FEATURED Morning Pops!

Yeah, what else is there?
Breasts, the other white meat.

OK, before any of you women go off on me, that's a combination chicken and Hooters joke. Ya see, the wings and breasts are the white meat of the chicken, need to make sure y'all make that connection. I am a leg and thigh man in chicken terms........ and I guess Hooters as well.
Breasts, the other white meat.

OK, before any of you women go off on me, that's a combination chicken and Hooters joke. Ya see, the wings and breasts are the white meat of the chicken, need to make sure y'all make that connection. I am a leg and thigh man in chicken terms........ and I guess Hooters as well.
Man, I’ve been away for a few days and come back to see my Morning Pops friends have moved from Thanksgiving cooking to Hooters jokes. Yee haw!
Breasts, the other white meat.

OK, before any of you women go off on me, that's a combination chicken and Hooters joke. Ya see, the wings and breasts are the white meat of the chicken, need to make sure y'all make that connection. I am a leg and thigh man in chicken terms........ and I guess Hooters as well.
This is why we're friends. I prefer the legs and thighs myself. I mean, that's where all of the flavor is. The safety orange uniforms are my landing lights.
Morning Pops and pen pals. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. Yesterday I actually picked up a single plate out of a stack of thin paper saucer-size plates on the first try, without having to separate them.:lmao2:

edit: To be happy in life you need to celebrate the small sucesses.
That's the time to run out and buy a lottery ticket.
Morning Pops and friends, I hope everyone is doing well.
We're all still kicking, Street. How about you?
I don't even try to be gentle anymore. I just grab however many are stuck together and bend them back and forth until one comes loose. Kinda like Hooters gir......Oops, never mind.
... and just when they thought it was safe to go back to work, in walks He Man.
LOOK! They're working on airless tires. Possibly available in 2024.

Morning Pops and all y'all. Update on my health issues.

Spoke with the oncologist this morning to go over the labs and PET scan and I had a chance to go over the report before we spoke so I had a good idea where this was going. No surprises, I am still doomed by Western medicine. However, the good news is that I can keep Miss Mika as my oncologist even though I am not going the chemo route at this time.

Since I already have the cynical point of view that everything in life is business including medicine, I wasn't surprised when she actually used the phrase "I am not going to SELL you on chemo at this point. I have a few patients, actually quite a few, that are reluctant to do chemo". Let me say here, I would not have hired Mika to sell for me or I would have had to re-train her. She also knows my background with that treatment for terminal people. Tough sell.

So, I am going to continue to see Sharon with the monkey's paw and three-legged monkey named Stumpy at the local Health Food store and Voodoo Lounge. And the mysterious Dr. Gaston Cornu Labat who may or may not be an escaped lunatic or he may be onto something. The traditional treatments with the traditional outcomes made him a little nutty so he decided to get off the reservation and he was the Chief on the reservation so they frown on that kind of behavior. He is a veteran of Mexican cancer treatments which I have discovered does not include margaritas, imagine my disappointment. Tequilatherapy has a nice ring to it.

A word about this alternative route I am taking and what I have discovered through my reading and research. I had never thought about this before and mainly because we didn't consider any alternative treatment but they can tell you how many people die from cancer, how many recover and go into remission and how many people actually beat the prognosis but only if they seek the traditional treatment. There are no statistics on how many people beat it going the alternative routes because no one is keeping up with that and the practitioners can't do that without the AMA and FDA coming down screaming hard on them. Have to protect the franchise.

I have met people since I began on this journey that have beaten the odds through alternative methods and I have read an excellent book on people that have beaten it titled Radical Remissions: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds by Dr. Kelly Turner who interviewed 90 survivors that used alternative treatment and found there were 9 common traits and interestingly enough 6 were not physical treatments, they were emotional, mental and spiritual and spiritual doesn't necessarily mean organized religion. 2 of these are the healing properties of positivity and following your intuition, which I am doing right now because I feel that. The other part does not come naturally to me, just the opposite as I am a worst case scenario person but in this case that needs a pause. So, say hello to my new girlfriend who is going to be by my side through this, her name is Pat. Positive attitudinal thinking and that is my strongest ally in this. I will lean heavily on her and I do foresee her being a bit of a nag.

I am going to do my best not to dwell on this because I have been making myself crazy weighing options without enough information and that has increased my stress, one of the S's to avoid along with sugar and sin. I made sin up, it's not one of them but you know me and alliteration, I was going to add sex to that but then you'd know I was fibbing. Can't argue with Marvin Gaye.

Another of the 9 traits is support and I certainly feel that in this thread, there is something about it. It has healing powers and even though I never had the pleasure of knowing Pops, I think he would be proud to know I am using his thread for support. I do not think I happened upon this by accident but didn't realize at the time how important it would be to me one day.

Gaston asked me a question that I have been pondering now for a couple of weeks and he asked me not to answer it until I was sure of the answer and it applies to more than just this situation. He asked me how I view this cancer, a blessing or a curse? At first, that was an easy answer but now that I have thought about it a lot, it requires more pondering.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I will be giving thanks for all those things I've been taking for granted and a little too much feeling sorry for myself before this even showed up. One of those is my sense of humor, my rock in any storm has come through for me when I need it the most. My family and friends keep remarking about how can I still be joking with this and I simply tell them I am doing Stand Up on Death Row and they eventually get it and I believe it is making them comfortable with this. I know it is me. Hell, it's only life.

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