FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and friends. Glad to hear about your mom, Leon. When those we care about suffer, we find a way to suffer along with them through empathy. 45 minutes is a long way to go, Trouty. Hope you have a peaceful drive coming and going. Wishing everyone a safe and joy filled day. I can't imagine eating lemons, ABQ. There is a multitude of funny videos on YouTube about babies, dogs and cats trying to eat a lemon or lime. Some are quite funny. Behave yourself, ksk! I see you over there thinking up fresh mischief.

Top o the mornin' to Pops and all y'all.

This is the day the Lord hath given you. Even if you do not buy into that, it is still your day to make of it what you will. Regardless of our condition or position in life, we have the power to make this day a very good day.

I began mine by not doing what I usually do each morning, reading all of the news on the internet. I don't think one day not being informed will hurt me, donchaknow? Ignorance is bliss, have a blissful day!

I heard a preacher say once that watching the news was like going to an all you can eat buffet and eating everything there. Neither one is good for you. It's hard to stay positive when the news is filled with so much negativity and pharmaceutical commercials. I don't want to be ignorant, but the news is filled with horrors on all levels.
Good morning Pops and friends. Glad to hear about your mom, Leon. When those we care about suffer, we find a way to suffer along with them through empathy. 45 minutes is a long way to go, Trouty. Hope you have a peaceful drive coming and going. Wishing everyone a safe and joy filled day. I can't imagine eating lemons, ABQ. There is a multitude of funny videos on YouTube about babies, dogs and cats trying to eat a lemon or lime. Some are quite funny. Behave yourself, ksk! I see you over there thinking up fresh mischief.

I heard a preacher say once that watching the news was like going to an all you can eat buffet and eating everything there. Neither one is good for you. It's hard to stay positive when the news is filled with so much negativity and pharmaceutical commercials. I don't want to be ignorant, but the news is filled with horrors on all levels.
I was in the media field for a lot of years and had the chance to meet one of the ex producers for a network news daily production and we were discussing the news, the evolution and the overall effect. He wasn't ashamed but he certainly wasn't proud of his 20 years and that's why he quit. He said the day the TV network execs realized they had helped elect a President in 1960, everything began to change and people would not look at TV the way they did before.

Now we have net news for parties, the most dangerous thing created in my lifetime and I do not watch either of them as I want to retain my open mind and that is the last thing they want. They are purposefully "dividing the house" with little regard for the ramifications of that.

We must all resist those with the purpose to influence our thinking and they've got that down to a science because people want to believe pretty people. They've always gotten the breaks and had the easier paths. Think those people were chosen for their minds?
Good morning Pops and friends. Glad to hear about your mom, Leon. When those we care about suffer, we find a way to suffer along with them through empathy. 45 minutes is a long way to go, Trouty. Hope you have a peaceful drive coming and going. Wishing everyone a safe and joy filled day. I can't imagine eating lemons, ABQ. There is a multitude of funny videos on YouTube about babies, dogs and cats trying to eat a lemon or lime. Some are quite funny. Behave yourself, ksk! I see you over there thinking up fresh mischief.

I heard a preacher say once that watching the news was like going to an all you can eat buffet and eating everything there. Neither one is good for you. It's hard to stay positive when the news is filled with so much negativity and pharmaceutical commercials. I don't want to be ignorant, but the news is filled with horrors on all levels.
News is not news. It's simply a group of people finding something juicy to catch your eye. It's slanted and sensationalized.
Good morning Pops, Pops, Xelda, ABQ, Leon, Trouty & whoever else is reading this. Another glorious day is upon us. And may I had another scorcher. Here's wishing everyone a blessed & wonderful day. ABQ, they're still taking applications for the pool membership.:p

Stay cool everyone.
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Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. Mom-in-law was released from the hospital yesterday after having her knee replaced. She says it is very sore and she hates the rehab. I have a few chores to do today. Have a great day, folks.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you awesome Zoners out there!

Keep her moving, Leon! As much as it pains her, don't want that knee to stiffen up, sir. Much easier said than done, I know :)

Everyone have a blessed and safe day, today :star:
Good morning Pops, Pops, Xelda, ABQ, Leon, Trouty & whoever else is reading this. Another glorious day is upon us. And may I had another scorcher. Here's wishing everyone a blessed & wonderful day. ABQ, they're still taking applications for the pool membership.:p

Stay cool everyone.

This guy has the right idea.

BTW, thanks for the heads up dbrp!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in and check stuff out.

Slow work day so I'm getting some stuff done for the Holiday. Getting ready to head out to the Butcher to pick up some Brats and some Sausage and Ground Beef patties for burgers.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, I hope everyone of you have a great 4th of July tomorrow.

