FEATURED Morning Pops!

Please, stay off the roof!!!
Something about time tends to give one a certain measure of good sense. Something else in my DNA says "screw it, get up there and fix it" to which I say "no". It's a big debate gong on in my head, but I just had a red headed roofer come by. Now my brain is going "HE'S BAD LUCK! Send him away!". I will do as Runny says though because he's my guru of gaknowlege.
Good afternoon Pops, Popsadoodles and the Possumadoodle. We had a big to do here yesterday complete with Weather Channel personnel licking their chops for incomprehensible damage. I lost power for about 5 seconds. You know, just long enough to have to reset all clocks which is disastrous because I can't get them to tell the same time. My giant pecan tree (squirrel house) did the hula in the wind, but is graciously still standing. I can't thank God enough for that. The roof did a strip tease so I'm waiting on roofers to come by. I'm waiting for the blue tarp of shame to cover it. My aunt got on a roof after Rita, fell and broke lots of stuff and hasn't been the same since. She's actually been nice to me. I'm not going to make that mistake. So I'll wait.


Good afternoon Pops and friends. Glad to hear you survived X. Sorry to hear about the damages.
This area was within the cone of probability early on so some of my windows are boarded up. Gonna keep them that way until hurricane season is over. That’s if the Mrs permits of course.
Double header today. Sam’s n Cosco’s.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Something about time tends to give one a certain measure of good sense. Something else in my DNA says "screw it, get up there and fix it" to which I say "no". It's a big debate gong on in my head, but I just had a red headed roofer come by. Now my brain is going "HE'S BAD LUCK! Send him away!". I will do as Runny says though because he's my guru of gaknowlege.
You're lucky. My little voices only say "Have another drink", "Let's gamble", and "No one will know."
Good afternoon Pops and friends. Glad to hear you survived X. Sorry to hear about the damages.
This area was within the cone of probability early on so some of my windows are boarded up. Gonna keep them that way until hurricane season is over. That’s if the Mrs permits of course.
Double header today. Sam’s n Cosco’s.

Have a great weekend everyone.
You lucky, lucky man. Costco and Sam's, why that's like your birthday and Christmas on the same day and people can't cheat and give you one present to cover both.
Good afternoon Pops, Popsadoodles and the Possumadoodle. We had a big to do here yesterday complete with Weather Channel personnel licking their chops for incomprehensible damage. I lost power for about 5 seconds. You know, just long enough to have to reset all clocks which is disastrous because I can't get them to tell the same time. My giant pecan tree (squirrel house) did the hula in the wind, but is graciously still standing. I can't thank God enough for that. The roof did a strip tease so I'm waiting on roofers to come by. I'm waiting for the blue tarp of shame to cover it. My aunt got on a roof after Rita, fell and broke lots of stuff and hasn't been the same since. She's actually been nice to me. I'm not going to make that mistake. So I'll wait.

Your "blue tarp of shame" comment struck a cord with me. I have always admired those that, in the face of adversity and misfortune, can make a joke. I admire your outlook on life and wish you the best with the repairs.

On the lighter side of things, the morning walk with the cats was interesting. After chasing turkeys from the yard, our young male decided it would be great to roll around freshly deposited turkey pooh. Laying on his back with all four paws sticking straight up in the air, he had a goofy look on his face that seemed to say, "who's a good kitty"
You lucky, lucky man. Costco and Sam's, why that's like your birthday and Christmas on the same day and people can't cheat and give you one present to cover both.
People don't get that unless they're alpha shoppers like us. People in my family (excluding myself) go straight to the item they're at the store for. I'm of the mind that "Well, I'm here. Let's see what they've got."
Your "blue tarp of shame" comment struck a cord with me. I have always admired those that, in the face of adversity and misfortune, can make a joke. I admire your outlook on life and wish you the best with the repairs.

On the lighter side of things, the morning walk with the cats was interesting. After chasing turkeys from the yard, our young male decided it would be great to roll around freshly deposited turkey pooh. Laying on his back with all four paws sticking straight up in the air, he had a goofy look on his face that seemed to say, "who's a good kitty"
Thanks Montanalo! My blue tarp of shame arrives today. I had the brains visit yesterday and he was operating on one or two cylinders by the time he got to me. He was whooped from all the visits in the Tropical humidity combined with desert heat. He's red headed with one of those backwoods beards that was enjoying the humidity. It was a special sight and I'm sure I stared at it instead of looking into his eyes. I'd been working in the yard myself, cleaning up where the pecan tree has been shedding from dancing with Laura. It's got some droopy limbs, but they've got to wait. My trash cans are full. I could say I'll get them if I feel like it, but NO! I had to take two showers yesterday. Life rolls on.

