FEATURED Morning Pops!

I drove through Colorado and found great beauty in Durango. I met a friendly mechanic that was so puzzled by the noise my car was making that he laid everything else down and fixed my car for free. Actually it was a company car, but it was in my possession at the time. I also drove through what looks like a gorgeous tourist area with a mountain stream and a ski lift. It left a good impression on me until I hit Denver, then I was looking for a door marked exit.
Yeah, the big city isn't in my heart, I like to be close to one for guerilla shopping but I am not built for the big city. But I have also grown tired of living in an area where they do reviews on fast food joints on Yelp.

Also I ain't rich, just live among them, and I don't have to watch my pennies but I do have to keep an eye on the nickels. Living among the rich can torque one's mind a but, and mine is one that needs a little less torque, but living among people with 150-300K cars and 6-8M 2nd or 3rd homes can twist with one's self esteem. I've never been one that equates money to anything but money and haven't done much of that comparing myself to others but I do believe this is beginning to wear on my psyche. And the damned thing was already pretty worn.

It's like my sons told me, you're not living in the real world over there. My younger son asked me why I moved to a place full of the very people I cannot stand. As a kid, I grew up around the country club folks and my Mom aspired to that and it left a bitter taste in my mouth and I have very rich friends that I like but I am not surrounded by them. I think poor ole CC needs a reality check. "Waiter, check please, and make mine a reality".
Yeah, the big city isn't in my heart, I like to be close to one for guerilla shopping but I am not built for the big city. But I have also grown tired of living in an area where they do reviews on fast food joints on Yelp.

Also I ain't rich, just live among them, and I don't have to watch my pennies but I do have to keep an eye on the nickels. Living among the rich can torque one's mind a but, and mine is one that needs a little less torque, but living among people with 150-300K cars and 6-8M 2nd or 3rd homes can twist with one's self esteem. I've never been one that equates money to anything but money and haven't done much of that comparing myself to others but I do believe this is beginning to wear on my psyche. And the damned thing was already pretty worn.

It's like my sons told me, you're not living in the real world over there. My younger son asked me why I moved to a place full of the very people I cannot stand. As a kid, I grew up around the country club folks and my Mom aspired to that and it left a bitter taste in my mouth and I have very rich friends that I like but I am not surrounded by them. I think poor ole CC needs a reality check. "Waiter, check please, and make mine a reality".
I'm thinking about moving to the Philippines. Tropical weather, Asian women, and the USD is worth a lot more....but I don't think I could get used to seeing so much poverty.
I have always liked the Northwest but Oregon has weirded out and Idaho is home to the real "The Hills Have Eyes" clan and I don't have any family there and I fear ending up being found surrounded by mayo jars full of pee, scraggly hair and my nails just a sight.

I have been thinking about Colorado because my cousin lives there and the people seem halfway normal. Oddly enough, my older son, and most normal one, is thinking about the same thing, Austin Weird has finally gotten to him.

I tell ya, if you haven't endured this damned heat which is unrelenting when it kicks in, you really don't know how long you can put up with it and this has been the mildest spring/summer, so far, that I have ever spent in Texas. A bit rainy but the temps have been downright enjoyable and we actually had a real spring.

The fact is if you ain't happy, where you live really doesn't matter. Hell, I didn't know I was happy when I was happy.
Hey @CouchCoach - I was initially surprised to read you're thinking about leaving the Lone Star state but, after a little thought, I fully understand.

We loved CO - until we didn't. "Austin Weird" is probably an apt way to describe Denver. Although the long-term Coloradoans refer to it as the "Californication" of the state. Still, it is remarkably beautiful, has 4 wonderful seasons, generally good health care and good municipal services.

Moving is a big decision and a lot of work... good luck, my friend.
Hey @CouchCoach - I was initially surprised to read you're thinking about leaving the Lone Star state but, after a little thought, I fully understand.

We loved CO - until we didn't. "Austin Weird" is probably an apt way to describe Denver. Although the long-term Coloradoans refer to it as the "Californication" of the state. Still, it is remarkably beautiful, has 4 wonderful seasons, generally good health care and good municipal services.

Moving is a big decision and a lot of work... good luck, my friend.
It'll be a lot less work if the liquor stores up there deliver.
Hey @CouchCoach - I was initially surprised to read you're thinking about leaving the Lone Star state but, after a little thought, I fully understand.

We loved CO - until we didn't. "Austin Weird" is probably an apt way to describe Denver. Although the long-term Coloradoans refer to it as the "Californication" of the state. Still, it is remarkably beautiful, has 4 wonderful seasons, generally good health care and good municipal services.

Moving is a big decision and a lot of work... good luck, my friend.
I went through that with the Idahoans in the early/mid 90's. They blamed CA for everything they didn't like and they did jack the home prices.

I dread moving and the older I get the longer my dreads grow.

The other part of it is that I retired early to move down here thinking that would help fix some things broken in me but when I got here, I found me here. I think I am incapable of being happy and would just be exchanging one view for another through the same eyes.

One of the positives from having clinical depression and what many think is BPD, ok all of them, is that I never have to get used to a mood because there's a different one coming right behind this one. My Mom suffered from clinical depression but she didn't have to contend with this other thing.

My wife meant well when she told me, after a trying episode, "you wear me out. If you weren't the funniest man I have ever known, I would have left you". A year and a half later, she did.

Sorry guys, but if I am going to try and entertain you, this is the price you pay. Sad clown with his sad tales. But he can be a funny clown.
Evening Pops and everyone. Sitting waiting on the second shot… figure I may need this in order to fly to Virginia next month for my daughters graduation from police academy… plus “Sam” strongly urged me to, so here I go. I would’ve anyway, I was just being my usual stubborn self.

