FEATURED Morning Pops!


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I guess I'm still stuck in the 'last days' to a degree. Hospice is horrible. I remember being told we had about six months and he was gone in 2 weeks. I'm angry with him still to a degree for not caring more about himself and thus, to a degree those around him that seemed to care more than he did. After all, I fought cancer and beat it for me, for us, for him, for my family...only to have to face that end with him. Putting it in writing now sounds very selfish of me...:oops:. :huh: Time to reevaluate.
Everyone has different ways of handling it. Forgive him, love him, and take it day to day.


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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends.

@CouchCoach, I have thought long and hard about you, your wife and your recent post. I really wish I had some profound advice or words of wisdom. The best I can offer is... God bless you and all of us who have lost loved ones. I think the advice you gave your friend was spot-on.

And, @GrammaJan no you don't sound selfish. I daresay the feelings you shared are normal and understandable. A good friend of mine, who is a grief counselor, once told me, it is ok to be angry -- it is how you channel that grief that defines who and what your are.

On a completely different and much less serious subject, do any of you have that "favorite" store or shop that, whether you need anything or not, you find a reason to stop. As a younger man, it was Best Buy and, in particular, their assortment of sound equipment accessories. Now it is Home Depot. It seems as though the pickup has a homing device directly to HD and my credit card automatically charges (at least) $100 evertime I get near the store. It doesn't seem to matter what the gadget is, I have to have it.... glad i am not a gambler as this addiction could bankrupt me.


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Good morning Pops and friends. Spent a little more time in Lonelytown than I expected and that's enough. Been in a funk and have to remember not to talk to my friend close to a time I know is going to be unfriendly to my memory.

Time for an old man's thought's to turn to spring and the birth of new life in nature. Isn't it amusing how nature can be this awe inspiring creation that pleases our souls and re-energizes us and the damned pollen makes us sick. It's like nature is saying "I'm going to show you something beautiful and lovely but do not stay long for there is a price to pay".

It is Hump morning and I don't think the actual Hump Day kicks in until noon. And I wonder about the people that work 6 days a week, they have no hump day because of the even number. I don't work but I celebrate Hump Day anyway because that helps me remember what day of the week it is. Never thought I'd be that guy asking "what day is this"?


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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends.

@CouchCoach, I have thought long and hard about you, your wife and your recent post. I really wish I had some profound advice or words of wisdom. The best I can offer is... God bless you and all of us who have lost loved ones. I think the advice you gave your friend was spot-on.

And, @GrammaJan no you don't sound selfish. I daresay the feelings you shared are normal and understandable. A good friend of mine, who is a grief counselor, once told me, it is ok to be angry -- it is how you channel that grief that defines who and what your are.

On a completely different and much less serious subject, do any of you have that "favorite" store or shop that, whether you need anything or not, you find a reason to stop. As a younger man, it was Best Buy and, in particular, their assortment of sound equipment accessories. Now it is Home Depot. It seems as though the pickup has a homing device directly to HD and my credit card automatically charges (at least) $100 evertime I get near the store. It doesn't seem to matter what the gadget is, I have to have it.... glad i am not a gambler as this addiction could bankrupt me.
That store is Amazon now but I still like going to Best Buy because they're a survivor.

Home Depot? Naaaaaaah, they won't let me in without a guide available. I get in there or Lowe's and I am like that annoying kid "what's that? what's that? what's that? what's that?" They need a volunteer to escort me and I am sure they get the rest of the day off if I am in there for more than one mysterious item. I am glad I can't read thoughts, particularly those of the men that work there because I am certain they would be 'how in the hell did this guy survive this long'?


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all you folks who stop in to check out the thread.

Well folks, this day in history is a very important day. This day in history, some 46 years ago (1973), this first cell phone call was placed. That changed life as we know it forever. The days of being able to answer the phone and having it be a call from somebody you actually know, rather then a robocall or telemarketer died that day. The days of actually being able to go in to work and work your 8 hours or what have you, then come home and leave work behind ended that day. The days of actually having conversations with your kids directly, having them listen to what you are actually saying (to the extent that they can) and not some random person on a phone, ended that day. Yes indeed, a very important day in history!

How is everybody today? Who is everybody taking in the NCAA Final Four?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John and Jan, here's hoping that all of you are enjoying better weather and the beginning of a beautiful Spring.

Everybody, have a great day!


