FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops et al.

So, here's the question of the day. With the 4th falling on Wednesday, usually the worst day of the week, what qualifies as Hump Day? Was that Tuesday or is it today or does it just not get celebrated? I do not work but I still like to celebrate Hump Day.
Good Afternoon Pops, Pops & Friends! Hope everyone enjoyed our nations 242nd Birthday. The cookout I attended was wonderful as well as the food. Only one itsy bitsy problem. It was SO HUMID. The kids were having fun in the pool. I didn't go in because I didn't want my Donna Summer's wig to get wet. I'll leave everyone with that thought in mind! o_O
Afternoon Pops and a big howdy to all. Did some chores and now wore out. Will attack again later today. Making plans to come to the mainland for awhile. Hope everyone is doing well.
Morning, Pops. Good morning, everybody. TGIF for all you working folks. I'm going to play golf this afternoon. Hopefully I do better than my last outing.

It sounds like everyone had a really good holiday, which is fantastic. ABQ, glad you had fun with grandkid. Jobb, where will you be when you come to the mainland? CouchCoach, do hit me with such deep philosophical questions about hump day so early in the morning. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning Pops and fellow campers to your second Friday of the week or you can choose tomorrow as your second Saturday, if you work on Saturdays. The deal is ya got a bonus night of chicanery and shenanigans and from what I can tell, ya needed it as well as deserved it.

Leon, the good news is that is limit of my depth of philosophical questioning as I have already missed on all the others. It is my philosophy not to have one. Ya get one of those, ya have to defend it. I prefer flexibility.

If ya can't make this a day to remember, just don't make it one to try and forget.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you glorious Zoners out there.

I'm just not feeling it today. I woke up feeling impending doom. I know it's all in my head. I'll get over it. I have to wait till tomorrow night to pick up my angel baby. He's in drama class and they've been rehearsing. Show is tomorrow evening. I hate that I have missed so much time with him this summer in the interim three weeks since it's started. Just not a good day, sorry for bringing my depression in here, folks. My son is the center of my life.

Everyone have a safe and blessed day, today :star:
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in to visit today.

Welcome to Friday, once again! Man, seems like I got nothing done this week.

Any plans for the weekend? Whatever they may be, be safe!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, have a great weekend!
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you glorious Zoners out there.

I'm just not feeling it today. I woke up feeling impending doom. I know it's all in my head. I'll get over it. I have to wait till tomorrow night to pick up my angel baby. He's in drama class and they've been rehearsing. Show is tomorrow evening. I hate that I have missed so much time with him this summer in the interim three weeks since it's started. Just not a good day, sorry for bringing my depression in here, folks. My son is the center of my life.

Everyone have a safe and blessed day, today :star:
Maybe I misunderstood the purpose of this thread to honor Pops but not sharing your honest feelings seems like exactly what he would want. Trouty, it ain't all rainbows and sunshine what you are dealing with and I think the purpose of this thread is connection.

Sometimes we cheer others up, sometimes we need that ourselves. While it is not a good day, it is just a day and that will pass into another that can be a better day. Everything is temporary and that's the good and the bad of it.
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. Welcome to the Weekend!! I played 9 holes of golf yesterday before a thunder storm hit. We had some gentle breezes until the storm hit and on the 9'th hole it came up so strong it bent the pin over at about 30 degrees. We quit because we also saw lightening a couple of times. Have a great day and a great weekend, everyone.

ABQ, I have no special plans; just a few errands and chores.

Trouty, I hope the love of your friends here carries you through. Remember: Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff.

Coach, I love your quote
If ya can't make this a day to remember, just don't make it one to try and forget.

Jobb, have a wonderful trip when you decide to go.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all of you glorious Zoners out there.

CC, thank you for the uplifting words, as always, my brother. The quote that Leon posted from your post is a beauty and I would avoid so much chaos if I were to adopt that. Beautiful, man,

Leon, glad to hear you're getting back out on the course. You've been helping mom-in-law a lot recently, sir, and deserve your time on that course. Have fun, sir. And I will try my damnedest not to pet anything sweaty, sir :D

ABQ, the boy and I will be going hiking up at Runyon (a popular spot near Mulholland Drive, in the hills of West Hollywood). I have him till Tuesday, super stoked.

