FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and everyone,

Early this year had a few scans done to rule out stuff and knock on wood it's been clean so far.

Some of my wifes family is in Ukraine. Her Aunt right now is hiding in her basement and he husband got the call to join the military in 2 days(former pilot).

Crazy world we are in.

Stay safe everyone.
Saying a prayer for you and your wife and her family.
Morning, Pops and everyone. We've been in another sub-freezing cold spell for a few days. Today will be slightly above freezing with 77% chance of precipitation.

I hope all of you have been well. I care about youse guys. (A little Bronx lingo there.) Have a great day.
Morning Pops and pen pals. I have been watching a lot of NetFlix series lately. I used to never watch serials, so I've watched several old ones like "I Zombie" "Lucifer" "Unauthorized Living" and "The blacklist." lately. It's a good way to avoid going out in the freezing weather we've had. Do you have any favorites to recommend?
Morning Pops and pen pals. I have been watching a lot of NetFlix series lately. I used to never watch serials, so I've watched several old ones like "I Zombie" "Lucifer" "Unauthorized Living" and "The blacklist." lately. It's a good way to avoid going out in the freezing weather we've had. Do you have any favorites to recommend?
Not just the series but some stand alone's. Extraction, The Old Guard, Underground 6 are good action films.
We've spent the last several days visiting with my wife's cousin (originally from Russia) and her cousin's husband who originally was from Moldova.

Although they still own a house in Moldova, they left there in the late 90's, largely due to civil unrest in the Transnistria area (a disputed area in eastern Moldova). They migrated to Romania and eventually settled in Belgium.

Our cousin's husband is an industrial chemist, but has spent the last 15 years working a building contractor installing heating and ventilation system (couldn't find a job as a chemist). His wife (my wife's cousin) is a trained paramedic who now cleans homes for a living.

Obviously, the recent events in Ukraine have dominated our conversations. I have shared their take on things in the dedicated Ukrainian thread - they have friends and family directly involved in the conflict... they strongly condemn Putin and the Russian invasion.

Last night during dinner, as conversation was mixed between Russian, Romanian, English and French, I couldn't help but marvel at this families' resilience and perseverance. Most of the troubles we face in our day-to-day life pale in comparison to what they've experienced and, yet, they are incredibly upbeat. There is still hope for the human race.
Morning, Pops and Peeps. Thanks for the suggestions Coach. I will give those a looksee.. There are a lot to consider in the thread you proveded, Runny. I love action films and have started watching Vikings in Valhalla.
I will pray for the families, Colo. Putin is evil.
Good afternoon Pops and it is indeed a good one around ole CC's camp. Just got back from the oncologist's office with another good report, in fact my labs were better than the last ones 8 weeks ago.

My oncologist, Mika, said "I know you do not like hearing the word 'rare' about this but that is now being used in a positive way".

On October 5, I was given 6 months without the usual treatment and embarked on a journey I never thought I would take. I put my faith in the "Monkey's Paw People" that I could heal myself with their help and guidance and started to research alternative and holistic treatments for stage 4 cancer. Long term wise for a healing is still up in the air but what I am doing right now is keeping the monster at bay and I am holding my own.

That question that Gaston posed to me comes into my head a lot, do I view this as a curse or a blessing? And he was right to ask me to wait to answer that because my answer changed. I took being alive for granted and even wished for the opposite too often but this changed my way of thinking and several friends have remarked that I seem in better spirits since being diagnosed.

I am a thankful person today for my family and friends and my special forum friends. Your words of caring encouragement lift me in ways you cannot know.
Thank you Coachadoodles for the wonderful news!!!
Good afternoon Pops and it is indeed a good one around ole CC's camp. Just got back from the oncologist's office with another good report, in fact my labs were better than the last ones 8 weeks ago.

My oncologist, Mika, said "I know you do not like hearing the word 'rare' about this but that is now being used in a positive way".

On October 5, I was given 6 months without the usual treatment and embarked on a journey I never thought I would take. I put my faith in the "Monkey's Paw People" that I could heal myself with their help and guidance and started to research alternative and holistic treatments for stage 4 cancer. Long term wise for a healing is still up in the air but what I am doing right now is keeping the monster at bay and I am holding my own.

That question that Gaston posed to me comes into my head a lot, do I view this as a curse or a blessing? And he was right to ask me to wait to answer that because my answer changed. I took being alive for granted and even wished for the opposite too often but this changed my way of thinking and several friends have remarked that I seem in better spirits since being diagnosed.

I am a thankful person today for my family and friends and my special forum friends. Your words of caring encouragement lift me in ways you cannot know.
Tell us your doctors are Cowboys fans, and we'll have them over for the next "Morning Pops Cookout/Blackout". Oh Hell, even if they're not Cowboys fans...but they don't get top shelf.
Good afternoon Pops and it is indeed a good one around ole CC's camp. Just got back from the oncologist's office with another good report, in fact my labs were better than the last ones 8 weeks ago.

My oncologist, Mika, said "I know you do not like hearing the word 'rare' about this but that is now being used in a positive way".

On October 5, I was given 6 months without the usual treatment and embarked on a journey I never thought I would take. I put my faith in the "Monkey's Paw People" that I could heal myself with their help and guidance and started to research alternative and holistic treatments for stage 4 cancer. Long term wise for a healing is still up in the air but what I am doing right now is keeping the monster at bay and I am holding my own.

That question that Gaston posed to me comes into my head a lot, do I view this as a curse or a blessing? And he was right to ask me to wait to answer that because my answer changed. I took being alive for granted and even wished for the opposite too often but this changed my way of thinking and several friends have remarked that I seem in better spirits since being diagnosed.

I am a thankful person today for my family and friends and my special forum friends. Your words of caring encouragement lift me in ways you cannot know.
Wonderful news! Bless you, my friend.
Morning Pops and pen pals. We had a celebration of life yesterday for my mother-in-law who passed six months ago. Some tears were shed, of course. But overall, Mom woud have been proud of her family and friends sharing, stories, laughs, remembrances and love for one another.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

It's been a while since I posted here, but have been posting a bit on the Ukraine Russia thread.

Two important things to share: first, our near spring-like weather was shattered last night with blistering cold. It is a bright and sunny 4 F now with a high today of about 18 F. No snow, though.

Second, my wife hosted an International Women's day dinner party last night for about eight of our neighbors. Judging by the loud conversation and empty wine bottles, they had a good time.

I returned to the house just as one of the neighbors ask my wife, "as someone originally from Russia, what do you make of the current situation?"

I ducked my head, avoided eye contact and scampered upstairs when I heard wife respond, "this is an aged Mescal; sit down have a drink and I will tell what I think"


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