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Good morning Pops and friends. The Mrs asked me if I could put laminate flooring in one of the bedrooms. I said sure thing honey not a problem. I started yesterday noonish, I’m 90% finished but messed up a few boards and pinched 2 fingers. Have a bandaid on one and the other just a small blood blister. Next time I’m going to hire a professional. Utube makes it look easy. :muttley:

Have a great day everyone


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Good morning Pops and friends. The Mrs asked me if I could put laminate flooring in one of the bedrooms. I said sure thing honey not a problem. I started yesterday noonish, I’m 90% finished but messed up a few boards and pinched 2 fingers. Have a bandaid on one and the other just a small blood blister. Next time I’m going to hire a professional. Utube makes it look easy. :muttley:

Have a great day everyone
I rest my case for DIY. Denying people to get paid to hurt themselves for a living is just denying capitalism.

One time my wife talked me into helping her wallpaper the bedroom and I had <0 experience in this task but agreed to because I didn't want to leave my wife alone in the bedroom with a strange man. Figured I would be that strange man because DIY is a stranger to me.

Well, after a day of this, it was finished and I must say looked like a fine job. I was careful and did not complain once, was even cheerful and whistled a couple of times while working, she probably thought there was a strange man in our bedroom. She put her arm around me and asked "now, aren't you glad you helped, don't you feel proud of what we did"? My mind went immediately into husband defense, ALERT!! TRAP!! ALERT!! TRAP!! If I admit that, I am opening myself to all kinds of work in the future, I immediately recognized her diabolical thinking. I replied "I am very proud of most of the things we've done in this bedroom but this is not one of them and I should have allowed the strange man in" and walked out. Trap avoided and I left her laughing. I must say one of my prouder husband moments, getting out or more work and not getting into more trouble. Sadly, this was not a common happening.


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I rest my case for DIY. Denying people to get paid to hurt themselves for a living is just denying capitalism.

One time my wife talked me into helping her wallpaper the bedroom and I had <0 experience in this task but agreed to because I didn't want to leave my wife alone in the bedroom with a strange man. Figured I would be that strange man because DIY is a stranger to me.

Well, after a day of this, it was finished and I must say looked like a fine job. I was careful and did not complain once, was even cheerful and whistled a couple of times while working, she probably thought there was a strange man in our bedroom. She put her arm around me and asked "now, aren't you glad you helped, don't you feel proud of what we did"? My mind went immediately into husband defense, ALERT!! TRAP!! ALERT!! TRAP!! If I admit that, I am opening myself to all kinds of work in the future, I immediately recognized her diabolical thinking. I replied "I am very proud of most of the things we've done in this bedroom but this is not one of them and I should have allowed the strange man in" and walked out. Trap avoided and I left her laughing. I must say one of my prouder husband moments, getting out or more work and not getting into more trouble. Sadly, this was not a common happening.

Finally finished but never again (I hope). Some onlookers came by yesterday and said I need to do their floors. My response was ‘ you can’t afford me’. I have more tools in the house than I do in my garage. Now the fun part is dragging them back. Oh well, she’s happy.

CC I need to activate my ALERT TRAP. At this age, it’s time to slow down. :muttley:


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who stop in and check out the thread today. I know that not all of you post, no matter, it's the stopping by that counts.

I know what you mean RGV, nobody is ever going to call me handy, but I have installed a few of those floors over the years. We own a couple of rental properties and I long since stopped putting in carpet in traffic areas. After the first few, it did get easier but certainly, no need to make a career of it! Either way, Good Job my Man!

Leon, how are the eyes coming along?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John and Jan, hope you are all doing well today. Gonna need to get out and go stock up on some Summer Shandy this weekend. Feels like the weather might be coming round and a few summer cold ones are going to be necessary soon!

Everyone, it's Thursday and we are in sight of the finish line. Finish strong!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to check out this thread.

Well, it's Friday and that is always a good thing around here.

Gotta a Birthday to Celebrate this weekend (not mine) so gotta go do a little shopping this afternoon. Should be nice.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John and Jan, be well all. Here's to hoping you have a great weekend ahead!

Everyone, just a few more hours and it's 5! Have a great day!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends.

@CouchCoach, I have thought long and hard about you, your wife and your recent post. I really wish I had some profound advice or words of wisdom. The best I can offer is... God bless you and all of us who have lost loved ones. I think the advice you gave your friend was spot-on.

And, @GrammaJan no you don't sound selfish. I daresay the feelings you shared are normal and understandable. A good friend of mine, who is a grief counselor, once told me, it is ok to be angry -- it is how you channel that grief that defines who and what your are.

