FEATURED Morning Pops!

Thank y'all for the kind comments. I almost told this one when it was fresh on my mind, but I wasn't certain if my sanity would come into question... again.

I don't normally do this, but I had a trilogy of dreams this year. One each of the following two nights detailing the repercussions of my actions in the first dream. Normally when the dream is vivid enough, I can have a follow up dream. Before I tell it though, there's a back story to it and the woman in the dream represents one of my doctors and she had it coming.

I dreamt I was driving in Shreveport and stuck behind this car that seemed to go slower mile by mile. The road had a double yellow line and my luck is not good when it comes to breaking the law, so I was gritting my teeth as I poked along. I came upon a small gas station and thought this was my chance to get out from behind her. I'll be danged if she didn't pull in right in front of me and parked her car cross ways to keep me from turning in to get gas. That's it! I got out of my car to confront her. Can you believe she had the audacity to ignore me? That must have been the final straw because I went for the throat. I stood there and choked her without breaking a sweat then moved her car so I could get my gas. I can be very strong in my dreams.

I pumped my gas and decided it was too obvious for her body to be laying at the pump. I did the decent thing and chunked her butt back in her car. The way she drove, no one would notice much difference. I leave and decide I should call the police and tell them where she's at. Bad move on my part because I wasn't off that road yet. The police were instantly at both ends of the road blocking everyone in. Now that was some good driving on their part. I'm having a mental conversation about the timing of my call and the dream fades away as I try to find a back road to somewhere else.

Night two, I run home and try to pack only what I need. If you saw Spaceballs and the giant hair dryer, you'll understand the conflict in this dream. I'm looking in the trunk of my car and not seeing nearly enough room for my bare necessities. I put things in the trunk only to take them back out. It was a lot like the real life instance of my crazy azzed neighbor that set her house on fire. I walked out the front door to what looked like a disaster scene in a movie set. One of our fine Bossier policemen walks past and says prepare to evacuate. Artwork and jewelry first! Well, that was actually second. I had to prioritize things and cussing the crazy neighbor came first, then the stuffing of the car. This dream had flash backs to that night.

Night three, I'm on the lam. For some reason my actions caused me to become an unlikely celebrity. Four win a lottery to go with me, but I can only take two. It's a small car. They were cheering my every move and I was thinking they're crazy. I don't have a good destination picked out and honestly can't decide on South, East, North or West. I keep coming back home to get things straightened out before leaving in a different direction.

The moral of the story is don't kill the doctor even if I'm convinced she's got it coming and don't trust my ability to pack or plan trips.
I think Leon and I were the 2 lucky winners who got to go with you, and you left kskboys and his sheep behind.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's still morning, but I may not finish until later. While talking about my dreams, I had some doozies over the weekend. They were navy related, but not Village People's navy. Each dream had a lush setting like Gilligan's Island, but without that crew. The first dream was a cross between one of the beach party movies and Top Gun. Personally, I was embarrassed to be in this one and no, I didn't meet Moon Doggy. I wasn't one of the crew but held sway through the top tiered officer I was related to . All I wanted to do was fly jets into the water. It was a compulsion and everyone was at it's mercy. I knew they were running out of patience with me but couldn't help myself. Just one more time and I'm done. The end of the dream had me crawling back in the cockpit.

The following night was a navy in a similar setting, but without my get a jet wet fetish. This dream had hints of Avatar and Star Wars without the cheese factor. I'm looking around to get my bearings. There's one sailor helping me try to figure out why the ship is abandoned. There are villagers that offer to help us. One points us to a break in the foliage. We walk over and meet someone that points deeper into the woods. There was a thriving community back there with part human, fish and robot creatures. They had metal fish scales running down the sides of their face and came in a variety of colors. It's a good thing they spoke English or I'd never have understood this dream. I go from seeking answers to sight seeing. One warns us of a charlatan among the people. I think it's one of their group but it's actually the last human we spoke to. They realize the jig is up and high tail it deeper into the foliage. The dream ends in a chase.

