FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

So, I am sitting at an auto-body shop having my rear bumper replaced. After splitting about three cords of wood (and, subsequently getting extremely sore and grumpy), I backed into a tree stump. This was, coincidentally, immediately after pointing out o my wife the dangers of driving around forest trails in the late evening. Karma's a wicked mistress. My wife now refers to me as "Pavel", the Russian word for Paul as in, Paul Bunyan.

@ABQCOWBOY I feel for you. Got caught in a freak hail storm in Colorado a couple of years ago... Really damaged the car. BTW, thanks for the videos... Always seem to bring back a great memory.

Believe it or not, a heat advisory has been issued for our area today - suppose to reach the high 80's before dropping to the more typical high 70's tomorrow.

Hey, as we barrel toward the weekend, everyone have a great day!

Colo! Sorry to hear this Brother. I hope the damage (to the wallet) is not to bad. But I get it, seems like every time I turn around, I'm putting my foot in it as well.


Have a good day Brother!
I forgot to mention, I saw a really great meme yesterday (which I now can't find), comparing pre-Covid prices for a variety of goods with current prices. What made this meme a bit more impactful, was the side-by-side photos of what $100 would purchase for 2x4's, gasoline, and certain food products.

I am a very "visual"person. Reading about skyrocketing prices is one thing, seeing a comparison is quite another thing.

Now, have a good weekend.
Morning Pops and I want to be the first to welcome you to your Friday Funday, since no one showed up before me and it's 11:23.

I hope all y'all have a marvelous weekend even though it's only a 2 day one. I have nothing planned which differs from when I have something planned and decide not to do it. I live for planned spontaneity.

Know what's cool about spontaneity? It breaks the rule of i before e except after c, someone forgot about n. It is an exception to the rule and I love exceptions to rules because I don't like rules. When I go someplace I haven't been before and they ask me "you want a copy of rules"? I reply 'No, but give me several copies of the exceptions, one for every room and the vehicle".

People that make up rules start with a list of the fun things they don't want people doing. I call the fun things "exceptions". So, please enjoy all of the exceptions available to you this weekend.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I hope everyone is doing well and adhering to Coachadoodles exceptions list. I could always make an exception for this and that and that. Probably that other thing too.

The other day someone from Terminex came to my house. I normally won't answer the door, but decided to be kind since he was puny and I knew I could take him. He was a young go getter type that was excited about bugs and their demise. He was admiring my flower bed. I grumbled because I can't weed it for the ants. He said he's from New Mexico and loves all greenery. He held up a laminated sheet of bugs and asked me to name which ones I'm having trouble with. I'd never stopped to take a selfie with any of them, so I couldn't be sure who was biting me. In the end, I tried my best to let him down gently instead of tackling him like Sean Lee, head first!

Happy Friday y'all!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I hope everyone is doing well and adhering to Coachadoodles exceptions list. I could always make an exception for this and that and that. Probably that other thing too.

The other day someone from Terminex came to my house. I normally won't answer the door, but decided to be kind since he was puny and I knew I could take him. He was a young go getter type that was excited about bugs and their demise. He was admiring my flower bed. I grumbled because I can't weed it for the ants. He said he's from New Mexico and loves all greenery. He held up a laminated sheet of bugs and asked me to name which ones I'm having trouble with. I'd never stopped to take a selfie with any of them, so I couldn't be sure who was biting me. In the end, I tried my best to let him down gently instead of tackling him like Sean Lee, head first!

Happy Friday y'all!
A Bug Mug book? LMAO. Is he calling you in for a lineup next week?
Afternoon Pops, afternoon Jobs. Good afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who stop in and visit the thread.

So, it's Saturday, not much to do today so I watched Red Dawn, the remake. Gotta say, not all that great. They screwed the best part of the movie up, which was the ending. Oh well......

Getting ready to head out to the store, pick up some stakes and potatoes and I think some Bud. I feel like drinking some beer.

I hope everybody is enjoying a great weekend. I for sure intend to so you might as well join in.

