FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Thank you all for the kind words and ksk. It means a lot because I've kind of adopted all of you. No, I don't know your address yet Runny. I'm too much of a home body to be a threat to anyone I'm not related to.

Yesterday I had off and started on my new faucet. I never got to my new faucet because my old faucet refuses to let go of my sink. My ex must have installed it. He was mad at me for buying the thing and said it was going to take X amount of time to install. He was almost right. This faucet is going to take at least two days as I see it. I'm union and take breaks often. I've got more sinks so I'm not worried. I'm just happy I didn't have to call the plumber.

Have a good Thursday everyone.
Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all of you who stop in to visit this weekend.

So, as I said earlier in the week that the Wife was off to Cali to pick up a dog, I think she is coming home this afternoon and that will be good. I'm pretty much out of leftovers so if I'm lucky, this will time out just right! :D

I hope everybody is doing well this Friday. We have ABQJr's drive by dipper shower thing going on this weekend so I imagine we might go on over there and maybe drink a few beers, maybe a shot or two, grill up some BBQ and do up some wings, something along those lines. Maybe watch a Cowboys Super Bowl game again. Been wanting to watch the First Cowboys Bills Super Bowl again so maybe do that!

I'll be honest, I have no idea how people get married and get divorced over and over again. I had one marriage that didn't work, went 10 years by myself after that to make sure I didn't have to do this thing again after this. If for whatever reason this one goes south or what have you, I don't think I'll do this again. I guess maybe I'll just go fishing a lot more or maybe find a quiet bar stool in a little town somewhere and go it alone from there on out. LOL.......

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, what ails you this Friday? The answer should be NOTHING! Go out and have fun my Friends!

So.... It's Friday afternoon and maybe an hour or two more and the weekend starts. I hope all of you have a great couple days ahead of you. Go out and have fun but be careful. As always, the goal is to have you all back, safe and sound come Monday so that we can all share the misery of another work week!


Kinda of an interesting little story here. So I was on the phone with a friend of mine who I have done business with for 25+ years. When we first meet up, I was a lot younger then I am today and we worked together on a Mainframe job for a DoD site. Over the years we've worked on many, many implementations. He called me up today and we talked a little bit, kinda just a touch base thing. He asked me how I was doing and I told him, kinda complaining really, that I was tired of Covid and not being able to go anywhere or do a lot of things. Just generally beatching about stuff and then I realized, this guy is from Lake Charles. He has a business in Houston and I know damn well he's dealing with a lot of stuff, both personally and professionally because of the recent hurricane events. He said nothing other then kinda just agreeing with me and the minute I realized that I was probably talking to a friend who would probably switch spots with me in a second, I just felt like crap. I stopped talking once I realized and I told him, "Hey, I'm sorry." He said that it was all OK but it didn't make me feel better. One of those times where you know you just screwed up. Anyhow, he was all good and I was happy over that but lets don't forget, somebody always has it worse and we can't ever forget that.

So with this in mind, gonna leave you with this song to kick off the weekend. This one goes out to all Americans everywhere who maybe got it a little bit worse then we do, we won't quit on you, we got you. Always in our hearts and minds.......

This is Rascal Flatts - I Will Stand By You

Optimist is what you say in public. Nuts is what you say at home unless those people, their relatives or their close friends are visiting. Come to think of it, what are all those people doing in my house?
I’m at the age where I’m speaking my mind now, even in public. Spent the first 50 years minding my manners. The next 50 are mine to do with as I deem necessary.:D

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