FEATURED Morning Pops!

ABQ, sorry for your friend's loss as I lost that battle over 7 years ago and it still hurts. I was offered some very good advice that I did not take and wish I had, grief counseling. Whether individual or group it is beneficial because at a time like that we think we are stronger, we can handle it by ourselves. Others feel for us but they do not really know the pain as others going through it at that time do.

I had it for free, all I had to do was show up but I told myself 'who in the hell wants to be around other people going through this? How is that going to help me cope and get through this'? Just as I didn't share with my fellow forum members when I was going through my own version of hell, I pulled within and went to a very dark place instead.

My best friend in PA wife's cancer that they thought they'd beaten has shown up in other part's of her body. That damned disease is the real monster as it toys with us.

Thank you for the advice Coach. Yeah, same here. Robin beat cancer 7 years prior and it came back.

It's very sad indeed.
Afternoon Pops. Afternoon fellas and good afternoon to any who may drop in later.

Got some bad news today. One of my very good friend's Wife lost her battle with Cancer this morning. I feel very badly for him. I know he knows and appreciates that she is out of pain but still, it's a hard thing. Value the time everybody. You just don't know.

OK, enough said. Hope everybody is doing well today.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, I hope all of you are doing well. Have a great week everyone!

Peace to all....
I'm so sorry to hear that ABQ. I'm truly at a loss for words right now. From time to time, I pray for God to comfort all the people in the world that are hurting. People I don't know, but He does.
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. I mowed the "back 40" yesterday. It looks a lot better and the fire hazard is reduced.

ABQ, sorry about your friend's wife. Prayers to him and his family.
Morning Pops and everyone and Pops give Robin a warm welcome.

Tough day yesterday after reading ABQ's post about Robin losing her battle. Don't know her but somehow I do and her husband as well. Ripped the scab right off and it doesn't help that my best friend's wife is fighting a recurrence which could be worse than the first part.

On the positive side of this, I will be a little nicer today to strangers and go out of my way to smile at them, not natural for me, for I do not know the battles they are fighting. I need a reminder of that often as I dwell in my own little Idaho.

Be safe and be good to each other.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who might stop in today to visit the thread.

That's a lot of mowing Leon. You might need to take a few to relax and play some golf after that!

Thank you for the kindness xelda, I know he would certainly appreciate those sentiments.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, have a great day!

Be well everybody!
Good morning Pops and everyone. I really appreciated the rain but the humidity afterwards was horrible. I've been growing small tomatoes in containers this year. My first attempt at vegetable gardening. I don't know what I'm doing because they're all splitting. They've been good too!

I got baptized when I was 7 years old. I have lots of stories from the Bible Belt, but it wasn't until I lost my daddy in 2013 that I found a real friendship with Jesus. I knew without doubt that He was here to see me through one of the toughest times of my life. Wishing peace, comfort and the companionship of Jesus to all that are hurting today.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you delightful Zoners out there.

I need some Light in my life right now more than maybe ever.

A prayer my way would be greatly appreciated. It's really getting dark. M, if you read this, thank you for being you.

Everyone have a blessed and safe and happy day, today.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you delightful Zoners out there.

I need some Light in my life right now more than maybe ever.

A prayer my way would be greatly appreciated. It's really getting dark. M, if you read this, thank you for being you.

Everyone have a blessed and safe and happy day, today.
Brother, the dark is a seductress because it is too easy just to let yourself slip into it. I was deep in it at one time and I realized how I got there. I wanted to be there, it was easy. It is hard to fight that and to not only find the light but to maintain it and sustain it.

I will send a prayer your way but it will not be for light but for you to find that light for that is the easier one to sustain because you know how you found it. But you have already found one light in your son, the light of your life. But there are others and they wait to be discovered.
Good Evening Pops, Pops & Friends!
Just another gorgeous day the good Lord has blessed us all with. I wish these summer days would never end.

I'm so sorry ABQ to learn about the loss of your dear friends wife. It hurts to see someone close to you hurting. The only thing you can possibly do, is just be there for him. He needs you more now than ever.

Xelda, my heart goes out to you. Losing your daddy had to of been so very hard. I'm fortunate to still have both of my parents. You and I have a "friendship" in common. Jesus

Trouty, take one day at a time my friend. That's all any of us can do.