Last night I dreamt I was teleported to different locations and centuries. I'd get thrown into each scenario with a decent sized bendy token and a form of identification. So I'm going about my normal routine and suddenly appear somewhere else with a species not quite human, but very human emotions. They resemble jelly beans with arms and legs. A grandma takes me in and offers to help me while trying to decide if I'm a threat. (Um, where do you keep your jets?) She realizes I'm 100% lost and offers to help me get acquainted to my new location. I don't accept it as my new reality and continue to look for a way home. I meet all sorts of personalities along the way and one is convinced I plan to destroy the race. No one can talk sense into him. He corners me and instead of capturing me, sees me teleported to another place and time.

There I go again and end up with another race of beings. There's a little girl that's lost and I'm trying to help her find her way home while looking for an exit of my own. I think I see it and start running towards it only to be teleported back to the first place. I bond more with the locals until I'm teleported to a new location in a class room. UGH! Skewl. I walk over to a young man that's brooding double time. I ask him what's wrong and he tells me that he wants to dance and sing but his parents want him to become a scholar. I tell him that he needs to follow his heart and his parents will eventually come around. Suddenly I'm ported to another location and realize I was sent to each to help them. It's not that I think that highly of myself, but the answers were just slightly out of their reach. I help the new people then get teleported back to help the little girl. I'm hoping this whole time I can do something for the jelly bean people.

I make it back to them and find they have a vitamin deficiency which is easy to resolve. With this revelation, I know I'm about to leave them for good. I take my time to thank the ones that accepted me and they stop the one that was after me. I find the token is what's teleporting me and can't decide if I want to keep or toss it. It ends with me getting teleported somewhere else, but I don't know where I'm going.

All I know is I spent some time looking at supplements on Amazon last night. I don't have and wasn't craving jelly beans. I just don't know where my mind will take me next. I hope y'all get a kick out of it. Each dream was detailed but the farther away they are, the less I remember.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's still morning, but I may not finish until later. While talking about my dreams, I had some doozies over the weekend. They were navy related, but not Village People's navy. Each dream had a lush setting like Gilligan's Island, but without that crew. The first dream was a cross between one of the beach party movies and Top Gun. Personally, I was embarrassed to be in this one and no, I didn't meet Moon Doggy. I wasn't one of the crew but held sway through the top tiered officer I was related to . All I wanted to do was fly jets into the water. It was a compulsion and everyone was at it's mercy. I knew they were running out of patience with me but couldn't help myself. Just one more time and I'm done. The end of the dream had me crawling back in the cockpit.

The following night was a navy in a similar setting, but without my get a jet wet fetish. This dream had hints of Avatar and Star Wars without the cheese factor. I'm looking around to get my bearings. There's one sailor helping me try to figure out why the ship is abandoned. There are villagers that offer to help us. One points us to a break in the foliage. We walk over and meet someone that points deeper into the woods. There was a thriving community back there with part human, fish and robot creatures. They had metal fish scales running down the sides of their face and came in a variety of colors. It's a good thing they spoke English or I'd never have understood this dream. I go from seeking answers to sight seeing. One warns us of a charlatan among the people. I think it's one of their group but it's actually the last human we spoke to. They realize the jig is up and high tail it deeper into the foliage. The dream ends in a chase.

Last night I dreamt I was teleported to different locations and centuries. I'd get thrown into each scenario with a decent sized bendy token and a form of identification. So I'm going about my normal routine and suddenly appear somewhere else with a species not quite human, but very human emotions. They resemble jelly beans with arms and legs. A grandma takes me in and offers to help me while trying to decide if I'm a threat. (Um, where do you keep your jets?) She realizes I'm 100% lost and offers to help me get acquainted to my new location. I don't accept it as my new reality and continue to look for a way home. I meet all sorts of personalities along the way and one is convinced I plan to destroy the race. No one can talk sense into him. He corners me and instead of capturing me, sees me teleported to another place and time.

There I go again and end up with another race of beings. There's a little girl that's lost and I'm trying to help her find her way home while looking for an exit of my own. I think I see it and start running towards it only to be teleported back to the first place. I bond more with the locals until I'm teleported to a new location in a class room. UGH! Skewl. I walk over to a young man that's brooding double time. I ask him what's wrong and he tells me that he wants to dance and sing but his parents want him to become a scholar. I tell him that he needs to follow his heart and his parents will eventually come around. Suddenly I'm ported to another location and realize I was sent to each to help them. It's not that I think that highly of myself, but the answers were just slightly out of their reach. I help the new people then get teleported back to help the little girl. I'm hoping this whole time I can do something for the jelly bean people.

