I tipped my Hooters girl 50% today.Evening Pops and everyone.
Wanted to pass along a story. A true recounting, actually, of something I personally did today. Mind you, I do this sort of thing more often than anyone knows, and I don’t talk about it because it takes away from the act itself. Read on…
Did a good deed today. A couple guys (both a little older than myself) let me cut in line at the store today because I had only three items. I told the clerk I wanted to pay for both gentlemen’s groceries. First guy refused, but the second guy was shocked and couldn’t react. I told him I’d been blessed to be a cancer survivor (been thinking a lot about all my friends in their own battles) and wanted to pass along a blessing to someone else. He also happened to be a cancer survivor. He shook my hand and said “God Bless You”. I heard him going on about it to the clerk when I was walking out. Made me feel really good. Then I watched from my car as he left the store. He had that receipt in his hand and a smile on his face. Note… I did not disclose the race of either gentleman, though they differed. Their reactions were as different as the “color” of their skin and the honest shock and gratefulness of the accepting gentleman was exactly what I needed today. Heck, he may have been better off financially than me, though I don’t think so, but that didn’t matter. What mattered is that in todays world, where so many people are so quick to judge others by the clothes they wear, the car they drive, their gender, color of their skin… the list goes on, and with all the upset and unrest in the world, today I got to be a positive light for one person… one person. I got to be the first ripple and carry with me the hope that this one ripple continues to spread.
I started this post saying I don’t talk about this sort of thing when I do it, but felt it was needed today. Have a wonderful evening, all. Be well, be blessed, and go be part of a ripple effect in someone else’s life. You just never know what impact you’re going to have with one act of kindness. Think of what impact can be had with multiple acts.
Morning Pops and special shout out to Jan for her "random act of kindness".
There is no such thing as "random acts of kindness" as that makes them seem too trivial. Three people had their days made yesterday. Two gentlemen did the right thing expecting no reward and not only were rewarded financially but had their souls warmed by a returned act of kindness. And Jan fed her own soul by grabbing a moment to express her kindness.
Now, she has multiplied that kindness by sharing it with others and now I must be ready for my own "random" act of kindness because I am envious of her feeling that she received from that so I must be ready for that opportunity other than just supporting my local food bank.
The Golden Rule should not be "do unto others as you would want it done unto you", it should be "do for others with no reward in mind". That contains its own reward.
I used to believe in the rule of randomness as a way to explain life but my thinking has changed and for the better. "Randoms" are placed in our path and we are allowed how we deal with them.
You da man!I tipped my Hooters girl 50% today.![]()
Bless you, @GrammaJanEvening Pops and everyone.
Wanted to pass along a story. A true recounting, actually, of something I personally did today. Mind you, I do this sort of thing more often than anyone knows, and I don’t talk about it because it takes away from the act itself. Read on…
Did a good deed today. A couple guys (both a little older than myself) let me cut in line at the store today because I had only three items. I told the clerk I wanted to pay for both gentlemen’s groceries. First guy refused, but the second guy was shocked and couldn’t react. I told him I’d been blessed to be a cancer survivor (been thinking a lot about all my friends in their own battles) and wanted to pass along a blessing to someone else. He also happened to be a cancer survivor. He shook my hand and said “God Bless You”. I heard him going on about it to the clerk when I was walking out. Made me feel really good. Then I watched from my car as he left the store. He had that receipt in his hand and a smile on his face. Note… I did not disclose the race of either gentleman, though they differed. Their reactions were as different as the “color” of their skin and the honest shock and gratefulness of the accepting gentleman was exactly what I needed today. Heck, he may have been better off financially than me, though I don’t think so, but that didn’t matter. What mattered is that in todays world, where so many people are so quick to judge others by the clothes they wear, the car they drive, their gender, color of their skin… the list goes on, and with all the upset and unrest in the world, today I got to be a positive light for one person… one person. I got to be the first ripple and carry with me the hope that this one ripple continues to spread.
