FEATURED Morning Pops!

Well Pops and Popsadoodles, I'm sitting up but not sure if I'm awake yet. The yellow snow of spring has every thing neck up acting up. It's cool outside, which is nice but there's that yellow business everywhere. I did some weeding in the ant bed so my flowers wouldn't get choked out. I keep putting stuff down to send them to the great mound in the sky, but have had no luck.

Sam's was clearing out their Egyptian cotton sheets so I bought two sets. I am used to my bamboo sheets and adore them. I tried the cotton ones and do not care for them one bit, but I seem to sleep more soundly in them. Probably just my body's way of ignoring the alleged down grade.

I can turn the grayest sky blue. I can make it rain, if'n I want it to. Oh, I... That's not it, I wish all of you a lovely Thursday.
Bamboo sheets are the bomb! I like the good ol' flannel ones too.
Morning Pops and what a great party, shame Leon couldn't make it and I know I speak for all of us when I say we're still awaiting our invitation to an all expenses paid week's vacation in the Bahamas, including tax and tips. Especially tips as I am known as a generous tipper to the bartenders.

I accidentally watched "Cocktail" last week and that made me miss the Islands, Mon! I have no idea why that movie was conceived of, let alone made. I have even less idea why I watched it, they didn't share any of the libation recipes and I wasted however long that movie was and however long it was, was too long. I would have had a James Bond like character in every bar shot with closeups but no lines and no explanation why a man in a tuxedo is sitting at a beach bar. Would have improved greatly the film but not near as well as never watching it.

Leon is right, we do not seem to be frequenting this thread like we used to and I am the only one with an excuse. Don't know what it is because I haven't made it up yet. Being single has me poorly prepared as I used to be able to make these up on the fly and while she didn't buy them, she did appreciate the effort. Except the "I can't fix that" excuse, that ended up being my go to in most emergencies. And always worked.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

It has been rather quiet lately hasn't it? Everyone is probably eagerly awaiting this year's draft.

Today is our anniversary and we are doing something a bit unusual and, no, it doesn't involve a selfie with a grizzly bear. Neither of us are avid fishermen. Nonetheless, we hired a guide to take us fly fishing. Later this evening, we arranged dinner at a small wine bar overlooking Flathead Lake. All kidding aside, i think it important to take a break from the routine and just enjoy being together. Should be fun as long as I don't implant a fly hook in my cheek.

How is the start of your week going?
Morning, Pops and greetings and salutations to all Y'all. Congrats on your anniversary, Colo. Many happy returns to you and your lovely bride. How do I know she's lovely? A man of your taste, and deboneerishment has to have one.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

It has been rather quiet lately hasn't it? Everyone is probably eagerly awaiting this year's draft.

Today is our anniversary and we are doing something a bit unusual and, no, it doesn't involve a selfie with a grizzly bear. Neither of us are avid fishermen. Nonetheless, we hired a guide to take us fly fishing. Later this evening, we arranged dinner at a small wine bar overlooking Flathead Lake. All kidding aside, i think it important to take a break from the routine and just enjoy being together. Should be fun as long as I don't implant a fly hook in my cheek.

How is the start of your week going?
Ahhhh, nothing like standing in a babbling brook and casting your line in hopes of hooking a large one. I liked fishing.

What I didn't like was what followed catching a fish. And it didn't seem quite fair to use a hook on a happy hungry fish. So I devised a new plan and called it Ultimate Challenge Angling. No fly, lure or hook of any kind. All you need is a heavy line to cast it far enough to get to the really big ones because they've lived the longest and are most likely to be depressed enough to hang themselves. I even made the end into little hangman nooses so all they had to do was slip their head in and get an accomplice to tighten the noose. That's the one catch in my catch and the reason why I haven't succeeded at this yet, the accomplice. I even have a cool name for the accomplice, an Icthyeuthanasianist.
It's afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. Avoid the bears and have a happy anniversary Mr and Mrs Montanalo!

Coachadoodles, was Cocktail on the same level as Mama Mia? Inquiring minds want to know.