Jobber, safe travels to you, dear friend.

Xelda, a great weekend to you, too.

Daboyz, stay in the shade and have a drink or two for me, Luv :)

Everyone have a blessed, safe, loving, fun day today.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all of you glorious Zoners out there.

CC, thank you for the uplifting words, as always, my brother. The quote that Leon posted from your post is a beauty and I would avoid so much chaos if I were to adopt that. Beautiful, man,

Leon, glad to hear you're getting back out on the course. You've been helping mom-in-law a lot recently, sir, and deserve your time on that course. Have fun, sir. And I will try my damnedest not to pet anything sweaty, sir :D

ABQ, the boy and I will be going hiking up at Runyon (a popular spot near Mulholland Drive, in the hills of West Hollywood). I have him till Tuesday, super stoked.

Jobber, safe travels to you, dear friend.

Xelda, a great weekend to you, too.

Daboyz, stay in the shade and have a drink or two for me, Luv :)

Everyone have a blessed, safe, loving, fun day today.
Leon and Trouty, I am a lot better at making quotes than following them. I don't seem to recall them until after I've screwed up.
I am getting a good morning to Pops and posse just under the wire before I have to change it to afternoon but I am close enough for those in the East to cover both.
Afternoon Pops and a big howdy to all. Did some chores and now wore out. Will attack again later today. Making plans to come to the mainland for awhile. Hope everyone is doing well.
Glad to see you back job. Be careful with them chores now, non of us are teenagers anymore. :muttley:
Good morning Pops, Pops & Friends! What a gorgeous day the Lord has blessed us with up here in the N.E. No humidity, low 80's. Went to another Picnic again yesterday. There's nothing tastier then BBQ chicken grilled with charcoal instead of gas. Then all those summer cold salads, it's yummy.

Trouty, can't wait to hear about all the fun with little llama. I know you were looking forward to these next few days with him. Have fun luv.

Xelda, you must be busy tackling that yard again being we haven't seen you for a few.

ABQ, thank you for thinking of me. Here's tossing you some beautiful weather including a blessed weekend.

Leon, have fun on those greens again. I'm sure there's no wind to blame the bended pins & those high scores on.

I'm going to relax today and watch my first place Phillies hit some.
Be safe my friends.
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Good Sunday Morning, aka Lifesavers Day when my Mom took me to church, to Pops and those able to read.

My first experience with church as a child was traumatic. They were in the process of building the church but already had a congregation, have no idea how that worked without the internet to call them all together, and they used the movie theater closest to my home, my favorite movie theater at the time, for services and lured us kids to services thinking we were going to get a movie. I did get candy but no popcorn and certainly not a Suicide. To this day I carry the scars because anytime someone walks down front I expect them to get up and tell me what not to do if I want to get into Heaven. BTW I cap anything having to do with God because I don't want to get to the Pearly Gates and have St. Pete say "now, let's talk about punctuation".

Back when I worked, I worked for a living and never lived to work. Around 5 or 6 in the afternoon MAD, Monday Anticipation Depression, set in and the funk would come a creepin' up on me.

So, if you suffer from MAD as I did, here's wishing your minutes turn into hours on this day and wring all the fun out of Sunday you can. Tomorrow, I will check in on you and see how you did.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you glorious Zoners out there.

I'm just not feeling it today. I woke up feeling impending doom. I know it's all in my head. I'll get over it. I have to wait till tomorrow night to pick up my angel baby. He's in drama class and they've been rehearsing. Show is tomorrow evening. I hate that I have missed so much time with him this summer in the interim three weeks since it's started. Just not a good day, sorry for bringing my depression in here, folks. My son is the center of my life.

Everyone have a safe and blessed day, today :star:
I absolutely love how you love and adore your kid. Awesome stuff.

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