FEATURED Morning Pops!

Continue with the salt water for now. I think it will help close the wounds. Down the road hydrogen peroxide would be great.

ABQ, I wish I had known Pops before. Seeing how you write about him, we would have all been better for knowing him. I think you are rising up to be a great Pops in your own right, especially for vampires.

Coach, it's awful good to see you over here. (ksk doesn't even mention farm animals in this thread. I KNOW!)

Thank you for the reminder on weeding, DABZ! It's so crazy hot that I'd love to join you on that beach and discuss our next Super Bowl victory and ways to improve camera angles for the NFL. Close ups for the Cowboys, then pan out for huddles and distant shots of other teams. Few things make my heart flutter like a good side angle of one (or more) of our wide receivers getting in position to make a run for the end zone. One leg in front of the other, body tilted forward, hands and arms shaking out loosely as they get ready to run. I really do miss football.
Lol, I hear you sweetheart. Myself, give me the boys in the huddle, bent over, and those muscle booties in tights. Indeed my friend, I really do miss football as well. :grin:
Morning Pops, Pops, @Xelda & @Trouty ! Whew, going through quite a heat wave here. But it's summer and the pool is calling my name. Hopefully it won't be as crowded as the beach.

Leon, Best wishes for a quick recovery for mom in law. The toughest part for her will be the rehabilitation.

Not sure if you folks are having someone come over or if you have to take her for rehab. My mom had someone come to the home for hers and it was rather difficult because in her words "They make you do exercises that hurt". But, that was last year and now shespushing that cart around Wal-Mart like a true champ!

Stay cool everyone....:flagwave:
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Ugh....The Pool IS very crowded!
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you wonderful Zoners out there.

Leon, my prayers will be going up for your mom in law and a speedy recovery for her. Knee replacement surgery is no joke, as Daboyz mentioned above.

Taking my son to the movies today. I'm thinking Sicario but don't know if that's gonna be it, as it is pretty violent.

M, love the gif! Love the super excited black lab that wont jump in on the right!

Everyone have a blessed and safe day today.
Ugh....The Pool IS very crowded!
So this is what "The Dog Days of Summer" looks like. They are having a blast! Now we are waiting for a white cat to brave this group of swimmers, DABZ.

Good morning Pops and friends. Best wishes for your mom-in-law, Leon. From what I've heard, physical therapists are the devil in disguise. Hope you and your son enjoy the movie, Trouty. Too soon for popcorn.
Good afternoon my fine fellow forumateys and mateyettes. I was going to wish you a belated good morning because I wasn't here.

The grandsons were at a swim meet in Weirdtown and it was a fine experience. I will be sad to see it end next week with the divisional's because I get high when I am there. Not just about seeing my grandsons swim but about seeing families doing what families should be doing, hanging out in the park and having fun. Seeing the ones that are 18+ and have moved off the team and are now coaching the younger ones. It's about as American as it can get.

I forget about all the crap in the world and even our own country and just soak that in, that is what real life looks like and everyone should feel that. It is competitive but there are no "stage door" parents, they cheer for every kid. Finishing is winning for some.

There's a little girl missing both legs just below the knee on their team and she is missing fingers on each hand and I tell you I get choked up every time I see her swim, she is just magnificent and finishes every race. God help the people that she will encounter that will tell her she can't do anything for the rest of her life.

My friends, I'll share with you one of my life's lessons. Do not wait for it to come to you; we must seek out those things that help us battle a world that doesn't make sense with what does make perfect sense. Where I was this morning, that is the real world.
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Mom is doing well after her knee replacement and the physical therapist has her up walking around. She will probably get to come home tomorrow or Tuesday. Thanks to all of you, dbrp, Trouty and Xelda for the warm comments. She has lived with us for 22 years and I love her dearly.

Coach, I agree with you. My daughter was on the swim team and ran track. She was never a top athlete but she always hung in there and it warmed the heart to see all the kids competing.

Have a blessed day, everyone.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you wonderful Zoners out there!

Great to hear your mother-in-law had a successful surgery and that all is going smoothly now, Leon.

CC, that was a great post to start the day to, thank you.

Everyone have a wonderful and safe day, today. :star::starspin:
Top o the mornin' to Pops and all y'all.

This is the day the Lord hath given you. Even if you do not buy into that, it is still your day to make of it what you will. Regardless of our condition or position in life, we have the power to make this day a very good day.

I began mine by not doing what I usually do each morning, reading all of the news on the internet. I don't think one day not being informed will hurt me, donchaknow? Ignorance is bliss, have a blissful day!
Happy Monday Pops, Pops & my other dear friends! Is everyone getting ready to celebrate our Country's birthday? I'll be going to a big 4th July celebration. Lots of food & goodies. Of course they have a pool, cause if they didn't....FORGET ABOUT IT. May everyone have a great day and most of all stay cool. It's a scorcher every where.
Top o the mornin' to Pops and all y'all.

This is the day the Lord hath given you. Even if you do not buy into that, it is still your day to make of it what you will. Regardless of our condition or position in life, we have the power to make this day a very good day.

I began mine by not doing what I usually do each morning, reading all of the news on the internet. I don't think one day not being informed will hurt me, donchaknow? Ignorance is bliss, have a blissful day!
Morning Pops and fellow Zoned out posters. Make it a good Monday as I realize that is an oxymoron for some but most have a 4 day week, so there is that.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to stop in later on.

Hope everybody is enjoying the Monday before the holiday and I hope it's a short week for you.

Xelda, I've a feeling he would have like all of you. BTW, that little Grandson of mine, he apparently likes Lemons. He was eating one on Saturday and I thought he would hate it but no, LOL......... He really likes the sour. He got those little fangs in there and was going to town on it. Was kinda funny, all those little faces.

Everyone, enjoy the 4th, remember that it's not just about Beer and Brats and Burgers and Fireworks. All of those things are a part of celebrating something very important to Americans. A lot of folks have paid a very heavy price for the life we enjoy today. I hope we all take a moment to reflect on that this 4th of July.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, I hope you all have a great day and a great week, mostly a great holiday.

Everybody, be safe, have fun and enjoy the 4th.


PS, I love that pool. That's the pool I would be signed up for, for sure.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to stop in later on.

Hope everybody is enjoying the Monday before the holiday and I hope it's a short week for you.

Xelda, I've a feeling he would have like all of you. BTW, that little Grandson of mine, he apparently likes Lemons. He was eating one on Saturday and I thought he would hate it but no, LOL......... He really likes the sour. He got those little fangs in there and was going to town on it. Was kinda funny, all those little faces.

Everyone, enjoy the 4th, remember that it's not just about Beer and Brats and Burgers and Fireworks. All of those things are a part of celebrating something very important to Americans. A lot of folks have paid a very heavy price for the life we enjoy today. I hope we all take a moment to reflect on that this 4th of July.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, I hope you all have a great day and a great week, mostly a great holiday.

Everybody, be safe, have fun and enjoy the 4th.


PS, I love that pool. That's the pool I would be signed up for, for sure.
That was my first love, sour. Followed closed by salty because I put salt on lemons by the time I was 5. I still prefer anything with lemons and limes.

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