dudley Do Right all day.

When do you get the results of this scan?
Last day of 2020 Pops and Popsadoodles. Coachadoodles you look different today, clean underwear? No? Otis change stations? No? Different beer? No? I'm not fooled that easily, I can tell something's different.

I had my scan today and was trying to help the hospital by rejecting blood work. Apparently that wasn't an option, so off I dragged to lab. They were too quick and willing to put me through the process. I didn't read them the riot act about my favorite phobia, known fainter, veins trained to roll away from needles, I need the smallest needle known to man and Tourette's under duress. The first stick, vein rolls far away and recedes from view. I'm asked if I have blood and I tell her I used to. Different arm, new location and no luck. This calls for an Indian Rain Dance around the next vein. I saw it coming and tried to picture myself in Apollo 13 blasting off. That seemed to help a little. Down stairs I face the scan and that needle. The Apollo 13 scenario seemed to help again. Better to be stuck by a needle for a short time than flying through space with an enormous amount of fuel between me and a massive flames. I know I've got notes all over my name at the hospital because everyone was extra patient and kind.

My fragrances started arriving yesterday. I was a kid in a candy store, putting scents on each finger and thumbs, front of the wrists, back of the wrists, on clothes, tissues and :eek: YOU'RE A MODERATOR! Does that mean we have to behave now? Did Reality start celebrating a day or two early? Have all the planets aligned? What does the book of Revelation say about Coachadoodles ascending to new levels of power? @Runwildboys HELP!!!!! I need some splainin done.

:clap:Congratulations Coachadoodles. Don't forget us little people.

Happy New Year everyone.
Prayers for good results on your tests/scans, X!!
Evening Pops and everyone!!

Happy New Year to all those who are with us, and those we are without. May your coming year be filled with blessings overflowing and love and health beyond measure. Me? I’m kicking 2020 square “between the uprights”, if you know what I mean;) and dropping an anvil on its head. Over it and moving on.

Thank you all for accepting me for me and giving me things to think about, though I won’t say specifically what.

Stay safe and be well.
Morning Pops and everyone!!!

No resolutions for the new year for me. I never keep them, so why bother. Maybe I should try daily resolutions instead of making them on a yearly basis. I may feel more accomplished if I can get the little things done. Fine. Today I resolve to make ham and bean soup with cornbread muffins (not set up to make hoppin John this year, but that’s ok. Never worked anyway.) I will share with my neighbors to the East. Craig (Mary Jo’s hubby) came over while I was at work the other day and finished clearing the ice and snow that I was going to take care of after work the day after the big snow. I have great neighbors!!
Hopes for a happier 2021 with no bad surprises Pops and Popsadoodles. I stopped making new year's resolutions myself, Jan. I never started on them until March or April anyway. I don't know exactly why I do it that way, but I do. Super happy to hear about your neighbors, Jan. They are so valuable in a neighborhood.

Ok, time for last night's dream. There I was doing random stuff and walked into a taping of the Oprah show from back in the day. Suddenly she got up and started shouting "You get a new car, you get a new car, etc" Then she proudly proclaimed everyone gets a new car except Xelda!" I jump up in the joyous crowd and barked "WHAT?". You know how dreams go, I'm suddenly transported to a haunted house of needles. I'm in such a bad mood, I snatch needles out of their hands and stab them with it. Just another night in an unsupervised brain.

Have a good day everyone and may your hangovers go easy on you.
Hopes for a happier 2021 with no bad surprises Pops and Popsadoodles. I stopped making new year's resolutions myself, Jan. I never started on them until March or April anyway. I don't know exactly why I do it that way, but I do. Super happy to hear about your neighbors, Jan. They are so valuable in a neighborhood.

Ok, time for last night's dream. There I was doing random stuff and walked into a taping of the Oprah show from back in the day. Suddenly she got up and started shouting "You get a new car, you get a new car, etc" Then she proudly proclaimed everyone gets a new car except Xelda!" I jump up in the joyous crowd and barked "WHAT?". You know how dreams go, I'm suddenly transported to a haunted house of needles. I'm in such a bad mood, I snatch needles out of their hands and stab them with it. Just another night in an unsupervised brain.

