FEATURED Morning Pops!

I found some more like it with other features. Here's one review: Big mistake. This was a birthday gift for my wife. The massage jets I find out has three settings, low, medium and who needs a man. I'm still laughing at that one.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Are we ready for some football? We were born ready.

I tried to tell y'all this the other day but used some no no words and it wouldn't post. First off, this past Sunday I woke up mad at myself. Of all the dreams I could possibly have which includes, comedy, romance, action and adventure, I had to have a drama. Y'all know I can dream some stuff up, but this was awful! I was baby sitting the whole dad blasted dream. BABYSITTING! I have not dared dream that one again. So I got up and thought to myself at least football starts today. You know how that went. Then I got a text that my aunt died. This is my favorite aunt. One who never threatened to whoop me. (Whoopings were a big thing in my neck of the woods.) She was my second choice for momma if something happened to mine.

Truthfully, it wasn't a complete shock. Her son in law doesn't believe in the shots and brought that virus to her. She held on for a month, which knowing her isn't surprising. The hospitals turned her away because of her age so the writing was on the wall. We all had a month to prepare, but it didn't do us any good. I'm trying to transition my mind to think of her as a memory, but it's not cooperating. I feel like I can still go see her.

2021 has not played nice with the natives any better than 2020.
Sorry for your loss, @Xelda.

I'm trying to transition my mind to think of her as a memory, but it's not cooperating

One of the best pieces of advice I received when my dad passed away was, set aside a few minutes each day to focus on something good or funny - an event, a facial expression, a comment - I remembered about about my dad. It wasn't important, at least initially, whether I shared my thought or not... just that I focused.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Great day in Montana. First, it rained all night and, with a bit of luck, most if not all, the wildfires in our area are out or, at least, under control. Second, it appears our faux summer is over (last week we had temperatures in the low 80's - I know, insufferable!). Today's high is 60. And, lastly, a good rain in the forest just makes the world seem right.

Remodeling work continues in our home. After six months, we finally received our new (aircraft carrier sized) range oven. I spent the last two days converting it from natural gas to propane. I may have mentioned that I have a master's degree in engineering, but the simple 57 page instruction manual tested me. Remembering a former president's comment about the current president (..."never underestimate his ability..." you know the rest), i was a bit uneasy about turning on the propane supply to test for leaks. The good news is that the house is still standing and I am the apple of my wife's eye. Probably won't last long, but I banked a few credits.

As this Saturday unfolds, let's remember those that lost their lives 20 years ago.
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Good morning Pops and Everyone.

Never forget 9/11/01 - the impact on our lives and the way we live them in this country since then; the memories and honoring of all lives lost that day - civilian, first responder and military alike - and the persons that have since given of their time, efforts and even their own lives, both within and outside our borders, in the defense of our country and freedoms.

God Bless Them All and God Bless America.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. We will never forget the day those crazy bullies travelled to our neighborhood and caused so much devastation. We don't take that stuff lying down and had to smack the sheet out of their friends and leader. They still haven't learned, but we have. Our memory is long and our patience is short for terrorists. We won't forget.

Thank you, Montanalo. I will certainly try that. Also very glad to hear about the rains putting the fires out and no propane or propane accessories leaks.
Good morning Pops and Everyone.

Never forget 9/11/01 - the impact on our lives and the way we live them in this country since then; the memories and honoring of all lives lost that day - civilian, first responder and military alike - and the persons that have since given of their time, efforts and even their own lives, both within and outside our borders, in the defense of our country and freedoms.

God Bless Them All and God Bless America.

That day the world saw hatred at it’s worst and love at it’s finest.
It also “ revealed the true greatness and character of the American spirit”. God Bless America
I was trying to root for Atlanta yesterday and all they were doing was kicking field goals. I started having PSTD flashbacks of our Cowboys and turned the TV off. It's harder than it looks to root for other teams.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

All quiet on the western front and, seemingly, pretty quiet on this thread.

I am sitting on our balcony enjoying a cup of tea and the pre-dawn stillness. It is about 40 F. We're expecting rain this weekend and, above 6,000 ft, a bit of snow.

My wife is in Russia visiting family and friends. Silly woman left me alone with the cats. So, with Pandora rocking the 70's and 80's, I began the demolition of a large walk-in closet in the basement. My intent is to convert it to a dry sauna - Hopefully, just in time for winter.

I notice the Cowboy's game won't be broadcast in our area... some team from Seattle is playing. I should have added that, as excited as I am about the resumption of football, I am having a hard time getting "in" to it. Am I alone.

How's your weekend starting?? Wish I could upload my game camera; a herd of elk just passed near our home.