FEATURED Morning Pops!

I just got off the phone with the Doc, the one that Xelda doesn't like, and he got my MRI about 30 minutes ago and he started with what his concerns and suspicions were because of the alarming elevations and the weight loss and he quickly said my concerns were allayed with the MRI and I was planning on a much longer procedure tomorrow involving cancer, it doesn't show any cancer but stones in the gall bladder and bile duct, which was really throwing the counts out of whack at a pretty alarming rate and the fact you don't have any pain with this amount of stones has thrown most of the doctors here for a loop.

Sorry about my two false alarms but he was so sure it was cancer that he had scheduled the OR for about 5 hours. Maybe the next time a doc asks "how honest do you want me to be", I should just say lie and tell me I'm pregnant?

He said his nurses are going to be very happy. They went into overdrive yesterday and spent 3 hours trying to locate an emergency MRI, which also raised the alarm level too. The sense of urgency on this went from a gentle stream to a raging river in a matter of hours and that was affecting my thought processes a lot.

So, tomorrow is the ERCP which he feels will give me some relief and then a follow up visit to get this trouble making full of sludge gall bladder removed. I hate to speak ill of one of my own organs but this sob has caused enough of a problem.
AAAAH WOOOOOO!!!!! I've been moping all day and can now rest my deepest concern muscles. If the doctor can retract that terrible diagnosis, you have my permission to see him tomorrow. Enjoy your happy pills and let us know you're ok afterwards when you feel like it. Make that as soon as your conscious. I can't stand waiting. Speedy recovery and just remember those nurses aren't as cute as the medicine tells you they are.
I just got off the phone with the Doc, the one that Xelda doesn't like, and he got my MRI about 30 minutes ago and he started with what his concerns and suspicions were because of the alarming elevations and the weight loss and he quickly said my concerns were allayed with the MRI and I was planning on a much longer procedure tomorrow involving cancer, it doesn't show any cancer but stones in the gall bladder and bile duct, which was really throwing the counts out of whack at a pretty alarming rate and the fact you don't have any pain with this amount of stones has thrown most of the doctors here for a loop.

Sorry about my two false alarms but he was so sure it was cancer that he had scheduled the OR for about 5 hours. Maybe the next time a doc asks "how honest do you want me to be", I should just say lie and tell me I'm pregnant?

He said his nurses are going to be very happy. They went into overdrive yesterday and spent 3 hours trying to locate an emergency MRI, which also raised the alarm level too. The sense of urgency on this went from a gentle stream to a raging river in a matter of hours and that was affecting my thought processes a lot.

So, tomorrow is the ERCP which he feels will give me some relief and then a follow up visit to get this trouble making full of sludge gall bladder removed. I hate to speak ill of one of my own organs but this sob has caused enough of a problem.
I still say you should go to the ER, but as long as things are looking better, I'm happy!
I just got off the phone with the Doc, the one that Xelda doesn't like, and he got my MRI about 30 minutes ago and he started with what his concerns and suspicions were because of the alarming elevations and the weight loss and he quickly said my concerns were allayed with the MRI and I was planning on a much longer procedure tomorrow involving cancer, it doesn't show any cancer but stones in the gall bladder and bile duct, which was really throwing the counts out of whack at a pretty alarming rate and the fact you don't have any pain with this amount of stones has thrown most of the doctors here for a loop.

Sorry about my two false alarms but he was so sure it was cancer that he had scheduled the OR for about 5 hours. Maybe the next time a doc asks "how honest do you want me to be", I should just say lie and tell me I'm pregnant?

He said his nurses are going to be very happy. They went into overdrive yesterday and spent 3 hours trying to locate an emergency MRI, which also raised the alarm level too. The sense of urgency on this went from a gentle stream to a raging river in a matter of hours and that was affecting my thought processes a lot.

So, tomorrow is the ERCP which he feels will give me some relief and then a follow up visit to get this trouble making full of sludge gall bladder removed. I hate to speak ill of one of my own organs but this sob has caused enough of a problem.
I am elated at the somewhat optimistic news. To echo others, we love you and I want for you what you want.
Morning, Pops and peeps. Call be a traitor. Call me a murderer. Say I'm guilty of heroactorcide. I deserve it. I dreamed I assassinated John Wayne with a .30-.30 lever action Winchester model 94. He was on a stage with other people so I took out a couple of them too. To quote Lou Abbott, "I'm a baaaaaad boy."
Morning, Pops and peeps. Call be a traitor. Call me a murderer. Say I'm guilty of heroactorcide. I deserve it. I dreamed I assassinated John Wayne with a .30-.30 lever action Winchester model 94. He was on a stage with other people so I took out a couple of them too. To quote Lou Abbott, "I'm a baaaaaad boy."
Good choice of caliber if we're looking on the bright side.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and say hello today.