Have a good day everyone and may your hangovers go easy on you.
You need to go back and start sticking needles into Oprah.......or hit her with someone's new car.
Greetings Pops and survivors of the New Year's Eve of 2020. I made it to 12:01 because I wanted to know for sure this year was over, didn't want to wake up this morning and find out they'd extended it.

Big football weekend, best of the season. Got the CFP today and end of the NFL regular season tomorrow and the East games matter. The rain has moved out and the sun is welcoming 2021 with a smile.
Evening Pops and everyone.

Sister’s colonoscopy got done on Monday. They removed over 8 polyps and sent 5 or so for testing. There was at least one that came back with high grade precancerous cells, but thankfully no cancer. She’s officially going on a Mediterranean diet of primarily fish and veggies... chicken, turkey (lean meats and low fat). I’m on board to do this with her, although I mostly do anyway. Can’t hurt, right?

Having said that, I made a batch of ham and bean soup (high fiber!) with corn muffins today. Took some to the neighbors. I sure hope they like it...

We had freezing rain today and it’s being topped off right now with fresh snow so I guess I’ll get up in the morning, make some tea, get dressed and throw on my boots, coat and gloves and head out to shovel and bust up some ice. Rest of the day will be spent recovering and packing up Christmas deco I suppose. Sunday I’ll work on the few files I brought home.

Anyone here doing anything exciting over the long weekend?
Evening Pops and everyone.

Sister’s colonoscopy got done on Monday. They removed over 8 polyps and sent 5 or so for testing. There was at least one that came back with high grade precancerous cells, but thankfully no cancer. She’s officially going on a Mediterranean diet of primarily fish and veggies... chicken, turkey (lean meats and low fat). I’m on board to do this with her, although I mostly do anyway. Can’t hurt, right?

Having said that, I made a batch of ham and bean soup (high fiber!) with corn muffins today. Took some to the neighbors. I sure hope they like it...

We had freezing rain today and it’s being topped off right now with fresh snow so I guess I’ll get up in the morning, make some tea, get dressed and throw on my boots, coat and gloves and head out to shovel and bust up some ice. Rest of the day will be spent recovering and packing up Christmas deco I suppose. Sunday I’ll work on the few files I brought home.

Anyone here doing anything exciting over the long weekend?
I wish you the best. Freezing rain here in Western NY. Pretty slippery.
Evening Pops and everyone.

Sister’s colonoscopy got done on Monday. They removed over 8 polyps and sent 5 or so for testing. There was at least one that came back with high grade precancerous cells, but thankfully no cancer. She’s officially going on a Mediterranean diet of primarily fish and veggies... chicken, turkey (lean meats and low fat). I’m on board to do this with her, although I mostly do anyway. Can’t hurt, right?

Having said that, I made a batch of ham and bean soup (high fiber!) with corn muffins today. Took some to the neighbors. I sure hope they like it...

We had freezing rain today and it’s being topped off right now with fresh snow so I guess I’ll get up in the morning, make some tea, get dressed and throw on my boots, coat and gloves and head out to shovel and bust up some ice. Rest of the day will be spent recovering and packing up Christmas deco I suppose. Sunday I’ll work on the few files I brought home.

Anyone here doing anything exciting over the long weekend?
So as someone who doesn't know a lot about the big, ugly "C", I'm guessing your sister's results are bad news that could've been much, much worse?
So as someone who doesn't know a lot about the big, ugly "C", I'm guessing your sister's results are bad news that could've been much, much worse?
Thank you for asking, Runny. Definitely could have been much worse. At our ages (I’m 53, she’s 55) polyps are not uncommon because Americans typically have high fat diets. Let’s be honest, fatty foods taste good. As it is they removed all the polyps and will check her again down the road, but for now she’s “ok” (if you knew my sister you’d understand the use of the “ “:D) so overall I’d say it’s good news all things considered and really good they got this done when they did and caught it before it got out of hand.

I truly hope you and everyone else here never have to deal with this stuff (or have to deal with it again for those of you who already have or are). For me, while the thought isn’t always first on my mind now when I wake up each day like it was when I first got diagnosed, it’s definitely something that creeps into my thoughts at least once each day.

Here’s hoping we all have a healthy and happy new year!!

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