FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and pen pals. I'm home after two days in the hospital. My lips, left arm, and left leg began to tingle and feel a little numb, so I drove myself to the emergency room. A cat scan, MRI sonograms of the heart and carotid all came back normal, as did all my blood work. I told the doc that I had been taking duloxetine, an anti-depressant, for two years until about two weeks ago when I stopped it. I suspected what I was experiencing was a withdrawal symptom. In the end, she said I might have been right.

I would never have suspected it to quiet the tinnitus. That must have been a relief for the time you were there.
I took anti-depressants years ago and was told by my doc never stop taking them without talking to him first. Cold turkey for some can really be a problem. I know they had to have a gentle drop off on Prozac or that would really screw people up. That screwed up a lot of people anyway.

I tried all of them and didn't find any that really worked past a couple of weeks and I became concerned what I might be doing to my mind. I knew that I'd never thought like other people, that I wasn't considered normal, so I finally decided that was the way I was going to be and now that I live alone and can't bother someone else, I just allow me to be me.

I will prescribe for you, Leon. Take two to the Bahamas and call me in the morning.

Not making fun of your situation because that had to be scary but now that you are alright, I deem you worthy of frivolity.
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You "might" have been right? I hope that means it's gone now! If it were just your arm and leg, I would've thought maybe you had a pinched nerve in your neck, but I've never heard of someone's lips going numb unless a dentist was involved...but I imagine that wouldn't preclude the possibility. Here's hoping that's the last of the detrimental effects of withdrawal.
Well, that and the fact he's going to be crazy bat poop out of his mind now. Probably be found in the backyard trying to get an All Squirrel Choir going with fantasies of becoming the next Skitch Henderson. Alrighty then, ole CC is checking the ages on this group with that one.
Well, that and the fact he's going to be crazy bat poop out of his mind now. Probably be found in the backyard trying to get an All Squirrel Choir going with fantasies of becoming the next Skitch Henderson. Alrighty then, ole CC is checking the ages on this group with that one.
Yep, ya lost me, but the All Squirrel Choir is @Londonboy 's arena.
Yep, ya lost me, but the All Squirrel Choir is @Londonboy 's arena.
Skitch Henderson was a band leader with his own TV show, after being the conductor of the first Tonight Show orchestra, in the 50's.

He was one of the first cool cats with a real Van Dyke and later a goatee and reminded me of Vladimir Lenin, who I had many fond memories of.
Morning Pops and everyone.

Never been to Cali, and have no desire to go, but those redwoods sound amazing!!! Washington and Oregon have always been on my list of "wanna visits" along with the Northeast (Maine, RI, Mass., etc.) Someday... when that right person wants to go along with me.

Set out this morning to find a route to work by bicycle. About 35 minutes, barring any delays because of trains or barge traffic, hopefully neither of which would be happening between 0600 and 0630. Getting there was easy enough, minus the bumpy hill at the beginning of the ride. Round trip, just over 10 miles. After gave myself a little foot pampering treatment. Tomorrow morning I will set out on another route that will be a little longer, but probably a little safer so would be worth the extra distance provided the hill is not as bumpy as the one from this morning. Unfortunately I live above the hill so getting there will be easier than the coming home. I was able to climb the hill on the way back without stopping, but I barely made it. Mostly a long, low grade hill half way and then it got steeper. I'll take it as a "win" that I was strong enough to make it up the hill the first try without having to walk the bike. The hill tomorrow is shorter, but a little steeper, but again, probably worth the safer journey. I can always reroute to another hill. I have options, and options are always good. Time to go map out that route now that I'm thinking about it.

Looking forward to escaping to Wisconsin in about three weeks. That trip is still on for now so I am getting into planning mode. Assuming he is still wanting to go, I'll check with Sam this weekend to see how we are getting there (my car or his truck) and will then decide if I'll take the bike with me. He may be bringing the dogs so in that case we would likely bring the truck. I won't take this trip on my own so... there's that.

I'm rambling. Lots of energy and nowhere to use it right now. Too hot to be outdoors now (early morning was super humid already) so maybe I'll spend time in the lower level of the house doing some housework, not that there's much to do. Have a small pork roast in the crockpot that will later today become pulled pork sandwiches for the next few days. Yup. That's all I've got for now.

Everyone enjoy your weekend, be well and stay safe!!

The Mrs and I have been walking 4 miles four times a week. We jog very little of it. With this humidity you sweat up a storm just walking. It’s as if you took a dip in the pool.
Hopefully you can get out and take a vacation. We took 2 weeks and came back recharged. We Had a great time but it was nice getting back to the routine. There’s no place like home.

Evening Pops
The Mrs and I have been walking 4 miles four times a week. We jog very little of it. With this humidity you sweat up a storm just walking. It’s as if you took a dip in the pool.
Hopefully you can get out and take a vacation. We took 2 weeks and came back recharged. We Had a great time but it was nice getting back to the routine. There’s no place like home.

Evening Pops
How long have you and the Mrs. been doing this? I am trying to figure out how far from home you two are and from the Valley, you might be close to me. Y'all can come in a set a spell, have some iced tea or cocktails if the cocktail hour is upon us and that would be any hour with a number in it.
How long have you and the Mrs. been doing this? I am trying to figure out how far from home you two are and from the Valley, you might be close to me. Y'all can come in a set a spell, have some iced tea or cocktails if the cocktail hour is upon us and that would be any hour with a number in it.

CC, We’ve been doing this since 2011. I’m not in the valley but my heart always is. There is something about the magic valley that never leaves you. I’m about 50 miles se of Houston.

The Mrs and I visited the hill country back in June. Bandera, Fredericksburg, Marble Falls and stopped at Saltlick in Driftwood on our way back. Hoping to go back to the hill country in a couple months just to sight see.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Another glorious morning in MT with temperatures dropping below 40F last night.

My wife had a surgical procedure a few days ago (nothing serious and everything is fine). Her first comment to me in the recovery room was, "I have numb tongue" which, while still slightly sedated, sounded like, "I have nom tum". I cracked up. My wife is a huge Star Trek fan and, in the remake, Chris Pine (as Captain Kirk) makes the same comment.

Aside from that, we are preparing for the inevitable arrival of winter. I can't wait. I finally signed up for Disney+, so we can binge watch TV during a snow storm.

The grandkids are back in south LA. Their home was damaged - the full extent to be determined. Good news is everyone is safe.
Haven't seen Runny around today and CT is getting hit as well as The City. Hard to believe this is the first time NYC has had flash flood warnings and they've had to close streets to keep some from driving their cars into waist deep water. There are vehicles abandoned all over The City.

I saw a car get swept away in about 6" of rushing water right after I started working in OK and I got new respect for "turn around, don't drown" and they still have to hammer that every time there is a threat of flooding. That person in front of me was lucky but two others were not in the worst flood I ever saw. The river was lapping the bridge on I-35 between OK and TX. That's usually about a 20' drop to a very small stream.

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