FEATURED Morning Pops!

Take care, Jan. Try not to let those things upset you. You should definitely apply for hazard pay.

Take care Montanalo, I read there was supposed to be some nasty weather up there in Montanaland.

Chuck Norris died 5 years ago. Death is just too scared to tell him.

Here's a dream I had last week for anyone's amusement. I must be in Russia and I'm the center of attention for a large group of women. Someone makes a comment and I spew out a few opinions. They take it as gospel and proceed to act upon it. It spreads like wildfire and I start making headlines with my genius words. Those same words are considered mutiny by Putin. I'm watching Inside Edition Russian Style but they speak English because I can't interpret Russian even in my dreams. I see the host praising and wondering who I am. I have a seat so as to absorb all the adulation. The program is cut into with Putin declaring me enemy #1. He spoke English too. The group around me start trying to get me to run, but I want to see the rest of Inside Edition and other broadcasts praising me. Naturally, I was up before the next Hurray for Xelda program comes on. Don't you just hate that? I did.
Take care, Jan. Try not to let those things upset you. You should definitely apply for hazard pay.

Take care Montanalo, I read there was supposed to be some nasty weather up there in Montanaland.

Chuck Norris died 5 years ago. Death is just too scared to tell him.

Here's a dream I had last week for anyone's amusement. I must be in Russia and I'm the center of attention for a large group of women. Someone makes a comment and I spew out a few opinions. They take it as gospel and proceed to act upon it. It spreads like wildfire and I start making headlines with my genius words. Those same words are considered mutiny by Putin. I'm watching Inside Edition Russian Style but they speak English because I can't interpret Russian even in my dreams. I see the host praising and wondering who I am. I have a seat so as to absorb all the adulation. The program is cut into with Putin declaring me enemy #1. He spoke English too. The group around me start trying to get me to run, but I want to see the rest of Inside Edition and other broadcasts praising me. Naturally, I was up before the next Hurray for Xelda program comes on. Don't you just hate that? I did.
Wow, substitute @CouchCoach for Putin, and it's exactly like your situation here!
Morning Pops and all y’all.

I am thinking of changing my moniker to Audie Murphy because the last few weeks I have been To Hell and Back.

Started with my old nemesis, bilirubin, showing back up and this bout was the worst one yet. Ended up with my 7th ERCP since this all started two years ago on the 21st and replacing yet another stent.

For the first time since I made the decision to go the Monkey’s Paw People’s route, I began to weaken in my positive mental attitude, my greatest ally, and began to give up.

Monday marked the 14th month past my expiration date and for the first time, I regretted that passage of time and wished I were already gone.

Labs were off the rails and the itching and skin crawling was relentless and I lost another 6 lbs and it takes everything I can muster just to put a pound on.

They were doing labs frequently because bilirubin is toxic to the human body and mine was not falling as it had in the past and they wanted a CT scan and I asked why? They can’t cut on me if something else has developed, either the stent helps get rid of the bilirubin or that’s it.

Then the last two lab reports came in and not only was the bilirubin falling but the tumor markers were falling as well and my oncologist and GI doc were really happy.

Whatever my parents passed to me in the DNA was coming through again and my own body was fighting and ignoring my mental state, which was shaky at best because of the lack of sleep or just rest because the itching had me at my breaking point. I was at the edge of my own final solution.

I am still here because of my two little 15 year old dogs that I worry about who will take care of them if I am gone and I held onto that, and them, to keep me grounded when all I wanted was for all of this to stop.

I get a lot of attaboy’s from the medical people, family and friends in this fight but the simple truth is I am still here because of my two best friends, ChaCha and Mojito. Something needs me and it doesn’t matter that they’re dogs, who I prefer to most people.

If they could talk, I know what they would have said these last few weeks. “Don’t give up, stay here with us, we need you”.