Here's something for the weekend. Tears for Fears was a British band from the early 80s. Really excellent song writers IMO. To me, one of the quintessential albums of the 80s was Songs From The Big Chair. Released in 1984 in the UK and Feb of 85 in the U.S. Here is the complete album.

Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Welcome to the Weekend! Sorry to hear about the vicious stumps, terrorist hailstones and predator bug murderers. I can arrange for a group counseling session if Y'all want me to.
Gimme daquris and I'll tell the group every thing I know. Come at me with a needle and I'll add things I don't.
Morning Pops and my fellow Americans. I have been thinking about where I will live next and will probably make the move next year after selling my boat. I have to get out of this state before i become permanently infected with Texastupid. Saw this video this morning of one of our representatives asking a lady with the US Forestry Service if they or the BLM, could alter the moon's orbit to fix climate change so we don't have to give up our fossil fuel. I am thinking Lorne Michaels is REALLY sad they are on hiatus for the summer with SNL. I do have faith the late night guys and John Oliver will enjoy this though.

I posted it in a thread in the OTZ but don't know if it will stay up if they feel it is political but it is not, it is flat out scary that this guy makes laws.

BTW, I will be entertaining pitches from all qualifying states, qualifying being no outstanding warrants, for my presence as a citizen in their fine state. Weather must be at least seasonal with loose liquor and marijuana laws and tolerance of old people, who like both of those things and to be left the hell alone. Don't be trying to sell me extended warranties, insurance, Medicare Plans B-F or hearing aids.

Happy Friday Eve to you one and all!
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I've thought about the same thing, Coachadoodles, but have no idea to be honest. It was 90 in Canada earlier this week. I find that disturbing. It's like we can't run from the heat any more. A friend in Washington state was on a 7 month wait for a/c to be installed in her home. It doesn't look like anyone's safe. You could move to Florida and walk the beach with a potato in your speedo, unless you already have warrants there. I honestly have no idea. I danged sure won't recommend Looziana. My cousin lived in Nashville and now lives in Dallas. He said he enjoyed 4 seasons of weather there. I don't know about your stipulations though. You could move to Runny town and pester him in person. Just keep in mind the cost of living. My ex bought a bottle of calamine lotion at Wal Mart for $1.89 here and paid over $4.00 for the same thing in Florida.
I've thought about the same thing, Coachadoodles, but have no idea to be honest. It was 90 in Canada earlier this week. I find that disturbing. It's like we can't run from the heat any more. A friend in Washington state was on a 7 month wait for a/c to be installed in her home. It doesn't look like anyone's safe. You could move to Florida and walk the beach with a potato in your speedo, unless you already have warrants there. I honestly have no idea. I danged sure won't recommend Looziana. My cousin lived in Nashville and now lives in Dallas. He said he enjoyed 4 seasons of weather there. I don't know about your stipulations though. You could move to Runny town and pester him in person. Just keep in mind the cost of living. My ex bought a bottle of calamine lotion at Wal Mart for $1.89 here and paid over $4.00 for the same thing in Florida.
I have always liked the Northwest but Oregon has weirded out and Idaho is home to the real "The Hills Have Eyes" clan and I don't have any family there and I fear ending up being found surrounded by mayo jars full of pee, scraggly hair and my nails just a sight.

I have been thinking about Colorado because my cousin lives there and the people seem halfway normal. Oddly enough, my older son, and most normal one, is thinking about the same thing, Austin Weird has finally gotten to him.

I tell ya, if you haven't endured this damned heat which is unrelenting when it kicks in, you really don't know how long you can put up with it and this has been the mildest spring/summer, so far, that I have ever spent in Texas. A bit rainy but the temps have been downright enjoyable and we actually had a real spring.

The fact is if you ain't happy, where you live really doesn't matter. Hell, I didn't know I was happy when I was happy.
I drove through Colorado and found great beauty in Durango. I met a friendly mechanic that was so puzzled by the noise my car was making that he laid everything else down and fixed my car for free. Actually it was a company car, but it was in my possession at the time. I also drove through what looks like a gorgeous tourist area with a mountain stream and a ski lift. It left a good impression on me until I hit Denver, then I was looking for a door marked exit.

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