On a completely different and much less serious subject, do any of you have that "favorite" store or shop that, whether you need anything or not, you find a reason to stop. As a younger man, it was Best Buy and, in particular, their assortment of sound equipment accessories. Now it is Home Depot. It seems as though the pickup has a homing device directly to HD and my credit card automatically charges (at least) $100 evertime I get near the store. It doesn't seem to matter what the gadget is, I have to have it.... glad i am not a gambler as this addiction could bankrupt me.
My favorite has become eBay, though I do love me some Home Depot.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and friends. The Mrs asked me if I could put laminate flooring in one of the bedrooms. I said sure thing honey not a problem. I started yesterday noonish, I’m 90% finished but messed up a few boards and pinched 2 fingers. Have a bandaid on one and the other just a small blood blister. Next time I’m going to hire a professional. Utube makes it look easy. :muttley:

Have a great day everyone
Professionals get boo-boos too, they just don't whine about it.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I rest my case for DIY. Denying people to get paid to hurt themselves for a living is just denying capitalism.

One time my wife talked me into helping her wallpaper the bedroom and I had <0 experience in this task but agreed to because I didn't want to leave my wife alone in the bedroom with a strange man. Figured I would be that strange man because DIY is a stranger to me.

Well, after a day of this, it was finished and I must say looked like a fine job. I was careful and did not complain once, was even cheerful and whistled a couple of times while working, she probably thought there was a strange man in our bedroom. She put her arm around me and asked "now, aren't you glad you helped, don't you feel proud of what we did"? My mind went immediately into husband defense, ALERT!! TRAP!! ALERT!! TRAP!! If I admit that, I am opening myself to all kinds of work in the future, I immediately recognized her diabolical thinking. I replied "I am very proud of most of the things we've done in this bedroom but this is not one of them and I should have allowed the strange man in" and walked out. Trap avoided and I left her laughing. I must say one of my prouder husband moments, getting out or more work and not getting into more trouble. Sadly, this was not a common happening.
I wallpapered my kitchen by myself. A friend was supposed to come over to help me, but never showed. We're no longer friends. That was one of the most frustrating things I've ever done.


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I wallpapered my kitchen by myself. A friend was supposed to come over to help me, but never showed. We're no longer friends. That was one of the most frustrating things I've ever done.
I cannot only not imagine doing that alone but don't want to. Ours was at least a 2 person job. A 3rd would have been nice to cover me on my union breaks.


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I go into Home Depot or Lowes going "wrenches and hammer and drills, oh my, wrenches and hammers and drills, oh my".

Good afternoon Pops and friends.

I should buy Lowe’s and Home Depot stock. That’s where most my money goes anyway.

A few weeks ago. My wife found a wallet in the Home Depot’s parking lot as we were walking in. I looked thru it while walking inside the store, searching for a phone number. He had everything in there, credit cards and cash. I didn’t recognize his pic on his DL and his home address was in a town about 20 miles away. I called a friend that has Facebook and asked if he could find him on Facebook but no luck. I told my wife, I’ll just leave it with the management but she suggested I drop it off at the police station. Which is a better idea.

Well I got in shortest line to pay for my stuff. The guy in front of me looked familiar. He had a bunch of items laid on the counter. Then he went searching for his wallet. He patted himself down good, shirt and pant pockets. I said to him “you looking for this?” The guy was so relieved when I told him we found it in the parking lot. It was his lucky day. What are the odds that I got in line behind the guy I was looking for?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good afternoon Pops and friends.

I should buy Lowe’s and Home Depot stock. That’s where most my money goes anyway.

A few weeks ago. My wife found a wallet in the Home Depot’s parking lot as we were walking in. I looked thru it while walking inside the store, searching for a phone number. He had everything in there, credit cards and cash. I didn’t recognize his pic on his DL and his home address was in a town about 20 miles away. I called a friend that has Facebook and asked if he could find him on Facebook but no luck. I told my wife, I’ll just leave it with the management but she suggested I drop it off at the police station. Which is a better idea.

Well I got in shortest line to pay for my stuff. The guy in front of me looked familiar. He had a bunch of items laid on the counter. Then he went searching for his wallet. He patted himself down good, shirt and pant pockets. I said to him “you looking for this?” The guy was so relieved when I told him we found it in the parking lot. It was his lucky day. What are the odds that I got in line behind the guy I was looking for?
I would have taken his car keys too. Carelessness has it's own price to pay.