I've been given the task of testing my blood sugar twice every day for a week. My doctor said "you can do it". She over estimated me. I couldn't do it today. I stabbed an unbruised finger twice and didn't get enough blood to check. I drank a small swimming pool and had to pee like a race horse, but no luck with bleeding. If a vampire came at me, he'd have to use a fork.

I had a doctor's appointment (different doctor) to get to. The appointment was at 1 and I barely made it. I shouldn't hope on YouTube before doctor's appointments. I'm still watching racoons eat hot dogs. One day he brought out a can of whipped cream. He accidentally laid down on the nozzle and a racoon had white stuff coming out his nose. Once he mastered it, another racoon latched on to the can and wouldn't let go. Yeppers, I pay over $100 a month on internet to watch racoons eat. Life is good.
It's afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. Avoid the bears and have a happy anniversary Mr and Mrs Montanalo!

Coachadoodles, was Cocktail on the same level as Mama Mia? Inquiring minds want to know.

I've been given the task of testing my blood sugar twice every day for a week. My doctor said "you can do it". She over estimated me. I couldn't do it today. I stabbed an unbruised finger twice and didn't get enough blood to check. I drank a small swimming pool and had to pee like a race horse, but no luck with bleeding. If a vampire came at me, he'd have to use a fork.

I had a doctor's appointment (different doctor) to get to. The appointment was at 1 and I barely made it. I shouldn't hope on YouTube before doctor's appointments. I'm still watching racoons eat hot dogs. One day he brought out a can of whipped cream. He accidentally laid down on the nozzle and a racoon had white stuff coming out his nose. Once he mastered it, another racoon latched on to the can and wouldn't let go. Yeppers, I pay over $100 a month on internet to watch racoons eat. Life is good.
Sure, but think of all the money you save on hot dogs and RediWhip....and rabies shots.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. The local G-Kids ride the bus to our house and my daughter picks them up when she gets off work. The little guy still makes me laugh every day and, sometimes, just shake my head. So he's watching net flicks and cutting up some cardboard in my office while I am at my computer. He has a fascination with cardboard. I'm typing away and I hear, "Look papa, I'm cutting my booger." It was a head shake moment.
It's afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. Avoid the bears and have a happy anniversary Mr and Mrs Montanalo!

Coachadoodles, was Cocktail on the same level as Mama Mia? Inquiring minds want to know.

I've been given the task of testing my blood sugar twice every day for a week. My doctor said "you can do it". She over estimated me. I couldn't do it today. I stabbed an unbruised finger twice and didn't get enough blood to check. I drank a small swimming pool and had to pee like a race horse, but no luck with bleeding. If a vampire came at me, he'd have to use a fork.

I had a doctor's appointment (different doctor) to get to. The appointment was at 1 and I barely made it. I shouldn't hope on YouTube before doctor's appointments. I'm still watching racoons eat hot dogs. One day he brought out a can of whipped cream. He accidentally laid down on the nozzle and a racoon had white stuff coming out his nose. Once he mastered it, another racoon latched on to the can and wouldn't let go. Yeppers, I pay over $100 a month on internet to watch racoons eat. Life is good.
Thank you for the kind wishes... Also, thanks for keeping "Montanalo" alive and well.

Sadly, no fishing trip on Monday - we awoke to high winds and temperatures in the 30-40's. Fortunately, the guide cancelled the trip otherwise, I would have demonstrated my manliness to my wife (at least the guide was thinking rationally).

I purchased another 'big boy toy' - a hydraulic log splitter, or as my wife says, "something else for me to injury myself". We have a few fallen trees on the property and, beginning today, I start stock piling firewood.

I don't envy you @Xelda with the finger pokes. At my last annual medical, I fell into the pre- pre- diabetic range. The doc wants to check my A1c every 6 months. Still treatable with meds if that is the way to go.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Good morning Fellas and good morning to all who have stopped in and checked out this thread today.