Have a great evening....
Good morning Pops and friends. All the kids and their soccer coach are out of the cave now. It's inspiring to see people from around the world run to help 13 people in need. It's a balm on our weary hearts after all the shootings taking place. Humans still have the ability to be human. That's a wonderful thing. I'm proud of us! Hoping everyone has a blessed day.
Morning, Pops and everyone. Happy hump day! Don't worry. Be Happy.

ABQ, the "back 40" is actually less than an acre. My property runs all the way down to the Brazos River. The "back 40" is the area between my back yard and the cliffs leading down to the river. And I am playing golf today.

Trouty, I'm praying for you.

Xelda, I agree it's inspiring to see the warm, caring side of people. Well said.

DBRP, I love your attitude.

Jobb, the trip to the mainland must be fairly close now. Did your get the sportfisher going?

Coach, I'm sorry to hear that your friend's wife is going through the cancer battle again. Prayers to her.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to stop in later in the day.

Coach, I second that. Pops, please welcome Robin and also, good advice in your words. We all should be mindful of the fact that people sometimes have things going on.

Xelda, it truly is amazing what humans can do when we put our minds to it right? There must be something to the words in that book after all right?

dbrp, it's getting too hot here. Hovering around 100+ here on the daily. I know you love the heat but man, I could seriously go for 65 and Sunny right about now! LOL..... Thank you, BTW, for the well wishes.

Leon, you should play golf today! You deserve it!

Trouty, there is only one way to get to a place you wanna go. That way is forward and doesn't really matter how how hard it is or how far away it seems. If you wanna go there, you gotta go forward. On the plus side, nothing says you gotta make that trip alone. My Grandad used to say, "Them that aint sick, don't need Doctors. Them that are sinners, those are my people!" That's actually a take from scripture and it means that those who are without serious issues in their lives are in good stead, so they may think, but the folks who are dealing with things on the day to day, those are who he is here to help. Those who believe they are without sin may be the ones who are in serious trouble...... Now, he also used to say "Jesus Christ in a Sidecar!" so, you gotta kinda measure it all out. ;)

Jobs, my friend, I am glad that you are still posting in this thread. This thread is better with you, then without you.

zrin, ksk, RGV, come back around and let us know your still good.

Be well everybody!
Good morning Pops, Pops & Friends! What a gorgeous day the Lord has blessed us with up here in the N.E. No humidity, low 80's. Went to another Picnic again yesterday. There's nothing tastier then BBQ chicken grilled with charcoal instead of gas. Then all those summer cold salads, it's yummy.

Trouty, can't wait to hear about all the fun with little llama. I know you were looking forward to these next few days with him. Have fun luv.

Xelda, you must be busy tackling that yard again being we haven't seen you for a few.

ABQ, thank you for thinking of me. Here's tossing you some beautiful weather including a blessed weekend.

Leon, have fun on those greens again. I'm sure there's no wind to blame the bended pins & those high scores on.

I'm going to relax today and watch my first place Phillies hit some.
Be safe my friends.
I know you missed this one Leon. Next time I'll alert your name.;)
Fiiiiiinally got some good rain around here!!! Most places got an inch or more!!!!

God bless technology!!!!! The wifey would be a cripple w/o her knee and hip replacement!!!! She would most likely be in a wheelchair at the age of 58. The doctor looked us in the eye and stated that if the replacements didn't last 30 years, he'd replace them for free!!!! Amazing stuff.

Crooked medical field. This is how bad it is. The hospital gave us an 86% discount because we paid cash.
Good morning Pops and everyone. I really appreciated the rain but the humidity afterwards was horrible. I've been growing small tomatoes in containers this year. My first attempt at vegetable gardening. I don't know what I'm doing because they're all splitting. They've been good too!

I got baptized when I was 7 years old. I have lots of stories from the Bible Belt, but it wasn't until I lost my daddy in 2013 that I found a real friendship with Jesus. I knew without doubt that He was here to see me through one of the toughest times of my life. Wishing peace, comfort and the companionship of Jesus to all that are hurting today.

Splitting often too much water. Make sure they have magnesium (Epson salts) and calcium. You can crush egg shells but they take a year or two to leach out. Use fertilizer early but not much later as you want fruit not leaves. But it needs fertilizer early to grow a good bush. Watch for fungus.

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