Inspiration and motivation can come from many sources.
Dogs are the best. If they could comprehend, learn how to spell and have access to a keyboard, I know they'd have their own website. Can't you imagine the frenzy over a Squirrels versus Cats thread? What about a How many times have you bitten the mailman? Naturally they'd be lying through their teeth, but it would be pawsome! Another big thread would be What did you eat today. I suspect lies to be told here because who wants to say Purina Puke Pellets when you can say steak? There's always the Who loves their human most. They can have a Describe your human thread to which everyone would be overwhelmingly praised. ChaCha and Mojito would have everyone think you're John Wayne but better looking. Yep, dogs are wonderful.
Dogs are the best. If they could comprehend, learn how to spell and have access to a keyboard, I know they'd have their own website. Can't you imagine the frenzy over a Squirrels versus Cats thread? What about a How many times have you bitten the mailman? Naturally they'd be lying through their teeth, but it would be pawsome! Another big thread would be What did you eat today. I suspect lies to be told here because who wants to say Purina Puke Pellets when you can say steak? There's always the Who loves their human most. They can have a Describe your human thread to which everyone would be overwhelmingly praised. ChaCha and Mojito would have everyone think you're John Wayne but better looking. Yep, dogs are wonderful.
Peanut butter companies would be getting a lot of angry letters.
Chuck Norris jokes of the day:

When Chuck Norris was born, the doctor shook his hand and thanked him for his service.

Chuck Norris once entered a paper airplane contest. His paper airplane broke the sound barrier.

Chuck Norris competed in a singing contest and won using sign language.
Morning Pops and all y'all.

Update: had another lab and the bilirubin and 3 liver counts that they monitor are falling and the itching is subsiding and I am scheduled for another lab with the oncologist Friday and hope to be clear of any bilirubin.

My GI guy, who I've become pretty tight with, remarked that he is in his late 40's and I may have to find a new one in 20 years because he's never seen this before. These 3 liver counts are really what they monitor because it tells them how the liver is functioning and mine have been off the charts but something in my body brings them back to almost normal and this keeps happening and is perplexing all the medical people involved. He said it's not rare that you are still alive but with how your labs have been and coming back into almost the normal range.

I have become this guy they're pulling for and I can feel and sense it in my oncologist. Once she accepted that I would not take the conventional treatment route in this, she began to warm up to me and she said there were two things she wished all of her patients had that I have, my DNA and my attitude. Well, I can tell you my attitude was slipping this last go round with this bilirubin but I didn't give completely up and weathered that storm. There will be more storms.

I said I was tight with my GI doc and this illustrates it. He is well aware of my prognosis of 6 months without conventional treatment and the fact I have gone by that by 14 months but the prognosis still remains, only the dates are not confirmed. On my last visit to Dr. Cohen, my GI doc, he told me this joke he heard in Israel.

Mosche is talking his yearly trip to Israel when he notices some spots on his arms that just appeared. He goes to Dr. Epstein to get examined and the worst possible news gets delivered.

"Mosche, you have advanced melanoma and only have a few weeks to live, there is nothing we can do for you".
"Oh my God, how can this be? There is nothing you can do"?
"Here's my suggestion. About 3 miles from here are the mud pits that some people swear by for their health benefits. Go there and have them bury you up to your neck and just soak in that for several hours".
"And that will cure me"?
"No, but you will get used to being surrounded by dirt".

We both laughed and he told me I hope you know I wouldn't have told you that joke if you weren't doing what you're doing. The type cancer you have can be pretty aggressive and you've kept it at bay for 20 months now without anything from us but the occasional ERCP to clean your bile duct stent out.

I lost more weight during this last battle and since the synthetic pot hasn't really worked all that well, I moved to the real deal this week and I had heard you can't get high off the Texas approved pot and that is wrong. Goofy is as goofy does and I can get flat out goofy just staying with the prescribed dosage. Gummies are more of a body high than smoking it but this stuff can get me stoned as Bob Dylan's goat. Not as stoned as Willie Nelson's armadillo but close, real close. And Willie's armadillo can't sing.
That's wonderful news Coachadoodles!!! We are some happy campers to get this kind of news.

To quote Montanalo "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with B.S.". Awe, you said it, you just don't remember. Ahem, moving on.

I lost more weight during this last battle and since the synthetic pot hasn't really worked all that well, I moved to the real deal this week and I had heard you can't get high off the Texas approved pot and that is wrong. Goofy is as goofy does and I can get flat out goofy just staying with the prescribed dosage. Gummies are more of a body high than smoking it but this stuff can get me stoned as Bob Dylan's goat. Not as stoned as Willie Nelson's armadillo but close, real close. And Willie's armadillo can't sing.
And who said you could? We all tap our feet, clap our hands and smile because Runny will beat us up if we don't. I ain't skert though... I'm clapping. You see me clapping. Tell him I'm tapping, clapping and grinning Coachadoodles.
Morning Pops and all y'all.