Jobs, you might be in the greatest place in the US to watch Fireworks, no kidding. I love the 4th in the Islands.

Everybody, have a great day.
Greetings Pops and my little firecrackers, let me wish you a Happy 4th of July Eve because no one else probably has and you deserve it. Please do not be a Jason Pierre-Paul tomorrow and sacrifice a body part just to make some noise.

I hope you working folks have the day off tomorrow and get an extra Saturday night tonight.

And anyone talking to God tomorrow, ask him to give us a little help on our birthday, we need it.
Good afternoon Pops and everyone! Here's wishing everyone wonderful memories to share with your loved ones for years to come. All be safe and come back to the forums in one piece as Coach alluded to with the JPP reference. Pain is a huge motivator, Leon. It motivates us to not use what is hurting even though the doctors would rather we aggravate the dickens out of it. ABQ, Coach, DABZ (trying to be alphabetical here), Jobs, ksk, Leon, RGV, Trouty and everyone else Happy 4th.
Happy 4th Pops. Happy 4th friends and wonderful Zoners out there!

Everyone have a safe, relaxing, and fun 4th, today. Fire up those grills, grab a beverage, hug your loved ones, and watch some fireworks! Deal? :) :star::starspin:

God bless, everyone. :star:
Good morning Pops, Pops & fellow zoners. Here's wishing everyone an awesome 4th. Leon thanks for sharing mom in law is out of hospital and at home for the 4th. After what I shared with what my mom went through with the rehab, let me also add this will take at least a good 6 months for the "soreness" to go away & for the therapy to kick in.

ABQ, you're welcome for the "heads up". Trouty, I hope you have the little llama today. Xelda, thank you for adding your bit of sunshine in Pops thread.
Happy 4th to Pops and everyone else, and you know who you are. This day will be the only one I celebrate as I used to with my wife when we weren't going to the lake or beach to be with friends. Everything else I avoid.

I will start with a little Bloody Mary for red, I am a white guy but will be a little blue as I am on all holidays. But this will be followed by Jaws, Independence Day and topped off with The Patriot. Smoking some catfish and trout and grilling some lime corn, quaffing various summery libations up to by not limited to Melonritas, Mojitos and will manage to work a beer in and topping that off with strawberry shortcake.

My dogs hate the 4th of July, they're Havanese, a Cuban breed, but I could swear they're British. Well, I see they're setting up for the annual parade that rolls down Horseshoe Bay Blvd with the fire trucks, cop cars and the largest gathering of old people in golf carts driving and waving to each other on the planet. They all know each other already, I think this is some kind of dementia preventative therapy. It really is a nice thing they do and ya know these people honor the Vietnam vets here just as if they were WWI or II vets, they see serving your country as serving your country and they don't keep score on wars.
Beautiful 4th!!!!

Shrimp, Tonic and Gin, and a ton of good friends. Got a few smaller fireworks for the kids to set off. Couldn't set off anything that went up in the air very high. The girls were dancing, guys were cooking and making bad jokes and admiring the girlies, and everyone had a grand time. Nothing like being around good people.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to stop by and say hello.

Was a little afraid that the Boy would be freaked out by the fireworks but boy was I wrong. He loves fireworks! Didn't know what to make of them at first but once he saw them, his eyes were big as saucers and he had a permanent little "O" face on. He sat in the stroller the whole night but you couldn't light them fast enough. He would kick his little hands and feet out once the firework went out, wanting to light the next one. It was a lot of fun to watch him.

I hope all of you had great 4ths as well. Short week so lots to do. Gotta get back to work.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, have a great day.

Peace everybody!
Beautiful 4th!!!!

Shrimp, Tonic and Gin, and a ton of good friends. Got a few smaller fireworks for the kids to set off. Couldn't set off anything that went up in the air very high. The girls were dancing, guys were cooking and making bad jokes and admiring the girlies, and everyone had a grand time. Nothing like being around good people.
Ahhhhh, nothing like a fine Tonic and Gin (the order changed by Billy Joel because what rhymes with tonic?) on a hot summer day. I use Hendricks for mine with Fever Tree Elderflower Tonic and the balance is perfection. It has too many botanicals in it for a Martini but perfect for a G&T.

Back in the day of bars with black lighting, the G&T was the coolest drink because is glowed under the lighting. I always wanted to down one with people watching and act like the Toxic Avenger right after. But I didn't. Didn't want to ruin my perfect record of never getting kicked out of a bar. And as many as I frequented in my youth, that was an accomplishment.

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