I make it back to them and find they have a vitamin deficiency which is easy to resolve. With this revelation, I know I'm about to leave them for good. I take my time to thank the ones that accepted me and they stop the one that was after me. I find the token is what's teleporting me and can't decide if I want to keep or toss it. It ends with me getting teleported somewhere else, but I don't know where I'm going.

All I know is I spent some time looking at supplements on Amazon last night. I don't have and wasn't craving jelly beans. I just don't know where my mind will take me next. I hope y'all get a kick out of it. Each dream was detailed but the farther away they are, the less I remember.
That's a lot more detail than I can remember about any dream I've ever had! My dreams never make any sense whatsoever.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's still morning, but I may not finish until later. While talking about my dreams, I had some doozies over the weekend. They were navy related, but not Village People's navy. Each dream had a lush setting like Gilligan's Island, but without that crew. The first dream was a cross between one of the beach party movies and Top Gun. Personally, I was embarrassed to be in this one and no, I didn't meet Moon Doggy. I wasn't one of the crew but held sway through the top tiered officer I was related to . All I wanted to do was fly jets into the water. It was a compulsion and everyone was at it's mercy. I knew they were running out of patience with me but couldn't help myself. Just one more time and I'm done. The end of the dream had me crawling back in the cockpit.

The following night was a navy in a similar setting, but without my get a jet wet fetish. This dream had hints of Avatar and Star Wars without the cheese factor. I'm looking around to get my bearings. There's one sailor helping me try to figure out why the ship is abandoned. There are villagers that offer to help us. One points us to a break in the foliage. We walk over and meet someone that points deeper into the woods. There was a thriving community back there with part human, fish and robot creatures. They had metal fish scales running down the sides of their face and came in a variety of colors. It's a good thing they spoke English or I'd never have understood this dream. I go from seeking answers to sight seeing. One warns us of a charlatan among the people. I think it's one of their group but it's actually the last human we spoke to. They realize the jig is up and high tail it deeper into the foliage. The dream ends in a chase.

Last night I dreamt I was teleported to different locations and centuries. I'd get thrown into each scenario with a decent sized bendy token and a form of identification. So I'm going about my normal routine and suddenly appear somewhere else with a species not quite human, but very human emotions. They resemble jelly beans with arms and legs. A grandma takes me in and offers to help me while trying to decide if I'm a threat. (Um, where do you keep your jets?) She realizes I'm 100% lost and offers to help me get acquainted to my new location. I don't accept it as my new reality and continue to look for a way home. I meet all sorts of personalities along the way and one is convinced I plan to destroy the race. No one can talk sense into him. He corners me and instead of capturing me, sees me teleported to another place and time.

There I go again and end up with another race of beings. There's a little girl that's lost and I'm trying to help her find her way home while looking for an exit of my own. I think I see it and start running towards it only to be teleported back to the first place. I bond more with the locals until I'm teleported to a new location in a class room. UGH! Skewl. I walk over to a young man that's brooding double time. I ask him what's wrong and he tells me that he wants to dance and sing but his parents want him to become a scholar. I tell him that he needs to follow his heart and his parents will eventually come around. Suddenly I'm ported to another location and realize I was sent to each to help them. It's not that I think that highly of myself, but the answers were just slightly out of their reach. I help the new people then get teleported back to help the little girl. I'm hoping this whole time I can do something for the jelly bean people.

I make it back to them and find they have a vitamin deficiency which is easy to resolve. With this revelation, I know I'm about to leave them for good. I take my time to thank the ones that accepted me and they stop the one that was after me. I find the token is what's teleporting me and can't decide if I want to keep or toss it. It ends with me getting teleported somewhere else, but I don't know where I'm going.

