FEATURED Morning Pops!

I'd like to dedicate this to Montanalo and his wife's glutious bootious and cramping quads.

Thanks, @Xelda . I rarely share my Cowboys Zone dialogue with my wife, simply because this is my safe zone. BUT, I had to share "glutinous bootious" with her. Aside from having a good laugh, she is busily searching for the appropriate translation to now share with her Russian friends.

Thanks for making our morning.
Thanks, @Xelda . I rarely share my Cowboys Zone dialogue with my wife, simply because this is my safe zone. BUT, I had to share "glutinous bootious" with her. Aside from having a good laugh, she is busily searching for the appropriate translation to now share with her Russian friends.

Thanks for making our morning.
Glad to do it, Montanalo, however I don't think Xelda's English (like the Queen's English, but hickafied) translates well. :huh:
An excerpt from your new book, How to Make Friends and Get a Restraining Order Against You.
I hope you're happy. Look what you've done! You gave ksk a new idea. We didn't think it was possible.
Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, I am going to write that!!! I will pass you some buck for giving me the idea!!!!
We're on to you Buster Brown. Make sure that buck is more than a one. Also, no pictures You'll have to use your words. Heaven help us all.
I hope you're happy. Look what you've done! You gave ksk a new idea. We didn't think it was possible.

We're on to you Buster Brown. Make sure that buck is more than a one. Also, no pictures You'll have to use your words. Heaven help us all.
Do you realize that with a little fixin', words becomes sword?
Good Morning Pops and Friends,

Hump day is yard day. I've been putting off the whole mowing, edging, weed spraying, wood stacking, bear chasing, etc., etc. for too long. Time to get to work.but, before I do, another dad joke:

Border collie: "What do you mean I'm controlling?"

Sheep: "You herd me"


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