Happy Birthday America Weekend so hope everybody has something cool planned.

Good to hear that you appear to be in the pink, as it were, CC. Good luck with the Stones!

Everybody, be safe, be happy and remember why the 4th is important, please.

I thought about posting a song from Toby Keith called "Happy Birthday America" and while I do like it, I decided to go another way.

Gonna leave you with a tune from Martina McBride. This is a song written by Gretchen Peters and recorded and release in 94 by Martina. This song has a duality in meaning about it. Obviously, the Independence Day Theme but also a deeper meaning around Domestic and Child Abuse and since we are addressing the Duality theme here, I think I'm gonna use the Duet of this tune performed by Martina and Pat Benatar. It's really a pretty great performance by both. Clearly, Martina, who can really knock this tune out of the park, takes a back seat here and Pat Benatar just brings it. Without further delay, here is Martina McBride and Pat Benatar performing "Independence Day" on Stage together at CMT Crossroads, circa 2003. Enjoy.........

Happy Saturday morning Pops and happy Fourth of July weekend to one and all.

I'm at the Roatan, Honduras airport awaiting my flight back to the states. I had planned a rundown of my week of diving but, instead, I just want to wish @CouchCoach a speedy recovery.. godspeed my Cowboy brethren!

Godspeed, safe journey home Colo.
Happy Saturday morning Pops and happy Fourth of July weekend to one and all.

I'm at the Roatan, Honduras airport awaiting my flight back to the states. I had planned a rundown of my week of diving but, instead, I just want to wish @CouchCoach a speedy recovery.. godspeed my Cowboy brethren!
Thanks Colo, I had the ERCP yesterday with no effect, I am still in the same shape I was and sinking deeper into a funk. Add to that these clowns over medicated me with BP meds and I almost passed out and took it and was 90/60 I've been eating salt and pounding down water to get it elevated.

I'd like to put a spin on that old saying "if you've got your health, you've got it all" with "if you don't have a good doc, doesn't matter".

Sorry, guys, to be such a sourpuss but I am really low right now. If you've ever seen a movie called "The Hospital" with George C. Scott, I feel I am in that right now.

Get this one. The GI that did my ERCP was scheduled to do 3 that day and had one in Austin right after mine and couldn't even wait around for me to come out of recovery to talk to me. He calls me on the damned cellphone with these nurses just chattering away about their weekend plans and tells me, after I asked them to quieten down, that along with the stones he got out of my bile duct came some tissue and he's never seen that before and sent it off to pathology. The guy tells me this on the phone? I wonder if he was off to do his next ERCP at the VA? This is the doc that asked me how honest I wanted him to be, Damn, next thing I know he'll be telling me he's having an affair with one of his nurses.

My neighbors returned from a two week trip and saw me out front this morning and came over and asked me if I was OK. The wife said "you look terrible, what happened"? Obviously, that didn't make me feel better but they showed more concern than these awesome person docs I am dealing with, I feel like a leper when I have to go out because when I say I am yellow, I'm not exaggerating and those compliments I used to get about not looking my age? Those aren't coming anymore, just the opposite. If I told someone I am 73, they'd accuse me of lying and taking 10 years off my actual age.

My older son took me for the procedure yesterday and even he couldn't hide his shock at how I looked. I fell asleep on the way back and he'd jostle me awake to make sure I wasn't expiring. That was pretty funny.

Thanks for allowing me to vent to folks I think really care because the ones I am dealing with here could give a damn. Got to get out of this funk because part of me really likes the dark places and just writing this here has helped, made me aware that I need to climb out of the pit. If I can just get my head out over the edge, I can see the cocktail shaker that beckons to me like a siren from the deep. "Come to me, CC, let us work together and chase those pesky thoughts away".

When I say I use this place for some self therapy, I'm not kidding. I come here with a sense of purpose.
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Thanks Colo, I had the ERCP yesterday with no effect, I am still in the same shape I was and sinking deeper into a funk. Add to that these clowns over medicated me with BP meds and I almost passed out and took it and was 90/60 I've been eating salt and pounding down water to get it elevated.