All I know is I spent some time looking at supplements on Amazon last night. I don't have and wasn't craving jelly beans. I just don't know where my mind will take me next. I hope y'all get a kick out of it. Each dream was detailed but the farther away they are, the less I remember.
Dang. Call me Gramma-Jan-Slacker. All I did was buy someone’s groceries and you’re out there teleporting all over the universe killing people (slow drivers DO have it coming to them), guiding lost children, vitaminizing (?) jelly bean people… the list goes on. I need to step up my game. Maybe if I ever get a friggin day off work I will have time to do more for others and maybe finally get some sleep so I, too, may dream… about… anything.
Dang. Call me Gramma-Jan-Slacker. All I did was buy someone’s groceries and you’re out there teleporting all over the universe killing people (slow drivers DO have it coming to them), guiding lost children, vitaminizing (?) jelly bean people… the list goes on. I need to step up my game. Maybe if I ever get a friggin day off work I will have time to do more for others and maybe finally get some sleep so I, too, may dream… about… anything.
Oh no! You were not the grandma in my dream. She was a jelly bean person and the sweetest thing you could ever want to meet. No pun intended. Not saying you aren't sweet, you are but you weren't in the dream. They didn't have a comedic type in their midst so I was a novelty. They'd look at each other not knowing how to respond. The problem was they were running out of food and didn't have much to share, but shared none the less. They were so precious that I questioned leaving them. I'd actually like to see them tonight but dreams are unpredictable. I hope the beet root supplement worked for them.

Who do we need to contact in order for you to get a day off and a good night's sleep?
Oh no! You were not the grandma in my dream. She was a jelly bean person and the sweetest thing you could ever want to meet. No pun intended. Not saying you aren't sweet, you are but you weren't in the dream. They didn't have a comedic type in their midst so I was a novelty. They'd look at each other not knowing how to respond. The problem was they were running out of food and didn't have much to share, but shared none the less. They were so precious that I questioned leaving them. I'd actually like to see them tonight but dreams are unpredictable. I hope the beet root supplement worked for them.

Who do we need to contact in order for you to get a day off and a good night's sleep?

If you have the phone number for retirement come up in one of your dreams, please feel free to share. I can’t keep this pace for another 12+ years
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's still morning, but I may not finish until later. While talking about my dreams, I had some doozies over the weekend. They were navy related, but not Village People's navy. Each dream had a lush setting like Gilligan's Island, but without that crew. The first dream was a cross between one of the beach party movies and Top Gun. Personally, I was embarrassed to be in this one and no, I didn't meet Moon Doggy. I wasn't one of the crew but held sway through the top tiered officer I was related to . All I wanted to do was fly jets into the water. It was a compulsion and everyone was at it's mercy. I knew they were running out of patience with me but couldn't help myself. Just one more time and I'm done. The end of the dream had me crawling back in the cockpit.

The following night was a navy in a similar setting, but without my get a jet wet fetish. This dream had hints of Avatar and Star Wars without the cheese factor. I'm looking around to get my bearings. There's one sailor helping me try to figure out why the ship is abandoned. There are villagers that offer to help us. One points us to a break in the foliage. We walk over and meet someone that points deeper into the woods. There was a thriving community back there with part human, fish and robot creatures. They had metal fish scales running down the sides of their face and came in a variety of colors. It's a good thing they spoke English or I'd never have understood this dream. I go from seeking answers to sight seeing. One warns us of a charlatan among the people. I think it's one of their group but it's actually the last human we spoke to. They realize the jig is up and high tail it deeper into the foliage. The dream ends in a chase.

Last night I dreamt I was teleported to different locations and centuries. I'd get thrown into each scenario with a decent sized bendy token and a form of identification. So I'm going about my normal routine and suddenly appear somewhere else with a species not quite human, but very human emotions. They resemble jelly beans with arms and legs. A grandma takes me in and offers to help me while trying to decide if I'm a threat. (Um, where do you keep your jets?) She realizes I'm 100% lost and offers to help me get acquainted to my new location. I don't accept it as my new reality and continue to look for a way home. I meet all sorts of personalities along the way and one is convinced I plan to destroy the race. No one can talk sense into him. He corners me and instead of capturing me, sees me teleported to another place and time.

There I go again and end up with another race of beings. There's a little girl that's lost and I'm trying to help her find her way home while looking for an exit of my own. I think I see it and start running towards it only to be teleported back to the first place. I bond more with the locals until I'm teleported to a new location in a class room. UGH! Skewl. I walk over to a young man that's brooding double time. I ask him what's wrong and he tells me that he wants to dance and sing but his parents want him to become a scholar. I tell him that he needs to follow his heart and his parents will eventually come around. Suddenly I'm ported to another location and realize I was sent to each to help them. It's not that I think that highly of myself, but the answers were just slightly out of their reach. I help the new people then get teleported back to help the little girl. I'm hoping this whole time I can do something for the jelly bean people.