Over the past could of days, I've been on YouTube a lot. Another group of reaction videos. This one is Mr. Video who smokes about a joint per song. He gets so into the videos that he'll talk to or argue with them. Something amusing about his Devil Went Down To Georgia reaction. He was trying to warn Johnny not to take the bet with the devil. We all know Johnny agreed to which he threw his hands up in the air griping about Johnny not listening to him. It was like a short sporting event of him rooting for Johnny and against the devil. It's hard to tell if he's just started or is completely toasted at first. He watched Elvis and believed Elvis was impregnating the air. He also said he was gong to kick his butt when he gets up there so Elvis keep an eye out for him. I've been amused.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
People don't get that unless they're alpha shoppers like us. People in my family (excluding myself) go straight to the item they're at the store for. I'm of the mind that "Well, I'm here. Let's see what they've got."

Thanks Montanalo! My blue tarp of shame arrives today. I had the brains visit yesterday and he was operating on one or two cylinders by the time he got to me. He was whooped from all the visits in the Tropical humidity combined with desert heat. He's red headed with one of those backwoods beards that was enjoying the humidity. It was a special sight and I'm sure I stared at it instead of looking into his eyes. I'd been working in the yard myself, cleaning up where the pecan tree has been shedding from dancing with Laura. It's got some droopy limbs, but they've got to wait. My trash cans are full. I could say I'll get them if I feel like it, but NO! I had to take two showers yesterday. Life rolls on.

Over the past could of days, I've been on YouTube a lot. Another group of reaction videos. This one is Mr. Video who smokes about a joint per song. He gets so into the videos that he'll talk to or argue with them. Something amusing about his Devil Went Down To Georgia reaction. He was trying to warn Johnny not to take the bet with the devil. We all know Johnny agreed to which he threw his hands up in the air griping about Johnny not listening to him. It was like a short sporting event of him rooting for Johnny and against the devil. It's hard to tell if he's just started or is completely toasted at first. He watched Elvis and believed Elvis was impregnating the air. He also said he was gong to kick his butt when he gets up there so Elvis keep an eye out for him. I've been amused.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
Apparently, he doesn't know Elvis studied karate!
People don't get that unless they're alpha shoppers like us. People in my family (excluding myself) go straight to the item they're at the store for. I'm of the mind that "Well, I'm here. Let's see what they've got."

Thanks Montanalo! My blue tarp of shame arrives today. I had the brains visit yesterday and he was operating on one or two cylinders by the time he got to me. He was whooped from all the visits in the Tropical humidity combined with desert heat. He's red headed with one of those backwoods beards that was enjoying the humidity. It was a special sight and I'm sure I stared at it instead of looking into his eyes. I'd been working in the yard myself, cleaning up where the pecan tree has been shedding from dancing with Laura. It's got some droopy limbs, but they've got to wait. My trash cans are full. I could say I'll get them if I feel like it, but NO! I had to take two showers yesterday. Life rolls on.

Over the past could of days, I've been on YouTube a lot. Another group of reaction videos. This one is Mr. Video who smokes about a joint per song. He gets so into the videos that he'll talk to or argue with them. Something amusing about his Devil Went Down To Georgia reaction. He was trying to warn Johnny not to take the bet with the devil. We all know Johnny agreed to which he threw his hands up in the air griping about Johnny not listening to him. It was like a short sporting event of him rooting for Johnny and against the devil. It's hard to tell if he's just started or is completely toasted at first. He watched Elvis and believed Elvis was impregnating the air. He also said he was gong to kick his butt when he gets up there so Elvis keep an eye out for him. I've been amused.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
Nekkybum wimmins in the shower n Devils!!!! I'm in love!!!!!
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Don't forget to stretch before mimicking David Lee Roth. I may paint today or I may not. Tonight will tell. Have a good day.
I will not paint today but I am going to use your "I may paint today or I may not" because that makes me feel I am getting out of something.

I like relaxing at the end of the day and looking at my "To Do" list and smiling and saying to myself "yep, nary a one of them to check off". I only do a "To Do" list to have something to procrastinate on. My definition of procrastination is putting off things I never intended to do in the first place. WD 40 the front door in now in it's 5th season on the CC's "To Do" list.

So let it be written, so let it be put off.
I will not paint today but I am going to use your "I may paint today or I may not" because that makes me feel I am getting out of something.

I like relaxing at the end of the day and looking at my "To Do" list and smiling and saying to myself "yep, nary a one of them to check off". I only do a "To Do" list to have something to procrastinate on. My definition of procrastination is putting off things I never intended to do in the first place. WD 40 the front door in now in it's 5th season on the CC's "To Do" list.

So let it be written, so let it be put off.
The Grand Pubah knows his stuff. I listen and learn.

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