Update: had another lab and the bilirubin and 3 liver counts that they monitor are falling and the itching is subsiding and I am scheduled for another lab with the oncologist Friday and hope to be clear of any bilirubin.

My GI guy, who I've become pretty tight with, remarked that he is in his late 40's and I may have to find a new one in 20 years because he's never seen this before. These 3 liver counts are really what they monitor because it tells them how the liver is functioning and mine have been off the charts but something in my body brings them back to almost normal and this keeps happening and is perplexing all the medical people involved. He said it's not rare that you are still alive but with how your labs have been and coming back into almost the normal range.

I have become this guy they're pulling for and I can feel and sense it in my oncologist. Once she accepted that I would not take the conventional treatment route in this, she began to warm up to me and she said there were two things she wished all of her patients had that I have, my DNA and my attitude. Well, I can tell you my attitude was slipping this last go round with this bilirubin but I didn't give completely up and weathered that storm. There will be more storms.

I said I was tight with my GI doc and this illustrates it. He is well aware of my prognosis of 6 months without conventional treatment and the fact I have gone by that by 14 months but the prognosis still remains, only the dates are not confirmed. On my last visit to Dr. Cohen, my GI doc, he told me this joke he heard in Israel.

Mosche is talking his yearly trip to Israel when he notices some spots on his arms that just appeared. He goes to Dr. Epstein to get examined and the worst possible news gets delivered.

"Mosche, you have advanced melanoma and only have a few weeks to live, there is nothing we can do for you".
"Oh my God, how can this be? There is nothing you can do"?
"Here's my suggestion. About 3 miles from here are the mud pits that some people swear by for their health benefits. Go there and have them bury you up to your neck and just soak in that for several hours".
"And that will cure me"?
"No, but you will get used to being surrounded by dirt".

We both laughed and he told me I hope you know I wouldn't have told you that joke if you weren't doing what you're doing. The type cancer you have can be pretty aggressive and you've kept it at bay for 20 months now without anything from us but the occasional ERCP to clean your bile duct stent out.

I lost more weight during this last battle and since the synthetic pot hasn't really worked all that well, I moved to the real deal this week and I had heard you can't get high off the Texas approved pot and that is wrong. Goofy is as goofy does and I can get flat out goofy just staying with the prescribed dosage. Gummies are more of a body high than smoking it but this stuff can get me stoned as Bob Dylan's goat. Not as stoned as Willie Nelson's armadillo but close, real close. And Willie's armadillo can't sing.
Coach, I’m encouraged by this news overall. I haven’t smoked a doobie in over 40 years but I would today with you if it would make you feel better and get some appetite back. Or even some Colorado gummies. Or Texas deltas- whatever it takes brother.

Seriously, your journey continues and we’re all with you as much as we can.
Love you Pops. Miss you.
Going through some troubled waters.
I'm not sure how to navigate.
I remember your wisdom. I sure could use some of it now.

Much love to all here. @CouchCoach , you're my dude and you better not leave me right now.
I'm asking that as a friend.
Love you Pops. Miss you.
Going through some troubled waters.
I'm not sure how to navigate.
I remember your wisdom. I sure could use some of it now.

Much love to all here. @CouchCoach , you're my dude and you better not leave me right now.
I'm asking that as a friend.
Corso, doing my best to keep hanging around. I am approaching 15 months past my expiration date and still searching for a reason why.

Wisdom is that quiet voice within each of us that too often gets shut down by all of the noise around us. I used to think I lacked wisdom until I realized I was ignoring that voice within me. It only speaks to us when we are quiet because it wants to be the only voice we hear. It is that angel on our shoulder.

I recognized I had wisdom when I looked back on my poor decisions and knew beforehand those were not decisions based on what I should do but what I could do. Long in life lamenting about decisions and living with regret is not a quality of life. Wisdom says let it go and prove to yourself you have learned.

At some point in my life, a little too late, I decided to start heeding some of that advice I was so freely handing out to those confusing age with wisdom. Who better to recognize probable mistakes beforehand than someone who's made so many of them?