I make it back to them and find they have a vitamin deficiency which is easy to resolve. With this revelation, I know I'm about to leave them for good. I take my time to thank the ones that accepted me and they stop the one that was after me. I find the token is what's teleporting me and can't decide if I want to keep or toss it. It ends with me getting teleported somewhere else, but I don't know where I'm going.

All I know is I spent some time looking at supplements on Amazon last night. I don't have and wasn't craving jelly beans. I just don't know where my mind will take me next. I hope y'all get a kick out of it. Each dream was detailed but the farther away they are, the less I remember.
I dreamt I was a fence.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's still morning, but I may not finish until later. While talking about my dreams, I had some doozies over the weekend. They were navy related, but not Village People's navy. Each dream had a lush setting like Gilligan's Island, but without that crew. The first dream was a cross between one of the beach party movies and Top Gun. Personally, I was embarrassed to be in this one and no, I didn't meet Moon Doggy. I wasn't one of the crew but held sway through the top tiered officer I was related to . All I wanted to do was fly jets into the water. It was a compulsion and everyone was at it's mercy. I knew they were running out of patience with me but couldn't help myself. Just one more time and I'm done. The end of the dream had me crawling back in the cockpit.

The following night was a navy in a similar setting, but without my get a jet wet fetish. This dream had hints of Avatar and Star Wars without the cheese factor. I'm looking around to get my bearings. There's one sailor helping me try to figure out why the ship is abandoned. There are villagers that offer to help us. One points us to a break in the foliage. We walk over and meet someone that points deeper into the woods. There was a thriving community back there with part human, fish and robot creatures. They had metal fish scales running down the sides of their face and came in a variety of colors. It's a good thing they spoke English or I'd never have understood this dream. I go from seeking answers to sight seeing. One warns us of a charlatan among the people. I think it's one of their group but it's actually the last human we spoke to. They realize the jig is up and high tail it deeper into the foliage. The dream ends in a chase.

Last night I dreamt I was teleported to different locations and centuries. I'd get thrown into each scenario with a decent sized bendy token and a form of identification. So I'm going about my normal routine and suddenly appear somewhere else with a species not quite human, but very human emotions. They resemble jelly beans with arms and legs. A grandma takes me in and offers to help me while trying to decide if I'm a threat. (Um, where do you keep your jets?) She realizes I'm 100% lost and offers to help me get acquainted to my new location. I don't accept it as my new reality and continue to look for a way home. I meet all sorts of personalities along the way and one is convinced I plan to destroy the race. No one can talk sense into him. He corners me and instead of capturing me, sees me teleported to another place and time.

There I go again and end up with another race of beings. There's a little girl that's lost and I'm trying to help her find her way home while looking for an exit of my own. I think I see it and start running towards it only to be teleported back to the first place. I bond more with the locals until I'm teleported to a new location in a class room. UGH! Skewl. I walk over to a young man that's brooding double time. I ask him what's wrong and he tells me that he wants to dance and sing but his parents want him to become a scholar. I tell him that he needs to follow his heart and his parents will eventually come around. Suddenly I'm ported to another location and realize I was sent to each to help them. It's not that I think that highly of myself, but the answers were just slightly out of their reach. I help the new people then get teleported back to help the little girl. I'm hoping this whole time I can do something for the jelly bean people.

I make it back to them and find they have a vitamin deficiency which is easy to resolve. With this revelation, I know I'm about to leave them for good. I take my time to thank the ones that accepted me and they stop the one that was after me. I find the token is what's teleporting me and can't decide if I want to keep or toss it. It ends with me getting teleported somewhere else, but I don't know where I'm going.All I know is I spent some time looking at supplements on Amazon last night. I don't have and wasn't craving jelly beans. I just don't know where my mind will take me next. I hope y'all get a kick out of it. Each dream was detailed but the farther away they are, the less I remember.
You didn't recognize me in your dream but I was the Jelly Bean Mayor looking for campaign funds and you promised to help me but then you were gone. You must return asap as the Orange Slice People have enslaved the Gum Drop People and their Gummi Pets and there's a rumor afoot that a mad horde of Jolly Ranchers amassing to the East with a planned attack.