So, it's interesting, I spent most of the morning watching my Grandaughter. I don't get to do that much, because she is the only girl and because my Wife is basically stingy with here, I usually only get to look over whomever's shoulder while somebody else holds her. But not this morning. The kids went get their 2nd covid shots this morning so the Baby got dropped off. My Wife had an early call so I got the duty! Bottle, blanket, little bunny thingy she likes. Sat down in Grampas chair and went to sleep. This one was a long time coming. 3 months in NICU, breathing tubes and oxygen when she was finally able to come home, now she's past it and doing well. I think she's gonna have green eyes and she might be a ginger. Not usual, most of the kids and all of the grandbabies are darker. Only my two Boys have light eyes. My oldest Boy has Brown hair and hazel green eyes. My youngest Boy is like his Momma, blonder hair, blue eyes. Isabella is my youngest Boy's Daughter and she looks like she is going to take after Grandma.

I'm off to go pick up my Grandson from school now. Hope everybody is doing well.

Take care, be safe, we are almost at the end of this mess so keep it up just a little while longer. We are gonna come out the other end better and stronger!

Gonna leave you with this tune today. This might seem like a date song but to me, it's a Grandbaby song. This is the Drifters with, "This Magic Moment". I like this version much better then Jay and the Americans version. So, this one is going out to Bella......

I'm sort of awake Pops and Popsadoodles. I don't know if I've got a cold or allergies. I've got a cough that won't let up, watery eyes and stopped up sigh nooses. End of graphic symptoms effective immediately.

You'll always be Montanalo to me. That peculiar animal that sees huge bears and still wants to step outside.

Glad you got to spend time with your granddaughter, ABQ. Thanks also for the song, it's always a good one to re re re listen to..

I'll bet y'all didn't know this: On 4/20/79 Jimmy Carter was fishing in his hometown of Plains, Georgia when he was attacked by a swamp rabbit that swam up to his boat. In other words, nothing significant happened on this day in history. A glorious day that didn't end up on some history exam. We've got plenty of other days to worry about, this one is golden.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. It's a cool morning here at 36°. I am going golfing anyway at 9 a.m. because I haven't got to play in while and I'm having withdrawals. Xelda sounds like its time for a hot toddy or three. Everyone have a good time today.
Morning Pops and all y'all enjoying something we rarely get in Central Texas, spring. We usually make that jump to summer and I can remember hitting 100 in April in Dallas.

I am putting this up for a vote among the Popsadoodles, I think we should give Colo the nickname Monty. It's shorter so fewer keystrokes and kinda gives him this British General kind of flair and allows us to keep in vogue with the royal family. What a tragedy, a man dies at 99.

It's Wonderful Wednesday and reminds me of when I had my Oldies stations in PA and OK doing One Hit Wonder Wednesdays and I present this for your consideration as the #1 One Hit Wonder.
Good Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Leon is heading back to the golf course. We already know he won't be happy with his math, so all is right with the world.

I don't know about Monty, but it's up to Montanalo. Speaking of Monty, have you watched The Full Monty lately Coachadoodles? That would put a less than royal spin on it. Also isn't it amazing how old those rich, privileged farts get to be? I'm not bitter, I just don't get the whole monarchy thing. All sorts of people struggling and their eyes are fixated on one pampered family. End rant. And they have a whole tower for their jewelry plus guards! End rant again.

Thinking about radio stations, I have some good memories of one of ours. My best friend and protector worked there just out of high school. I was sort of star struck being in the building that provided me with music. Lots of bitter sweet attached to that relationship. I'm grateful his girlfriend really loved him even though we weren't allowed to stay friends. Growing up sucks at times. If I'd worked at the radio station, certain songs would have never been played on my shift. I would have abused my powers until they fired me.

I seemed to have dug a hole for myself that I don't know how to get out of, so have a good one everyone.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. You are right, Xelda. My golf math stunk yesterday. But I had a lot of fun yuckin' it up with my buddies, so it's all good. The coffee is going down real good this morning, it is still dark, the cat is outside and I'm the only one awake in the house. Yesssss!

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