Corso, you have wisdom but you must create an environment where it can communicate with you and open your mind to what you may not want to hear. Wisdom was not my friendliest voice but it was my most consistent one.

May the troubled water smooth out before you and your vessel glide through it unimpeded.
Corso, doing my best to keep hanging around. I am approaching 15 months past my expiration date and still searching for a reason why.

Wisdom is that quiet voice within each of us that too often gets shut down by all of the noise around us. I used to think I lacked wisdom until I realized I was ignoring that voice within me. It only speaks to us when we are quiet because it wants to be the only voice we hear. It is that angel on our shoulder.

I recognized I had wisdom when I looked back on my poor decisions and knew beforehand those were not decisions based on what I should do but what I could do. Long in life lamenting about decisions and living with regret is not a quality of life. Wisdom says let it go and prove to yourself you have learned.

At some point in my life, a little too late, I decided to start heeding some of that advice I was so freely handing out to those confusing age with wisdom. Who better to recognize probable mistakes beforehand than someone who's made so many of them?

Corso, you have wisdom but you must create an environment where it can communicate with you and open your mind to what you may not want to hear. Wisdom was not my friendliest voice but it was my most consistent one.

May the troubled water smooth out before you and your vessel glide through it unimpeded.
Thank you.

All of us and the dude are here for you, Corso. It's a package deal. You're a Cowboys fan, so you receive priority treatment instead of the half azzed suggestions a Beagles or Gnats fan would get. We'd have varying suggestions, but the dude would poetically tell them to park their car at the top of a tall bridge, get out and breathe in the fresh air, appreciate the beauty of nature all around, then quickly become one with the water. BUT! You're safe with us. That's just advice for fans of those 31 other teams.
Morning Pops and all y'all.

Update: had another lab and the bilirubin and 3 liver counts that they monitor are falling and the itching is subsiding and I am scheduled for another lab with the oncologist Friday and hope to be clear of any bilirubin.

My GI guy, who I've become pretty tight with, remarked that he is in his late 40's and I may have to find a new one in 20 years because he's never seen this before. These 3 liver counts are really what they monitor because it tells them how the liver is functioning and mine have been off the charts but something in my body brings them back to almost normal and this keeps happening and is perplexing all the medical people involved. He said it's not rare that you are still alive but with how your labs have been and coming back into almost the normal range.

I have become this guy they're pulling for and I can feel and sense it in my oncologist. Once she accepted that I would not take the conventional treatment route in this, she began to warm up to me and she said there were two things she wished all of her patients had that I have, my DNA and my attitude. Well, I can tell you my attitude was slipping this last go round with this bilirubin but I didn't give completely up and weathered that storm. There will be more storms.

I said I was tight with my GI doc and this illustrates it. He is well aware of my prognosis of 6 months without conventional treatment and the fact I have gone by that by 14 months but the prognosis still remains, only the dates are not confirmed. On my last visit to Dr. Cohen, my GI doc, he told me this joke he heard in Israel.

Mosche is talking his yearly trip to Israel when he notices some spots on his arms that just appeared. He goes to Dr. Epstein to get examined and the worst possible news gets delivered.

"Mosche, you have advanced melanoma and only have a few weeks to live, there is nothing we can do for you".
"Oh my God, how can this be? There is nothing you can do"?
"Here's my suggestion. About 3 miles from here are the mud pits that some people swear by for their health benefits. Go there and have them bury you up to your neck and just soak in that for several hours".
"And that will cure me"?
"No, but you will get used to being surrounded by dirt".

We both laughed and he told me I hope you know I wouldn't have told you that joke if you weren't doing what you're doing. The type cancer you have can be pretty aggressive and you've kept it at bay for 20 months now without anything from us but the occasional ERCP to clean your bile duct stent out.

I lost more weight during this last battle and since the synthetic pot hasn't really worked all that well, I moved to the real deal this week and I had heard you can't get high off the Texas approved pot and that is wrong. Goofy is as goofy does and I can get flat out goofy just staying with the prescribed dosage. Gummies are more of a body high than smoking it but this stuff can get me stoned as Bob Dylan's goat. Not as stoned as Willie Nelson's armadillo but close, real close. And Willie's armadillo can't sing.
I forgot what I was gonna say......

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