I'd like to put a spin on that old saying "if you've got your health, you've got it all" with "if you don't have a good doc, doesn't matter".

Sorry, guys, to be such a sourpuss but I am really low right now. If you've ever seen a movie called "The Hospital" with George C. Scott, I feel I am in that right now.

Get this one. The GI that did my ERCP was scheduled to do 3 that day and had one in Austin right after mine and couldn't even wait around for me to come out of recovery to talk to me. He calls me on the damned cellphone with these nurses just chattering away about their weekend plans and tells me, after I asked them to quieten down, that along with the stones he got out of my bile duct came some tissue and he's never seen that before and sent it off to pathology. The guy tells me this on the phone? I wonder if he was off to do his next ERCP at the VA? This is the doc that asked me how honest I wanted him to be, Damn, next thing I know he'll be telling me he's having an affair with one of his nurses.

My neighbors returned from a two week trip and saw me out front this morning and came over and asked me if I was OK. The wife said "you look terrible, what happened"? Obviously, that didn't make me feel better but they showed more concern than these awesome person docs I am dealing with, I feel like a leper when I have to go out because when I say I am yellow, I'm not exaggerating and those compliments I used to get about not looking my age? Those aren't coming anymore, just the opposite. If I told someone I am 73, they'd accuse me of lying and taking 10 years off my actual age.

My older son took me for the procedure yesterday and even he couldn't hide his shock at how I looked. I fell asleep on the way back and he'd jostle me awake to make sure I wasn't expiring. That was pretty funny.

Thanks for allowing me to vent to folks I think really care because the ones I am dealing with here could give a damn. Got to get out of this funk because part of me really likes the dark places and just writing this here has helped, made me aware that I need to climb out of the pit. If I can just get my head out over the edge, I can see the cocktail shaker that beckons to me like a siren from the deep. "Come to me, CC, let us work together and chase those pesky thoughts away".

When I say I use this place for some self therapy, I'm not kidding. I come here with a sense of purpose.
Do @Streetwise and I need to take a week off and fly down to visit this doctor and show him where the bear does his business? Sure, G2's not 100% yet, but that just means I get to go first.

So he only removed the stones, and not the gallbladder? What a lazy POS!

CC, you let me know when you're the right color. (Wow, that sounded better in my head.) Hopefully we can celebrate more than just the Red, White, and Blue tomorrow.
Do @Streetwise and I need to take a week off and fly down to visit this doctor and show him where the bear does his business? Sure, G2's not 100% yet, but that just means I get to go first.

So he only removed the stones, and not the gallbladder? What a lazy POS!

CC, you let me know when you're the right color. (Wow, that sounded better in my head.) Hopefully we can celebrate more than just the Red, White, and Blue tomorrow.
This guy is a GI, not a surgeon and doesn't do that part of it, he only cleaned out the bile duct and that did nothing. He did nothing to the gall bladder, nothing.

You youngsters don't know what you are headed for with Medicare. Unless you get a real conscientious doc, they treat you like they're getting paid, pennies on the dollar. Want a revolution, go Medicare for Everyone, second rate schlock health care.
This guy is a GI, not a surgeon and doesn't do that part of it, he only cleaned out the bile duct and that did nothing. He did nothing to the gall bladder, nothing.

You youngsters don't know what you are headed for with Medicare. Unless you get a real conscientious doc, they treat you like they're getting paid, pennies on the dollar. Want a revolution, go Medicare for Everyone, second rate schlock health care.
Are you feeling any better today?
Do @Streetwise and I need to take a week off and fly down to visit this doctor and show him where the bear does his business? Sure, G2's not 100% yet, but that just means I get to go first.

So he only removed the stones, and not the gallbladder? What a lazy POS!

CC, you let me know when you're the right color. (Wow, that sounded better in my head.) Hopefully we can celebrate more than just the Red, White, and Blue tomorrow.
BRING ME ALONG! I can chew on their ankles while you whoop on the upper body. I don't envy anyone getting a whooping from you, but I know I can make things worse for them.

Hang in there Coachadoodles! We're coming to straighten some folks out. Just point and we'll attack. Street can tell Runny of any areas he forgot to beat since he's recovering.

Happy 4th of July all and safe trip home bear chow!

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