FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and Friends,

Just another beautiful day in paradise. We had our first real frost last night and next week, we can expect the dreaded "mixed" rain, sleet, snow and intermittent sunshine.

Man, I am looking forward to Sunday's game... should be a good one.

Inappropriate grandson joke:

Hannibal Lecter: I really don't like clowns

Pennywise: Why is that?

Hannibal Lecter: They taste funny

All kidding aside, pray for Isreal
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

A bit of good news to post to offset some of the bad stuff going on… my daughter and son-in-law welcomed a chonky new baby boy cowboy fan early this morning at 12:59am. 8lb 7oz 20.5”. Slowly populating Cowboy Nation one little cow poke at a time.

Nap time, y’all.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Folks, I just finished a week of diving in Roatan and am facing potential blizzard-like conditions on my return to Montana.

Despite this, I can't help shaking thoughts about @CouchCoach

Over the years, he has contributed so much this forum both in terms of the Cowboys and just life I general. I do pray for him.

@Reality have you heard anything?

After two months of no appetite, nausea, lethargy and weight loss, they decided on a CT Scan to see what's going on. The results couldn't have been much worse, it is everywhere, even on my hernia. And as if the cancer isn't bad enough, there is now an ulcer, a good candidate for rupture. If that happens, not anything they can do.

So, I start hospice Monday but it's not the Comfort Care part of it yet. Met with them this morning and I like them and am glad this is getting turned over to them. At least they will be quicker in response to relieving symptoms. The docs are out of it and it's all in the hospice company's hands. And I trust their hands more.

I wouldn't change anything about the path I chose and I met some very caring and genuine people along this path. I will miss them as I have stopped all treatments and will let this run its course.

I haven't been here much and do not know how much I will be able to be here because the energy level doesn't drain, it drops and all I can do is rest. This is a Groundhog Day kind of existence and I dread the beginning of another day.

BTW, they have confirmed that this cancer is the same one that took my wife, cholangiocarcinoma, a first as far as they know.
O M F G.......

How could I have not seen this until now? This hurts, it truly does.

All I can do is hope for the best.

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