Yours Truly, Sugar Daddy
If you have the phone number for retirement come up in one of your dreams, please feel free to share. I can’t keep this pace for another 12+ years
No, no, no! Math and numbers are prohibited in my dreams. Just watch me have a dream about Count Dracula from The Muppets expounding on the number 5 or something now.

Last night I watched the movie Get Out. It's suspenseful, but I thought it was a horror movie. I am not a frequent traveler through these types of movies and found the whole thing absurd. So dream time was spent with me inside the movie telling people what I thought about them. Good dream time wasted on a blah movie. It was listed as one of the 30 films I should watch in my life time, too. That list goes in the trash.
You didn't recognize me in your dream but I was the Jelly Bean Mayor looking for campaign funds and you promised to help me but then you were gone. You must return asap as the Orange Slice People have enslaved the Gum Drop People and their Gummi Pets and there's a rumor afoot that a mad horde of Jolly Ranchers amassing to the East with a planned attack.

Yours Truly, Sugar Daddy
Ah Sugar Daddy, what can I say? I knew there was another reason to want to stay. I'm sure you encountered the same thing I did with comedy. I'd tell them a funny story and they'd look at each other unsure how to respond. Laughter caught on fairly easy though. Unfortunately, that was the response to everything I said afterwards. Only grandma understood the difference. They were all, except for the one, warm, caring and sensitive strangers with no sex appeal.

Now I'm a fan of orange slices and prefer they don't mingle with gum drops so something has to be done. The Gummi pets sound delightful, but I always knew Jolly Ranchers were no good. I must obliterate them somehow! What if I moved them all to Seattle and make them stand outside without any form of shelter? It will take a few rains to clean the city up, but drastic times and all. Nasty old Jolly Ranchers! Bad, bad.
Now I wish I'd never posted my picture here!
Not one single true Cowboys fan was harmed in the twisted plot line of my dream. I counted too, all Saints fans. I didn't kill these people, but was tasked with making them disappear. It was just a regular nightmare. They were boxed up.

My brain works through things while I'm asleep and any number of factors can play into it. The jelly bean people lived in larger than normal egg shell houses (not colored) which might be one of those subliminal references to Easter. The whole thing seemed like something out of a child's book. I could fit inside the egg shell houses but had to sit down on the ground to see eye to eye with the jelly bean folks. Little details I didn't tell originally.

That mug shot may have gotten to me more than I care to admit.
Not one single true Cowboys fan was harmed in the twisted plot line of my dream. I counted too, all Saints fans. I didn't kill these people, but was tasked with making them disappear. It was just a regular nightmare. They were boxed up.

My brain works through things while I'm asleep and any number of factors can play into it. The jelly bean people lived in larger than normal egg shell houses (not colored) which might be one of those subliminal references to Easter. The whole thing seemed like something out of a child's book. I could fit inside the egg shell houses but had to sit down on the ground to see eye to eye with the jelly bean folks. Little details I didn't tell originally.

That mug shot may have gotten to me more than I care to admit.
You should write children's books, using your dreams as reference material. Hey, couldn't be much worse than Peter keeping his wife in a pumpkin shell or an old lady living in a shoe with a bootload of kids!
You should write children's books, using your dreams as reference material. Hey, couldn't be much worse than Peter keeping his wife in a pumpkin shell or an old lady living in a shoe with a bootload of kids!
You're right, I had a dream I was in a theater watching a movie. I enjoyed the dream so much that I went through all my animated movies the following day hunting for it. It hasn't been made. I started working on a book, but life tends to get in the way. Then I had another which could easily be converted into a children's book and a one hour TV show. I only have the first few sentences for it, but it rhymes as it weaves the story. Not that easy. Thank you Runny! I can add the jelly bean people to my to do books, complete with Mayor Sugar Daddy.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I've been watching an old series called The Killing. Lots of bodies in my dream last night. I'll say no more.
Dead bodies are okay. I killed Mike McCarthy and Kellen Moore, and not in a dream either! I'm writing a prohibition era crime novel and the main character was sent to retrieve one of Bugs Moran's truck load of liquor and kill the hijackers. I named them Mike McCarthy and Kellen Moore. Ha!

Yes, I'm still frustrated by the playoff loss.

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