Hope everyone has been doing well. Work is killing me right now so I don’t get to get in too much to comment.
Evening Pops and everyone. Sitting waiting on the second shot… figure I may need this in order to fly to Virginia next month for my daughters graduation from police academy… plus “Sam” strongly urged me to, so here I go. I would’ve anyway, I was just being my usual stubborn self.

Hope everyone has been doing well. Work is killing me right now so I don’t get to get in too much to comment.
You might as well tell us Sam's name. :grin: We won't tell anyone outside of each other.
You might as well tell us Sam's name. :grin: We won't tell anyone outside of each other.

Happy Friday Pops and everyone.

It’s early and I can’t sleep. Maybe it’s guilt. Lol, Xelda, would y’all be terribly upset with me if you found out the answer was in plain sight:eek:? Don’t get me wrong, “Sam” is definitely real… all 6’2” of him (I run 5’3”-ish myself)… but…his name really is Sam :D. Totally for real. Simple enough name that it was easy to say “Sam” and have it not seem odd as an alias. I’m such an honest person I couldn’t even fib about a pretend name, lol, but I have no doubt some of you already figured that out.

Big day at work today with so much to do and get done so I’d best get my sleep.

Quickly joining the prior weather discussion… it’s been running hot and humid and in the upper 80’s to low 90’s, and supposed to hit 97 today. A bit above normal for June here, which leaves me little hope of making it through July, August and September alive. Someone apparently left the oven on and the door open here in the Midwest. I hate summer.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Our Calif. daughter left yesterday morning. They are towing a camper trailer and visiting several states before heading home. I'm going to try a different medicine for my eye injections. It is supposed to be effective for eight to twelve weeks between shots as opposed to four weeks in between for my current one.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Our Calif. daughter left yesterday morning. They are towing a camper trailer and visiting several states before heading home. I'm going to try a different medicine for my eye injections. It is supposed to be effective for eight to twelve weeks between shots as opposed to four weeks in between for my current one.
We all wish you the very best of luck with the new medication!
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Welcome to Friday or, as those of us retired refer to it, Friday-Saturday... because every day is Saturday when you're retired.

@LeonDixson good luck with the new shot regimen. I still tear up at the mere thought of a shot in the eye.

And, @GrammaJan thanks for the big "reveal". Who would have thought "Sam" is actually named Sam? All kidding aside, congratulations!

Sad news @CouchCoach, the local liquor store in Bigfork, MT is suspending home deliveries. No need anymore as everyone is out and about. I picked up a really nice cast strength bourbon last night and still have some left today!!

I'm at the Glacier Park International Airport (who knew??) awaiting my flight to Houston. I am leaving behind 50-60 F weather for the sauna known as Texas. I'll spend about a week in Texas visiting my mother, brother, son and daughter. Like many, this will be our first visit in more than a year.

Have a great weekend!
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Our Calif. daughter left yesterday morning. They are towing a camper trailer and visiting several states before heading home. I'm going to try a different medicine for my eye injections. It is supposed to be effective for eight to twelve weeks between shots as opposed to four weeks in between for my current one.
Fingers crossed on that one, Leon.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Welcome to Friday or, as those of us retired refer to it, Friday-Saturday... because every day is Saturday when you're retired.

@LeonDixson good luck with the new shot regimen. I still tear up at the mere thought of a shot in the eye.

And, @GrammaJan thanks for the big "reveal". Who would have thought "Sam" is actually named Sam? All kidding aside, congratulations!

Sad news @CouchCoach, the local liquor store in Bigfork, MT is suspending home deliveries. No need anymore as everyone is out and about. I picked up a really nice cast strength bourbon last night and still have some left today!!

I'm at the Glacier Park International Airport (who knew??) awaiting my flight to Houston. I am leaving behind 50-60 F weather for the sauna known as Texas. I'll spend about a week in Texas visiting my mother, brother, son and daughter. Like many, this will be our first visit in more than a year.

Have a great weekend!
Have a great visit with your family in Texas' Terrarium. Your timing is impeccable, the Bigfork liquor store decides to stop delivering and you leave town.

I never used the delivery service down here because every time I got to enter a liquor store wearing a mask, I was wearing a smile behind that mask every minute. I couldn't resist the urge to act like I was bolting for the door every time I picked up a bottle, which was often. But they weren't worried, considered me old and slow. I take off and they'd just send Norbert, the Tracking Snail after me.
Good luck with your new shots Leon. We've hired Runny to speak for us all when we are a little slow on the responder. He's a good one and we trust him.

Be safe Montanalo and enjoy your family while in Texas. Please wear a mask since Coachadoodles alerted us about the rampant stupidity virus.

Happy Friday Pops and everyone.

It’s early and I can’t sleep. Maybe it’s guilt. Lol, Xelda, would y’all be terribly upset with me if you found out the answer was in plain sight:eek:? Don’t get me wrong, “Sam” is definitely real… all 6’2” of him (I run 5’3”-ish myself)… but…his name really is Sam :D. Totally for real. Simple enough name that it was easy to say “Sam” and have it not seem odd as an alias. I’m such an honest person I couldn’t even fib about a pretend name, lol, but I have no doubt some of you already figured that out.

Big day at work today with so much to do and get done so I’d best get my sleep.

Quickly joining the prior weather discussion… it’s been running hot and humid and in the upper 80’s to low 90’s, and supposed to hit 97 today. A bit above normal for June here, which leaves me little hope of making it through July, August and September alive. Someone apparently left the oven on and the door open here in the Midwest. I hate summer.
AHA! I knew it!!!! Honestly, I didn't have a clue but wanted to save you the "" every time you mentioned him, plus I'm nosy. Now that I look at it, "" looks like Woodstock from Peanuts is cussing.

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