Good afternoon Pops and it is indeed a good one around ole CC's camp. Just got back from the oncologist's office with another good report, in fact my labs were better than the last ones 8 weeks ago.
My oncologist, Mika, said "I know you do not like hearing the word 'rare' about this but that is now being used in a positive way".
On October 5, I was given 6 months without the usual treatment and embarked on a journey I never thought I would take. I put my faith in the "Monkey's Paw People" that I could heal myself with their help and guidance and started to research alternative and holistic treatments for stage 4 cancer. Long term wise for a healing is still up in the air but what I am doing right now is keeping the monster at bay and I am holding my own.
That question that Gaston posed to me comes into my head a lot, do I view this as a curse or a blessing? And he was right to ask me to wait to answer that because my answer changed. I took being alive for granted and even wished for the opposite too often but this changed my way of thinking and several friends have remarked that I seem in better spirits since being diagnosed.
I am a thankful person today for my family and friends and my special forum friends. Your words of caring encouragement lift me in ways you cannot know.