I started this post saying I don’t talk about this sort of thing when I do it, but felt it was needed today. Have a wonderful evening, all. Be well, be blessed, and go be part of a ripple effect in someone else’s life. You just never know what impact you’re going to have with one act of kindness. Think of what impact can be had with multiple acts.
Thank youBless you, @GrammaJan
Maybe ask them to do something about it before you poison their drinks!...Oh, you meant Round-Up for the plants...No wonder I don't get invited to the neighborhood cookouts.Afternoon, Pops and everybody. I'm enjoying the warmer weather, even though the wind is fairly strong. Did some pruning on the neighbor's mesquite bushes and vines hanging over into my yard this morning. I see round-up in their future when they start encroaching again.
Maybe ask them to do something about it before you poison their drinks!...Oh, you meant Round-Up for the plants...No wonder I don't get invited to the neighborhood cookouts.
No one is better at that than you and coach, followed by Runny's witticisms.Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles.
My only regret is Coachadoodles didn't get to tell the story. He could have whipped it into a fascinating and frenzied tale.
I agree, Xelda has a talent for storytelling. She never fails to get a laugh out of me!No one is better at that than you and coach, followed by Runny's witticisms.
Her dreams alone are compelling.I agree, Xelda has a talent for storytelling. She never fails to get a laugh out of me!
It's like a book you can't put down..."Where the Hell is this going???"...but always with a good payoff.Her dreams alone are compelling.
I see a NetFlix series coming. Mad Xelda: Road Rage.Thank y'all for the kind comments. I almost told this one when it was fresh on my mind, but I wasn't certain if my sanity would come into question... again.
I don't normally do this, but I had a trilogy of dreams this year. One each of the following two nights detailing the repercussions of my actions in the first dream. Normally when the dream is vivid enough, I can have a follow up dream. Before I tell it though, there's a back story to it and the woman in the dream represents one of my doctors and she had it coming.
I dreamt I was driving in Shreveport and stuck behind this car that seemed to go slower mile by mile. The road had a double yellow line and my luck is not good when it comes to breaking the law, so I was gritting my teeth as I poked along. I came upon a small gas station and thought this was my chance to get out from behind her. I'll be danged if she didn't pull in right in front of me and parked her car cross ways to keep me from turning in to get gas. That's it! I got out of my car to confront her. Can you believe she had the audacity to ignore me? That must have been the final straw because I went for the throat. I stood there and choked her without breaking a sweat then moved her car so I could get my gas. I can be very strong in my dreams.
I pumped my gas and decided it was too obvious for her body to be laying at the pump. I did the decent thing and chunked her butt back in her car. The way she drove, no one would notice much difference. I leave and decide I should call the police and tell them where she's at. Bad move on my part because I wasn't off that road yet. The police were instantly at both ends of the road blocking everyone in. Now that was some good driving on their part. I'm having a mental conversation about the timing of my call and the dream fades away as I try to find a back road to somewhere else.
Night two, I run home and try to pack only what I need. If you saw Spaceballs and the giant hair dryer, you'll understand the conflict in this dream. I'm looking in the trunk of my car and not seeing nearly enough room for my bare necessities. I put things in the trunk only to take them back out. It was a lot like the real life instance of my crazy azzed neighbor that set her house on fire. I walked out the front door to what looked like a disaster scene in a movie set. One of our fine Bossier policemen walks past and says prepare to evacuate. Artwork and jewelry first! Well, that was actually second. I had to prioritize things and cussing the crazy neighbor came first, then the stuffing of the car. This dream had flash backs to that night.
Night three, I'm on the lam. For some reason my actions caused me to become an unlikely celebrity. Four win a lottery to go with me, but I can only take two. It's a small car. They were cheering my every move and I was thinking they're crazy. I don't have a good destination picked out and honestly can't decide on South, East, North or West. I keep coming back home to get things straightened out before leaving in a different direction.
The moral of the story is don't kill the doctor even if I'm convinced she's got it coming and don't trust my ability to pack or plan trips.